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EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - Printable Version

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EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - arcy - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Dean doesn't know why he signed himself up for this. Dean wasn't a diplomat -- he was a hunter. Honestly, he'd probably fuck up whatever alliance Sunhaven wanted to seek out, and that would be that. Though, he isn't sure why he's concerned. He's barely sure why he joined Sunhaven, or why he's getting so invested to begin with. If he made a mistake and got kicked out, so what? .. But, y'know. Dean. Didn't really want that to happen. But, at least, Dean doesn't think he'll have to deal with this alone. He's pretty sure some of his, uh, clanmates had followed him here, so Dean wouldn't have to take charge on shit he didn't understand. Seriously, Dean didn't know shit about clans, he's not sure why he's here.
At least walking here was easy. Dean knows how to travel. He's done it his entire life, y'know? He's been to a lot of places. That .. doesn't mean Dean has to appreciate the cold, though. The canine shudders. Ugh. Who the fuck wanted to live in a place like this. But, well, Dean wasn't going to judge their shitty lifestyle choices. Anyways. He can scent the border that he just nearly crossed over. He's here, then. The canine sighs as he promptly seats himself. Now he just had to wait for the Snowbounders to show up. It shouldn't be too long, at the least. Or -- hopefully wouldn't be. I mean, territories were pretty big, but what the fuck did Dean know about clans?

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - madster - 08-01-2018

henri would make a pretty good diplomat. he was charismatic, energetic, and most of all could fake any emotion. he was quite the liar, as it turned out, but he was a good one. he was an ambassador to the moonlight vale, but his lack of vision made it hard for him to actually visit places.

henri heard the other's breathing. it was somewhat creepy- even if one didn't say anything, he could hear their desperate pants in the cold weather. he strolled over, vacant eyes wide, with a grin on his face. "greetings and salutations! you don't smell like a snowbounder," he observed, tilting his head. "mmm... what's the matter? why are you here?" he asked politely.

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - jericho - 08-02-2018

There's a good reason Jericho chose the beach for Sunhaven's dwelling — of course, besides the fact that he holds a certain penchant for the seaside and that greenhouse and the quaint town that reminds him of the beach city.  It's quite warm there, even the mountains (save for the peak).  Jericho doesn't think he's built to survive in the cold, he's too weak and thin from lack of protein, but he's just never enjoyed winter.  Even on the hottest days he doesn't mind the sun's intense warmth washing over him, setting his ginger pelt aflame and bathing him in liquid gold.  Besides, so few plants grow in the cold, and Jericho doesn't know how he'd live without Sunhaven's wide array of flora to spend tending to and harvesting.  In other words, Snowbound's territory is not for the Helion. 

The little tabby trudges through the snow after Dean, doing his best to follow in the footsteps of his larger clanmate.  Though he cannot see his footfalls in the thin blanket that lies on the ground, Jericho's parted jaws catch his scent on his tongue and he steers in whichever direction the snow feels thinner under his own paws.  While Dean is certainly not alone, the tom's arrival is slightly delayed — his strides are much shorter, after all, without even mentioning his blindness and missing leg.  Albeit lopsidedly, Jericho manages to finally reach the german shepherd, coming to a slightly relieved halt at the canine's side with a light exhale.

He's hardly even halted when he hears a strange voice.  The feline's head lifts, ears pricked attentively — it seems they've already been joined.  "Oh!  Ah, w-we're from Sunhaven," the ginger feline speaks up in explanation, offering a small, polite smile.  He blinks, honey-hued eyes gazing just past Henri unseeingly, though peering with genuine warmth nevertheless.  "I'm Jericho, um, but w-we're a new group around here and wanted to... t-to come by and visit.  And I also — uh, I also wanted to discuss th-the possibility of an alliance?  We have a lot of merchants, ah, I-I thought we could come and trade, too."  The male falls silent to keep himself from rambling, albeit rather sheepishly.

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - Dimitri - 08-02-2018

Sunhaven.... that sounded like a nice place to live. Way better than Snowbound. Darby wasn’t a huge fan of the cold, even if they could shift their body to withstand it. The tom appeared to them- initially, as Dimitri. The small tom with four white legs and a white nose. Maybe he wanted to mess with them as he shifted, becoming a bigger tom with dark green eyes, white paws, and a white splotch across his left eye and chest.
"Howdy partners...” Why did he talk like that sometimes? It wasn’t really cool of him. "Snowbound is a merchant type place, but we’re still working on setting up some.” Man. He was hungry. Was Dimitri hungry? Maybe he should go hunt. Wonder what he would catch. "As for an alliance.... that’s a bit out of my authority. You’ll have to wait for one of the higher ups to get here.”


Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-03-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
"I'm here." Atbash said as she came over, although her voice portrayed how much pain she was whenever she talked. It was getting easier to talk sure, but there was still a shockwave of pain that went through her every time she opened her mouth. The she-cat looked at Jericho and tilted her head. "I'm the leader here, name's Atbash. Who are your current allies and enemies?" She asked, trying to run through the questions Bastilleprisoner had asked her when she went. "What can you offer us beside the whole merchant system you have?" They were competition in a sense.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - galexiux - 08-03-2018

  Did they just accept anyone as an ally? ... she supposed so. Was this going to end up being like the typhoon where they were allies for a few hot moments, lost touch, and almost went to war? Cry stole a glace at Atbash, her eyes scanning over the cat's scars. God... She hoped not. She crow ruffled her feathers, puffing up slightly. What's your war policy? She spoke before she could catch herself. Was she being a helicopter friend? Yes. She was willing to admit her faults. But with both Atbash and Izuku getting cut and chopped every tuesday, she felt like she had a right to be upset and protective. If she couldn't protect, what else could she do? She wasn't good at anything else.


Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - axiom - 08-04-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress decided to come along, curious about the snowy group more than anything else - as far as she heard, the group would be useless if they needed military aid. She also isn't convinced that they make the best allies, due to their isolation; when she hears Jericho speak about an alliance, she narrows her eyes at him in an act of blatant annoyance. "What does Snowbound trade? And what allies do you guys have, in return?" she asked, her vermillion gaze turning to the members of the tribe as she speaks. Quantum doesn't like that Jericho simply assumes that they'll fit well as allies to Sunhaven; she's heard about how spineless Atbash is, which makes her assume that they'll make fairweather friends at best.

"We don't seak out war, but we're not afraid of defending our home," she added, pointedy looking at Cry. Quantum doesn't even understand what the fuck that question is asking; it's poorly worded and generic, so she supplied a generic answer in return.

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - jericho - 08-04-2018

/rushed and i didn't get to proofread so sorry fdbsgnbbfgn

Jericho's ears prick as Dimitri speaks.  So they are merchants too, so to speak?  That sounds like good news to the Helion — maybe they'll have good stuff to trade!  He's about to open his mouth to reply when another scent hits his tongue at the approach of Atbash, and he closes his mouth once more to allow her to speak.  Amber eyes, though blindly staring beyond the Snowbound leader, remain attentively polite.  When she finishes her questions he dips his head and pauses, Quantum having already jumped to reply.  He doesn't mind the tigress's speaking on his behalf, and Jericho is largely oblivious to the lack of respect she holds for him.  That said, he's certainly less skeptical than she is; if the Snowbounders would like to offer their own explanation he certainly won't mind, but Jericho also understands that Sunhaven still needs to prove themselves.  While Sunhaven is swiftly growing and already powerful enough in their own right, Snowbound is already an established group and Sunhaven is incredibly new, and Jericho thinks that's good enough reason to have them on their side.  They could always use friends. 

"Uh, w-well, trade's a pretty big thing for us, but otherwise we've got our... ah, fair share of trained fighters and medics.  Our o-other main focus is social stuff, meaning if you're interested in events we'll have lots t-to invite you to," the little tabby explains.  To be fair, commerce is their focal point, but so is the social aspect as well as the guilds.  At the war policy question he nods at Quantum's response with a small, polite smile.  "I'm, ah, s-seeking an alliance with the Ascendants and Tanglewood, too.  No enemies, um, yet.  And we don't start wars unless th-there's no other options, but we... we're willing to finish them."  Goodness, he sure hopes they won't have any enemies in the near future.  Sunhaven has been relatively peaceful thus far and while he understands why war may be necessary, he by no means welcomes it.  With a little exhale the tom's unseeing eyes flicker about towards Atbash's direction as he falls into patient silence, awaiting a reply.

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Were they seriously considering an alliance with this group? Yes, of course. It would benefit them, in Atbash's opinion and having competition isn't ideal. The she-cat tilted her head in thought at Quantum's question, frowning. "We have different kinds of businesses." She started to explain, trying to figure out she wanted to word this. "So far, we have a shop dedicated to making different clothes and accessories, as well as one that offers gemstone necklaces." Was she indirectly saying they didn't have a lot of things to offer right now? Yep. "As for our allies, we're allied with The Ascendants and Moonlight Vale. We don't have any enemies." The Typhoon had been attacking them for a brief hour, but that has since passed.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Was she being paranoid? Yeah. Of course she was. Though they were not enemies with the Typhoon anymore, Cry was one to hold a grudge. They attacked her lov-... Their leader unprovoked becasue they were petty and cannibalistic. It was disgusting. She bet they liked. Kicked babies or something. Some messed up stuff was going down there. Why Jacob ever thought it was a good idea to move there, she'd never know. something about true love or something like that. Ugh.

  The corvid clicked her beak, staring up at those who answered her question. From the sounds of things, they were aggressive pacifists. Peace lovers that will attack if needed. Honestly, it was the best route to take, if you had to ask her. She nodded in response. Good to know. Just to be safe.

  Just to keep them safe.
