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I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - Printable Version

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I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - ONISION. - 08-02-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Onision was annoyed, pissed even. Why was the sun so fucking bright? Like jesus, couldn't it just go away? Oni wasn't exactly the smartest when it came to stuff like this, but he was sure he wanted to kick the sun's ass. "Alright, today's the day I kick that fucking sun's ASS!" Oni yelled out obnoxiously, racing out of his mothers' den to stand outside.

//this is rushed, but holy fuck yes.


Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - MOONMADE - 08-02-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's relaxing. He's got his eyes shut, paws folded over one another, basking like an old wrinkly orange man trying to get cancer. Except pretty and not old at all. It's a really nice day out, and the sun is setting his fur on fire in all the best ways. Not too humid, not scorching; just good enough. And he's enjoying himself, all chill and shit, when Onision comes screeching.

The kid's voice breaks the silence and Moon sucks in a steady breath as he yells -- at the fucking sun, no less -- and gathers himself for the ordeal he's about to witness. Slowly, he opens one eye and wills himself not to snap. His voice is very controlled, the type of control an overworked housewife has when Buddy Junior spills his orange juice for the sixth time that morning. "And how exactly do you plan to reach, Icarus?" Is that a mythology reference? A reference to some genuine Godly lore? Absolutely not.

Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - tori - 08-02-2018

Fight the sun? Is that what he said?

Alex trudged up somewhat near Moon, somewhat near meaning he was close, but still gave them their space. They'd just been rudely disturbed. Alex on the other hand was just curious, letting a small yet worried smile cross his dark face. "The sun might be too big an opponent." He didn't need to say the sun was too far or too hot, did he? That seemed obvious enough, at least, it should have been. He hoped he could at least level their voice out before he started irritating some of the poor tired adults. At least this was funny for all it's aggressiveness and high volume level. The kid had charisma.


Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - HEARTEYES - 08-02-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Hearteyes didn't think it was good that this boy had such a sailor mouth at such a young age. The albino jumps at the sound of Onision's battle cry against the sun, lifting her head from the sunspot she was laid out in. She listens to what Moonmade and Alexander have to say, a small smile lifting her lips. The molly lifts herself to her paws and comes closer to the trio, ivory tail curling over her back. "The sun is important, you know! Don't you like the warm weather?" Her skin was easily burned due to her albinism, but that didn't stop her from enjoying the summer and the warm weather it brought.

Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - ONISION. - 08-02-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]An audience! Onision was always fond of audiences, especially when they were commentators. It boosted the already overly inflated ego he had, making his chest puff out in obvious pride. Pride wasn't always a good thing. It got people hurt, it got him hurt. But Oni didn't seem to care. Fate was his lover, after all. He would quarrel with fate whenever he could.

Moonmade's comment made the male snicker, and he shook out his fur before pointing his paw at the older male. "You bet your ass I'll find a way, old man! Call me Icarus, but I'll build wax wings if I have to." Snorted the youngling cockily, tilting his head upwards in a mocking manner. Nobody would tell him he couldn't do something, that was for damn sure.

Then, Alexander's presence came, and Onision turned a confused blue gaze on the wolf, tilting his head to the side. "Nobody is too strong for me, Alex. Listen, if I win, you have to be my servant for a week." He snickered, a grin on his face. Despite the mild affection that Oni had for Alex, he still wouldn't change his mind.

Hearteye's comment made him turn, once again, making him laugh out loud. A bit too loud, in other's opinion. "Fuck the sun and its heat! I keep sweating because of it, how do you even live in this heat?"


Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - MOONMADE - 08-02-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's completely fucking appalled. Old man? Who did this kid think he was? How old did he think Moon was? He stares, speechless, because he's never been called that before and this is really a milestone in his life, he's only 16 moons but he's about to be propelled into a quarter-life crisis, all thanks to this cocky little shit. "What the fu-- I'm not even, I'm like-- Have you seen me?"

Ultimately, he's flabbergasted. And Moon's never described himself as that word before, but he'll use it now, because it's definitely fucking fitting. His grimace lasts a moment longer before his face completely blanks and he realizes it's no use. Let Icarus fly too close to the sun. In fact, Moon'll book him his ticket, carry his luggage. "You know what-- Yeah, I am an old man. So get off my lawn, kid, before I call fangs and tell her you've been disrespecting the Elders."

Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - Margaery - 08-02-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
[color=#b09090]"Where'd you learn to talk like that, unum meam flammea?"

Margaery didn't sound exactly angry as she arrived, more so shocked that her son already had such a troublesome potty mouth. She could probably figure out who exactly had been the one to pass that trait along (hint hint: it was Suiteheart), but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and see if Onision would confess as to where he picked up the word 'fuck'. She would not lie though- she was halfway amused that the little vampire was already set on fighting the sun of all things. He certainly was ambitious, a trait she admired, albeit a bit... egotistical? Prideful? She didn't know what word she was looking for but dismissed her thoughts in favor of a smile as she sat down.

[color=#b09090]"And what's this I hear about the sun and disrespecting your elders? You aren't being rude to Moon, are you, Oni?" Margaery inquired jokingly, a metaphorical brow arching, [color=#b09090]"You'll never win against the sun with that attitude, kiddo." Had she just called Onision 'kiddo'? Strange. That nickname was very Suite-esque and not at all similar to her typical 'love' or 'darling'. Whatever, it was probably just the bond being odd again. [color=#b09090]"Regardless, you're going to need to get a little bigger before I let you fight the sun."

(unum meam flammea - my fiery one)

Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - tori - 08-03-2018

"Only if you win." Alex said with a soft laugh, unfazed by the request, no, the demand. There was no way he was going to win this fight, and even if Oni decided that he won by default when he couldn't reach the blistering star, it was only a week. What would he even do? Follow them around and reach things off the top shelf?

He snickered a little at Moon's response, tail wagging. "Don't feel too upset, you're aging very well." Maybe he was poking a little bit, but unfortunately for Moonmade, it was just too easy to poke at.

// wow my muse is shot


Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - Suiteheart - 08-03-2018

"Alright, today's the day I kick that fucking sun's ASS!"

Oh, were her influences rubbing off on her children again? With a wry smirk, she realized it must have been true. The white feline remained seated where she was, silently listening to everything that was going on. The loudest voice of all was her son's, and it seemed he had picked up on one of her favorite words: fuck. Suiteheart knew Margaery would about to have a hayday with that; Suite'd probably be in the doghouse for a while.

The Admiral moved towards the scene, tugged forward by her own amusement and the bond she shared with her wife. More than that, she could hear Moon's flustered responses, and she figured she might ought to save the lion. A large smirk rested easily on her lips as she stepped forward, pausing beside Alex, Hearteyes, and Margaery. The little wolf didn't seem to be phased by her son's attitude - which was nice considering Hearteyes seemed a bit put off.

"I wouldn't build wax wings if you're planning on reaching the sun, kiddo," she mused, moving forward the ruffle the fur atop Onision's head. "The heat'll make the wax melt. You outta build 'em out of something more durable." She took a seat, a chuckle rolling passed her lips. A bit of seriousness did sweep over her as she said, [b]"And, hey, be sure to be kind to all the oldies here though. They know a lot, you know."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I'M FALLING, I'M FALLING! && open - ★ HAZEL - 08-03-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
"I don't know - I think he should go for it." She shrugged. "How will he ever know what he's capable of if he doesn't try?"

Hazel had been lounging nearby, a near parallel to Moonmade. She'd fallen back into the habit of weaving bracelets, having had a damn near full conversation with herself to convince her brain that it wasn't art. She was currently making a bracelet for Imperia, strings the color of dusk and twilight. The cleric seemed like someone who would wear a bracelet...right?

Her delicate concentration had been shattered by Oni's flamboyant accusation at the sun. She'd startled, the earth splintering under her paws and a piece of aquamarine popping up. She'd watched the situation gather a crowd with some amount of amusement, a smile dancing on her lips at Moon's shock. "It's okay, Moon." She purred, drawing herself to sit closer to the action and wrap her tail over her paws. "You're only like...half old. Your mid-life crisis still has a few months to reach its peak."

Turning her golden gaze to Oni, Hazel studied the younger feline with a certain amount of regard. He was certainly motivated and driven, she'd give him that. He would be headstrong and reckless in his future years, full of bravado and young confidence. Hazel hoped that it didn't get the better of him in a bad situation. "I would be careful, though." The cocoa feline added, nearly an afterthought. "Like Suite said, I wouldn't make your wings out of wax. You can fight, but make sure you fight smart instead of fighting reckless. It'll get you hurt a lot quicker than you'd like." She warned.