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NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - Printable Version

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NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - beck. - 08-01-2018

    It felt like he was always late for some important thing he had planned and forgotten about. He had even forgotten the excuse he was going to use this time -- but what was the point? Better late than never, right? Beck rolled his shoulders in an effort to ease the shooting pains plaguing his mutilated back, limping to the town square the instant he had gathered everything needed for a meeting together. Which included a familiar mutated fly traps bucket awkwardly slung around his neck and a freshly-plucked chicken in his bloodied jaws. As he clambered up to take his expected perch on the statue's base, Audrey's makeshift pot clanged against the aged rock, causing the carnivorous plant to flinch at the sudden movement. Hissing a string of apologies and curses through the dead chicken blocking his mouth, Beck did his best to balance Audrey III next to him. The commander ran a cold paw along the resulting dent in the bait bucket-turned-pot with scowl. Whatever, he had to find a replacement anyways -- the venus fly trap had undergone a growth spurt to reach abnormal size, and based on his only friend's recent irritability, its roots needed more room to stretch.

    Giving Audrey's trap a comforting pat, Beck cleared his throat of the leftover blood from his most recent episode and preferring not to lose his voice before even starting to go through the usual announcements, gave a shrill and surprisingly loud whistle through his teeth to call his clanmates over. Somewhat impatient to hurry the meeting along, he tore off a shred of meat from the chicken's bare corpse to toss into Audrey's waiting trap, which shut a moment after it could sense food. Once enough had settled down onto their rumps around his statue, he threw his arms up into the air and cackled out in an mock excited tone, "Go-o-ood morning, Tanglewood!" They probably wouldn't understand the reference, yet Beck didn't care as he returned to shredding the chicken for Audrey's breakfast. "Sorry this ain't on time, but whatever, let's just get to it, right?" the young poltergeist mumbled, sheepishly rolling his eyes at his own incompetence before moving on. "We've got a bunch of newbies, like usual, so stay with me here. Give a big Tangler welcome to these new faces: Iota's new girlfriend, Delphi --" He slyly offered an immature wink to the assumed couple, not breaking flow of his rasping speech as he continued, "Good ol' Joel, La -- La'miyla or just Mimi, she's staying here after visiting with her sisters, Natriumguard, just call 'em Nate or somethin', two lovely ladies Talia and Malkyn even if they didn't join --" He broke off his words once more to send a petty glare the married hellhound's direction, abruptly starting back up again before he could watch for a reaction, "Still got more -- Quinn, another pretty lady I guess, and Treestump. He ain't much of a talker, but that's fine, right, y'all? Some guy named Desperado stopped by as well, but I think he left... oh, and there's been a bunch of leopard cubs, so go say congrats to the lucky mom if ya wanna." Was it bad leadership to admit he didn't know any of said newborn's names yet, or even the mother?

    Beck took a second of guilty thought to peel off more meat for Audrey to catch in its trap, the mutated plant already having digested its first piece at a frightening rate. "Um, next up is promotions and all that stuff -- shout outs go to the usual folks: Fenris, Morgan, and Vigenere, but also Cherrypaw. Arrow, Aya, and Stockin' are all boosted up to firebrands now, while Delphi, Malkyn 'n' Talia, Delilah, and Mimi can all be chasers now. Plus, Mirabella and Malphas seem to be doin' good enough in their trainin' to become full medics now. That is, if ya two think you're ready?" The scrawny feline blinked down at the blurred figures of the two nurses, worry scrunching up his freckled features for a nonexistant heartbeat as he scanned over their resident cannibal before he reverted back to his typical distant scowl. "Killian is demoted from regent, but that's it. Good job, ya weirdos."

    "Phase three, let's go," the boy wheezed to himself in a hushed tone, pulling apart the chicken in even bigger chunks as he distractedly continued feeding the gluttonous Audrey, who only seemed to grow hungrier with every bit of bloody meat it received. "As far as news goes, a couple of new groups came up to us asking for alliances and trading. We're gonna be 'business partners' with a place called the Pitt as long as they're useful, but folks from Sunhaven want an alliance. I figured we could just go with a test run to see if they can be any help, but thought I'd ask y'all before tellin' 'em. And third one, Styx River whatever also wants to trade with us, but we'll see if they've got anythin' good, got it? But this all means there's more positions open for ambassadors, and if you're interested, go ahead and volunteer. Speakin' of which, weekly task hosts are always needed -- poor Vig has been doin' 'em for the past three weeks so give him a pat on the back. Also, Snowbound invited us to a mass gatherin', so if ya wanna go and see some culture, feel free." Beck halted in his verbal tracks, chewing on his lip in an effort to construct the best way to word his next bullet point. "And, uh, also, considerin' recent... events, I thought it'd be best to have some type of, um, group... therapy? I dunno how it would work, but if anybody, probably one of the medics, wants to hold it, go on and tell me now. And it's gonna be mandatory, so if ya play hooky, you'll be cleanin' up the swamp waters for a week, got it?" It was fairly obvious to the observant rogue what had prompted the commander to take interest in his group's mental wellbeing, and the silent mention of it hung like a heavy fleece blanket over the crowd until Beck carried on with the final announcements. "There will also be a meetin' for the higher ranks this week, and we'll set up an event planner to keep Tangle bustlin'. And, last but not least, mask vigil. Tonight at the cemetary. Be there." With that, the poltergeist flung the remnants of the mutilated chicken, bones and all, into Audrey's opened trap -- only for the fly trap to lunge forward and chomp down on Beck's paw with it. He stared back at his friend's hunger-driven betrayal in shock, honey-brown eyes stretched wide despite the bite not entirely painful considering Audrey lacked any proper teeth yet. His senses returned to him when one of the plant's leafy vines coiled around the half of his arm not locked in its jaws, and Beck yanked his paw out with the assistance of merely phasing through Audrey's trap. His arm returning to a physical state as he flicked away the plant's acidic spit, he scolded with a huff, "What the hell, Audrey?"

tl;dr: big welcome to delphinium, joel, la'miyla, natriumguard, talia, malkyn, quinn, treestump, and aron, as well as all of their wonderful roleplayers!!! glad to have you in the tangle family!
shoutouts to fenrisulfr, morgan, vigenere, and cherrypaw!
arrow, aya, and stocking may step up as firebrands, while delphi, talia, delilah, malkyn, and la'miyma can become chasers
in addition, malphas and mirabella may step up as medics now
killian is demoted
tangle is now business partners with the pitt, giving sunhaven a trial alliance for now until further notice, and considering trade with the styx river order
more ambassador slots are open for all groups listed on the hub!!
weekly task volunteers are always needed as well
snowbound has invited tanglewood to a mass gathering, feel free to attend!
a mandatory group therapy has also been ordered by becky (another bad idea), so if anyone would like to host it, please notify me
in addition, there will be an hp meeting soon, as well as an event planning/suggestions thread
mask vigil will also be up soon, be on the lookout
also beck got bit by audrey III whoops

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - aya - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell was admittedly mainly interested in the huge fly-trap Beck seemed to have with him, listening as she watched the plant avidly.

She almost missed her own promotion entirely. Her yellow eyes flickered back to Beck, almost questioning his decision - a firebrand? Her? Still, Aya wasn't one to question authority when it was in her favour, so she quietly accepted it, a grin on her maw. "Thanks, Beck!"

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - madster - 08-01-2018

malphas was next to come over, standing next to aya. a lot of promotions, as was the usual- beck was pretty trigger-happy with the promotions, it seemed, but that was alright. he relaxed at the notion of being a medic now- nothing really changed- but was surprised mira was promoted alongside him. he hadn't seen her around often, but he did note that he needed help.

"hey, beck- i can host the therapy thing," the medic spoke, stretching. "but- are we sure this alliance with sunhaven is a good idea?" he asked, voice becoming tense. "allies just make us look weak. we're a good enough clan to be by our own- sunhaven is this puny little tiny clan. we don't need them. we should only make alliances that actually do something for us, and there's not enough sunhaven members to warrant an alliance with a clan as good as us. they should be begging for neutrality with us." he spoke, tilting his head. "i don't think they deserve to be our allies."

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - SOCKING - 08-01-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
there was quite the amount of joiners this week. newcomers came pouring into tanglewood like a flash flood; it was a good thing, one should think. it meant more members. more to strengthen their numbers.

in her short weeks of living here, stocking's stick-like frame had began to show signs of pudginess. such weight indicated her well-fed body... or her voracious appetite.

but she was here now, and that was all that mattered. the crumbled remains of the statue loomed before her, and stocking felt ridiculously sluggish as she stood before it. lifting her eyes towards becky's visage, stocking flicked her ears forward. the fallen angel listened attentively to his words, a single brow raised in surprise when she had been mentioned amongst one of the many to be promoted.

it was a sign-- a good sign. it meant that she was relevant enough to be recognized, and that she was making some semblance of an effort around this hellhole.

"noted beck, and thanks boss man," her tone held that of a pleased hue to it, stocking only turning when something caught her attention.

malphas arrived, quickly stealing the youth's attention. stocking focused a curious cyan gaze onto him. well damn. malphas seemed... incredibly passionate on not securing an allianceship with this new group. she had never heard of them before. stocking herself, tended to go with the flow. preferring to not ask questions about things, but she too, began to wonder.

// aaa excuse this crappy post
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - TALIA P - 08-01-2018

(i'm here 'til i die)
Talia lets out a snort of amusement at Beck's reaction; she isn't bothered by the hint of disapproval, isn't bothered by anyone's opinions. They help protect the borders, after all, and Talia's even made the point to drop some fresh-kill by the camp for whoever needs it. "Never took you to be one for formalities," she comments fluidly, lips sinking into a smirk as he continues with his announcements. It's familiar, the composition of it - it reminds her of younger days when she'd first watched a meeting with her sisters by her side. Undeniably, she misses the old days, but doesn't think she would ever want to go back there.

She'd been weak, then. She'd left her home then to get stronger, only to come back to a Clan filled with new faces and old gravestones - metaphorically, of course, none of her family were ever given gravestones for her to mourn by.

The announcement of her promotion doesn't elicit much of a reaction from the hellhound. It's nothing new, she's been in that same situation before, perhaps even too many times for her to feel any excitement from it at all. In truth, she doesn't think it much to be a good idea; she despises having to be responsible for something she doesn't want to be responsible for. Still, she respects Beck's decision, and dips her head in acknowledgement.

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - delphinium - 08-02-2018

- A meeting. What an unusual concept. Delphi was familiar with small congregations, little clusters of those she called friends, but never something quite so official. There had never been a need beforehand, beyond gossip circles and night time cuddles. The concept was now so childish, but it held a warm spot in Delphinium's heart. This gathering, however, was much different from those of her childhood. The eight-tailed kitsune approached the group quietly, olive eyes grazing across the small crowd that had already gathered. For once, she recognized most of those that had arrived. Not by name, but she had at the very least seen three of them before. Wordlessly taking a seat next to Stocking as she awaited Iota's arrival, Delphinium's gaze swept upward to rest solely on the unusual apparition of a leader. Delphinium had always been rather agnostic when it came to the likes of religion and the "other worlds", but with a ghost-borderline-demon demanding their attention and a fallen angel at her side, it was hard to turn a blind eye to thoughts she did not want to worry about.

Beck's words cut through her thoughts, the comforting sound of her nickname drowned in the words that surrounded it. Girlfriend? Her feathers ruffled outward at the notion, fur along her spine rising. Visibly bristled, Delphi could only respond by staring wide-eyed at Beck as he shot her a wink. Anger ran through her veins hot on the heels of embarrassment rather than invalidity, opening her mouth to retaliate but failing to speak as Beck continued on smoothly. The kitsune resigned to instead closing her mouth and brooding, fictional brows drawn tightly together in a scowl reflecting her injured pride. She had been waiting for Iota initially, but now Delphinium was glad the cherry blossom feline had not made an appearance yet. Hopefully she would have missed that little tidbit altogether. Delphi was dependant on her friend, that much she was self-aware, but she was unaware of what sort of impression it was leaving on other Tanglers. Labeling their friendship felt unnatural - although now "friendship" didn't quite seem appropriate, no label truly fit it to begin with.

More names were listed after hers, pulling her attention back up to Beck yet her soured expression remained in place. Some names she recognized, others she did not, although that was a casualty of still being so new to Tanglewood. Her name came up once more in a better context, navy hued ears inclining back as she was listed alongside Malkyn, Talia, Delilah, and "Mimi". A Chaser? She had no idea of what the title meant, nor what it entailed, but she could always pester Iota about small details. Or - or someone else Delphinium noted, making a conscious effort to slick her feathers down. News continued, and one piece of information stuck out notably to Delphinium. Malphas being promoted to Medic was rather concerning. He had just tried to commit suicide, saved only by Morgan's quick actions. It made sense for Malphas to host a therapy session, he seemed to be in need of it the most, but to burden him with more responsibilities that he had tried to run from? The mythic shifted uncomfortably at the thought, allowing her gaze to flick toward the newly promoted feline as he started to speak out against Sunhaven. He had been equally as difficult with the visitors themselves when they came on behalf of the unfamiliar group. Why did he have such a vendetta against them?

"I don't think it's too bad of an idea," Delphinium finally spoke opposition of Malphas, sliding her gaze away from the Medic as she spoke to once again rest on Beck with the remnants of a steely gaze. There was doubt that her words had any merit, regret for not standing up for herself sitting heavy in her gut, but both emotions were quickly swallowed to keep the topic relevant. "They said they also had shops, right? If we have a trade agreement with the Pitt, we could have one with Sunhaven too, so even if we aren't "allies"," Delphinium emphasized her words by raising her front paws to motion air quotes, "we have access to their services?" Selfish and underhanded, likely not even a compromise to those that don't want an alliance with them, but an idea nonetheless.

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

he inclined his head at beck's appraisal - he'd done his best even if he couldn't be in multiple places at once and offered smiles and nods to those promoted.

Ah yes group therapy largely due to the Malphas dilemma no? Shame for a minute there fen had thought he'd be free of a constant irritant whom seemed to have an irregular vendetta against him.

/ain't no one said fen wasn't a cold bitch lmao


Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - DELILAH. - 08-02-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah was paranoid, scared of half of the people here. She kept herself far away, wide magenta eyes flicking side to side as she hugged her injured leg up to her side. Promotion.. Ah, okay. She wasn't to sure about that, but she'd live.

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - arrow - 08-02-2018

[color=black] She heard her name in yet another meeting, smiling to herself as she felt a twinge of pride for somehow getting to this new rank. And with Aya and Stocking too, no less, her fellow now former chasers. The trio of fuckery. "Thanks Beck. And congrats to everyone." The rest of the announcements were rather...confusing. She had never heard of this aforementioned group, they must have been smaller. "How many of these clans are there?" She didn't voice her thoughts out loud, but somewhere in her she had to agree with Malphas. Not her proudest moment, but he made some valid points. "It's harsh out there in the wilds, maybe they heard we're the toughest."

Re: NEVER ENOUGH / 07.31 meeting - calliope - 08-03-2018

It seemed like Tanglewood had grown since Mira first arrived. Joiners were piling in every week, and it was honestly getting hard for her to remember everyone's name. The serval would listen intently as joiners were welcomed, taking note of people that she had missed the joinings for. Next up were the promotions, where apparently, she was among them.

Mira wasn't entirely sure if she deserved a promotion, but she'd accept it. Things would go smoother with two people, epsecially since Malphas seemed to be dealing with a lot at the moment. "Ah - congratulations, everyone!" she spoke up once the promotions ended, voice hushed as to not draw too much attention to herself.

Before she could offer to help, the other medic had spoken up. She guessed she could just handle the next one if Beck ever decided they needed it. Although, things quickly devolved into Malphas speaking against the trial alliance. Well, this was going to be a bit of a mess. Despite being for an alliance - mostly out of backup and security, Mira wouldn't speak up on the matter. There was no way she could win an argument like this.
