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places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - Printable Version

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places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]prestige had not been in this land long, but he knew well of the groups that lived here. he was a long way from the rosebloods' old home, that was for damn sure. that didn't matter, though. they had regathered, and they were all together again. sola was back. she would lead them to greatness.

he had patrolled around this area once, before the rosebloods was built again. a group of pirates living off the sea, doing what they wanted. they would have been good allies, but he knew better than that. the rosebloods prided themselves as the very best, the most ruthless group to exist, and though he assumed the typhoon could probably get behind that, his home was not keen on alliances. it was a shame, really.

he hoped they wouldn't take it too hard. the tuxedo tom was really not looking forward to a fight that day. despite his reluctance, prestige continued on, slowly wading over the sunken railroad tracks toward the island in the distance. he reached it some time later, pausing just before the sand; he was fine in the cool water. blue eyes slowly took in the stretching beach, lingering on the jungle for a moment, until finally he sighed. time to start, he supposed.

"hello," pres called out tiredly. "my name is prestige. i come from a group called the rosebloods."

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - VANDAL R. - 08-02-2018

(tame the fire in you)
"Rosebloods? I'll expect you to be bleedin' roses if tha's what ya call yourself," comes the voice of the first Typhooner, good-natured as she flies up and over the wall, down the other side to greet the newcomer. The mutated maned wolf gives the stranger a once-over before letting an easy grin spread across her maw. "Well then, Prestige, welcome to the Typhoon's territory. If you're introducin' a new group, best we get our Captain here. He'll be aroun' shortly."

She knows, after all, that her brother is never far from important moments like these (much as Vandal loathes being a part of them); he has the uncanny ability of showing up at exactly the right moment, as he has before, and if he doesn't? She could probably get one of the fishes to do it, they'd hit their bodies on the submarine windows to get his nose out of his fucking desk.

"Well then, while we're waitin', why don' you tell me a li'l bit more about your group? We jus' had a couple others pass by to state what they want an' whether or not they're goin' to nuke us." Off the top of her head, she can remember Sunhaven and... the Pitt? She's not sure, never really paid attention to things that require responsibility she didn't take on herself, so she tries to tune out the political talks. Still, since she's the only one present at the moment, she figures she could keep up the front until someone more capable (or willing, because she definitely isn't) takes the mantle.


Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]ah, someone already. that was good. he flicked his weary gaze to vandal as she flew over, ears twitching at her words. "thank you." he murmured first, appreciating that she was getting to business. though he didn't mind the small talk, he wanted to get this over with; hopefully it would turn out well, despite him being there to inform them of his group's unfortunate stance on others.

"first, i'd like to say i am not here to cause trouble. merely to alert you of our presence, as, ah..." prestige cleared his throat and swished his tail through the water. "we are not a peaceful group. rather, everyone except me is rather... crude. ruthless. i'm here to inform you that your group will likely be considered enemies, as we don't exactly do neutrals." there it was. he frowned slightly upon telling the woman this, tail twitching out of a nervous habit he could never quite break. "though if you would like to attempt an alliance, i am an adviser to our leader sola mortem. i can vouch for you, but... no guarantees."

it was probably a bad idea to come here alone, but he would have to deal with the consequences. he had never been quite as bold as sola. she was straightforward, dominant, took charge of situations. in his youth, he had been quite rowdy, but as the years passed by he simply grew more tired. he hoped these people would at least give him a head start before coming after his ass.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Alliances were always a finicky thing. One day people claimed to be allies, only to be dropped for the most petty of things, then warfare was inevitable and the next thing you know people are getting captured, murdered, and tortured on both sides. Politics were never a thing Des had ever been a fan of, not even when he held his own leader position so long ago. There were too many nuances and small exceptions to his liking, and his naturally distrustful nature made it impossible for allies to attempt anything without him sniffing out trouble where it likely didn't even lie.

That's why it was a good thing he had yet to rise up the ranks here. People with a more stable viewpoint would have more power and say as to what would happen, as, for example, Vandal. He approached the duo, an easy smile pressed to his lips despite the sharpness in his gaze when his eyes settled on Prestige. It was bold of him to instantly state that they'd likely be enemies, especially outnumbered, but he was less angry than he was concerned for the guy's well being. He couldn't trust his crewmates not to get violent, as already evidenced a few times.

Therefore, he'd try to be as polite as possible.

"Noted. It's a good thing to be powerful, though everyone needs friends sometimes, especially among so many enemies. Anything we can do to get you to vouch for us?" he didn't know what the Typhoon could reasonably offer in return, but it was worth asking, if only to further the conversation so that Pincher didn't have to do all the work once he came over.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - VANDAL R. - 08-02-2018

(tame the fire in you)
Vandal flicks her ear but agrees with Desperado's sentiment, nodding her head to his words before finally piping up something of her own. "Yeah, I get that. Ain't nothin' we can do much except... try to prove ourselves, I guess?" One shoulder rises, falls, a noncommittal gesture. "Don' worry though, never thought you were here to cause a ruckus. Otherwise, I'd probably be dead now... again." She raises one talon, scratches the side of her neck at that. Enemies don't waltz to the border and announce their presence, after all.

"'Sides, we don' exactly do neutrals too so - hey, something in common s'always good, right?" Her expression brightens, flickers, but remains smiling anyway. She isn't really sure how her brother would see the situation - but the lack of allies has been bugging her for a while. She can't blame him, some allies just aren't worth the effort when all they do is point fingers and pin the blame on someone else. Those allies, those who have nothing to offer, can be dropped into enemies and Vandal wouldn't bat an eye.

How Prestige describes his group, however, sounds like something the Captain should probably hear. After all, having more fighters on their side guarantees that they're not to be fucked with - but who's to say they won't turn on each other in the end? After all, wasn't that the big deal with Snowbound? Both knew each other's territory, who's to say it won't be used against them? This is why I don' do fuckin' politics.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - rochelle - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Neutral was her code. Remain balanced, involved but not biased when needed. It was a bit contradictory to the status quo of the Typhoon, what with it's no neutral policy. Save for the Snowbound, the other figurehead groups couldn't escape the rambunctious pirates even if they wanted to. Looting and pillaging, raiding, stealing, and kidnapping, it was a part of the pirate life, it was a part of the Typhoon. That being said, it wasn't a part she had to partake in, rather, she could enjoy the comforting scent of rum and gunpowder without the burden of getting blood on her claws, or guilt on her conscious.

That being said, the appearance of other groups was making headway for the Typhoon to really get their hands on trouble. The Rosebloods appeared to be no exception, though they were shaping up to be a perfect match for rivalry, at least in Fischer's mind. She approached steadily, chin tilted in the air, sniffing thinly as she stopped beside Vandal and Des. She held her tongue, listening idly to Prestige. The message was cloudy enough, but the diplomatic delivery of the Advisor seemed to spare what seemed could be a threat. Interesting. The blind black smoke stood there, silent for a few moments, almost hoping Captain Pincher would arrive to settle everything, but the Privateer felt she needed to at least say something. "Ah, she's right ... we don't do neutrals either, a mutual relationship ..." Fischer finally spoke up, her voice clear but slow, making sure to get the words she wanted to say out perfectly. She knew Des was right, but she knew she had to sacrifice her own personal opinion for the better of the Typhoon for right now. "It's still very appropriate of you to be completely honest about ... about The Roseblood's intentions. Diplomatic." She would offer Prestige as much as that and a gentle smile, though she wasn't sure how sparing of politeness Pincher would be when he arrived, she wasn't expecting the Captain to really have the patience anymore for these groups, even as bold as this one appeared.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - ADAKIAS - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Unlike her counterparts, Sylvina was too young to understand the diplomacy behind the situation. If someone was declaring themselves an enemy, shouldn’t they take cease of the situation and do what is typically done with other rivals? If the kitten had it her way, she’d be attempting to capture the foreign male for all his worth with an opponent group. But alas she was just a mere five pounds at the moment and had no jurisdiction doing whatever she pleased. That would be nice, the latter, but not exactly the smartest. Sylvina was impulsive and it would get her in trouble sooner or later in life.

The ebony pelted feline would sit down besides her crewmates, her olive hues watching Prestige with caution. She was only but a minnow in the Typhoon, but Sylvina enjoyed watching how interactions on the border played out.

( mobile )

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - snare - 08-03-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare was also too young to really get what exactly was going on, but being on the cusp of minnow and beta he supposed he could show up.  The wolf pup bumbled over to the small group around this roseblood cat, eyeing this stranger with an uninterested pale gaze.  He could easily squish this cat even at his age, use him like a chew toy plaything and use his fur for a nest and wiat why was he thinking about this?  Oh well, childhood boredom taking a slightly morbid turn was fine as long as it wasn’t acted upon.  Which may or may not happen depending on how much Snare cared about the consequences today.

The pup would plop himself down into a laying position next to Sylvina, giving the other cat only a brief glance before he looked up at his crewmates taking part in political discussion that he couldn’t fully wrap his minnow head around.  Snare would listen in though, his fuzzy ears lifted up even as he gaze shaded with his usual disinterested self.  He wanted to be a good beta once the chance came too finally do something for his clan that could entertain him, and he guessed this would suffice for now.  He wouldn’t say anything though.  Just listen in while looking like a brown lump on the ground.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - lexasperated - 08-03-2018

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]"we are pretty self-sufficient, so i believe supplies would be unnecessary unless the situation was dire." he started, looking to desperado for a moment, before his gaze moved to the others gathered around him. "if we were to become allies, the most we would likely ask for is assistance in raids, should we need it. however that is purely up to you, or your leader, should you decide you need a friend. personally, i think our groups would get along." the tuxedo gave a curt nod. hopefully the tension would lessen, as he could feel it in the air, a slight awkwardness surrounding the lot as they couldn't be sure what to do.

all thoughts of politics disappeared from his mind at the feeling of little claws in his skin, then pawsteps clambering over his spine. prestige sighed inwardly; sola's kids were worse than he had been as a child. how did he manage to come all this way and not realize the kitten had been following him the whole time? "mosa—" he murmured in exasperation, grunting as the child declared him the 'ss prestige' and settled a paw on his forehead, smushing his fur down over his eyes. "mosa, what are you doing here?" despite the bit of anxiety biting at his chest, he kept calm. he could handle politics and kitten, no problem. daemons, pres thought with a frown, before he got back to business, eyes still covered by his fur.

"my apologies. ah," the tuxedo shifted slightly. his head tipped slightly to the side, enough that he could just barely see the group, but not so much that the kitten perched over him would fall. he offered a light smile to them and cleared his throat. "is there anything you'd like to know about the rosebloods?"