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I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Printable Version

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I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Freya - 08-01-2018

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The strip of land that made up the railroad gate was a long one, but it was worth it. Freya longed to put as much distance as possible between herself and the mainland that lay behind her. Like most, she, too, was running from her past, escaping the memories that haunted her mind. Joining the Typhoon would be her new start, she'd be somewhere she knew she belonged, somewhere she would be comfortable and surrounded by those she could relate to.

Small body skittering along the abandoned tracks, her view of the island became more defined as she finally approached the end of the railway and gazed upon the bell that was rumored to be the supposed calling card of those within the Typhoon. She could only imagine how fucking irritating it must be to hear the thing go off so often. She glared briefly at the small body of metal before giving it a single, rough, ring, causing the hollowed clanging to echo through the air around her, no doubt reaching most of those near by.

Her gaze traveled from the bell to the basket resting beneath it, her head shaking in amusement at the hissing of multiple black mambas, no doubt there to ward off any idiots deciding to ring the bell at an obnoxious rate. Breaking her stare from the basket it drifted to the muddied ground beneath her, a brow quirking as she stared at the muck stuck to her limbs and underbelly. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to find a cleaning spring once she was settled.


Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - bubblegum - 08-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie tried her best to walk around the railroad gate as much as possible nowadays. there were many important things that happened there and they only seemed to be happening more and more often, which was sometimes good and sometimes bad. more crewmates is generally a good thing in her eyes, even if she was slower and still working on catching up with everything. luckily, though, she was getting back into it. there were no more set backs, after all. her illness had practically gone away and her injuries proved little problems anymore as they were almost healed, besides maybe her third-degree burns on her back - those were still bandaged. things were getting better.

indeed, the girl felt quite content. she still felt the anxiety of being away from her papa and the rest of her family for too long, and she still panicked and couldn't sleep because of it, and she still felt like she wasn't ever doing enough, but things were getting better. she had made others happy when she gave out presents, and mister dad and papa were getting married, and she wasn't so injured or sick anymore. everything was going pretty swell, and she was happy to really get back to work.

the girl was drawn by the familiar sound from the gate, her tired eyes searching for who may have caused the noise. she was slightly surprised to find a small stranger and her tired eyes looked towards the female curiously. "hiya," she'd say casually, offering a small smile. lynn, her harpy eagle, landed on her head, eyeing the female. "what brings ya to the typhoon?"

Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Freya - 08-01-2018

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The familiar sound of paws rustling against the ground brought Freya's head upward swiftly, brown eyes piercing into those of the young girl's before immediately softening as she took in the kitten's rough appearance and definitive youth. She reclined back upon her haunches as her head cocked to the side slightly, the smile on the youngster's face bringing her a sense of ease and her posture slackened to allow her to sit more comfortably.

Freya offered a small smile of her own, her gaze briefly locking onto the bird that flitted to the youngster's head before returning to the female speaking to her. "Hey," She returned the greeting. "I'm looking to join you lot, actually. Hopefully." Her eyes returned to the large bird staring down at her and she tilted her head at it, recognition dashing through her eyes. "Harpy eagle?" She inquired.


Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - bubblegum - 08-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the young girl's ears perked upward at the female's words. a joiner was what she would have guessed, but she tried not to assume. there were many reasons someone may visit her home. she opened her mouth slowly to respond, only to pause as the other questioned her eagle, to which she'd nod. "his name's lynn. i've taught him some tricks." she glanced to the bird on her head for a moment before turning her focus back to the female.

"but, anyway, welcome to the typhoon, then! i love gettin' new crewmates," she would accept, her smile becoming more warm and welcoming now. she relaxed herself slightly, sniffling quietly before continuing. "what's your name? mine's goldenluxury roux, but i usually just go by goldie or somethin' like that." goldie then introduced, flashing a small smile.

Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - PINCHER - 08-01-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher could understand why many ran from their pasts. Hell, he had done it but not exactly as one would expect. It still mocked him since he was in a way still trapped within the past. His father had been "captain" and he had broken that streak when he had killed him, taking the gang that had once followed Archer and dealt with his iron fist. As interesting as a leadership would be if one lead with ruthlessness, it wasn't his cup of tea. Pincher enjoyed the connections he had for members that joined especially with how parts of their lives he would be able to connect and understand due to his personal experience. He had always been able to show empathy but struggled in doing so when it came to keeping things civil and not too connected for the risk of them being used against him always taunted him in the back of his head. Shit like that always caused tensions in his wants and needs but he had slowly become more comfortable with being with his crewmates and knowing more about them. Despite their differences, they were a big...weird family but a family nontheless.

Pincher usually checked the railroad gate every day to ensure he had not missed anyone but his work and duties always tended to disrupt him from keeping a perfect routine going. However, he was able to slip away from paperwork and to focus on taking strolls around to ensure he had not missed anything important. The sleek predator was just finishing checking that the weaponry within the Tempest was fine before heading towards the gate, his dark nose catching scent of his daughter. A ghost of a worried frown graced his lips as the dark storm gray jaguar picked up the pace with his paws pressing harder against the ground before finally catching sight of her speaking to another female. He followed shortly, the towering male halting behind the bengal reaver while bending his head down to softly drag his tongue over her forehead in a locking gesture, a soft purr rumbling in his throat. He was glad that Goldie was feeling better but now he decided to focus on the stranger that appeared to want to join. A small framed female with a rather easygoing attitude which caused Pincher to flash a light charismatic grin while dipping his head towards her in a very light bow. "Welcome to the Typhoon, I'm Pincher. Captain of the crew." He greeted after Goldenluxury spoke about Lynn. He was glad to see she enjoyed the avian as well before he remained silent, wanting to hear what the stranger's name is.

Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Freya - 08-01-2018

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She smiled at the girl and dipped her head to Goldie and Lynn respectfully. The eagle was certainly a gorgeous one and she admired how comfortable both he and his possesser looked together, her eyes inspecting the beautiful creature before immediately locking onto the approaching figure. There was a certain air about him that immediately alerted her that he held a powerful position and her head dipped slightly in respect. She offered him a crooked grin at the sight of his own as she shifted back on her haunches, comfort seeming to seep from the pair and into her stiff body.

The height of the jaguar amazed her, his mass easily looming over not only herself but the kitten before him. The simple, affectionate greeting he gave the youngster warmed the mongoose's heart as she offered the male a smile before replying to both of them. "Thank you, Captain," She grinned as her head tilted slightly. "I'm Freya, though most call me Fae."


Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult,
but I feel that he understood that difference, more than anyone knew.
Lucifer hadn't so much as run from his past as sort of die and come back from it - and though it may still haunt him and made him question some of his own choices, he did like to believe that what he'd doen in the end made up for the harm he'd done willingly or not.

as it was the dark god padded up the beach not far behind the captain - often as he took to shadowing anyone smaller and more vulnerable than him which was more or less everyone considering no one else was yet a large armoured beast - stopping just shy of the group's circle and the new joiner, Freya no? though the small mammal preferred Fae seemed.

The great drake inclined his head "Lucifer Grimm, welcome aboard"


Re: I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere | joining - Freya - 08-02-2018

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If she thought Pincher was big, Lucifer was fucking gigantic. He easily loomed over the small group and Freya had to crane her head back completely to be able to look at him. Her brown eyes inspected his large mass after nodding her head in a respectful greeting, the dark scales covering him clearly appealing to her as she studdied them. Freya offered the looming male a smile and a brief wave of her large tail.

"Pleased to meet ya," She responded as she gazed over his wings and met his eyes, her friendly smile widening. "Call me Fae."
