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BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury (old) - Printable Version

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BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury (old) - bubblegum - 08-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
heyoo!! this here is goldenluxury aka goldie aka many other nicknames and she is my Baby Girl. she is the daughter of pincher and is the butch pirate captain of the typhoon. she's super loyal to her crewmates and family and will actually slaughter you if you threaten them (or at least try to). you can check out her tags for even more info too!

she's open to most anything not listed in her closed but here's some ideas!
- friends (easy to befriend unless y/c is in the pitt)
- enemies
- long-term plots? :eyes:

- getting captured (i'd prefer a plot behind it - probably will say no right now tbh)
- fights / injures / kills y/c (needs to have motive)
- injuries (prefer to have reasoning behind it)
- short/long term romance (girls only)
- one-night stands (not tryna go wild with em...girls only)

- death
- litters
- maiming
- capturing y/c (holds it to a similar standard as slavery now)

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - Freya - 08-03-2018


Freya loves her sm and wants to mother her jfc

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

i love freya sm yes please she Needs mother figures
if an adult shows any kindness at all to goldie she immediately trusts them so she will immediately love freya
what all does freya like to do? maybe she could teach goldie about one of her hobbies or something :0

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - Freya - 08-03-2018

Omg y e s
She's heavily into witchcraft/the occult/etc. so she would definitely bring Goldie around to help her look for different herbs and crystals/stones and teach her about little stuff involving her studies

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

ooo yess
goldie's aunt is really into magic and she's trying to learn more about herbs so she'd totally be into learning about that sort of stuff!
who makes? :>

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - Freya - 08-03-2018

that's adorable omfg
freya would absolutely meet with goldie's aunt to compare their notes o m g
would you mind making?

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

also!! i made it sorry about it being rushed sdfsdf

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-05-2018

okay so i have this cute little plot idea for this two. Kazumi how is a two-sided snake how also have many times over taken in kids under his 'wing' there he gives them a fake sense of caring for them. Maybe he could do that with Goldie? acting like her 'friend' BUT a little plot twist and that is Kaz actually starts to get attached to Goldie for real?? Goldie could like believe Kazumi is a cool and nice guy or something, totally being wrapped around in his web of lies until Kazumi actually starts to care for real.

It's very unusual for Kaz to actually care for others, and even if he do he tends to cut them of since be believes it's better to hurt others before they can hurt him since he believes people will end up bedraying him in the end so rather do the move first. We could probably plot something more involving that once the time comes or just see how it unfolds out icly.

Let me know what you think! c:

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

oooh, i love that idea! sounds adorable, honestly. goldie trusts adults almost automatically so she definitely wouldn't question anything kaz tells her and would develop a pretty positive look towards him pretty easily. she's very genuinely caring and almost always honest herself as well (she's a bad liar lol) so that could probably play into him feeling a bit more comfortable with her?
would you like them to have a thread? + who makes?

Re: BLOW US ALL AWAY / plot w goldenluxury - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-06-2018

That all sounds good for me! Smile and yes i would love for them to have a thread, i can make it if you not mind to wait for a little bit, i'll be a bit busy today but will be able to write something up later today.