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drank like a fish | wendell - Printable Version

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drank like a fish | wendell - toboggan - 08-02-2018

[glow=black,2,300]‧ WENDELL H. ‧[/glow]
tags — updated 2/25

name. wendell harrowsmith
the name wendell means “wanderer”
nicknames. “del”
biological gender. male
birth date. september 13th, 2015
age. 41 months [3 years]
clan. snowbound

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
☆ enjoys alcohol and fine food
☆ speaks in a soft english voice
☆ unique scent (mustelid)
☆ alcohol craving always usually in control
☆ sweetheart

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
wolverine — birth body 30% health
as a wolverine, wendell’s caliber is about that of a medium-sized dog. most of his pelt is tinted in a shade of chocolate, aside from a pattern in a milky hue from the top of his noggin, to the cusp of his bristly tail (the pattern is best seen rather than described, it’s almost like a blonde blanket with a hole in it). upon his bristles of fur lays a glossy coating, which serves as a frost-repellent for northern climates. his entire body mass is split between pure muscle and fat; a wolverine’s forearms are one of the strongest in the animal kingdom, and the body fat (a trait wolverines are known for) acts as body heat storage. due to the bulk of both muscle and fat, it appears that he has a bit of a chubbiness going on. one final note: as a mustelid, wendell has a significant odour, that is neither horrible or terrific; it is simply unique, as he is himself.

due to recent injuries, he is forced to wear a few large bandages that circle around his jaw to the rear of his noggin, nearly restricting speech entirely.
injures. broken jaw, can’t speak

enfj + hufflepuff + lawful good
a guy of fine tastes, all wendell hankers for is top-notch food, exquisite drink, and great friends. one could easily describe him as a people’s person, as he’ll always turn up for special events, and he’ll defend those he loves fiercely. at parties, you’ll be sure to find him at the centre of it all, dancing and drinking the night away. when games are being played, he’ll always give it his all in the name of good fun. quick with a story or joke for any situation, wendell is a joy to be around, and his optimistic personality is no doubt an added bonus. his love for fun is almost rivalled by his love for alcohol. gin, indian pale ale, wine, he drinks it all. and, it appears that he has his drinking habit under control.
at one point in time, though, that habit wasn’t under control; it wasn’t a habit at all, it was an addiction. that was a much darker part of his life, back then. his previous friends couldn’t stand the dick that the friendly wendell they knew turned into once he lost discipline with drinking. that’s obviously the past now, but every once in a while, wendell’ll have too much to drink and gives up control, and when he does, watch out; he gets really emotionally unstable and pretty depressed for a period of time. all in all, he’s a great guy, as long as there’s someone watching his back to make sure nothing bad happens.
positive traits caring, cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous
neutral traits passionate, unaggressive, amusing, self-conscious
negative traits disorderly, moody, impulsive, gluttonous
disorders. situation-based lapses of depression and anxiety

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. female-leaning biromantic bisexual
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none
— platonic relationships? easy too form. maybe too easy to form. wendell loves making and partying it out with friends
— romantic relationships? these relationships are a bit harder to form than platonic ones. wendell is no stranger to love. he adores having someone to adore, but he doesn’t deal with breakups too well.

— strength [7/10]
— speed [5/10]
— agility [4/10]
— intelligence [6/10]
[color=#d87048]— endurance [8/10]
[color=#d87048]— perception [5/10]
[color=#d87800]physically + mentally.
physically medium+ mentally easy
will fight + won’t kill
self defense. attacks are based on spontaneity, strength is what makes him dangerous
attacks only with tooth and claw
mention [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] or [member=1536]toboggan[/member] when attacking
attacks in #f0c030
powers. none

Re: drank like a fish | wendell - toboggan - 08-03-2018

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