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wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - Printable Version

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wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 08-02-2018

Videogames is -- late. Very late. He meant to do this weeks ago, after he visited Snowbound. But then he'd gotten too invested in political stuff. He -- look, that's a bit of an excuse. See, Videogames just .. didn't know how to handle politics. Moonlight Vale had always been secluded and something about "getting themselves out there" had him on edge. Was it bad, if he wanted to keep himself and his wayward band of absentee members as secluded and quiet as they'd always been? But, of course, Videogames also knew he had .. a duty. He didn't want allies or anything, but he had to try and start off on .. good terms, right? Good terms so that the other groups didn't attack them while they were so small and weak. .. Honestly, this was kind of the reason he was avoiding the Typhoon? He'd heard that thing about 'no neutrals' and visiting them and calling attention to themselves with gifts sounded like .. a bad idea. So, basically, he was going to just completely fuckin' skip over them. He didn't want anything from anyone, anyways, it wouldn't hurt anyone for him to just completely ignore them.
.. Well. Anyways. The Ascendants. Atbash had mentioned being allies with them, so Videogames wasn't too worried about this particular visit. The walk was pretty awful, but whatever the fuck, y'know? Ugh. He'd noticed the sudden influx of goddamn groups, and these poor big clans were probably getting hounded by small clans begging for attention. He's a little ashamed to be one of them. But all he really needs is to drop off some gifts. The serval sighs, and is too tired to call attention to himself, instead seating himself on the border, surrounded by trees. He drops a basket at his paws and rests quietly while he waits. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long. Videogames didn't want to leave his clanmates, as few as there were, alone for too long. God knows what kind of trouble they could get into, christ.


Re: wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - Margaery - 08-02-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
Margaery had absently been wandering the borders when an unfamiliar scent washed over her, demanding attention. She would dismiss her thoughts with a few quick blinks, her mind sending away images of her father's smug expression and their old manor  in favor of a newly blossoming curiosity that stemmed entirely from Videogames. She would reach him quick enough, a gray gaze sweeping over his frame before she encouraged a smile to appear upon her lips. He most likely hailed from one of the newer groups that had been sprouting up here and there. Interesting.

[color=#b09090]"Name and business?" Margaery inquired quietly, taking a seat only to wrap her tail around her paws, [color=#b09090]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson, a Cosmic General here." If she was about to handle a diplomatic affair of some caliber, she figured it'd be best to at least introduce herself.

(this is HELLA rushed i'm sorry!!)

Re: wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 08-02-2018

Oh, good, that didn't take long. The serval's ears prick, slit eyes opening entirely as he hears a voice. The serval straightens up, tail giving a sweep. Ugh. He's not ready for politics. Or -- not inter-clan politics, at least. He may have been groomed into being leader since he was young, but they'd never interacted with other groups besides in a war context. Still, Videogames allows the smaller feline a bright smile as she speaks. She seems nice. That's good!
"Hey, bro!" He greets, and resists wincing. Ugh. How does one be ... professional? Seriously, he was trained for this, what sort of shit ..? Oh well. It's not like Videogames was raised to be professional anyways. Just .. as good at his job as he can be. "Uh -- nice to meet .. you .. I'm Videogames, uh, king of Moonlight Vale." Had they heard of them from Snowbound, he wonders? Probably not. He ducks his head. He seems a little nervous, but is grinning regardless. He can be friendly. Just .. not professional. Hopefully that's good enough for people. "I'm not specifically looking for an alliance or anything. I'm just here to drop off gifts, to start off on good terms," He explains with a motion of his paw. He then yawns and shrugs lazily. He's tired. But hopefully they wouldn't mind his intrusion. .. Now then, here's a question. Would they start interrogating him on his group, like Snowbound did, or would they just send him off without a word? Videogames doesn't mind a ton either way, as long as they at least keep him in mind at all. Like. Just an itty little bit.


Re: wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - HEARTEYES - 08-02-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Gifts! Wow, this stranger was very generous. Hearteyes appears behind Margaery a few moments after the molly arrives, pink eyes brightening with curiosity when she sees Videogames. "You're a king? That's so cool. You must have brought some really interesting gifts, kings usually have cool treasures." She's basing this entirely off of the fairy tales she had read in her childhood, unaware that the tom's title of King might have just been another word for leader of a group. It was much more fun to imagine that the serval was a king of some far-off land like in the books. She takes a moment to bump her shoulder against Margaery's and flash her a smile before she's approaching the gifts, sifting through the objects. "I'm Hearteyes, by the way! You said you're the king of, um, king of Midnight Vale, right? What's it like there?" She questions, backing away from the basket to look back up at Videogames. Clans outside of her own were always interesting to here about.

Re: wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Beverly wasn't particularly interested in Clan politics, largely because she didn't understand them. She was here on coincidence, really, and on the distant mention of gifts. She'd approached shortly after Margaery and Hearteyes, dual-toned gaze scanning over the stranger and the basket. "I'm Beverly. What is Midnight Vale, exactly? Oh, and what gifts did you bring?" the short girl spoke. The answer to the latter was what she cared about the most.

/ super tired n lazy post i'm sorry

Re: wide awake ★ visitor / gifts - arcy - 08-04-2018

Well, they seem friendly enough, at least. Videogames perks up hearing Hearteyes' enthusiasm. He liked talking to people, but the Vale just kind of. Didn't have a lot of people to talk to, unfortunately. Just a small number of members and all that. Which was sad, because Videogames was social by nature.
"Well, that's what the rank is called. It's more of a holdover from our past than anything," He laughs nervously. He. Doesn't want to ruin her parade. But also, he's just .. leader. Leader with a cool name. He gets where she's coming from, though. Ugh. They should've changed the ranks name but, y'know. That's just sort of .. how it was. What Arrowhead had planned on calling it. "I did try to get good gifts, though. It's mostly herbs and food and stuff. Books. Blankets. Whatever I could stuff in there," They had too much stuff and too few members to give it to. An excess. Hence why Videogames didn't give a shit about giving gifts. Maybe it could be considered generosity but hey, he was just sort of .. doing whatever.
"It's Moonlight Vale, by the way, not Midnight," Videogames corrects after a minute. He doesn't seem too bothered. Moonlight, Midnight, whatever. Moonlight was just prettier. And better luck. Why wouldn't Videogames name the group that for luck? Really now. "We're just a small .. passive group? Passive for now, at least. Uh -- it's pretty quiet. It's kind of ominous, but also comforting. There's so much land and so few members that it's kind of jarring." He snorts. He doesn't seem aware that he's basically spilling some weaknesses, but nobody ever said that Videogames retained any of the information Arrowhead shoved on him in those tutoring sessions anyways.
