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lone digger [ open / joining ] - Printable Version

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lone digger [ open / joining ] - adomania - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Three years.

It had been three long years since South had decided to return to clan life in the full sense and meaning of it. Sure, he had joined groups in between then and now, but it had never been the same as it had been before. He came, stayed for about a month or two if he liked the place enough, but then he was on the move yet again trying to find something far more... interesting to suit his needs. Nothing had yet to strike a chord, and he had to wonder if it was a bi-product of his parents' habits and upbringing. Neither of them stayed in one place for long, from what South remembered of them... figured that he would end up the same, no?

Either way, that mattered very little in this context or any other. He couldn't guarantee that this place would be any different than the others had been, although he was itching to settle down a little bit more than he had beforehand. Was it fate? Or was it the knowledge that one of his siblings had found their way around these parts and he was oh so eager to interact. He hadn't seen them in so long... what better way to surprise them then on the battle field?

A soft sigh left South's parted jaws as he approached the border, knowing protocol well enough to pause just short of it. The canine shifted anxiously from paw to paw as he waited for someone to address him, although he had half a mind to ignore all of it and just step on over and accept himself.

But that would be an asshole move, and he was trying to prove that he was the opposite.

Re: lone digger [ open / joining ] - GABRIEL - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/retro to leaving

When he left home, Gabriel hadn't stayed in one place for too long. The group he'd remained with for years, but their calling led them to travel frequently, and it seemed more prudent, in the beginning, not to have an established installation anywhere. When they grew larger, then an area to operate out of became possible, and so, for a short while, Gabe had a place to bunk down and call his, whereas before that had entailed claiming the least bumpy bit of ground to stretch out on. Following that absolute disaster, he'd gone on the road, hadn't stayed anywhere longer than a few days, and that trend continued even after he took Lazarus under his wing. It wasn't until they showed up at The Ascendants that the hybrid had something at least semi-permanent. It was...Gabe hesitated to say it was nice, but it was comfortable, especially when he could familiarize himself with the territory and thus walk with less caution for who owned what. He knew it wouldn't last, because nothing did, though he could enjoy it for the duration.

One of his favorite aspects was the openness, however much he bitched about the grass. It made flying far more thrilling, despite the shadow he cast, and at the moment, Gabe was content in the ruffling of his feathers as he simply rode the currents. He couldn't commit himself to this peace for much longer, as far below, he could see a stranger on their border, likely another arriving to have a taste of what The Ascendants had to offer. Smartasses and softies both.

The hybrid dropped down, his landing involving a bit of a hop to accommodate his talons. Dark eyes scrutinized the canine, and if he could smirk, he would. "Pretty tempting to say 'fuck it' and walk over, isn't it?" He cocked his head. "That is what you want, isn't it? There's not much else you could want, and you don't look like you're selling cookies." Gabe wished. He fucking loved cookies, although he wasn't even certain he could eat them with his digestive system the way it was.

Re: lone digger [ open / joining ] - BASTILLEPAW - 08-02-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille wasn't particularly in the mood to deal with strangers on the border. It was hard to be when his vision was swimming with constant reminders of the past, when his identity was so uncertain that at times he found himself slipping entirely into one of his past lives' thoughts without noticing for... hours. Things had gotten worse and worse over the past few days, and that morning he felt closest to Echo: felt the spark of annoyance at a strange face, the reluctance to have to deal with foreign bitches, the general disregard for anyone who wasn't one of his two or three people that he cared about. His ice blue stare was cold as he studied this stranger before drawling, [b]"Hm. What're you doin' here, boo?" The nickname of the Tribers for foreigners was easy on his tongue, more so than usual.

[ rsuhed ]
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: lone digger [ open / joining ] - Suiteheart - 08-03-2018

Another day, another joiner.

Suiteheart couldn't and wouldn't complain. In fact, she was quite pleased with each new face that stood at their border, requesting to join their odd little family. The Ascendants was strong, yes, but it never hurt to gain a new member. New blood meant new relationships and new opportunities. Joiners meant they would remain strong. And with the looming threat of the Typhoon, she would take anyone they could get their fucking hands on (well, mostly anyone anyhow).

The white feline remained quiet as the same to stand near Gabriel and Bastilleprisoner. Both males had asked all the questions needed - except the new kid's name. "I'm Suiteheart. Suite works just fine though. You got a name?" Her voice was welcoming and a hell of a lot warmer than the two that proceeded her. First impressions mattered most heavily, didn't they? Yeah. Something like that.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
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