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COMPRESSED SPACE // o, feral raptor - Printable Version

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COMPRESSED SPACE // o, feral raptor - axiom - 03-30-2018

The ancient beast could sense one of her sisters nearby; this instinct drove her to the boundary of the Ascendants' territory, tongue clicking in impatience as she circled the boundary. She did not understand the meaning of this scent line -- her reptilian and avian mix of instincts didn't understand the mammal need to mark territory in such a way. Still, after two passes, she surmised that there was nothing more to this smell than... well, the smell. It hardly seemed threatening to her. Nothing more than a nuisance to her nose.

And she could sense Blue had to be somewhere behind that scent line. She felt it in her bones and mind, without bothering to question where the knowledge came from. After all, she couldn't remember a time when she couldn't sense the others of her pack. And she was much too feral to care either way.

Stepping over the scent line, the large Utahraptor shook out her body in disdain, as though to rid her body of that repugnant odor. Her two legs took her with graceful celerity deeper into the canopy of trees. Growing increasingly certain that Blue was nearby, the teal raptor slowed in her pace as she grew slightly uncertain of the specific direction of her older sister. But, it seemed obvious to her instincts; time to let Blue know she was here. That she didn't know where the others were.

Opening her maw and displaying her sharp teeth, the raptor let out a loud screech of a broadcast call. Utterly nonsensical to most creatures, though certainly loud and offensive to the ear. Stopping momentarily, the large raptor cocked her head side to side as she looked around, trying to hone in on her sister's position.


Re: COMPRESSED SPACE // o, feral raptor - Sorrel - 03-30-2018

Utahraptors were regarded as vicious animals, especially when a human first saw them. Looking into the eye of such an impressive animal could either be a mistake, or a way to keep the beast from attack them. Utahraptors were capable creatures that were known for hunting well even without being in a pack thanks to their large size and the speeds that they could run. Indeed even if a pack wasn't necessary, it helped with the bonds that they shared that they were going to help in continuing their survival over the coming months, more like coming years as they were known to live for a large amount of time. Although the health of them may end up changing, as they hadn't lived through the years in secret in the wild. They had been created for a particular purpose and had been set out in the world to see if they were going to be strong enough to survive the human part of this area. The Utahraptors had obviously achieved far beyond their expectations, as being released as part of the testing that they were going through. They had arrived in a group of clans and existed with them, not really dealing with them for quite some time, before moving on from where they were. The humans had a mean of tracking the pack by the means of using the tracking chip that was in Blue's neck. Something that wasn't capable of being seen or found out about as there were no scars to show that she had undergone an operation before being thrown into the storage crate that her and her sisters had been in originally. They had tried to capture Blue once they believed that she had completed her testing, nearly killing her in the process of using an electrified net attached to a helicopter. Thanks to her sisters and a couple others she was able to barely escape with her life. Most groups when they saw them realized that they were a threat and were quick to drive them away without realizing the intelligence that they were capable of expressing.

Due to their time with the humans, the raptors had been able to understand some of the English language. That didn't mean they were capable of speaking it themselves. They had their own means of communication, something that was incredibly foreign to any sort of clanner that would try and listen to their words. They didn't even remotely speak in complete sentences, keeping to short words. The female knew that not getting to the point could be life and death for her pack. Something that Blue wasn't willing to risk when her entire pack had faith in her ability to keep them safe and find prime territory for them to hunt in. The raptors were also capable of speaking through body language. Some of which clanners may have forgotten if they weren't used to dealing with animals that primarily spoke in that manner. Body language was the primary way the raptors were able to communicate with other creatures as it gave them a signal whether or not that creature was to be ignored, whether they were a threat, or even if they were prey. Being opportunistic meant that even if they weren't hungry, they would most likely kill something just so that they would have food later. Finding prey wasn't always guaranteed no matter where the pack ended up going. That much Blue was certain with her experience, and it was because of this experience that she was the leader of the pack at the moment until Owen did end up finding them again. She only knew of one creature that existed in this place, and it was better than nothing. It meant that they were more than capable of gathering food from the clanners instead of eating them. Eating them would just pose to be problems, which didn't really cause Blue all that much concern because she could take out any clanner that came her way. Dealing with humans, however, was an entirely different story. Blue had almost hated humans since she was pretty much a hatchling. They constantly touched her without her giving permission. They bound her mouth so that she couldn't snap at them and strapped her to tables. It was practically torture to a wild animal that just wanted to run away, even if it meant going back to the cage that she and her sisters had become accustomed to. The Utahraptor didn't enjoy the ones that wore the white coats because it usually brought some sort of pain and anxiety. Whenever humans she didn't know were outside of her cage, Blue would be quick to be aggressive toward them, warning them away. Blue had no idea that they were most likely helping her to a degree, checking her health and blood to make sure that she didn't die in the process of growing. Having been the first successful raptor to be hatched and survive a day after hatching, she was an important asset.

The blue-ish grey Utahraptor had only arrived in this strange new territory for the past couple of days. She had started studying the prey animals that lived in this place, and wondered what it would be like to actually establish a nest in this place. Once the raptors established a nest inside of a territory, it was near impossible to try and get them to leave. Blue didn't quite understand why she was able to feel that her sisters were going to be okay. Instinct. That's what some humans often called when they had a hunch about something that was happening. The only issue she found with the territory was the fact that it was fairly open for her liking. The color of her scales provided great camouflage in the shadows compared to hiding in the long grass. Her other sisters would be more prime for hunting in those areas. Luckily she was more than capable of running down most of the prey that did exist in this area. The female had been sitting near a stream, sunning herself in the afternoon heat to make herself a little bit more comfortable in the warmer climate. She was also near the water source because she had been thirsty and wanted something to drink before heading out to scout the area again. A call rang out loud into the air a couple moments later as she was looking at the water. One who had been looking at Blue would see an automatic change in her body language as she seemed to stiffen and raise her head up into the air. Cocking her head to the side so that her ear was able to listen to the rest of the call. Excitement bubbled up in her chest, causing her to rise up to her feet, her nine inch long sickle claws tapping the ground. Her heavily scarred body turned toward the direction where she heard the sound was coming from. Raptor calls carrying for several miles depending on the call used. Rearing up to her full height, using her heavily muscular tail to keep her balance, the Utahraptor would open her jaws and let out a return broadcast all. Each raptor had a different pitch and tone that they called out with, and she knew exactly which sister this was. One that was over, she pressed her arms to her side and sprinted in the direction, and it didn't take very long to see her younger sister in the distance. Blue skidded to a stop in front of the teal Utahraptor, not taking note of any of wounds on her body that was good. As soon as she arrived on the scene though, her body language displayed her power. Her tail raised in the air and her head high like an Alpha would be. However, she was excited, so her body weight shifted from leg to leg. 'Delta' Blue babbled in their own tone, huffing slightly from the run that she had made. Blue began to chuff as she looked at her younger sister, who at this point was basically as big as he was. 'Hurt? See others?' Blue babbled again as her amber eyes were trained on her sister. She was wondering if her sister ended up seeing either Charlie or Echo on her way here. She knew that they were fine and could take care of themselves, but it was her job to take care of her pack.