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FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - Printable Version

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FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - SOCKING - 08-01-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
from the moment she awoke she felt a deep ache in her back. she felt as if her spine had split itself in two overnight. the firebrand rolled from her bed with a grunt, jaws split open as she huffed her agony. she was still so damn tired and yet for some reason her body decided to fuck with her.

stocking grunted and groaned her disapproval. even plip seemed to be attuned to her suffering. the plant belched in response, releasing a plume of nasty smelling fluid. stocking coughed as the smell within her cabin worsened even further, and narrowed her eyes as the mutated pitcher plant's vines slid towards her. what the fuck?

"god damn it plip, don't kill me," the day was coming, wasn't it? the day that plip finally decided to have enough of her bullshit and offed her. probably use her corpse as sustenance. she would be the biggest meal they ever received in a while. but damn it. she thought they had something special.

instead of the vines coming to choke or drag her back towards the owner's mouth like she expected, it instead slithered towards her back, wrapping itself around...

oh god what.

she felt a new type of sensation. as if there was another limb or two sitting atop her spine. it felt odd, as if her body had somehow expanded.

stocking was quick to glance backwards, horrified to see too baby wings laying limp betwixt her spine. it was no bigger than her head, and she realized she could truly feel the sensation within those two, tiny wings. plip's vines coaxed the two appendages into unfurling, revealing white, glossy feathers and wings untrained with flight.

back in heaven, stocking had wings. they were glorious, magnificent things, divine and ethereal. but they had been stripped from her when she landed.

and now they were... back?
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - madster - 08-01-2018

malphas regularly visited stocking- the two were good friends, ever since malphas had healed her up after her little fall from heaven. she had been his first patient, and unfortunately, not his last. he decided to visit her today too, not really having anything to bring with him this time, so he hoped his presence would be enough.

he pretty much just barged into her room, not the most polite animal, when he got a good look at her. her skinny body, long dark fur, and stunning eyes were all the usual... but she had grown gorgeous, angelic wings that seemed to glimmer in the light of day. he couldn't even look at her- it was like having a staring contest with the sun and it almost hurt his eyes. she was a being of holy goodness, and he was a disgusting alcoholic. "h-hey, stocking..." he stammered out, clearly nervous, avoiding eye contact. "how's... the.. weather?"

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - arrow - 08-01-2018

[color=black] "You really shouldn't go busting into people's-" Arrow stopped mid complaint as she looked over Malphas' shoulder, getting a glance at what made him such a weakling all of a sudden. Well, more than usual.

Her head tilted, blinking a few times at the new wings Stocking had grown all of a sudden. She rubbed her eyes, making sure she wasn't hallucinating because she could have sworn those were not there before. How did those just grow overnight? Were there any knots on her back prior to this? Maybe this had something to do with her being an angel, angels had wings right? "Holy fuck." Haha. Holy. She looked around, gaze landing on the plant that had called this place home. "You seein' this?" She asked Plip, knowing the mutated vegetal abomination wouldn't answer. Still, it was rude not to include them.

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - SOCKING - 08-01-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking herself, was sure as hell surprised. she never imagined that she'd gain her wings again. just like her stockings, they were something sweet to her, and sacred. a representation of her (former) angelhood.

the wings atop of her back were small and delicate. nothing like her once majestic and glorious wings.

she spots malphas by the door, seeming to recoil away from her and stocking looks on in worry. "malph... you okay?"

there's arrow too, standing at the entrance. there's traces of shock among her face. stocking casts arrow a shy, unsure smile. tilting her eyebrows up in a silent indication that she has absolutely no fucking idea what's going on. there's attention on her from two of her friends, and suddenly the feline is feeling a little subconscious.

the only indication plip has ever 'heard' the chocolate brown oriental is by the subtle growl from within his belly, the grumble provoking a gaseous bubble within the pitcher plant's stomach. a bubble pops from it's ovule-like container and floats from it's jaws.

"nope, plip ain't seeing shit," comes her steady, deadpanned reply. it's the only question she knows how to answer as of now. subconsciously, stocking attempts to the muscles and ligaments in her wings, wondering if she can truly get them respond to her commands. they barely respond with a pitiful flutter. fucking great.

"homeboy has no eyes. he's optically challenged." in response to her words, plip's lips flexes. she isn't sure if that's the vegetation's subtle way of responding to her... if it's even sentient at all. she severely doubts it. while it may respond to stimuli, it doesn't have the brains required to make such intelligent feedback... right?
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - delphinium - 08-02-2018

- While she wasn't quite as rude as Malphas to burst in without prompting, curiosity drew her closer as Arrow also approached the home of Stocking as the trio exchanged words Delphinium could hardly make out. Slipping out of the entrance of the aged greenhouse, deep sea coloured paws led her away from her home toward the slight commotion. Rising on her toes to peer easily over Arrow once she arrived, olive eyes grazed curiously across the trio to spot what exactly drew them all together and if it was worth sticking around for or if she was just being unnecessarily nosy. The sight that greeted her was in fact unusual - Malphas stumbling over his words around Stocking certainly wasn't anything new, but rather the new addition the dark feline had gained. Delphinium's eyes lit up as she squeezed past Arrow into Stocking's home, excitement overriding common courtesy to enter Stocking's home.

"You have wings!" The kitsune enthused over the obvious that had yet to be spoken aloud, leaning forward on her toes as her own shortened wings unraveled from her side. Those that had gathered had downplayed the new growth, but to Delphinium her new wings meant much more than a simple appearance. She had not met another creature with wings outside of the Sanctuary. She had seen many other anomalies and mutations, but even against a backdrop of oddities the sensation of not fitting in was a chilling one. Physically, emotionally, the feeling of estrangement ran icy through her veins at the worst times. But to see young wings so much like her own yet so different was an odd comfort. Delphinium took a step closer to Stocking, cautious not to invade the feline's personal space while still closing the gap. Ruffling her inky feathers, Delphinium spread her clipped wings to to compare them. "They're so pretty, too! Did you just get them?" It seemed like a rather obvious question, but Delphinium had only been in Tanglewood for so long and it had already proven to be full of surprises. Delphi couldn't say for certain whether the ivory feathers were a new addition or not.

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - SOCKING - 08-02-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking was used to being the center of attention. she was by no means a shy girl or a stuttering antisocial twat. when the situation called for it, she had no issue flaunting about the reason for other's awareness towards her.

but the sudden arrival of something so shockingly precious to her had baffled stocking into silence momentarily, the crowding of clanmates at her door further stifling her into silence.

delphinium's excitement was sharp and bright; exhilaration at the newfound discover clear in her gaze.

finally finding a way to free her dry tongue from the roof of her mouth, stocking spoke.

"yea, they just appeared suddenly. overnight i guess, i don't know how," her words were accompanied by a shrug, and the fallen angel was pleased to note that her wings shifted with the movement. with the prospect of wings, so many ideas came to mind. the first of that, being flight. but obviously, they were fall too small at the moment to support her entire body weight.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - madster - 08-02-2018

malphas looked back at her, his expression softening. she was beautiful- malphas had always imagined angels to be horrifying, multi-winged creations that would burn his eyes if he looked at them, but stocking was his personal angel. "i'm fine," he muttered, quickly, tearing his crimson eyes away from her, clearly embarrassed by his reaction. he wasn't supposed to catch feelings! she was his patient, he was her doctor, and she was a lazy stoner glutton who named her plan 'pussy lips'.

but she was also gorgeous, kind, considerate, and most of all fun to talk to. he looked back at her. "y-you're.. beautiful, god damn it, alright- i said it," he was so flustered it was comical, clearly not ever having to deal with this emotion before.

Re: FLY AWAY NOW | o, discovery - SOCKING - 08-04-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking never considered herself beautiful before. though she was confident in her appearance, the former angel assumed that there was always something to be left desired with her.

hearing malphas call her beautiful, was something of a shock to her.

though she wasn't the one to fluster easily at comments-- she had surpassed that stage long ago-- it still revealed itself to be a stunning divulgence from malphas's own lips. normally, stocking was prideful of such compliments. even dismissive. but malphas had proved himself to be something of a mystery to her. a mystery that she wouldn't dismiss.

stocking turned to him, blinking as if it were akin to disbelief in the light of his revelation.

'i said it.'

"good on you man," then her lips tilted upwards into a bright little smile, lips crinkling at the edges. today was a good day.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯