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estamos rompiendo la discoteca ★ open - Printable Version

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estamos rompiendo la discoteca ★ open - ★ HAZEL - 07-31-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
(this thread's purpose is to put bast 6ft under and confirm that yes, he definitely needs to hit that in case any of you were absolutely curious about why is this here mii it's pointless because i assure you, it is n o t pointless. Also...this is human au for necessary reasons?)

There was music spilling into the quiet night air.

"Si el ritmo te lleva a mover la cabeza ya empezamos como es,"

It was two in the morning, and there was music, upbeat and bouncing. It seeped through the cool atmosphere of the bunker, far too sunny to fit the aesthetic of crickets and fireflies. Not that Hazel cared, really; she actually preferred that it was fast and the epitome of club music. In fact, she was so tuned out to the actual music that she failed to notice how most of it was in Spanish, verses flowing out of the phone tucked in her waistband in an unfamiliar language. (Part of the reason she failed to notice was because she recognized so many of the words.)

"Mi música no discrimina a nadie así que vamos a romper,"

She'd heard the same three songs on repeat for the past hour and a half now, humming along to the tune of Mi Gente as she swept the hard-wire brush over Arion's back, bare feet shuffling about in the straw and shavings of the newly cleaned stall. The colt was watching her out the corner of his eye, blowing air her way every now and again until she fed him a treat from the bag resting on the stall door. He didn't really mind being up this late, it seemed; he enjoyed being brushed. Or pampered. Whichever.

"Toda mi gente se mueve,"

Hazel had stopped checking the time around midnight, knowing that it would be a while until she saw the rise of the sun on the Ascendant's borders. Tonight she was just...determined not to sleep, not after that particular dream. So she decided to stay awake straight through the night; nothing she hadn't done before. But this was her new favorite method of coping, letting the music encompass all her senses. That being what it was, Hazel was now in Arion's stall, complete with PJ shorts that couldn't get any shorter and a loose tank top that was smudged with dirt, dancing like there was no one watching. Because...there wasn't. She let the hard beat and rhythm pull and push at her hips, shifting her weight where the music demanded.

"Mira el ritmo cómo los tiene,"

She never danced in front of people for this reason: she always felt better doing it on her own. More confident. It wasn't uncommon; though it was easier when there was nothing but music, swaying her body. She moved like she'd never move in front of another person, purposefully dropping to a squat in a sinful way on one beat to brush Arion's legs. It's not like anyone was going to see, right? So who cared? Dancing was freeing. Letting her body sync with the music, swaying her hips to the beat of the songs that pulled at her veins, just screamed dance! at her. Hazel felt stupid powerful in that moment, feeling the crescendo of the chorus in her heart, the thump of the beat in her the bob of her head. Just fluid movement timed to the fine thrum of good art.

"Hago música que entretiene,"

(also this was straight up a concept madi thought of weeks ago, im throwing her under the bus right now, no shame)

Re: estamos rompiendo la discoteca ★ open - MOONMADE - 08-02-2018

[size=9pt]Messy hair and scabbed cheeks. Hands stained green and a stray leaf that somehow managed to sneak it's way behind his ear. Moon looks in the mirror and has a bizarre moment of self-realization, self-actualization, self-awareness, self-whatever-the-fuck. He studies himself for a moment, waiting for the inevitable breakdown that happens in all the movies; the one where he'll punch the mirror and see his face in the shards and burst into tears. But it never comes. It's kind of frustrating. Here he was thinking the mommy issues were enough, but, guess not. What the fuck is a guy to do when he doesn't meet angsty protagonist standards?

Nights like these drag on like a previously 4 legged cat made 2 legged by an unfortunate event involving a truck and a driver distracted by Tinder. And the similes tend to drag on, too. Was that even a fucking simile? He didn't know. He'd ask Peri, another time.

For now, there's this really fucking bad music floating into his room, and it's been for the past few minutes, so he heaves a sigh and slips off the counter to go do something about it. He stumbles down the stairs, through the hallways, navigating his dim surroundings through hazy, sleep deprived eyes. But the whiplash he gets from what he see's wakes him up well enough.

Hazel is dancing. And it's not the cha-cha or that ballroom shit, she's moving her hips in a type of way that makes Moon feel guilty for even seeing it and, was that just a slut drop. He's completely taken off guard, and it takes his exhausted brain a moment to adjust, but when it does, he's quick to interrupt. He clears his throat and raps his knuckles against the wood, twice and hard. "I-- Listen, Nuts, you've clearly got skills, but I don't wanna go to hell for peeking tom type shit and, also, Bast will fucking kill me if I see this and he doesn't." He grins, sheepish. "I kinda' wanna' live long enough to see the Lion King live action movie. El Diablo tells me Putlocker doesn't work for shit, down there."

Re: estamos rompiendo la discoteca ★ open - Suiteheart - 08-03-2018

[uhh i didn't proofread this my brain is fried saskdhas;d]

Shay wasn't quite sure she knew the full meaning of sleep. She had a restless mind and an even worse soul (though that much was obvious from her soul that was split ten different ways). The blonde woman often sat in the room she shared with Margaery, blue eyes half-lidded, wishing sleep to take her, but it never did (not when she wanted it to anyway). When she didn't doze off, she took to gently plucking the strings of her ukulele and writing random melodies and lyrics and sometimes entire songs just to pass the time. When that didn't work, she counted cracks in the ceiling tiles and stars in the night sky.

In case anyone was curious, Shay had counted 185 cracks in the ceiling of her room. She had also counted over 1342 stars in the night sky before she got bored. Counting stars was also really fucking hard, so Shay was still waiting for her award.

Tonight was similar to nights of sleeplessness in the past. It one in the morning - a time Shay frequented in nights of no sleep and nights of sleep -, and for once, she felt weariness and exhaustion tugging at her soul. She thought she might catch a break, but after trying for an hour, she gave up. There was no use tossing and turning and attempting to sleep. Besides, she was getting hungry. Maybe she could look for wandering murderers or thieves to drain.

Being a vampire was hard work.

Shay stole from her room, movements gentle and easy so as not to wake anyone who was slumbering. Baby blue eyes were dotted with flecks of molten amber as she walked through the Observatory halls. Everything was deadly silent except the hum of music from... the stables? Curiosity flipped a switch in her mind, and all sleepiness exited the building. The short woman made her way towards the music, drawn in by the Spanish words.

When she finally entered the scene, Moon was already there, watching Hazel dance to the music. "So, there's a fucking party and no one invited me? Lame!" came the voice of Shay, loud and wild despite it being two in the am. "I didn't know you danced, Haze. And I didn't know you watched, Moon," she added, voice taking on a teasing tone as she finished speaking.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: estamos rompiendo la discoteca ★ open - Margaery - 08-03-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
Margaery had fallen asleep in her bunker room, shaking fingers tracing withered photographs in some old scrapbook she had found by complete accident. Looking at pictures of she and her father in happier times always made her feel... strange. Images depicting them hugging, smiling, laughing, painting reminded her that she hadn't always hated him and that knowledge in and of itself was enough to make her nauseous. She hadn't been able to look away though, not after a treasure trove had been located. Hell, she intended on combing through the album ten times over and probably would have by now had sleep not claimed her. Shay was probably worried sick that she hadn't returned to their shared room yet but in her sleeping bliss, Margaery had no way of being concerned about that.

She had just subconsciously shifted when the sound of music brought her hurtling back to reality, gray eyes blinking open in a dazed confusion. It had to be close to two a.m.... Who possibly could be up this hour listening to such loud music? Wiping the tiredness from her eyes, Margaery did what any sane person would do and chose to investigate. It didn't take her long to find Moon and Hazel and oh goodness, was Hazel dancing? She had never seen the younger girl dance before much less in such a skilled fashion and admittedly, she was stunned. Not bad stunned, no, of course not, but good stunned because wow - wow - Hazel was incredible.

She opened her mouth to compliment Haze when Shay arrived and instead earned a laugh from Margaery, the brunette instinctively reaching for her hand and leaning on her. [color=#b09090]"It's too late to be having a party," She observed sleepily, yawning almost on cue, [color=#b09090]"You're killing me, Hazel... I'm dying. Dead. Deceased." Was the Cosmic General a little more... dramatic because she was tired? Oh most certainly! But it was obvious that she didn't care as she yawned again, toe now tapping to the beat. [color=#b09090]"I wish I could get some sleep but if you insist on dancing at two in the morning, who am I to deny you that?" She mumbled on, now appearing more half asleep than anything else. She had tried her best though- at least she had dragged herself out of that bunker room in the first place.