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question about raptor packs - Printable Version

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question about raptor packs - spacey - 08-02-2018

*slides into general with a testy question*

how strong would you say a group of coordinated raptors are? what would be the results of the raptors entering a raid and fighting something like a non-elemental dragon. what would you say they win against and would lose against, what would  you think their fighting force equal to?
this is more of a food for thought question. im looking for opinions. :eyes:

Re: question about raptor packs - MirrorEdge - 08-02-2018

Well, I think it would depend on the number of raptors, and stuff such as size of the dragon, in your example. A larger dragon probably couldn't be killed unless there were, say, a dozen or more raptors. (Not that I would know. Can't really go and pit a dragon against a dozen raptors at my house right now), and even then, unless it couldn't escape, the raptors probably couldn't kill it.

I'd say a raptor would amount to.... 2-3 large cats, like a lion or tiger, since that would probably be enough to keep one at bay, maybe kill them with elementals.

Re: question about raptor packs - spacey - 08-03-2018

yes, various factors do matter such as the number of raptors. for this number, we'll be going around from 4-6.

i'm keeping the size of the opponent(s) vague for now because this is just a hypothetical question meant for fun.

that's also a very interesting take on it.

Re: question about raptor packs - MirrorEdge - 08-03-2018

Yeah, I'd probably have to do research on this, such as how big prey raptors could take down, but I think this is more of a roleplay-out situation, and until then it's hypothetical.

but seriously how fun would it be to pit a dozen raptors against a dragon this needs to happen

Re: question about raptor packs - aureate - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Hmm, this is a really tough question. Velociraptors were theorized to be pack hunters, though we know for sure that they were at least somewhat social. I think the issue I have is that generally, they wouldn't attack something that much bigger than them? At least if we're going by. Normal animal behavior, which doesn't quite apply on sites where cats throw fireballs and dogs have gills. I think if I put aside the social behavior possibilities and say that they're capable of calculating the risk and choosing to do it, they could probably win if they're coordinated. They would be faster than a dragon for sure, and as long as it's not super armored, it shouldn't take too much for half a dozen raptors to find a lethal vein. I don't think they could keep up in a sustained fight, though. It would have to be a pretty quick victory on the pack's part.

This is really tough alskdfj.