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BUT WHAT DO I KNOW ? - casimir - Printable Version

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BUT WHAT DO I KNOW ? - casimir - CASIMIR - 08-01-2018

CLAN/GROUP[b] The Ascendants
—ranking Observer
1 year 5 months
—mental age 5 years
—aging ratio Does not age physically but ages mentally
—pronouns He/Him

Hired gun
Has skewed morals to satisfy his motives
health status -[90%]
SPECIES[b] Servsl
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] full description of your character!
—accessories Wears a brown leather holster that holds a simple blade and a pack of cigarettes
—smells like smoke
—injuries No outstanding injuries
—posture Relatively good posture
mtbi - natural alignment - hogwarts house
Affable - Boisterous - Quick-witted - Mischievous
Arrogant - Narcissistic - Egotistical - Cocky
Intelligent - Flirtatious - Provocative - Vexatious
DESCRIPTION[b] Casimir is never one to be the serious factor of a conversation unless, of course, it's needed. On the contrary, he'd much rather make light of matters rather than press into stressful tides. Casimir will use jokes and playful remarks in attempts to keep the mood from falling. He possesses a sharp, acerbic tongue that can sometimes work him into trouble with those that possess a constant serious facade. the rare backlash he receives from his wittiness from time to time never tends to dull his undaunted spirit and he continues to retain a wide sense of humor.

It would be a lie to say Casimir wasn't a fan of pleasure. The boisterous male adores the attention he receives from his fellow bachelorhood and can often be found flirting with various individuals. He prefers to keep himself open to the world rather than settle down with a specific significant other which, as expected, reciprocates him with the notion of never getting too emotional close to anyone in a romantic aspect.

If his personality could be confined to the proximity of only a few words those words would be an arrogant, intellectual smartass. He's extremely conscious of the world and uses such abilities to get a better grasp on the atmosphere surrounding the quick-witted male. When it comes to arguments or simple discussions Casimir can commonly be found playing the devil's advocate — there is nothing that quite entertains him more than stepping into another's perspective simply for the engagement of a debate. He's very fond of holding opinionated mattered arguments as this is where he accumulates the majority of his broad knowledge and ability to understand the way other's minds work.

The 'mental sparring' that Casimir would rather partake in compared to actual combat proves more useful than anything physical could provide. the acts of picking another's brain for motives and their interpretation not only gives him a better understanding of the individual but also a better understanding of how the majority of the population works. Casimir has built up an incredible knack for strategy and uses such a talent for the betterment of his peers and clan.
—extra notes extra stuff - delete if you don’t want to do anything with this!
—interests what does your character like - what are their hobbies?
ORIENTATION[b] Pansexual
[b]STATUS[b] Single
—crush No crushes
—friends To be made
—family No known family
—enemies No known enemies
start fights? - fight back? - end fights - will/wont kill?
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] put whether they’re easier/hard to get along with here!
—platonic relationships is it easy to befriend them? are there issues people may run into?
—romantic relationships do they have a hard time getting romantically involved with others, or is it easy for them? or maybe somewhere in-between
—rivalries is it easy to become their enemy, or are they harder to anger?
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] put their overall difficulty here! this is when it comes to how strong they are physically and mentally, as opposed to how easy they are to get along with.
—physical difficulty texthere
—mental difficulty  texthere
information on important interaction stuff goes here. [ie; attack color, if you want to be contacted/mentioned when needed, if you want threads bumped, etc.]