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THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - jabberwocky - 08-02-2018

The Rosebloods, formerly known as the Elite, are a group of sadistic rogues, with few allies and many enemies; they attack whoever they want and care not for boundaries and peace treaties. They do what they like, a group of highly chaotic families lead by a singular ruler, and built on God complexes. Their ideology, in short, is that everything belongs to them, and they are the elite among all other groups.

Does this sounds like a group that interests you? Then welcome to our joint mass adoptions & hp tryouts! Here, you can make a character with established relations, and then within the same thread you can apply for a high position if you please! Litters are still being added, so check back often if you don't see anything that catches your eye.

Interested in adopting a character with established family? This is the place for you! In order to build up membership of the clan, many of our members are offering litters up for adoption. Take a look at the available litters below, find out which one interests you, and then fill out the form to claim your kit! Please note that the parents of each litter reserve the right to rehome your character if you fail to remain active.


Bubonicplague is a former deputy. His biological father, adoptive father, adoptive brother and grandparents are all former leaders. The children can be between one and two years old, and will be wolves. They must stay in the Rosebloods for at least one month in real time. These children will not know their father well, as he was fairly neglectful before dropping them in The Rosebloods. Angst plots due to this are welcome. || open / open / open

Sola is the current leader of The Rosebloods. Their father Cainsmark and parent Finnishwars are both former leaders. These children can be any age under six months, and will be domestic cats. They must carry the Mortem last name. They must stay in the Rosebloods for at least one month in real time. This is a love litter. This litter is not first come first serve. || summermimosa / amren / taken / nightsky / sayonaralullaby

Jiyu is a former guard. Her mother capone is a former leader and her grandmother columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be three years old, and will be domestic cats. They must carry the Simul Stamus last name. These children should be on the smaller side as jiyu was young when they were born. These kittens were born out of duty, not love. These children were likely neglected and can therefore have strained relationships with their mother. || open / open / open

Jiyu is a former guard. Her mother capone is a former leader and her grandmother columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be two and a half years old, and will be domestic cats. They must carry the Simul Stamus last name. These children should be on the smaller side as jiyu was very young when they were born. These kittens were born out of a surrogate litter. They should be aware that jiyu is their birth mother, but see her as more of an aunt. || open / open / open / open / open / open

Jiyu is a former guard. Her mother capone is a former leader and her grandmother columbine is the founder of the Rosebloods. These children will be one year old, and will be domestic cats. They must carry the Simul Stamus last name. These kittens were loved, for the most part, and likely had the best upbringing of all of their siblings. || open / open / open / open / open / open

Interested in getting a position in the Elite? This is the place for you! Being a new clan, we have many openings in our ranks for various characters. These positions will be earned through activity and dedication, and all appointments will be decided by the leader (Sola, roleplayed by Crim). Promotions will be announced on [DATE TBD]. Both current and new members are encouraged to apply.

GUARD — a high position. These chosen few are specifically designated to guard either the leader or whomever the leader commands. There is potential to be later promoted to Guardmaster.
HEALER — a high position. These are the medics of the group. Quite obviously, they heal you; be it from a raid or a scuffle face smack for being an idiot. Anyone can be a healer assistant, but promoted healers are the authority on medicine in the group.
HEAD STYLIST — a high position. The most fabulous members of the Rosebloods; they paint people up for battle. Anyone can be a stylist, but promoted stylists are in charge of these regular members.
DRAGONSLAYER — a semi-high position. A stepping stone rank that can be achieved before moving on to higher ranks.

Have a position in mind for your character? Fill out the form below!

Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - jabberwocky - 08-02-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 225px; background-image: url(; background-size: ADJUST THIS; background-position: 0px; border-top: 1px white solid; border-left: 1px white solid;"]
track !!


Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - lexasperated - 08-02-2018

tracking because i'm still tempted to post my form for summermimosa here anyway for record-keeping reasons but squints

Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - crim - 08-02-2018

tracking — thanks sm for putting this up!!

Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-02-2018

USERNAME. Jiyu Simul Stamus
CHARACTER NAME. Jiyu Simul Stamus
AGE. Little over 7
PERSONALITY. More often than not, Jiyu seems bored with everything going on around her, from birth to death and beyond, not much seems to get through to her. This isn’t to say she lacks interest in things, simply that she has a detached way of showing it. While another being may jump over and ask to participate in an activity? Jiyu will simply come over and gently inquire into what you're doing, sometimes even seeming to have a slightly disdainful response despite sticking around and even beginning to complete the action herself if she doesn’t exactly need to ask to do it. Speaking of that, she always seems to need to be doing something when viewed by most people as if she can never stop working.

          Jiyu can be very hard to understand at first, due to a certain degree of social idiocy she possesses. The emotions of others are not even second nature to her, and she takes time to process them or even remember what they look like from individual to individual. Due to this she often comes across as uncaring or even unappreciative of other’s because she can’t tell how they feel and she expects the same from others she does from herself. However snapping at her is the last way to fix it, both because she can sometimes rarely be sensitive to criticism if she cares about someone, but also because she see's no flaw in whatever she has done. Literally, she almost entirely lacks the ability to understand things of a social nature. Jiyu is very good at dishing out opinions and such things compared to how poorly she can take them.

        Failure is not an option when you happen to be Ji-Ji, expect healing or swimming there is nothing she can’t do that she’ll admit fault in. Luckily, she is also a very quick learner and good at remembering things she deems logical, so most times she can back herself up enough to succeed every time. Due to the dedication, she places into such tasks? Jiyu often comes across as very reliable as well, perceived as a woman of her word. Easily viewed as a leader even without rank, even able to overcome some of her personality shortcomings when put in charge of other’s, she’d make a perfect one expect for a sarcastic lash of her tongue in reference to many things, plus the fact she has very poor understanding of the needs and emotions of animals she has not known for a long time.

      Relationships take time to develop with her, and she expects a great of loyalty once she lets someone in. Your perhaps safer being her enemy than being her friend! Jiyu does not take well to any perceived betrayal, so even more than the world around her, the world closest to her must always be on the same page. This girl? Is not big on forgiveness. However in the end, even if it seems unforgivable if the facts make sense, she won’t hold it against you, even if she will distrust you and the relationship will be next to impossible to repair. Jiyu's attachement to other's is also different from the way most other animals grow attached to each other, she can reach a semeblance of normal but it takes years and in the meantime her 'love' is an obbessive and most of the time absolutely frozen embrace.

      Her biggest danger thought? Is herself, Jiyu easily falls into self blame with every second step, and she internalizes pretty much everything. The only time you know something is wrong? Is the second before she snaps, sometimes even then it’s all away from the sight of others! None of this includes the trouble her past truama causes her, the struggle she has getting over the guilt she carries from her past that she won't admit to.

      Of course, everything described is just what most cats in the roseblood get to see in calm circumstances, which is the fact she is a workaholic who doesn't understand others. I didn't think it would be too productive to describe the psychopathic portions or any of the stuff like that since Sola has known Jiyu for a while and everyone pretty much knows she's twisted and sick, I figured I'd describe the small part of her that isn't sick. I was tempted to put what she would be like if she couldn't fight or do her normal busy body guarding stuff, but I figured I'd keep that in my pocket encase it ever becomes relavent IC.


LITTER. Cainsmark x Sola x Finnishwars
NAME. Antonia Mortem
AGE. Five months
APPEARANCE. For a small child, Toni is rather lithe. She's a gray domestic feline with silver-stripes all over her body and she has amber eyes. On the top of her head, are two stubs that will eventually grow into long, black horns and her tongue is forked- like a snake's tongue.
PERSONALITY. Antonia is a sweet child. She's out-going, she likes to help others, she's always looking for other members of the group to befriend. She enjoys stargazing and reading books about the stars as well as reading books about Mythology- though Norse Mythology is her favorite.
OTHER. Smile

Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - Florence - 08-02-2018


Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - lexasperated - 08-02-2018

LITTER. Cainsmark X Sola X Finnishwars
NAME. Summermimosa "Mosa" Mortem
AGE. 5 months
OTHER. posting this even though i already got that good slot because i'm a hoe ALSO listen i'm gonna finish this later because it was supposed to be my lunch... 22 minutes ago

Re: THE ROSEBLOODS | MASS ADOPT & HP TRYOUTS - jabberwocky - 08-02-2018

thank you all for applying!

[member=197]Una.[/member] , just wanted to let you know that the sinnishmark litter isn't fcfs, but we'll be picking applications as we go!  if we do choose your character we'll give you a ping <3


Alright! <3