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BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Printable Version

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BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-01-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was regretting this meeting if she was honest. She absolutely couldn't talk for long periods of time, so she was praying people would listen to her telepathic voice. Luckily most people didn't seem to mind it too much, so maybe it wasn't going to be an issue. The Hailcaller was carrying a single pendant as well as a necklace with a pendant attached to it as she made her way towards the Banquet Hall. "Snowbound! Gather around for a meeting!" She tried to broadcast her telepathic voice as much as she was able to as she called the group together. "This meeting is going to be slightly different, so feel free to let me know if you'd rather keep it like this or go back to the former setup." The she-cat started. "But as always, welcome to our new joiners! Please give Feliks, Dues Ex Machina, Abomy, Kauko, and Shion a warm welcome, and give Ochaco a big 'welcome back'!" She went on, allowing people to do so. "Promotions will be soon, and that's what changing in this meeting. We have a lot going on event-wise, so I wanted to skip out promotions until some people gathered." She also had something dire to announce too, but she wanted to wait until the guy was here. Atbash let that sink in before she continued, "So, for events this week we have the Mass Gathering, as well as Nui's race! There's also some Mass Adoption Signups happening, in addition to OOC Prompts." Was she going too fast? She hoped not. "Finally, don't forget to check out our August Character Development Challenge! You'll earn a limited edition title if you complete all the prompts this month." And that would conclude. However, there was just one more thing she had to announce.

"The Typhoon are not enemies, so please don't attack them. Aizawa visited them recently and gave them supplies so they would leave us alone." Atbash had a frown on her face as she said this. "I should have done that myself before it was too late, but please don't attack them anymore." Not that anybody had. Sure, Izuku and Tsuyu had went after them, but that's only because Kirishima had been captured. "Anyway, stick around for promotions."

> I want to start having promotions be in a separate post; do you guys prefer one post or want to wait a few before promotions?
> Welcome to Feliks/PYRO, Dues Ex Machina/Kink, Abomy/Pallid-I, Kauko/Candorosa, and Shion/Seina!
> Welcome back to Ochaco/Chatelaine!
> Don't forget out IC events this week!: The Mass Gathering and Nui's race (linked above)
> Check out some of our OOC events too!: Mass Adopt Signups, OOC Prompts, and the August CDC (linked above)
    > Don't forget you can earn the Frostbite title if you complete all of this month's prompts in the CDC!
> The Typhoon are not enemies despite what happened recently, so please don't attack them!
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Character Graveyard. - 08-01-2018

Another week had already passed by? Geez. It only seemed like a couple of days had passed since he had joined Snowbound, so he was somewhat startled when Atbash announced that a meeting was about to take place. A small grin on his maw, Kirishima would approach and he decided to take a seat down instead of standing up, like he had done during the previous meeting.

"Noted!" The three-legged male would say before he fell silent.

//Separate posts sound good!
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Dimitri - 08-01-2018

Dimitri was there.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - arcy - 08-01-2018

Ugh. Izuku usually looked forward to meetings, but unfortunately, this one happened literally only hours after he passed the fuck out thanks to Stryker. He was .. coherent, at least. Though he had a killer headache. He could sort of walk? But he couldn't talk a lot right then. His vocal cords were .. still not in great condition. That was .. fine. He could probably manage to speak up, later. Later as in towards the end of the meeting, for maximum drama. No, he's kidding. It's just for risk purposes. Everyone witnesses it, and he can't argue back. Was Stryker even gonna show up to this meeting? Good question.
.. The only reason Izuku managed to get here at all was with Kirishima's help, honestly, It involved a lot of fumbling and Izuku probably knocking the poor canine over by putting too much weight on him. Risky stuff. But he's tired. He's tired and barely conscious. So, curled up in a wide ball next to Kirishima, Izuku's ears are perked as he listens half-heartedly to the announcements. He already knows most of all of this. His tail gives a half-hearted sweep, but it's harder to move than it should be. He weakly nods his head in acknowledgement. So not saying literally anything at once anymore. That was neat, he supposes. In the meantime he could gather up strength to say something,afterwards. That'd be hard. He's tired. And feeling really, really sick. That's fine. Everything is just fine, thanks.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - FELIKS - 08-01-2018

Feliks was there silently listening in a tracking post.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - madster - 08-01-2018

henri approached, a warm feeling in his chest after receiving letters from caesar. he had almost forgotten he was stuck in this little snowy town instead of the warm beach his friend lived in. henri approached besides izuku, his dead eyes moving to the sound of atbash's voice. unlike the others, henri didn't care for the promotions, and was much more interested in the politics. he had heard of the peace treaty and thought that was quite stupid- he craved a war badly- but he wouldn't say anything.

he was supposed to be a good little boy, after all. a good boy who wasn't writing letters to the enemy. "noted, miss atbash," henri purred, stretching, and decided he'd wait around for the promotions anyhow- there was no point in leaving now, it would look rude.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - NUI HARIME - 08-01-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
nui stalked over, body humming with subtle excitement at the announcements. her single eye sparkled, chirping out a high "noted!" at the announcements. her coifed tail swished through the air, gentle as a flag. it seems there was a lot going on in snowbound, and she'd await eagerly for the promotions.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Stryker - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker appeared from the background, searching around with weary eyes. Hopefully, there hasn't been any recent findings that concerned with the likes of him. The longer, the better. With a long, comfortable sigh, he sat down in the middle of the area and relaxed while he listened. Promotions, welcomes, and such were nothing new. Plus, there seemed to be plenty more to discuss these days! How wonderful. Now if only they could address outside issues... then they wouldn't be scratching him the wrong way.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - TSUYU. - 08-01-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

She was tired, so damn tired of the drama. She didn't like to fight, she didn't like to wander off like she did. God, she didn't even like the nightmares she had to damn often.

Slowly, the frog-manx hybrid hopped over to sit beside Kirishima, throwing a quick glance over to Izuku before looking back at Atbash. They weren't enemies with the Typhoon anymore? Then why were they so aggressive when she stumbled onto their territory? Well, she technically did trespass, but it wasn't like she could smell the scent lines! She couldn't smell!

She waited patiently for the promotions, she knew that the others would get shout outs and promotions. Something inside of her made her doubt that she would even get a promotion, but maybe that was just her lack of self confidence.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - galexiux - 08-01-2018

  She normally didnt like showing up to meetings, but she supposed she had to as one of the staff here or something. Semi-high position. What kind of term was that anyways? Who came up with it? Why couldn't they just call it like. A secretary or something. Starting position. And the high positions could be called like... Jobs or something. That's what it was like back home.

  The crow sat bored, staring up at the wall. she was counting the number of bricks, of course. She had been gifted eyesight and she was going to use it. By counting... Bricks...
