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BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - Printable Version

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BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - beck. - 08-01-2018

    When he tilted his head to the afternoon sky, the rounded disc of copper barely visible against the backdrop of a gloomy sky was enough to remind him of what was so important about tonight. Another full moon, yet with its ivory face replaced by a blood orange tinge. He hadn't seen an eclipse in a while, and judging by the moon's distorted reflection, the universe had scheduled one sometime this week. As long as it didn't interrupt their chance for a vigil, then Beck didn't mind too much. What was so amazing about the sun or the moon or some other planet blocking each other? Maybe for creatures who didn't have an eternity to spend stargazing, it was, but the poltergeist didn't stop everything to gawk at some stupid red moon.

    Instead he carried about his business as usual, gathering the leftover masks from the previous vigil, rigging the cemetery with traps and covering up surfacing corpses, and draining an old rickety boar of its blood into buckets. Despite the concerned looks a few passerby shot at him, the poltergeist wobbled up onto the cemetery's low brick wall near the entrance gate, hiding the teetering buckets of pig blood under an overgrown shrub just as the sun was beginning to tuck in for the night. The expected burlap sack of assorted masks had been propped up against the wall, along with multiple squares of vibrant red cloth. Everything looked ready to go, but something felt missing.

    What else was he forgetting? A puzzled look warped his face as he smeared the boar's blood coating his paws on the porous brick he perched on, a glint of recollection entering his glare as his scarred lips mouthed an "oh." A mask, he needed his mask. Where had he put it again? Glancing around at the wall beneath his feet before remembering, Beck suddenly reached a paw into his gut, the limb phasing through and disturbing his otherwise stable apparition as he fished around for his stored mask, pulling out the accessorized skull from seemingly his own gut without a wince. Turning over the mask to stare back at empty sockets punctured through its horned face of bone, the mangy feline traced his paw across its carnivorous teeth. With a rattling sigh, he flipped the mask back around to don it, stretching the band attached to the skull's edges over his head and behind his bothersome ears. Adjusting the mask until it rested on his face and snout without slipping off, he leaned forward to glance down at a muddy puddle. There was no reflection to gaze back at him, save for the mutant's skull suspended in thin air and the rising moon.

    Beck sunk further into a dejected slouch, lifting his vision to catch a glimpse of his approaching peers. Collecting himself with a shake of his head, he pushed his mask up to rest on his forehead so his freckled features were exposed as he wickedly grinned. "Guess what, y'all? We've got a full moon up in the sky, and that means it's time for this mask vigil!" Beck awkwardly wheezed, unsure of what exactly to say. "Um, some of ya did it last time, but there's been some l'il changes to how it's gonna go. See those bits of cloth?" The poltergeist tapped the wall above where he had set out the folded cloths, explaining their purpose in a flat tone, "Instead of ya havin' to look for 'em, ya gotta tie 'em 'round your wrist or whatever, and just walk into the graveyard behind me to start the challenge. All ya gotta do to win this is stay in there until the sun comes up, then ya get to pick out your own bonafide Tangler mask. 'Course, that'd be too easy, so those with masks already are gonna be hunting y'all down -- anything goes 'cept for killin' 'n' maimin'. If you're caught and we take your cloth, ya lose and have to wait another month to get a mask. Got it?" Beck neglected to mention why the scent of blood was wafting from where he had stored the gore-filled buckets earlier, yet with a slight smirk, he added in a morbid giggle, "Oh, and since it's a blood moon accordin' to the calendar, there's gonna be a prize for those who last the night." With the trial's instructions hanging in the air for all the hear, the commander's apparition sublimated into nonexistence, his mask lingering in his place for a moment before it too disappeared under the veil. "Good luck, don't suck," were the final disembodied words Beck gave before stalking off into the cemetery to wait for the first brave soul to participate.

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - goodsprings - 08-01-2018

↠↠la'miyla had not been familiar with these traditions, seeing as she had only been here for a short amount of time. still, the woman was curious as to what this was. she listened patiently to the poltergeists explanation, a neutral expression on her pink-stained features. she hesitantly reached out for a piece of folded cloth, and lifted her left paw to tie it around her wrist. she tightened it was a sharp tug with her teeth, and looked around once more to scan the area. so she had to remain in the graveyard to get a mask... sounded easy enough.

her eye's shot up to beck as he mentioned the rules, not allowing any killing or maiming. ah.. so she would be fighting all night to keep her place? not so bad; she had been through worse as a cub. she entered the graveyard behind beck with an uneasy glance his way, shaking off the feel of being set up or ambushed and simply looked around. how should she go about this...? part of her wished arrow was here. perhaps they could discuss a battle tactic together and tag team, with her using stealth and mimi on brute force. though she wasn't even sure if alliances were allowed here. then again, beck never said anything against it...
Template by Quill

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - aya - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya hadn't been aware of this tradition, but she wasn't exactly opposed to it. Attempting to survive a night sounded like fun, honestly, and she got a sick mask and the respect of Tanglewood at the end of it. Unlike Mimi's neutral expression, a twisted grin appeared on Aya's maw as she listened to Beck's instructions, tail lashing excitedly.

Of course, she was nervous, but the tortoiseshell found it helped to view it as a game as she padded into the graveyard behind the others. Tailtip twitching, her wide yellow eyes scanned the terrain, trying to see where the masked marauders would be hiding till it was time.

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - SOCKING - 08-01-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
the night sky was dark, it's face freckled with gleaming stars. the moon was nowhere to be found, shrouded in shadows and smiling back down at them from a mask of darkness.

beck's voice sliced through the silent night, rousing stocking's attention and bringing the violet cat striding over to the brick wall. she had never participated in a mask vigil before, as expected. but something about this screamed possible excitement and a tingle of eagerness shivered through her bones. of course to stocking, being hunted down by masked clanmates in an attempt to survive all night seemed exciting. the firebrand bet that there were few other places on earth with activities like these. she had spent far too long feeling nothing to not feel the slightest exhilaration at a hunt and a chance to prove herself.

stocking leapt up the wall with ease, careful not to put too much weight onto her leg. claws digging into stone, she snatched up a red cloth and carefully tied it against her wrist.

a baby powdered blue gaze flickered attentively, watching her surroundings as she stalked quietly into the darkness. her leg had been fully healed (thank god for that), so running from any potential hunters wouldn't be too much of a risk for her. though, stocking wasn't intent on making the hunter's job easy for them. perhaps she could find a few places to hide and wait it out till sunrise, till the dawn of morning peeked it's head from across the horizon with a smile, and she'd be safely assured victory.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - TALIA P - 08-01-2018

(i'm here 'til i die)
Talia is a veteran of combat. She's been alive for some four years or more (she's stopped counting when the number became too offensive), been in countless raids and fights and all-out wars against mortals and immortals alike, been treated as a pet, a soldier, a warrior, a champion - she's confident, suffice to say, confident enough that she walks into the cemetery with a powerful strut. She doesn't look forward to it but knows she can hold her own easily enough to get through the night. After all, she's been leader once before, and being chosen to be somebody's successor is enough indication that she's capable of keeping in touch with her fighting side.

She takes her own scrap of cloth and ties it around her wrist, although wonders if she can tie it around her neck instead. Underneath her thick mane, she feels her pygmy owl shift around - sleeping, probably - tugging softly on her pristine locks. Talia feels comfortable, feels energized for once; she touches the bond softly between her and Malkyn instinctively before letting her mind clear of all its worries.

A new clan, she reminds herself, a new land. She doesn't carry her reputation as Chief here as she had before, doesn't carry her notoriety; she is but a face in a crowd waiting to make her mark, and make her mark she will. It doesn't matter that she's starting from scratch, doesn't matter that she's unknown in these lands - she carries with her her history and Ghil's, her memories as a warrior, a fighter, a leader, a hound. She refuses to let herself be torn down.

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - arrow - 08-02-2018

[color=black] Oh, hell yeah. This sounded like a lot of fun, but also something so, so adrenaline pumped. After all, you're out there in a graveyard all night getting hunted down. She felt her fur prick at the very idea, breath hitching in her throat. Was she scared? No way, and it wasn't like they would kill her. It would suck ass to have to wait though. She wanted that damn mask.

Perhaps this was her real trial to see where her strengths lied, if she deserved that rank she'd recently bumped up to. She felt she could do it, she was no stranger to sitting out in buttfuck nowhere and avoiding danger. She did have the ability to hide in the trees, and the advantage of camouflaged coloration.

She tugged one of the red cloths around her wrist, inhaling deeply to stabilize her composure before trudging off to the land of the dead beyond Beck. She did catch sight of Mimi, a small smirk crossing her face. Try to take the cloth from her, right?

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

and thus the first hunter.

Clad in a mask pitch as night with slight trainings of gold for intricate designs, the gruesome deaths head sat atop his own muzzle, the snarling upper half of a strange half demon with jagged slit markings where eyes would be and holes to allow the hunter's ears through - the mask in tandem with his own nominally spiky appearance truly did accenuated fenris' natural fearsome look.

This is what one got when both parents tended towards the skeletal armour like carapiece or the more spiked plated armour.

As it was Fen had yet to find anyone or truly begin seeking them out - mostly because he felt giving them a head start to set up or hide as best they can would work best - and well who knew where Morgan was.

That had been a short time ago, now the great beast prowled in the darkness, quiet and hidden for such a large creature - he stuck near trees as his spines matched in with the branches, just waiting for someone to stumble around nearby.

/just an intro before I start looking for peeps in particular c;


Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - calliope - 08-03-2018

There was no way Mira would make it to sunrise. She wasn't a fighter and she was, in fact, weak. How was she supposed to get through the night? Mira was sure she'd be taken down as soon as someone even tried fighting her. She didn't really stand a chance against her bigger clanmates, and she hoped she could outrun them at the very least.

That didn't even begin to cover her other worries. This tradition didn't seem safe, and it was just leading to Tanglewood members injuring each other. Plus, walking into a cemetery in the middle of the night, especially with the slight scent of blood, was terrifying.  It was dark, full of people who were determined to attack her, and possibly many more threats. None of this was safe and was clearly bad for Mira's stress levels. The serval had been standing outside of the cemetery for a while, watching everyone enter. She really couldn't do this, could she? It wasn't like she had much of a choice in the end, so with a deep breath and shaky pawsteps, Mira had entered the graveyard.

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - SOCKING - 08-04-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
traveling with the others, akin to a pack, will only serve to help the hunters locate her faster. she is determined to last until sunrise.

brimming with excitement, she departs from the others as soon as she steps more than a few feet into the maze. going too deep could mean that she could run into a hunter already there, lurking in the shadows for her.

scoffing, stocking slides behind a cluster of bushes, determined to stay hidden for the night. it's a cheap tactic, but who's to say they couldn't use those?

she finds herself pressing into the shrub's shadow more, digging herself into the wicked claws of the bush's branches.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: BLOOD BATH / july mask vigil - madster - 08-05-2018

malphas remembered last month. his mind flashed to morgan threatening him, and then him running. that was a month ago, though. this was a new him. he had more confidence- he was tanglewood's medic, he had to earn his mask now more than ever. he tied the cloth around his wrist, narrowing crimson eyes, before he slipped in. he saw stocking up ahead, but she had pushed ahead of the crowd for a reason- she didn't want to be with anybody. he leaped ahead, turned around her and gave her a wink, then bounded off on his own, moving quietly. he was determined to get his mask this time.

he'd prove himself, finally.