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again ★ visitor / gifts - Printable Version

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again ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 08-02-2018

Shit. Videogames was particularly nervous about this visit. He'd already visited The Ascendants, and allied with Snowbound a few weeks back. He'd skipped over the Typhoon because the things he'd heard, no need to drag attention to themselves and get potentially attacked. .. And here was another group Videogames had considered skipping over. Another warbound group, but at least these ones were more likely to be willing to allow neutrality. It's not like Videogames wanted a lot. He just .. wanted to start off on good terms. It's not like the Vale could handle attacks at the moment. And he needed to bring some attention to themselves, but he wasn't looking for alliances or anything.
.. Videogames had, of course, heard rumors about Tanglewood's territory, too. Which was why he didn't trespass or anything. Seriously, alligators? Traps? Spooky shit. He wasn't about to test these fuckers' patience. Granted, he might already be doing that just by existing here. How many small groups had hounded this place for attention, by now? Videogames doesn't know, but he probably won't be here long enough to bother them too much. Keyword, hopefully. Videogames has been known to bother people pretty bad sometimes. The serval huffs. He'd stopped like .. just right on the border, or before it, as soon as he'd scented this group fairly strong. And he'd still nearly stepped on a trap or too. Extra scary. But hopefully he won't get hurt on his way back. He sighs again, and seats himself, jaws aching as he drops the basket he's carrying. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have the energy to. Talking to other clans was exhausting, Videogames isn't even sure why he's doing this shit anymore/


Re: again ★ visitor / gifts - madster - 08-02-2018

malphas was quick to approach, diligent as ever. it was strange to think that just a month ago he was an angry social recluse with no life, but now he was an angry medic with an actual purpose. his actual job was to help out the clan, work in the shadows- he was the grease to the machine. if there was no medic, things wouldn't run as smoothly. still, for somebody of his intelligence and clear talent, he was unfortunately an asshole.

"yeah, you like that scent?" malphas grinned, showing sharp white teeth."territory scent. that's my piss. don't cross the piss line." malphas continued. "you come here to beg for an alliance? come here to lap up the sweet milk of our time?" he said, dryly as ever.

Re: again ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 08-04-2018

There was somebody. Videogames' ears prick as he hears their steps, and then -- they talk. His tail gives a sweep. That was .. very crude. Damn. Videogames already had regrets. He gives Malphas a sour look. "Well I didn't plan to. Have fun with your piss line." What the fuck is he supposed to say to that? Videogames would like to demand who the hell this guy is, but that'd just start trouble. Videogames didn't fucking need trouble right now. Like .. the opposite of trouble, maybe. Anti-trouble. Repel the trouble.
"Well, I may have come to steal your time, but I didn't come to beg for an alliance," He rolls his eyes. The thing with Snowbound was a surprise. There was no need to collect anymore allies than necessary, anyways. Interacting with the place was proving to be a hassle, anyways. He really needed to start on that, ugh. "Videogames, Moonlight Vale's king, yadda yadda. I'm just here to drop off gifts so you play nice with us," Maybe he's getting a little defensive, but Videogames just shrugs. I mean, they wouldn't care about his wayward band if he didn't bring attention to them, but they kind of needed attention. Just a little. Besides, who didn't like gifts? They had a lot of resources, and not enough members. So a lot of it just .. went to waste. The basket itself .. mostly had herbs. And books. And other miscellaneous items. Look, Videogames didn't care, just let him do his thing here.

Re: again ★ visitor / gifts - DELILAH. - 08-04-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Malphas truly did have an attitude when it came to others, that was for sure. Delilah was too scared to confront him about that fact, she was afraid he'd try to fight her or something. But for sure, when she heard his voice and the filthy word 'piss' come out of his mouth, the pretty pastel feline stomped her way over to the scene, cheeks puffed out in childish anger. "Please.. Excuse my dear tribemate here, he has a few.. Attitude problems." Delilah meowed softly, dipping her head to the visitor whom supposedly came with gifts.

Once lifting her head, the wind carried her scent of cherry blossoms as such came to fall from her back, drifting into the air in flurries of pink and magenta. Such was the way of her aesthetic element, but she couldn't quite control it. It usually became massed in numbers when she was angry or nervous. Slowly, magenta eyes carried themselves up to the taller male, blinking for a moment before she spoke again, an anxious smile on her pretty face.

"My name's Delilah, I'm a Chaser here. What do you have for us?" Asked the girl curiously, moving her awkward back leg out of view. God, why did she need to go and get stuck in a human's trap cage?

Re: again ★ visitor / gifts - madster - 08-04-2018

malphas looked at delilah and scoffed. "hey, newtang. we're a fucking warbound, and beck wants us to keep people like this out of our territory." he told her, narrowing his eyes. he was ranks above her, so she had to listen anyways.

he turned back his sour gaze towards videogames. "jesus christ, your name is fucking VIDEOGAMES?" he laughed. "holy shit, that's awful. were you named videokit? i see the stupidity runs in your family, since they named you that." they were in his territory, he could be nasty if he wanted to. "we'll take your gifts. since you're not here to offer an alliance or anything... you're wasting our time." he said, baring his teeth.