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tell me about forever / private - Printable Version

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tell me about forever / private - JUNJI - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]/ [member=1732]desperado[/member] the babes!
fantasy clan au....... >:3c
also lame post I Apologize...

it always seemed a bit strange how the half-angel spent his time in the tavern. he never drank, as most liquor was too sharp and bitter for his tastes, but he enjoyed the energy of the place. it bustled with activity most nights, with bouncing music and loud guests. it was entertaining, to say the very least.

in the middle of the day, though there were still some people there, the place was otherwise empty. it was quiet, peaceful. perfect for a cup of warm tea and a good book. outside it rained softly, droplets pattering on the windows, with music playing lightly in the background. it was a good day to spend inside.

junji kept to himself in a corner booth, occasionally glancing up from his book to smile at a stranger that seemed to be glancing his way. the young man took a slow sip of his tea and flipped to the next page. for a fleeting moment, he wished for some company, but wasn't about to go and sit by the bar with the usual drunkards. they could be fun at times, but he preferred the comfortable silence of his booth, and thus decided against going to socialize with anyone. his book was enough company for him.

Re: tell me about forever / private - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// >:3c

The tavern was, against Des' better judgement, a place he spent a lot of his passing hours in whenever the world either turned too uneventful for his anxious tastes or too loud to the point that he had to drown it all out in a cup of the strongest thing they had on hand. It was a slow torture, killing his body one cell at a time, although he had to wonder if his mind was dying given the complicated nature of his being. Did demons lose brain cells when they drank? He didn't feel[ any dumber, and hoped that he wasn't.

If there was one thing worse than his life, it would be his life if he was an idiot.

Today, it was the first thing that brought him back to the tavern, already popular enough with the crowd that all he had to do was saunter in to have his favorite handed to him without even uttering a word. Bourbon, one of the fancier brands that they had on hand. Cost him a pretty penny every time he came in, but he had enough to spare from the odd job or two he took. Besides, it wasn't like he had rent to pay or anything. The only thing he had left to spend his money on were his vices.

The entire day had been as uneventful as ever, and with his nerves all but frayed when he didn't have something to work on, Des needed to mellow out a bit. The cigarettes worked sometimes, but today it seemed like they decided to rebel against him, and so getting drunk (or at least tipsy, he wasn't planning on blacking out today, just calming down) was the only thing left for him. The shot was downed quickly, another soon to follow, and it was only then that he decided to stop and glance around what small crowd inhabited the place this evening.

There wasn't a lot of people to focus on. There were a few guys unconscious next to him, small groups chattering in corners, quiet comparatively to how it got in the evenings but still loud enough to probably be a headache if you weren't used to the usual. He was, however, and all it did was tug his lips up into a soft half-smile as he ordered a cup of something weaker, one of the cheaper brands of beer that the tavern had on hand to save up on some cash for later use.

Nothing seemed visibly out of place, not even Junji sitting alone in his booth, although he was the most interesting thing in this place that evening. He was the only one not drinking, for one, unless the tea in his hand happened to be spiked, but he recalled seeing the angel around to chase that idea out of his head quickly. He didn't seem the type. Likewise, he didn't seem like the type to hang out in taverns, although perhaps he liked the company. Most of the people, as rough as they were, were decent folk when you got to know them. Sharp and tousled around the edges, but ready to jump in front of a bullet for anyone they called their own.

His mind had wandered away to memories as he gazed at Junji, staring at him but not quite seeing him, and it was only when the angel looked up and smiled at him that he realized he had gotten caught up in his head facing a rather unfortunate direction, and he offered a sheepish grin of his own and saluted him, only to quickly turn away and sip at his drink. He wasn't one to intrude on people's space, having more respect than the usual pirate did, and being completely oblivious to Junji's wishful thinking for company he felt inclined to offer the angel the same.

// on this episode of 'des is a stereotypical useless gay'
what is a first move?

Re: tell me about forever / private - JUNJI - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]/ useless gays.......all of em

in a world like this, it was easy to fall back on temptations. vices. liquor and tobacco, the things of the sort. in his time around the crew, junji's temptations had grown worse. he found himself wanting a taste of the bitter drinks, craving the burn in his lungs that a cigarette would surely give him. but he was frail, a delicate creature; an angel whom most thought would break if he ever gave in to the petty temptations of the realm.

it hadn't occurred to him that there were demons in the midst of this place, though it was something that should have been obvious. at least according to what he had heard of the unholy beings, a group of pirates would be an obvious choice. there were several in the crew; he had felt their presence on occasion, but they always slipped his mind. this time was no different.

after meeting eyes with the man at the bar, junji found himself unable to stop glancing back at him. he was sure the shared look had been a mistake; he knew many that accidentally stared while lost in their thoughts, and had done it from time to time himself. and yet, his ocean eyes kept going back to him. having read a certain paragraph about three times now, yet not once processing the words in it, the angel closed his book. he'd told himself he wouldn't approach anyone, but there he was, slowly sliding out of the booth.

he fluffed his elegant, flowing clothing and sidled up to the bar, settling his hand gingerly on the stool next to desperado and smiling sweetly at the man. "is this seat taken?" junji cooed, tucking strands of his long, glistening golden hair behind his ear. though he didn't quite wait for a response; the angel sat himself down and turned to the bartender. he still wasn't keen on alcohol, though he supposed if he was going to sit at the bar, he'd need some sort of excuse for it. not just 'i saw you staring so i thought i would come chat.' he wasn't that shameless.

jun worried his bottom lip for just a moment, resting his cheek against his palm as he thought of what to get. he supposed wine was the most suiting, as he'd never heard of an angel that enjoyed hard liquor. "white wine," he hummed to the man behind the counter, before turning his eyes back to desperado. ah, how could he make this more awkward? after a moment of silence, his smile grew, sea green eyes twinkling with amusement. "come here often?"

/ when u use a pickup line but arent actually sure if u wanna commit to flirting

Re: tell me about forever / private - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// junji's me omfg

He was used to temptations, less because of his upbringing and who he was and more because of his life. Maybe his demonic blood made him more susceptible to it, he couldn't prove that, but one thing that he knew for sure was that if his life hadn't gone south at around age sixteen, he probably wouldn't have a lot of reasons to drink to begin with. But, hey, what could you do? Life was life, and now he had a mug in his hands with cold liquid that burned as it ran down his throat with each sip.

He, however, was very well aware of the other demons that inhabited the group he called his, as he was of all the other supernatural beings. He wasn't a full demon, though, and a lot of his void counterpart negated it to begin with, so it wouldn't have surprised him if no one picked up on that side of him until something specific happened to out him. No, he lived in relative peace going by as normal as he could be, casually knowing the secrets of all the other beings around him like it was nothing.

He hadn't expected Junji to walk over, expecting the man to take whatever had happened in stride and ignore him as he had. That didn't happen, however, and before Des even saw the man approach him, he sensed it. His gaze remained firmly on his glass, however, lest he make a fool of himself if the angel was only leaving, but that thought stuttered to a halt when he sauntered over with a sweet coo, and despite himself Des couldn't help but chuckle at what he figured was an indiscreet way to get him here as an excuse.

"Now it is, I see," he mused in response as the angel sat himself down without actual given permission, then turned back towards the bartender and motioned for him to put whatever the next drink was on his tab. He might as well indulge the man, if he had been coy enough to approach, and what was a few more dollars? "Is there a particular answer you're looking for that won't make me seem like an alcoholic?" he responded with equal amusement at the question.

Re: tell me about forever / private - JUNJI - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it had always been the mortal side of him, tugging, pulling, begging for him to fall back, as well as what he figured to simply be the essence of earth. temptation was a plague, and though he had no real interest in giving in to them, a single glass of wine wouldn't hurt. the man was paying, after all.

he pressed his lips to the glass after receiving it, taking a long sip of the golden liquid before he set it on the bar. "not particularly," the angel responded lightly. he turned his gaze to desperado once more and smiled lopsidedly. "i have seen you around, though. don't think you could hide the alcoholic part if you tried." he joked, attention returning to his drink.

junji swirled his glass around idly for a few moments, thinking over his next words. truth be told, he wasn't quite sure how to talk to this guy, but it was too late for him to go. unless he wanted to play it off as 'thanks for the drink, bye.' that didn't seem very nice, and though he certainly knew some people who would do that, he wasn't the type. he'd been wanting the company anyway. with a gentle purse of his lips, the angel shifted in his seat, one leg crossing over the other as his lovely eyes drew over desperado. "i'm junji, by the way. i don't believe we've actually met before." blonde eyelashes fluttered innocently as he smiled at the man, delicate fingers lifting momentarily to adjust the sleeve of his gown.