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BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - Printable Version

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BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - arcy - 08-01-2018

Apparently, Izuku was supposed to be holding tryouts for the Evergreen title. That was a weird concept. Just .. Izuku handing out titles. Was it supposed to be like the Tenderfoot tryouts, he wonders? The difference being that the reward isn't a rank. It's just ... a nice little bee pendant. And access to the Frosthealer rank. And, uh .. field medic status? A little problematic, the fact that Izuku doesn't think many of his clanmates have medic knowledge. Like .. none of them. He knows his classmates didn't. The others just .. didn't give off that vibe. But, Izuku would be happy to train anybody who wanted to learn. Who was he to deny whatever help he could get, y'know?
.. This had taken a little bit of setting up, though. Izuku had to spend a few days out of camp to collect spare medical stuff. He had enough to get him by healing-wise, but he didn't exactly have enough herbs to spare for tryouts, or even any sort of training. He'd gotten it, though, and he had two baskets worth of the stuff ready for the tryouts. And then .. he was gonna do Jacob's thing, and he had a bunch of plushies with bandage rolls next to them. That seemed important. And cute. He'd let the attendants have the ones they treated if anyone got that far, honestly.
"I'm having Evergreen title tryouts over here!" Izuku calls. His voice is a little louder than it was as a feline, and it's kind of weird. Even so, the Frosthealer settles there, ears turning nervously. .. It's weird. That he's gotten this far, y'know? Jacob had done this just a few months ago, and Izuku had already been forced to take up the mantle here. The dragon sighs, laying himself on the ground so that he wouldn't seem so large and intimidating. Not that he's much bigger than a lion, but being big was .. scary. ".. And, if anybody wants to learn more about herbs, even if it's just the basics or you don't want to be a medic or anything, you can just .. speak up or approach me after," Might as well say it now. The more people that learned any herbs at all, the less reliant they'd be on him. The less fucked they'd be when Izuku inevitably picked a fight that got him properly killed. Anyways, that seemed relevant, and Izuku needed more things to do. Dedicating his time to teaching interested people would be a good distraction.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - madster - 08-01-2018

henri decided he was curious in medicine. not curious enough to ever volunteer for a medic position, though he liked the idea of having a little charm denoting his knowledge. after all, he was worthy of something like that, right? still, he wasn't exactly the medic-type. izuku was the perfect medic- cheerful, intelligent, but most of all crafty and self-reliant. henri wouldn't ever say it out loud, but he was thankful the little green dragon had saved him from that weird touchy dude earlier.

"greetings and salutations, izuku!" he purred, coming over. "i'm interested. what do you have in store for us?" his voice was smooth as velvet, and he was awfully charismatic and confident despite... being the worst medic ever, due to not being able to see. "clearly, uh, i'm not really cut out to be like you," he joked, motioning to his eyes. "but i'd like to listen in anyways! i like the pendants."

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - NUI HARIME - 08-02-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
nui was no healer.

it was simple as that. her history had been bathed in blood and bone. her claws have sunk into flesh. she doesn't know how to heal-- it goes against everything's she's done so far.

but she's curious. the life of a medic is always glorious to her, because in her mind, they get to see far more gore and bloodshed and get up close to it than anyone else could possibly ever imagine.

and nui admires izuku for that reason, if not for her own jealousy of his rank and the privileges and abilities that comes with it.

or perhaps that's her own projection onto the duty of a healer.

nonetheless, she slides forward. eye shining, always eagerly. "i'm participating," she's not even sure if she wants to become a healer. but the knowledge of herbs and medical equipment is useful. far more useful than she'd like to disregard. perhaps she can use this knowledge one day herself-- but for completely self-serving purposes.

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - Leigh - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Working with plants and herbs was something Magikatricks very much enjoyed. It had been something he had been interested in ever since he was a child. Despite his queasiness towards blood, he figured he was pretty okay with basic herbal knowledge, though he could always brush up on his skills. And here he was, fluttering down from the misty skies and landing next to Henri. "Count me in, Izuku." he chimed in eagerly.

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - galexiux - 08-02-2018

  Cry was no healer. To her, healer was categorized into hero, and she was no hero either. She hated the spotlight. She was okay with saving people. She was okay with helping. She was okay with risking her life and well being for those she cared about. But... she always hated the praise she got from it. Sure. She was a selfless person (more like a depressed person with no self value) that was doing a good thing. She should be praised! But... It left a sick knot in the pit of her stomach. Like she was being held at a higher standard than she could fulfill. She had tiny little feet with huge shoes to fill. She simply just couldn't walk like that. At least not without floundering and falling flat on her face.

  It was that reason why she only landed a few feet away, humming under her breath. She wouldn't be participating in the lesson but... With Atbash and Izuku being the village's local punching bags, she liked to be close by at all times, just encase. You never knew what jerk would waltz around the corner with a knife in this town. It truly wasn't safe at all but... She supposed that was becasue there was no sun here. How could anyone be happy without the sun?

  I'm just watching... She muttered quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. She was caught in her own thoughts now, unable to think past her time in Cliffside. That truly was a safe place. Everyone knew eachothers name and  they had huge potlucks on the beach. It was messy since most of the population didn't have stomachs, but everyone seemed to enjoy simply being together and spending time playing games on the hot, hot sand. It was... nice.


Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-03-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
At one point, perhaps Atbash would have considered going for the medical field, but now she was stuck as Snowbound's leader. She didn't mind too much, although it was tiresome and stressful to be leading and taking care of an entire tribe. Izuku probably felt the same, having to run around and deal with injuries constantly. He needed help, that's for sure, and Atbash was hoping that at least one person could earn the title to ease his stress. "I'll be watching too." The she-cat stated as she took a seat next to Cry.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - arcy - 08-05-2018

Hm .. a good majority of his clanmates showed up, if only to just watch. Five of them. It wasn't all of them, of course, but it was still a lot of them. That was good enough to start, right? More people could join in later, if they wanted to. Izuku could just have them start from the beginning. It wasn't that big of a deal -- Izuku had joined in to the tail end of the Tenderfoot tryouts and he still got it. Oh, right. But only two of them were here to participate. .. Oh well, it was still plenty. So Izuku shrugs. Okay. Okay, he was just going to .. Look. Izuku isn't sure how the hell he's supposed to test out what other people know beyond quizzing them. And his only idea was from how Jacob had hosted his. The dragon flexes his talons for a minute, ears turning as he thinks. He already has it set up, he just .. He's not sure.
"You could probably manage it if you tried, Henri," Izuku encourages the smaller feline. His voice is light-hearted. Really, a lot of Izuku's work relied on scent. Herbs were sometimes easier to tell apart by scent than sight, and it was the best way to test stuff like infection. I mean .. it'd take a lot of training to make up for the blindness, but it was still managable. But even so, Izuku looks over the group. Okay. Okay. He's a little surprised Nui is participating. Izuku hadn't realized that she even knew anything about it, but, y'know, whatever.
"I -- If anybody wants to join in later, they're free to," Izuku announces. He's awfully nervous about this. He's just .. he's not sure. He's not used to hosting properly official events, as he's probably said many, many times, but he's still gotta try. Izuku spends yet another moment to collect himself before he smiles passively and rustles in his herb bag to fetch things. Marigold was too easy, that was one of Izuku's staple herbs. But .. it had an obvious usage, and it had other ones. It'd be good to hear if they knew of those. Marigold and peppermint. Hopefully it wouldn't take them too long for them to list the uses. .. It was just sort of .. this, how to treat wounds, how to bandage stuff, and then that was it. I mean, he was going to be pretty thorough about this, unfortunately for the people here, but to be fair the people who had the title would have to have mostly complete medicinal knowledge. "Okay, let's .. start off basic. For one, tell me about these two herbs. What are they, how are they used, and in what manners are they used?" As Izuku lists this off, he motions with a claw somewhat rhythmically. Being able to motion so freely was weird. Because both of his front legs were .. mostly intact and okay. Mostly. Anyways. Izuku's ears are pricked as he waits for the attendants' replies, however long it might take. As long as they figure it out eventually, Izuku doesn't mind waiting a minute, anyways.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

Herbs. Something Gwen had never really paid much attention to until now, but she approached anyways, curiousity getting the better of the grey kitsune, as she settled down a bit farther, easily recognizing the peppermint, but struggling with the name of the marigold. Peppermint leaves. She remembered sneaking into her family's garden, with her siblings in tow, when they were too young to understand why her parents looked down on her, and chewing on them, trying to get that sharp minty taste, even if it was only for a few fleeting moments. She had been unaware that they had medicinal properties until now. At least, she assumed so, from the fact that Izuku had them laid out.

"The leaves are peppermint, right?" Gwen said quietly, before adding, "I'm not sure what the yellow flowers are, though. S-sorry." She'd learn, eventually, but for now, she mustered up the courage for one more question.

"Do you g-grow the herbs here somewhere, or do you get them from somewhere else?" She was curious, considering the weather Snowbound was named for should prevent them from growing most plants, let alone medicinal herbs.

Re: BURIED IN VENICE ☀ evergreen tryouts - NUI HARIME - 08-08-2018

狡猾 / THE SLY

Nui's knowledge of herbs was about as limited as you'd expect. She knew little about a lot of herbs and their extensive uses.

But she had seen this flower before.

Her gaze roved over the bright puffy flower. So vivid like sunshine. She knew that plant. Back in the city, there were people who would grow them in their garden. Helped distracted the insects from eating the real important crops. The color attracted them. Marigold, they were called. Acted as a decoy of sorts, for the pests of the crop.

As Gwen made the peppermint leaves name known, Nui raised a claw to point to the herb spread before her. "That's marigold, right? It can be chewed up to spread over the wound," At least that much she knew. Though her knowledge on healing was few and far between, she was not so ignorant of the tidbits of information that slid past her ears.
"It can be used for cleansing wounds, I think. But which part do we chew up? The stem?"
Common knowledge told her that the stem of the plant had the most fluid, and perhaps the properties within that liquid were what made it valuable for healing.