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rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - Printable Version

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rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - calliope - 03-11-2018

x - tags

Re: rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - calliope - 03-12-2018

note to self;; rework these a bit and make it more friendly for those on the light theme.

voice claim - x
[align=center]—THE BASICS
FULL NAME sugarpop
NICKNAMES sugar, which is what she prefers to go by.
CLAN/GROUP[b] snowbound
—ranking member
16 months old
—mental age mentally a young adult
—aging ratio ages at roleplayer's discretion
GENDER cis female
—pronouns she/her
POWERS conjuration, shapeshifting, earth elementals [this does not go beyond the flowers that sprout on her wings + pelt]
believes there's good in everyone, and tolerate everything that she can to try and get too the good in someone. however, she does have a breaking point.
pacifist - will only hurt others if she has no other option
powers and appearance give of a retro video game vibe
collects old video games, and even owns a few different consoles. most of them are outdated and barely-functioning, but she still loves them.
has recently died and come back to life, though isn't aware of it
healthy -[90%]
SPECIES[b] wolf
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] sugar is a rather short wolf, covered in extremely fluffy and soft fur. it is a solid, extremely pale pink color, which can be mistaken for a white color. on her back rests a pair of large, fluffy white wings, with tiny pale pink flowers growing out of the base of them. her eyes are mostly a solid icy blue, however, a pastel pink ring surrounds her pupils. however, one thing that really stands out about sugarpop is the pink pixels that cover her paws, and seem to float around her legs. other parts of her body seem to grow more pixelated if she's extremely upset or emotional, in addition to this.
—accessories always wearing a pastel pink scarf, no matter the weather.
—smells like sort of a flowery scent
—scars no scars
—injuries has a couple of cuts and a twisted ankle
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] sugar has generally energetic body language, and she's almost always smiling or showing some form of happiness. she's known to hop around or rush into places without much thought. she can also tend to be clumsy from time to time, especially when she is just running into a situation.
—posture sugar actually has some pretty decent posture
cheerful - outgoing - optimistic - kind
protective - reckless - trusting - forgiving
emotional - pushover - loudmouth - easily stressed
DESCRIPTION[b] textext
—extra notes extra stuff - delete if you don’t want to do anything with this!
—interests what does your character like - what are their hobbies?
ORIENTATION[b] demisexual panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush no crush
—friends no current friends
—family nobody of note
—enemies  no current enemies
start fights? - fight back? - end fights - will/wont kill?
[b]SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] easy - sugar's generally easy to get along with, although her peppy attitude may get onto other's nerves sometimes.
—platonic relationships extremely easy, considering the fact that she kind of goes out of her way to befriend people and to try and make everyone happy.
—romantic relationships kinda hard because sugar honestly has no idea how to handle romantic relationships, and she rarely develops feelings for people outside of friendship.
—rivalries a bit hard, since she's always attempting to give others second chances [even if said people aren't aware of it.] she may have 'rivals' when it comes to protecting her safety or the safety of others, however
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] medium
—physical difficulty medium when she actually fights, but is generally easy since she tries not to hurt anyone
[b]IF NEEDED[b] if needed, tag/contact this account, or my main fab

Re: rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - calliope - 03-21-2018

extra notes go here

Re: rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - calliope - 03-21-2018

joined snowbound on march 20th - x

Re: rays of sunlight - sugar's storage - calliope - 03-23-2018

[Image: MKfVIt5.gif]
an amazing pixel art by tricky