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to the wind and the rain / ooc prompt - Printable Version

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to the wind and the rain / ooc prompt - JUNJI - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]/ LOL ok. heres the thing. i got tired of rping a kid since its not my strong suit sooo!!! junji is now a young adult! im gonna pretend hes been here since he was a child ghfjkdg
also this is So Shitty orz

the boy's wings had always been a bit of a sensitive topic. he had lacked them since childhood, but seemed cheerful despite this. it was only when others asked about his angel roots, and why he didn't have wings if his father was one; junji seemed to become almost melancholy at the questions, and softly tell them,"i miss them."

and he did. though they were not physically there, sometimes he would feel a muscle twitch, a soft fluttering feeling, something to remind him of their absence. he had figured out what had happened to them some time ago, when he was just a child, speaking to his parents about them.

"why don't i have wings, father?" the kitten had cooed, nestled between the larger feline's front paws as they watched the ocean together. his sea green eyes glanced to the man's face after a few moments of silence, trying to read his blank expression, head tipping curiously.

"you did." the angel told him flatly, earning a confused look. if he had wings, where were they now? junji glanced at his empty back with a frown before looking back up at his father. the man slowly turned his head down to meet the child's gaze, still lacking emotion. it baffled him how his father could always be such a way. "angels must earn their wings, junji. you have not earned them yet."

so we clipped them.

the revelation, at the time, had been almost horrifying. though the child never held a grudge against his father. if he wanted him to earn his wings, earn his place by his side, then so be it. even now, he still worked at it, doing whatever he could to possibly be deemed worthy of wings. he had his heart set on getting them back; to make his mother proud, to be the angel she wanted him to be.

it was not always easy. at times, more often now than ever, he got phantom pains. the muscles between his shoulderblades would seize up, cause him to nearly collapse, utter a small cry of pain if it was particularly bad. junji had to sit from time to time and rest. yet he still ached; his back would throb and he would end up limping for the rest of the day, but he pushed through. he wouldn't let it stop him. part of him thought it was a sign that, perhaps, he was growing closer to getting his wings, but the other half thought it was punishment. was he doing something wrong? is there something i'm missing?

he would get them back, eventually. he just needed to be good.