Beasts of Beyond
when you finally find it | o, intro - Printable Version

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when you finally find it | o, intro - Dragon- - 08-02-2018

Time was certainly a relative concept, was it not? There could be times where the minutes seemed to stretch on for hours, the hours seemed to stretch on for days and the days seemed to last for centuries.
There would also happen to be those particular times where your waking hours had seen fit to change to the break of twilight, where you could not lull yourself back into the caress of the subconscious mind. The times where would simply exist and the hours would pass without acknowledgement; for you would care not to pay mind to the passing time and be reminded of the nothingness that the days would truly amount to.

Ivy had seen far too many of those days, the days that would turn into weeks and the weeks that would somehow morph into months. He had been inside of his dwelling for two months, caring little to leave when he knew that every day would simply be the same.

It was a rather odd occurrence to have somebody knock upon his door; but it was that simple thump that drew him out of his daze.

The young man would stumble to his door and weakly grasp at the handle. A heavy smell of cigarette smoke and mildew would billow out the door as Ivy peered at the world outside through a bleary gaze.
There did not happen to be anybody at the door.

He would simply shrug and pocket a pack of cigs before heading out. There were a few new developments around the town, some buildings, what appeared to be a tree with hand prints on it, new plants here and there.
The diner still thankfully stood, he should visit it again sometime.

His gently footfalls had seemed to attract some attention from the native animals, for he soon found birds perched upon his shoulders, squirrels nestled in his pockets and a young buck nuzzling at his face. The man would stand in a silent acknowledgement of the animals, a gentle smile upon his face for the first time in many moons.

A loud crack of a stick would spur them into departing, with the exception of a snake that was making its way up to his neck. Ivy would laugh softly and allow the snake to curl up under his sweater, head just slightly poking out.

He would be sitting in front of the train station, humming softly as he stared up at the wide abyss of the sky through half lidded eyes. "I know that somebody is there. Don't worry, I don't bite." His voice was rather raspy from lack of use but it was still pleasant to hear. "Who do you happen to be?"

Template by Quill

Re: when you finally find it | o, intro - deimos - 08-04-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
Vivian hadn't been quite in tune with all of the animals in the forest. Birds, however, knew that she was their equal. But after her mutation, a cloak settled on her shoulders and the hood pulled over her head to protect the spindles of feathers lining her body. She didn't particularly care if people found her body weird, her extended ears poking the hood back a little as she walked. It was quite difficult to steadily walk, she found, her eyes downcast.

However, as she passed the train station, she noticed someone sitting alone. Her uncanny eyes focused on his body, picking out folicles of hair that wasn't his own, a tongue of a snake (if it's still there) poking from his shirt. Vivian crept onto the train station- not on purpose, of course, she was just a silent walker now, before starting in quiet recognition. A small smile graced the woman's lips, and she lowered the hood onto her shoulder, her slender, pointed and feathered ears flickered. The harpy stepped around the corner.

"You have an uncanny knack for hearing, or a sixth sense. Inherited, or learned? Vivian questioned. The harpy tapped her way closer, crouching down. Her taloned paws stuck out, as well as her.. bird knees? "My name is Vivan. I'm aspiring to be the Bluebell. Yourself, and your friend?" The second part of the last sentence only applied if the snake was still in his shirt. She cocked her head, rather bird like, her narrowed eyes- not because of emotion, only due to her build- flickering over him rather curiously.