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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
When Pincher had gone out to rescue Jacob, his mission had been interrupted by some babbling drunken canine that had been outlining the border of the Ascendants. Pincher had weighed his options, believing that perhaps if he was able to capture one of their members, he would use the male as a trading coin for his fiance. He knew he could probably infiltrate the territory by himself since he was familiar with it and was ready to show what happened when you took someone important to him but he didn't have time. He didn't want to and so he had first knocked out the male, dragging him into a hidden spot that he could easily return to. But right as he had been heading deeper into the territory, someone else confronted him, this time sober and clearly annoyed that he was trespassing. Pincher then took a few nasty cuts that littered his tattooed form but nothing too bad as the demigod overtook the stranger and dragged him back as well. He had two bodies now for the counting and frankly had been craving for more. Yet, he knew that his luck was wearing thin especially when it became obvious more of those star bastards were coming out and he needed to leave before he was overtaken by a shrieking cloud of them.

The muscular male had shapeshifted into his large obsidian form as a dragon and spreading his wings, launched into the air with the two captures, his icy blue eyes narrowed with frustration. He didn't like going against his plans but this was an advantegous event that he didn't want to miss so he flew back to the isolated volcanic island, his figure dead silent in the night sky as he traveled before arriving at dawn. One figure he gripped in his front legs while the other was slumped on his tough back as the male caught sight of the lighthouse and went to drop Cass to the sandy ground before descending down to land with his leathery wings closing by his side and he aimed to roll off Roman from his back to hit the ground as well. Before any of the two could wake up, Pincher barked out an order to bring steel chains and wrapped them around the prisoners with his figure shifting back to his jaguar form, upper lip curled in frustration as he tightened the chains so they would be unable to escape. "Should've just dumped your asses into the middle of the sea." rumbled the storm gray captain with his long tail lashing behind him, clearly not in the best mood despite succeeding in capturing.

[member=1223]CASS ★[/member] & [member=1420]romanempire[/member]

Re: CANNIBAL DINNER — DOUBLE CAPTURE - charrie graveyard - 08-01-2018

Cass had no idea what was going on between his clan and the Typhoon. A few NPCs had made it known to him that there were pirates sneaking around, but the drunken canine didn't concern himself with it. "That would never happen to me" he would tell himself, chuckling. But he had been wrong, oh so wrong. A few beers later and he had found himself wandering too far. The next thing he knew, the german shepherd was hitting the sand covered ground, a grunt escaping him as he fell. Unable to find his strength yet, vision blurred and senses distorted, he could do nothing as he was bound up, eyes flickering to and fro as he examined his surroundings. Where in hell?

"Should've just dumped your asses into the middle of the sea"

Pincher's voice was ultimately what made him snap back to reality, shaking his head as he gazed in confusion up at the jaguar. "Who the fuck are you? Where the hell are we?" He asked, blue eyes narrowed to slits. Then, as if not noticing the chains around his body, he would turn his head to each of his sides, looking for something. "And where the hell is my beer?"

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #0FDDAF; font-size: 24px;"]— CASS


[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"Holyy shit, man. You actually managed to catch two people?" Came the voice of a large, black and brown german shepherd as Owen rushed to the scene, amusement in his eyes. How did two idiots get caught at once? "Please don't tell me these guys belong to the Ascendants." Owen chuckled, a loud click escaping his maw as he snapped his jaws closed. It was a habit of his, from hanging around the raptors more often now. He practically slept with them, except he actually kept a little distance. He usually woke up to them curled up against him anyways.

Re: CANNIBAL DINNER — DOUBLE CAPTURE - rochelle - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer did her best to keep out of the situation of the Typhoon and the Ascendants. Of course, she prepared herself to heal and care for those that got injured on their antics with raiding and capturing, but that was about it. She was blind, and it wasn't like she was ever looking to fight to begin with. The politics about it, though, was a moot point. The Typhoon were raiders and robbers, they looted and pirated like there was no tomorrow, it would be uncharacteristic to suggest not to do so. Above all, Fischer knew the Typhoon was about freedom and expression to be oneself, so as much as someone might encourage her to be a bit more physical and violent, they wouldn't tread, and neither would she. It was a natural harmony.

Still, the scent of the Ascendants alarmed the black smoke, who instantly stood on all fours, whiskers swaying about. Her snout was turned towards the air, trying to pin point where the scent was coming from. Intruders? Or captures? It was hard for her to tell, until she recognized Pincher's presence. Her attention switched to Owen though, who earned a confused look from Fischer. "I'm ... I'm pretty sure they're from the Ascendants ..." She murmured, a bit blankly, but having no tone of malice or superiority. The lack of her sight was making it a bit difficult to catch the humor in the other's tone, leading to her to wonder how he didn't know they were Ascendants. Oh Fischer, with time she would get back on track.

Re: CANNIBAL DINNER — DOUBLE CAPTURE - Character Graveyard. - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]A double capture? Now- that was quite the sight. A invisible-brow raised, Eliza would make her way over and she would take a seat down, clearly intrigued. "Nice catch, Cap. If you don't mind me asking, do you mind if I have some fun of these two? I've been feeling a little bored." The lioness would muse, before her dark-hues focused on Romanempire.

In her personal opinion, Cass didn't seem that interesting of a captive. He was drunk, so he could possibly end up vomiting if anyone hurt him in anyway. Plus, there was the possibility that he might start to cry and the other one might not start crying so easily.


Kazumi was alot more interesting in the two captures thier leader had brought in other then to actually paying attention to be impressed over thier leader double work here. Sure, many would most likely be impressed especially since it was the leader and everything but he for one did not cared to pay much of details in stuff like that. Beside, one of them was clearly drunk and anyone should know there was not much of a challenge to take down a wasted alcoholic, right?. Aha, maybe it was only him how thought so but admittedly wasn't one of them how would feel like this was a such big of a deal, leader or not, Kaz barely acknowledge thier leader 'hard' work in this. But he did paid a briefly second to twitch his nose as he smelt the stank of alcohol over the alcoholic one. Perhaps he was a little bit to quick to judge, to make a such assumption like that one but he really had no name to call the other so believed that was a suiteable name to adress that drunk guy by for the time being.

" Hey Pinky once ya are done with this two, would ya allow me to play with them a bit as well?." He of course had picked one of the most ridiculous nicknames to the leader out of all people. Kaz had a very weird taste when he picked nicknames for others and most of the time they didn't even fit in any way the other person like this one did. But he still liked that one. It gave a bit of brightfulness to thier leader, the complete opposite to the being he truly was. But enough about that. Kazumi was somewhat hoping for a positive reply from the Captain since he really wanted to have some fun as well. It had been a while and he was a bit hungry as well. It didn't even concern him on why this two had been taken here or that Pinky's lover had been taken from his home. He was rather disinterested in that to be honest.

Re: CANNIBAL DINNER — DOUBLE CAPTURE - tikki - 08-01-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.
[[ I’m on mobile so sorry for a shorter reply, or any typos. Giving a warning in advance <3 ]]

Roman had not expected to be captured so soon into being promoted, or so soon into having joined a clan. In his couple years in the body that he was currently in, he could only remember ever being captured once, and that had been when he was a kitten, before he had learned how to defend himself, and before he had gotten all of his powers. Though now his powers didn’t seem to work anymore, he still knew how to defend himself, though it seemed as though he would have issue with that considering his own condition of being held in chains.

Ears pricked for a sign of exactly where they could be, Roman would pin them to his head when he heard what he didn’t want to - waves lapping at the edge of some shore nearby. It seemed as though they were on an island of some sort which meant the rumors he had heard of the Typhoon’s territory was true, and that even if he did manage to escape he would have a hard time actually pulling through and leaving, his fear of water being the factor that would freeze him on the spot, telling him it was too dangerous to move close to it. Too dangerous to go onto the tracks that was the only way out of the Typhoon territory, and the sure way he would die. He was sure that would be how he would die was by drowning. Again. Shit.

Head would turn over to those that were there, eyes squinting slightly in a small glare as he looked at each individual as they spoke, eyes rolling as he heard what they said. Whether or not they were simply speaking to try to scare them or because they actually wanted to hurt them, Roman had heard it plenty of times before. Every anti-clan had the same animals willing to do whatever it took to get someone else to bleed, someone else to be in pain and cry and be tortured. Sure, Roman had done torture and shit like that before, had even been tortured - the scarring of the burns on his body showed that - but he tried to not let the others enjoy it either way. He might be older but he was tough and had a death wish.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]captures. junji knew full well where he lived, the typhoon being a fierce and ruthless clan of pirates, but he had never enjoyed this part of being here. he was smart enough to not complain, yet he always wanted to speak up, say it wasn't right. he knew better. they wouldn't listen; it was a group of pirates, after all, and after being here so long he should be used to it. but it all left a bad taste in his mouth.

the feline padded over slowly, opting to seat himself by fischer, letting out a soft chirp to alert the blind feline of his presence. he'd hate to startle her, but it was hard not to scare a blind person. even so, it was the polite thing to do. junji curled his tail around his paws and slowly drew his gaze over the captives, ocean eyes lingering on romanempire for a moment. it was obvious the man had seen his share of tortures, possibly been in this situation before. he couldn't help but frown a bit, and though he wished to offer a murmur of comfort to the male, he kept quiet. instead, jun turned his eyes back up to pincher, wondering what the captain was going to do with them.