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YOU LOVE WHEN I FALL APART | JOINING - Ilijas - 08-01-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
As beautiful as Snowbound was, it really hadn't been for him. The snow was a nice touch - especially for someone who had both an elk body and a fox body at their disposal - but when it came down to it, he hadn't been happy there. The cold got to be too cold and the pictures he was taking were simply the same white landscape over and over again. Besides, he was a traveller by very definition- staying in one place was not something he actively strove to do. He would have joined the Ascendants if it were up to him because that was where Beverly was and he had quite the crush on her. But Ilijas knew how creepy that would be and, out of an innate fear of scaring the all-too-familiar girl off, chose a different place. One that reminded him of home he knew he had never inhabited.

The journey to the Sunhaven territory had been a long one mainly because his idiotic self had to pause every time the light fell upon a flower or a piece of grass or a tree just the right way to snap a picture. What had been initially a three day trip turned into one that spanned a week and, as he paused upon the border, the silver bengal realized that he was absolutely exhausted. His satchel weighed a bit too heavily upon his shoulder and his legs ached from carrying him the long distance to his new home. Home. How strange that word suddenly sounded in the context of this situation. When it came down to it, Ilijas didn't really have a home. He wandered and wandered and wandered and made a home out of himself and his happiness. But maybe he could make this work.

[color=gray]"Hey? Anyone here?" He called out, a tail twitching. What he'd give to whip out the good old camera and begin snapping merrily away but he knew that he at least had to be polite. As friendly as this clan may be, he still didn't think they'd take well to him just disregarding their territory lines for a few pretty pictures. [color=gray]"My name is Ilijas Valentine and I guess I'm looking to join." Simple. Easy. Casual. His introduction was just as he liked it.

(this is awful bc it's 2am and i'm EXHAUSTED)
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: YOU LOVE WHEN I FALL APART | JOINING - arcy - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Dean, ever since he'd been a young pup, had never had a home. A lot of his life had been spent traveling. From one place to another, he'd never once lived in one place longer than strictly necessary. His dad had been one paranoid bastard, but Dean was used to it. It made sense, anyways. When you were a hunter, things tended to come after you. Staying in Sunhaven was a risk, but it was a risk Dean was .. well, not willing to take. He wasn't sure why he was here. He'd just shown up one day on a hunt, and then stuck around. It was .. weird. He didn't even know how clan life worked. Seriously, he'd heard people just show up and are allowed to join without question. What sort of safety precaution is that? Jesus fuckin' christ.
"Uh," And here comes one now. As he approaches the person who called, the canine's ears turn a little warily as he regards the smaller bengal. Fuck, these people really did just let anybody walk into their group, huh? I mean -- Dean knew it first-hand, from those few occasions he and his dad had temporarily joined a clan for a hunt. He'd thought it was dumb then. But being inside the clan for this shit? Wow. "As far as I know, you're free to join. Welcome to Sunhaven, I guess," The canine does his best to be welcoming, at least. He doesn't want to get a bad rep in this place, but god knows that Dean's personality isn't the sunniest, or even welcoming in the least. He huffs, but manages to muster up a crooked little grin in greeting. "Dean Winchester-Aeris," He greets, giving a little subtle motion with a paw. Fuck. Introducing himself by his real, full name is weird. He'd spent his first day or two using a fake name, because that's just how hunts happened. But somehow he was here. Well .. somehow it feels better than lying. Now, then. Should he bring this guy back to camp or wait for other people to confirm it? .. Unclear.

Re: YOU LOVE WHEN I FALL APART | JOINING - jericho - 08-01-2018

Sunhaven is new for Jericho too — he's never formed a clan, heavens above, he'd never even considered it before.  Leading though he has in the past, he still doesn't think he's the leader type.  No, he knows he isn't: he stutters, he hesitates, he tries too hard to please everyone all at once.  The tabby recalls leaving the beach city for good; he recalls assuming that he'd just join the next closest group, only hoping that he'd eventually be able to feel at home again.  But then he discovered the shore, the little sea town and the greenhouse and the mountains and all of it, and he knew that this was where he belonged.  The realization that he could start something all his own here in the image of all he'd ever loved dawned and it seemed like a given.  Though he's occasionally reminded just how new to him this land and these people are, it feels oddly familiar yet.  It feels... right.

The ginger tomcat is still growing acquainted with their borders and all that lies within; and stars, is it a lot, especially for someone like himself (by which he means short, weak, blind, and missing a leg).  He's doing a mix of just that and herb-hunting for his garden when Ilijas's call reaches his ears on the summer breeze.  The prospect of joiners is an exciting one for Jericho; their group is rather new and thus also rather small, yet they've already grown so much in so little time.  It takes him a few moments to arrive, as the three-legged tom is often slow, but he arrives nevertheless and hobbles forth beside Dean, who he detects via voice.  The Helion comes to a hesitant stop, ears pricked in polite
attentiveness and amber eyes blindly staring just beyond the elk.

"Oh, o-of course!" he speaks up, his clanmate having just fallen silent prior to his approach.  Albeit aimed slightly in the wrong direction, Jericho offers Ilijas a shy and yet warm smile.  "I'm Jericho — ah, w-welcome to Sunhaven!" the feline adds, attempting to sound enthusiastic in spite of his soft-spoken nature.  He flicks an ear and kneads the dirt, appearing rather sheepish.  "Did you want... um, I m-mean, would you like a tour?  We could show you back to town, it's, uh, nearby."

Re: YOU LOVE WHEN I FALL APART | JOINING - axiom - 08-02-2018

© lexasperated
There are so many domestic felines in the groups, and Quantum was always surprised to see yet another one pop up - their bodies seemed so frail to the tigress, dwarfed completly by her own overgrown body and lacking some of her species' lethal evolutionary gifts. Such as her paws, which were porportionally huge for her body; about the size of her face, housing long claws and capable of swimming easily through the water. It's no surprise that ocean is where she just was; the ocean's breeze hadn't yet managed to completely dry out her fur and sand lingered on her body, two tell-tale signs to the others how she spent her last few hours.

"Welcome to Sunhaven then, Ilijas. I'm Quantum Caralho," she replied with a nod, sparing a few glances for Dean and Jericho. She spoke her words with complete certainty, as though she didn't know Caralho meant penis in Brazilian Portuguess. But, of course she knew; she even had the slight Sao Paulo accent, complete with rolled r's and and an almost nasaly inflection to her e's.


Ja'sunna has known nothing but traveling. Ever since she left her old home with her sisters, it was day after day of staying only for a bit, for a while, for a moment before packing up and leaving again. It's what she's gotten used to - detachment, disconnection, it's all for the sake of survival. Attaching herself to a place, to a person, will only stir up doubt and dejection at the prospect of having to move again... and so she's made no bonds with anyone other than her sisters. Beautiful places, for example, is something she likes turning a blind eye to. Beautiful locations often tempt her to ask why they have to leave, and it's a deadly thought to have. Staying is a threat. Staying can lead to death.

Admittedly, she isn't sure why they decided to settle in a group like Sunhaven. It's - it's completely different from who they are, as a triad and as individuals, but there's something about the gentleness of the clan that, admittedly, soothes her aching bones. No matter how much she tries to deny it, the soft gurgle of the waters and the warmness of the countless sunrises are doing something quite magical to her (she only allows herself to use that word, magical, just once - once, she says, but she holds onto it like a prayer anyway).

Perhaps she's traveled too much, perhaps her body knows that it's time to settle down. She's scared as much as she's excited. She feels heavy, she feels tired; every time she's on Sunhaven territory, she feels the need to lay down, close her eyes, and rest for the first time in a long time, for the first time in years. She tries to remind herself that she's a savage, a savage, a beast as fearsome as her sisters, as harsh, as deadly - but the more she says it to herself, the more the word loses its meaning. She thinks... she thinks maybe it's time. Maybe it's time to let it go.

Still, even a savage trying to be civil can still have the heart of a savage, and meeting an elk eye to eye is something she hasn't done before. Ja'sunna tries anyway, ignores the bitter rumble of her stomach as she wanders over to greet the stranger lingering on their land. She notices the others and flicks her ear at them all in greeting before returning her attention to Ilijas. She can't deny that there's still a part of her thirsting to sink her teeth into his flesh (her fangs tingle at the thought, outright ache at the need pulsing through her veins), but she grabs her instincts by the throat and holds it down. She can't bear to lose her new hom-base now.

"Ja'sunna Caralho. I welcome you to our humble home, and offer now that I swear on my blood I will not eat you." Perhaps her words don't satisfy her, because she follows it up with a soft huff. "I do not turn back on my promises."