Beasts of Beyond
nights at the chateau. private - Printable Version

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nights at the chateau. private - alexander - 08-01-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]The night air outside is a stark contrast to the loud and muggy atmosphere in the bar. Alexander takes in a deep breath, letting the cacophony of heartbeats behind the doors fade, the slow beat of the drums thrumming through their still veins like they had a heart of their own. The sharp tang of alcohol sits on their tongue, a reminder of the numerous drinks they had ordered tonight and the meal they didn't get. The vampire grinds their teeth at the thought of the young man they had tried so hard to lure out of the bar and into the alleyway, only to be turned down when the boy had gotten his fill of drinks. Little shit. Alex was almost always the player in these scenarios, but they could admit that the human had definitely played them tonight.

The night was still young, and there were many more impressionable men wandering the streets alone for them to pick out, but a hunt could wait until later. They didn't want to eat too much on their first night in town - that would rise suspicion, and sooner or later suspicion brought supernatural hunters. No, they could wait for their next meal, even if the stirrings of bloodlust was starting to grow inside of them. Alexander has killed enough humans in the last few weeks to last them several months at the least, but being a young blood meant that they were restless, and hungry, and there was enough pretty boys at bars to spare, anyways. Having a few dozen wooden stakes thrown their way was worth the look of surprise on their victim's face when they took that first bite out of their neck.

They were thinking too much about their next meal for someone who wasn't going to kill someone for a few more weeks.  They shake their head to clear their thoughts, tugging lightly at the hair hanging above their eyes. I'm not even hungry. Selfish bastard. Alex thinks to themself, snorting under their breath. They stuff their hands into their pockets, stopping by an empty window to check their reflection. Everything seemed to be in order, as always. For Alexander, at least in their mind, their beauty is always effortless. Well, no need to go home early if you're looking that good.

The vampire continues down the road in silence, humming a soft tune. They didn't do good by themself for long, but as for now, the quiet darkness of the night was comforting. Too bad it was about to end. The park they're heading to comes just after the poor part of town, just behind the apartment building Alex themself lived in. They don't seem nervous as they walk past dark alleyways and boarded houses, burgundy eyes set on the sidewalk spread out ahead of them. They had walked this path so many times now there was no need to worry about it, unless you counted the weird witch lady that lived behind the cafe always trying to curse anyone who came too close.

They walk silently down the road, unaware of anything but their thoughts.