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We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - Printable Version

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We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-02-2018

Sola had her strengths, she was a very charismatic feline and one of the few in this group who actually had the calico's respect. However, the friend she kept dear to her heart also had weaknesses and sometimes that was hustling. The leader knew how to enjoy life, something Jiyu never had the privilege of learning properly, her friend was great at sassing, as communicating. Yet, not everything social involved communication so to say, sometimes it involved being distant in the interest of fulfilling a set task swiftly. Getting thing's done quickly was one of the things she did best when someone was capable of assassin work, they were never the type to procrastinate things. Occasionally, when Sola knew something that was about to happen was best suited to her skill set? The leader would just ask the calico to do it, this would be far from the first time something like this had ever happened. Some animals may be irked by such thing's, but Jiyu enjoyed this because she was even more useful to her friends and group when something like this took place.

It was sometime in the afternoon when everyone came back and hung out roughly in the same area for lunch. When everyone was all together being social? It was so much easier to get their attention than having to round them all up, even socially dim as she was, the calico knew this. "Rosebloods." she leaped onto some couch that was sitting in one corner of the room, climbing onto the back of it so she could sit perched there, see who all was in the room. Her action while it seemed to put her above or in authority? Did not have the purpose, she trusted her friend to know she only went higher because she could see everyone she was dealing with for this better.

"With our return, our leader has asked me to arrange for everyone to make trips to the other existing groups and announce our existence." the greatness they held was not evident in her frigid voice, but she did seem to have somewhat of a proud stance over the group, proud as a living corpse could be. "Volunteers?"  otherwise she would just have to make the trips herself, she didn't have time for animals to waste it.

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - emil - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the tuxedo approached quietly, eyeing jiyu for a moment, before taking a seat at the edge of the group. he had nothing better to do, really; he supposed he could visit a few of the other groups. "i'll go to the typhoon." prestige murmured lightly.

/ lame post hyuuuuu

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - S. Mortem - 08-02-2018

The feline's moving swiftly, casting a smile in Prestige's direction as she passes. The Typhoon makes sense for him, but she doesn't comment on it - it's not important. But there's obvious support there, as she accompanies the smile with a quick nod before turning her attention towards Jiyu. Briefly, she wonders if she should visit any of the other groups. It might not be her best decision, considering her attitude... but she can be civil when she wants to be, right? Some might disagree. And does she even have to be civil in this situation? They are, after all, The Rosebloods. Therefore, she could just declare everybody enemies on the spot. That's a thought.

Blinking mustard-colored eyes, she lingers for a few moments, silent.

"I can go to The Ascendants," is finally said. She knows it's a rather large group, so the feline feels as if it would make the most sense for her to see them. Really put herself out there. "And... Sunhaven." There's no real reason behind that one, but with the current lack of members, why not take on two groups? Maybe she'll drag Cain with her somewhere, too... Make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble, which she has started to become known for.

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - lexasperated - 08-02-2018

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-03-2018

there's a hesitant pause in peytriviing's first few steps coming toward jiyu.
they felt small and cramped inside the mansion, even with their wings folded as tightly as they could be to their sides. the manticore is unsure of what the meeting has been brought up for, they can only guess a million different things. someone's dead? they have a party being set up? some sort of extreme, surely. because the roebloods were never just subtle or tame. always going out with a bang.

it seemed like today though was for minor tasks. informing nearby settlements of their little ragtag family.

"i'll take the styx, and the pitt." they announced, their scorpion tail uncurling before they stood back up and left to get their things ready before leaving.

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - - AMREN - 08-04-2018

[color=#414a4c]✷ ✷ ✷
As if beckoned by some omnipresent force determined to keep her at Mosa's side, Amren stepped from the shadows to press against her sister. Tanglewood. She wanted to go there too- not because it was a stinky, dark, and dangerous swamp but because it was a stink, dark, and dangerous new place that would provide an adventure unfound within the Rosebloods territory. Her and Mosa could wreck a little havoc as well and maybe, just maybe, have the opportunity to do it all unmonitored by their parents. She loved them, really she did, but the desire to escape and raise  hell with her favorite sister at her side was an overwhelming, unescapable one.

[b][color=#414a4c]"Let's go," Amren whispered softly, a wicked light dancing within those glowing silver eyes of her. They were still relatively small creatures - Amren especially - and it'd be ridiculously easy to slide away unnoticed by the crowd. She didn't know just how far Tanglewood was from home but figured that the journey would be just as fun as the actual destination. [color=#414a4c]"Maybe..." She mused aloud, a mischievous grin expanding upon smokey-black lips, [color=#414a4c]"Maybe we can ride an alligator."

Re: We Won't Live Out Their Law;; Open - CAIN - 08-04-2018

[Image: original.gif]
[b]"I'll go with Sola," he greeted as he joined them, as if he'd read her thoughts. His gaze lingered briefly on Pey before he offered a nod in greeting, calling, "Hey, Pey. Don't get eaten out there, yeah?" He grinned, looking amused. It was unlikely that anyone was going to eat someone the manticore's size, but whatever.