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HARD KNOCK LIFE / o, power discovery - Printable Version

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HARD KNOCK LIFE / o, power discovery - charrie graveyard - 08-01-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It was strange, not having a mission to attend to anymore. Perhaps it was his habitual nature that made him feel so restless, so empty without something to do, but he could barely stand it. Connor was left pacing in the zen garden, the koi fish making circles in the water beside him as they begged for food. He had already feed them today, but he often couldn't resist the cute little looks they gave him, sometimes giving them a little extra . Today wasn't one of those days, however- he had too much on his mind. He needed... he needed to take a walk. With that, the tabby mumbled goodbyes to the koi and made his way out of the garden, heading back to the beach.

It made him wonder- did all deviants feel this way? Were they all as restless as he after breaking free from their program? If so, how did they not go absolutely insane with all the thoughts running through their brains? Or perhaps... it was just him. Shaking his head, Connor would let out a frustrated growl. Maybe he should have stayed obedient- no, no take that back. If he had stayed obedient, he would have left his family, then where would he be? In a foreign land with foreign animals he had no ties to- and for what? Some stupid mission he didn't even know why he had to complete? Being deviant was far better than that.

Shaking his head as he walked along the edge of the water, a distantly familiar scent would hit his nose. He hadn't smelt this in a while... could it be? Looking up, Connor spotted the source of the scent in the distance, a... white mass? Picking up his pace, the tabby soon found out it was not, in fact, just a white mass- it was a massive polar bear... bleeding blue. Just to be certain, the male would dip one paw in small pool of blood forming under the creature, giving it a lick. No doubt about it, this was a URS12- a polar bear, another experiment, just like him. But... what is it doing out here? Why did it wash up in the Typhoon?  Connor would raise a paw to gently touch the polar bear, not at all expecting what would happen next.

Without any warning, Connor felt his entire being suddenly leave his tabby body, leaving it to collapse beside the URS12. Minutes seemed to pass before a sharp intake could be heard from the polar bear, the tiny circle on its head flickering and turning blue. Blinking its eyes in confusion, it stumbled to its feet, extremely unsteady. What... the hell? Connor... had transferred his system to the URS12? But how? His thought process was interrupted as pain shot through his right shoulder, causing him to swing his head in its direction to look. A massive gash could be seen, leaking blue blood onto the sand. From this vantage point, he could see his tabby body, collapsed and powered down on the beach beside him. Shit, how in hell would he explain this to the others?


Re: HARD KNOCK LIFE / o, power discovery - PINCHER - 08-01-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't particularly believe in missions. He didn't think anyone would be able to stick to something that they had placed themselves to complete even if it was for the "greater good", whatever the fuck that meant. Which is why he had been rather shocked when Connor had to leave to complete the mission that he had arrived to the Typhoon for. He didn't think that Connor needed to but he was oblivious to the technology that humans had created to achieve complete power over animals despite them being ones. He despised humans after the shit they had done to him, impaling him and leading to his death. Sure it had been one individual that had struck him down but he had always had a rather conflicted outlook towards them. They created both disgusting unnecessary things while also making things valuable and essential to some lifestyles. He personally didn't need to use anything made by humans but then again, Pincher was a simple guy that only desired a complicated life for certain hidden reasons. His hatred for humans only grew when Connor had been put to believe that his mission was more important than his family but he had been overjoyed when he had seen his adoptive son return to the island with the intentions to stay.

He knew that Connor wasn't exactly the best at socializing, his formalities tending to be a bit of a peculiar situation when speaking to drunken pirates that were prone to rough slang. But he was glad that he still stuck around and found enjoyment in the garden that he had with the koi fish and remained rather secluded than Pincher cared to admit. He didn't really mind because he was just happy that he was safe. The towering jaguar had been searching for Connor in hopes of spending some time with him but when he didn't find him in his personal little haven, Pincher became worried. He called out and traveled around within the jungle before deciding he should check the beaches for any clue onto where the blue/gray tabby was. Yet, as he arrived to the beach where Connor was now, his figure froze.

Why was Connor's body lying limp on the floor and a polar bear looking down at him? Pincher's warm aqua blue eyes suddenly widened with horror, his breath catching in his throat as he took a small step back. Not again, not again, not again. Large chips of ice and electricity bounced off of Pincher as the memories of losing his firstborn sons began to haunt him. The usual quick-witted demigod was now lost for words before his claws unsheathed, digging into the warm sand. Maybe he wasn't dead? Maybe it was a misunderstanding? The polar bear didn't seem to be hungry and eating him so maybe there was still a chance. "Who the fuck are you?! What did you do to Connor?!" snarled Pincher, his upper lip curling to reveal glinting ivory white fangs that were ready to bite down to create more damage onto the polar bear.

Re: HARD KNOCK LIFE / o, power discovery - bubblegum - 08-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl was absolutely ecstatic to have connor back. she loved talking to him and thought him to be a very interesting guy. he was very polite and all around kind. he had seemed determined to accomplish his mission, whatever exactly that'd been. she respected that, even if she had been sad to see him go. she was sure he'd do a great job, either way. but, the sadness was short-lived. she appreciated that a lot.

she had been wandering around the territory with lynn when she'd caught scent of her papa, deciding to follow his trail. she was sure he'd run into something either she could help with or she could just hang out with him. either way, she'd be happy to see him. it made her nervous to be away for very long, even now. the young girl had a small smile upon her features as she did, feeling pretty glad. things were going all around very well.

she spotted the male approaching the beach, stumbling a little quicker as she caught sight of him. though, her expression became concerned as she saw him react to something. she looked over, realizing there was a bear standing over...connor. connor's body was limp. had he fallen asleep? she moved quicker, but when she heard her papa's snarl and saw the blood, she let in a sharp breath.

not connor. not him, too. no more. don't let anyone else get hurt or die. why did she let this happen? she felt guilt and rage flow through her. this bear needed to stand back. this bear needed to get away from her crew. nobody hurt he family - absolutely no one. she would have no mercy on anyone who dared to.

her tired, striking green eyes shot towards the bear and she now ran towards the much larger figure, letting out a hiss. "get the hell away from 'im!" she spat in a cold voice, electricity sparking out of her paws. she jumped over connor's body, attempting to push the bear away, likely resulting in him getting a minor shock. lynn clumsily flew behind her, letting out alarmed screes.