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The Predators Have Become The Prey // p, Sahl - Printable Version

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The Predators Have Become The Prey // p, Sahl - Wolfie - 03-30-2018

The Nightingale began shaking rather violently upon reentry, metal clanging against metal as each part collided with one another. The expression of the pilot held no worry or fear however, a neutral expression upon her porcelain features. Liliana had landed the hunk of Durasteel more than once and not a single time had it ever been smooth. It was an older ship, a Ziphonic model that they'd acquired at a rather uncharacteristically low price for such a nice looking and sizable ship, but wear became evident once the take off thrusters kicked in for the first time. Despite looking rather nice the Nightingale always felt one unfortunate ding away from complete disaster.

That hadn't stopped Liliana from pulling into the small spaceport rather hurriedly, landing the transport freighter with a screeching sound of metal on metal until it came to a halt finally. The girl lurched in her seat from the rough landing, silently thankful that she'd stayed sitting until the ship stopped moving. A moment later and she was excitedly racing to the location of the cargo bay doors. This wasn't the fun part of the journey, but it was the first step. The ship should have been fully stocked with supplies and that meant it was almost time to go hunting. For the first time of course, but how hard could it really be?

When she arrived at the exit to the ship she pressed the button without looking from memory, borderline childish in her pent up excitement. The sound of gasses venting as the atmosphere equalized rang throughout the hull of the ship, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sound of rhythmic clawed paws clanging threateningly against the Durasteel flooring. Liliana let out a sigh before turning around to face the large Veran Fox that had come bounding after her. "No, we're not getting off the ship Aurora. Go lay down or something," the raven haired female ordered with a roll of her eyes before returning her attention to the now open cargo ramp. The vulpine returned a quizzical cock of it's head before laying down on the spot, a dejected look now befallen the previously excited Veran.

"Ships all set to go once you're on board," Liliana called out to the spaceport assuming her friend had waited nearby like she hoped, much to the confusion of several workers who returned cautious glares to the rambunctious girl. Lili didn't really mind it though. She was honestly used to people giving her the odd look here and there, especially when she was alone. Just because she was younger than they expected didn't mean she couldn't handle herself out in the world! Well, the creature hunts would prove that more than her words ever could. They were bounty hunters now, well for monsters mostly, and one day they'd be the best the galaxy had ever known. First they needed credits though...

Re: The Predators Have Become The Prey // p, Sahl - ghostpact - 03-31-2018

Kallex leaned against the wall, half-finished biscuit in her mouth as she tried fixing her hair into a bun. Today was a pretty big day and all she could manage to fit into her schedule for breakfast was some pastry. It was better than nothing. The familiar sound of the not-in-the-best-shape Nightingale pulled her attention from the spot on the floor she'd fixated on in the past several minutes she'd been standing there. Her expression was something between a smile and a grimace. Still, she was more than happy to see the banged up ship finally landing. It meant they would get off the planet and Kallex wanted nothing more than that at the moment. It wasn't that Chandrila wasn't nice, if a little weird, but getting off the planet meant a new start to a new career both her and Liliana were pursuing. Finally, she pushed herself from the wall and strode to the opening bay doors.

Her smile grew wider when she saw the Veran Fox laying behind her friend. "Took you long enough," she joked with a wave at the vulpine before her gaze was focusing back on Liliana. Stepping up, she glanced behind her in the spaceport and shrugged. "Let's get outta here. We got things to do, places to see!" Then she turned again and headed into the ship completely, giving Aurora a small pat on the head as she passed by. From her back pocket, she pulled a datacard and waved it in the air. "Here's the information again. Didn't forget it, just like I promised." Which was quite the feat, considering the number of things Kallex forgets on the daily. It was almost a concern, but she was smart enough to set reminders or just ask other people to remind her later on. It worked out. Usually.

Stepping into the cockpit, she rushed over and sat in the co-pilots seat, leg bouncing with her excitement and anxiety. She reached across and plugged the datacard into the slot under the small computer's screen, watching as the thing loaded up the data just a little too slowly for her liking. The ship's symbol flashed across the screen before the information on both the planet they were heading to and the hyperlanes between were typed out. Pressing a couple buttons, the coordinates were quickly transferred to the ship's logs. She stood again, pulling off her jacket and tossing it onto a container in the corner of the small space.

Re: The Predators Have Become The Prey // p, Sahl - Wolfie - 04-02-2018

Liliana smiled as her friend boarded the vessel of questionable integrity, the smile widening when she noticed the datacard in Kallex's hand. As expected the other girl had been reliable in getting what they needed. All that was left now was for them to actually get there so the real fun began. Then again, getting the Nightingale all the way there would be an adventure all of it's own she imagined. "Hell yeah!" the raven haired female exclaimed at the notion of leaving Chandrila finally. The pair had been there for far too long for her own liking, which in the grand scheme of things wasn't long at all, but Liliana was impatient. There was so much of the galaxy to see!

The young Mandalorian turned on heels to follow after Kallex, whistling a high-pitched call that caused the Veran Fox to leap to her large paws. "Knew I could count on you Kal. Or at least I really, really hoped I could," the femme teased playfully as she made her way over to the pilot's seat and sat down, almost in as much of a rush as her friend. Liliana watched the data boot up from the drive that Kallex had inserted. A lot of it was information that the girl couldn't be bothered to read, but hyperlanes were something that made sense to her. She'd grown up studying them out of boredom and a naive hope that one day she'd be able to finally leave Coruscant. It turned out that it hadn't been wasted time after all.

Liliana flipped a few switches on the cabin and the ship's engines roared to life. A few more switches and a firm grasp of the flight sticks later the Nightingale was raising delicately from the spaceport. Emphasis on delicately because it wouldn't take much for such an old freighter to have issues on take off. Finally they were clear of any obstructions and Liliana launched the thrusters into full throttle. The ground below them quickly shrank, and eventually the entirety of Chandrila would too. Once they were a comfortable distance outside the planet's gravity well Liliana tossed Kallex an excited grin, pressing a rather important looking button. The computer screen briefly showed a few calculations before affirming that they were within the hyperspace lane, but the Mandalorian didn't need the computers help for that.

The stars began to stretch out and with a loud whoosh the window was subjected to the bright visuals of hyperspace. Liliana let out a sigh, happy that the Nightingale hadn't decided to fail mid jump and kill them, before turning to Kallex with a curious expression. "Hey so Alex I never did ask, why do you want to do this anyway? Aren't you even a little bit scared of what we might find?" Liliana thoughtfully asked with a hint of worry in her emerald eyes. Her gaze briefly fell upon Aurora who seemed equally focused on Kallex, but likely for an entirely different reason than the question being posed. The Veran Fox was one of the few reasons that she still felt ready to face anything that would come her way without a hint of fear, just like her parents would have. Only, unlike her parents, Liliana was merely faking bravery.

Re: The Predators Have Become The Prey // p, Sahl - ghostpact - 04-04-2018

Kallex watched the systems carefully on her side, making sure things were in order for their take off. Who knew what was going to fail next. They could fall apart in Chandrila's skies and she would only sigh with minor annoyance. The hunk of metal was barely reliable, but they made it work and unfortunately, she'd grown quite attached to the thing. She looked up at Lil when the other pressed that button, smiling bright, but worrying about their ship's structure. She wondered what it would feel like to pull apart in hyperspace.

She let out a breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding when the windows filled with the familiar sight. Leaning back, she twisted her chair sideways and stretched. It would be a while before they were out of hyperspace, but already she had a few ideas for ways to pass the time. She hummed quietly in response to Lilian's question, finally looking at her again and tilting her head slightly. Nonchalant, acting as if she were thinking before her smile returned and she shrugged. "I've never seen more than a handful of planets. This gig could get us anywhere in the galaxy. It's a hard thing to pass up, right?" That was a partial truth.

"Scared? No, but I'm hella excited. Some of the things I've read about are incredible. Some of these things... Most of my family, my friends had never even been off of Kuat, let alone ever dreamed of facing these things in-person." And that was the truth, only she only spoke half of it. Really, she was absolutely terrified. She wondered if she'd made a mistake. There was a reason a lot of people were comfortable staying on their planets their entire life. Forgetting the things they would be hunting, there were pirates and scrappers and ...

She blinked, shaking her head once and turning the chair all the way around. It was easier to lie because if she didn't, she'd go on a tangent and then at their next jump she'd force the controls back home. She'd waste all of those credits, all the time, the work they'd done so far. This first trip was a milestone and if she could force herself through that, she was sure she could do anything after it. She just had to steal her nerves and fake it until she made it. Eventually, it would work. She looked at her friend again, "What about you, Lils?"