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BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - Roy Mustang - 07-31-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
It was incredibly foolish of Jacob scold his fiance in the midst of a raid. With no intentions to fight, only to scold his fiance while people are dying left and right. The smart thing to do would have been waiting until home, but no Jacob had to make his way out there. He was loud. Idiotic. Impatient. He threw information around left and right like they were flies, as if they'd only reach Pincher's ears. But oh boy, it was ridiculously stupid to tell a battle field of people who your important ties to people are. Roy heard everything, deciding that Jacob could not be allowed to walk away free. Jacob was Pincher's significant other, his fiance, and he seemed to swear that Pincher was genuinely a real nice guy. Bullshit, complete udder bullshit. Either Jacob doesn't know his fiance as well as he thinks or is wrongly convinced that Pincher is a genuine good person. From what Roy can see, Pincher causes havoc without any sort of reason, as if it's an enjoyment to watch other people suffer.

But despite all of that, Jacob knows Pincher relatively well. Unlike his fiance, Jacob seemed quite sweet and genuine. It shocked him that somebody like Jacob was associated with a person such as Pincher. Roy hated to think of it, but Jacob reminded him of Alphonse Elric. If they were in a better situation, Roy would have been pleased at the thought. But Jacob's alignment, it was severing that from ever being a reality. Roy didn't think much on the thought, quickly tossing it to the side when he remembered who Jacob sided himself with. He is an enemy. An enemy who might have valuable information.

Snatching Jacob turned out to be relatively easy, even with Pincher nearby. Jacob made himself a very easy target- the wolfdog was entirely focused on his fiance, rather than watching his back for any angry Ascendants members. So, so so foolish. Roy snatched Jacob the moment his paws were free, tearing the wolfdog away from his love in the matter of seconds.

The melanistic bobcat came padding into the observatory, dragging a conscious, non-willing Jacob by his scruff. Once Roy was at the grand circle, the Flame Alchemist acted fast. In a matter of seconds, Roy released and pinned Jacob to the ground, not allowing Jacob to get any chance of running off. Roy kept him pinned by one paw firmly on his head, and the other close, poised and ready to snap. "You were quite foolish to scold your fiance back there," He hissed, ears drawing back to his skull, "Now that we know your ties to Pincher, you will tell me everything he has planned against us."

"And, if you refuse..."


His poised claws quickly rubbed together, a spark coming to life. It was so quick that it can be missed by a blink of the eye. Not a second later, a small controlled flame blazed beside Roy's claws, like a flame torch. Hopefully, Jacob will understand the memo. As this was merely a demonstration of what Roy will do. Roy manipulated the oxygen in the small flame, killing it as he waited for Jacob to speak.

"Now, talk."

[ [member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
edit: also retro to pinchob wedding !! ]

Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - jacob w.c. - 07-31-2018

Jacob wasn't completely sure what haed just happened. He'd only come out to the raid because he was angry that Pincher had even decided to do it. He'd intended to invite quite a ew people form the Ascendants, especially given that his best man was currently living here. It wasn't a permanent situation but the fact still stood. Suddenly, though, he wasn't yelling and he wasn't asking Bast to come to the wedding, there was just absolutely nothing.He briefly felt something on the back of his head and that was it. He woke up to a very angry man yelling in his face and pinning him to the ground. "Wh-what? No, ya' don' understand, we don'- I don'- we don' talk about thing like tha' n' ya'll shoulda' known way before now 'cause I visited not tha' long ago 'cause my best man kinda' live 'ere right now n'-" before he could even get the words out, there was a heat source. Suddenly, the man was completely still and totally silent. The rambling from just moments ago seemed totally forgotten and he couldn't think about anything except the fire that the angry man was holding. The moment Roy brought it to existence, he seemed to hold his breath briefly before it sped up exponentially. It wasn't quite hyperventilation yet but it would be. When he extinguished it, it took a few moments for the man to recover before he could speak. "L-Listen, I dunno' anythin' 'bout stuff like that. I don' 'ave much interest in it n' it ain't my job anyway, I'm jus' supposed ta' throw parties n' sometimes spy on people but I really haven' done none ah' tha' yet so-so it's not a big deal-" his voice shook as much as his body had only moments ago and tears were gathering in his eyes. "I-I jus' wanna' go home-" 

Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - Shininglight - 07-31-2018

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Shining always had an issue with fire. It hadn't been evident in the past, because he could mentally fight off the reminders of what fire was capable of. He had learned to control it, had disciplined himself to only use it when necessary. But now, that mental fortitude and control was gone. The nightmares of past mistakes were now free to haunt him at every opportunity. They had done so during the fire outbreak in the basement over a week prior. And now, the painful reminders would have another shot.

He walked back into the Grand Circle, his avian companion perched on his back, just in time to witness a rather... unsettling scene. Roy held down a stranger with a paw on their head. What was said didn't really cross his mind, because his attention had focused completely on the little spark of fire next to Roy's claws. Shining's eyes went a little wide, and Tabitha sensed the unease growing within her feline friend. "No... Bad bad bad, not again..." He paced forward a bit until he was right beside Roy, trying to get his attention with a small headbutt to the shoulder.

"Don't hurt. Won't let you."


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"This is the husband-to-be of the head honcho?" Right. Seemed like the only thing this guy would be useful for was as a bargaining chip, and even then, if he actually meant anything to The Typhoon's leader, the retaliation wouldn't be pretty. He understood Roy was above him on the ladder, but it didn't make the urge to tell him he was stupid any less compelling. Gabe was well-practiced at smelling bullshit, and this mutt only gave him vibes of fear and concern. Not to mention he was pathetic enough that the gentle-hearted people of The Ascendants would take to his side, such as Shininglight, who was already making a move to get between Roy and his captive. This was turning out well, wasn't it? There was a lack of- professionalism and efficiency to this. Personally, Gabe would have taken the guy somewhere secluded, where no one else could interrupt, and he would take his time applying a hammer to whatever chinks he could find. "You'll get more out of him as bait, or blackmail, if we can even get that far before we have another raid on our doorstep."


Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - Roy Mustang - 08-01-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy's blue eyes narrowed to slits, as he began to listen Jacob fumble with his words. Roy listened closely, taking note of every word that came nervously out of Jacob's jaws. Jacob, without a doubt, sounded confused and scared. It was like Jacob wasn't expecting this scenario to take place when waltzing into a battle field- ridiculous. Roy also took note on how Jacob froze the moment he used his flame alchemy. It looked like the wolfdog was about to hyperventilate at the sight of the small flame, but didn't as Roy extinguished it rather quickly. So, you must be afraid of fire, He thought to himself as he stared down at the canine as Jacob continued to explain himself to Roy. That means his flame alchemy would be a perfect tactic, Jacob should give him answers as he probably doesn't want to receive a burn. Roy could see the tears swelling in the male's eyes, but that wasn't going to falter Roy's plan- he brought Jacob here with the hopes of getting information pried, he's not about to stop because Jacob is acting like a baby.

Roy was about to answer back to Jacob when his thoughts were suddenly put on halt, when he felt a small headbutt to his shoulder. The male's head quickly snapped towards the member responsible- Shinninglight. A frown quickly made it's way onto Roy Mustang's maw when he heard the Cleric speak up. "Don't hurt. Won't let you." Ah, here's one of the pacifists in Ascendants, who believes war and violence is unjust. Roy was honestly surprised that only Shinninglight was trying to stop him so far. Surely he thought he'd have more people telling him to stop, and not to resort to violence. It was just too damn bad that he wasn't a pacifist himself, correct? Keeping a firm grip on Jacob, Roy focused on the Cleric for a moment. "Whether I hurt him or not isn't up to you. It's his willingness to cooperate or not." And with that, he turned to focus on Jacob yet again, but his gaze met Gabriel instead.

Roy probably should have taken Jacob to a secluded spot, he'd admit that. But then again, who knows how long they would have been hidden from the rest of the clan, scents aren't that hard to track. Plus, who knows if they would have grabbed attention just by noise. There's no guarantee they would have been alone for very long. But, he listened to what Gabriel had to say. With a slight frown, the Flame Alchemist said a few quick words. "He'll be used as blackmail after he answers me."

Roy then turned his gaze back onto Jacob, frowning as he noticed the canine was shaking as much as he voice had. Jacob claimed he didn't know anything. He even claimed that the two didn't even talk about it, and that he doesn't really know much on the matter. It caused Roy to think, thinking of more questions and demands he could make at the Typhoon dealer. "Don't act so clueless," The male began to scold, claws inching to snap, "you're only making it sound like you don't know your fiance as well as you believe." Blue eyes gleamed with a hard, serious gaze, gaze locked on the shaking animal. "It's hard to believe that you don't know anything on the matter," He said with a frown, "What a pitiful, pathetic excuse."

"As after all, you do live in a group of pirates and the man you consider yourself to be closest to is in charge of them all." Roy's claws began to get relatively closer to Jacob's head, mutated claws inches away from rubbing against each other. "What you're telling me is that your fiance doesn't tell you everything, that you aren't aware he enjoys harming innocent people who did nothing to him."


This time, the flames were getting considerably close to Jacob's face. And Roy wasn't going to extinguish it either, he intended for it to stay alive and use it as a tactic to get answers out of the wolfdog. And if he continues to claim he knows nothing, the Flame Alchemist won't hesitate to burn some flesh off of Jacob's skin. He knows Jacob can already feel the intense heat from the small, controlled flame. Even he can feel the heat, but he wasn't the one who had to be concerned about getting burned.

"Drop the excuses and tell me what you know."

Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - tori - 08-01-2018

Oh no, he couldn't watch this.

He wasn't going to say that he would defend the enemy just because was more pacifistic than Roy, if they attacked his home, his family, he was not going to fall into cowardice. But Jacob seemed....different. He didn't seem to want any trouble, and the fire was beginning to cause more trouble than get information out of him. There was no real confrontation, Roy was just...messing with him. And not in a playful sense, truly. This wasn't professional, this wasn't going anyway.

The fire being pushed towards Jacob so menacingly made Alex twitch. Something swallowed up his social awkwardness, a strange willingness to step in and at least level out the scenario. It was almost otherworldly, crawling up from the depths of his soul and taking hold. What was it...anger? He could feel his facial expression change, he felt his eyes begin to narrow, the corners of his mouth pulling back ever so gently. "This is wrong, but...why? Why is is wrong?"

His inner thoughts began to question Roy before his own voice even broke through, he still felt himself being held back by doubt, perhaps fear. Fear of that fire and fear of Roy. But he didn't go on that journey for nothing. He went after his own strength, and he'd rather be damned than sit back and watch this show.

Alex lunged forward, sliding in between Roy and Jacob, coming dangerously close to the flame, careful to keep his face to the side of those dangerous claws. "He has no information for you." The young male barked, taking on a defensive stance, something that was both foreign to him and much more effective for him personally with longer, more developed legs. God, he was finally growing.

His ears pinned themselves to his skull, swallowing back the fear he got from seeing such cold blue eyes. "Out of all the Typhoon members you take this one? You couldn't have found one with a little less fear, maybe one that actually puts up a fight?" He couldn't look at Jacob like this, he didn't know them but his empathy would not let this happen. They didn't know anything in the "i ain't telling ya" sense, they just....didn't know. "Or at least interrogate him in private. A public interrogation? For what? You want everyone to see how good you are at burning flesh?"


Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - jacob w.c. - 08-01-2018

Jacob could hear other people arguing in his defense and he felt relief beginning to trickle into his chest. Of course bast wouldn't let this happen to him. They were friends and he was sue the man knew nothing about Roy or his plans to hurt him. As soon as he saw this, he'd make it stop. Jacob was sure that everything would be fine. Then he heard Roy's response to those that were arguing for his freedom and his heart sank back down, fear beginning to grip it's icy claws over his lungs. The man began to talk to him again and he pressed his ears again his head, trying to push himself further away as the claws continued to inch closer. "I know Pinch real well, better than anyone, but I dunno' nothin' 'bout stuff like tha'. It ain't my job ta' know n' 's not like we sit 'round talkin' about work when we get home. I can tell ya' what events we got planned through the next month but I don' do things li-" At the comment that Pincher took joy from harming innocent people, Jacob felt his heart twist.

He knew what sort of people he attracted and what sort of people he chose to spend with his life with. People who weren't in his situation would never understand. There was no sense in trying to explain to Roy how he could love Pincher more than anyone in the world but also have such differing morals from his fiance. It'd been that way his whole life. There were people that couldn't understand why he stuck by his father or why he still held fond feelings for his Pa and even for Jersey, after all they'd done and been through. Jersey was by far the most mild example he had but the basic ide was the same for all of them. He felt anger bubbling up in him and, for a moment, before Roy's claws had made even a spark, he began to try to speak. He wasn't sure what the point of it was, he knew that someone like Roy could never understand. "Ya' don' get it n' ya' don't want to n' tha's fine but stop tryin' ta' act so righteous when you're doin' the exact same thing you're accusin' him of. I ain't done nothin' ta' you or ta' Ascendants n' I-I don' have what ya' want or know what ya' want me ta' tell ya' n'-n' I jus' wanna' go home-" his voice continued to falter with each word and seemed to gain more emotion as he spoke.

Then there was fire again and Jacob shut his eyes and pressed his head as far against the ground as hard as he could. He seemed to barely contain sobs from escaping his maw as he trembled on the ground, his breathing suddenly speeding up once again. He tried taking in air but they came as short, shuddering breaths. "N-No! No, fermo! F-Fermo, stop! I-I-I-I-" he seemed nearly incapable of forming words now as he trembled beneath the bobcat. Then someone else seemed to step in, putting himself between Roy and Jacob. He wanted to thank the stranger or maybe tell him to get out of the way, that he didn't want anyone getting hurt for his sake again but the rate of his breathing stopped him from saying anything at all. Dots were beginning to appear in his vision and his sides heaved as he tried to get his own breath under control but there was too much panic for that now.


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It just had to be Jacob. Bastille didn’t care if they captured enemies, contrary to his duty to uphold the peace: Pincher had raided them, which meant that anyone captured in the midst of the raid was fair game, in his opinion. He didn’t even care if Car tossed her claim around a bit, frankly. Far be it for Bast to be considered a pacifist; just because he was obligated to stick to their damn tradition of peacekeeping didn’t mean he actually believed it himself. If it had been anyone else, he’d be perfectly content. But Jacob.

The seraph looked annoyed as he stalked towards Roy and his little display, pale blue stare frosty as he eyed the state Jake was in. Bast sucked the air out of Roy’s flames, extinguishing them with a small tug, and sent him a withering glance as if to suggest he wouldn’t be pleased if he ignited again. [b]”Really, Roy? Really? Of all of them, you had to pick Jake? We’re not fucking torturing him.” He eyed Alex briefly, before exhaling in annoyance. ”We’re giving him back. I don’t even care if you take someone else in his place. Horrible taste in guys or not, Jacob was our ally’s leader once, and he’s always been good to us. Even if he did know anything, we’re not interrogating him.”

Of course he expected resistance from Roy, and of course he knew that his stance on Jacob was entirely biased. Bastille didn’t really seem to care, however. If he was going to bend the rules on their pacifism by allowing captures, he was going to bend how he pleased and do it exactly according to what he was comfortable with. Those who participated in the raid or crossed them, fair game. Jake? Who hadn’t even joined the raid against them? Nah. He leveled an even look at Roy, waiting expectantly for the backlash.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - Roy Mustang - 08-02-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy should have known somebody was going to jump between him and Jacob. This clan was practically crawling with pacifists, he already had Shininglight attempt to stop him, and now Alexander. Alexander was lucky though, as soon as the young timber wolf jumped between them, Roy pulled the flame back with him. If he hadn't, Alexander surely would have gotten burned. Not a first degree or second, without a doubt it'd be a third degree burn- it'd probably only take a matter of a few seconds for the blazing hot flames to burn at Alexander's flesh. And Roy Mustang intended to burn Jacob the same very way if he didn't get answers. Look how easily anger and rage can twist a person, it's honestly quite terrifying. Roy's hard, cold blue gaze landed firmly on Alexander, optics not blinking once. "You're in the way, Alexander," The Flame Alchemist said with a low, dangerous tone that would send chills down anyone's spine, "move aside, now." For just a moment, Roy didn't focus on Jacob, while still holding his grip tightly on the Typhoon Dealer's head. Alexander's comments reached Roy's ears, but unfortunately the male didn't listen to them as well as Alexander might have hoped. Instead of helping Roy realize that he's at fault, and so clearly in the wrong, the bobcat merely shoved the words to the side. Alexander is a young wolf, a pup. How could he possibly know? "Anyways, you're just a child," Roy's words almost spat out like venom, "You're far too young to get involved in a matter like this. There's no way you can fully comprehend this, get out of the way before you get hurt."

With that, the bobcat focused back on the wolfdog, frowning at the excuses Jacob continued to pull. If Alexander wasn't in the way, Roy would have been pressing the hot, blazing flames against Jacob's fur. Roy still found it hard to believe that after all the claims Jacob makes that he's closer to Pincher than anyone else is, that he knows nothing on it. Roy was closer to Riza than anyone here, and anyone back in his unit. Roy was Riza's commanding officer, and she was his first lieutenant. She was also his personal assistant, as well as his bodyguard. Roy trusted Riza with everything, and she trusted him the same way. He told her everything, and she did the same, in any way they could. Based on his experience with Riza, and his anger driven mind, he wasn't coming that easy to accept that somebody didn't have a trusting relationship like him and the Lieutenant.

When Jacob began to cry in short, shuddering breaths, the male snorted. Roy should see that Jacob is terrified of the flames, that should be a reason for Roy to stop. Everyone could see Jacob doesn't have anything to do with this, and that his loving, pure nature wouldn't allow him to stoop so low like Pincher. Pincher and Jacob have far different morals, but right now, Roy refused to see it. "Stop crying you child-" Roy began to order, but in the middle of it, his flame went out. His voice quickly trailed off, knowing the extinguish of the flame was not his doing. He had been determined to keep it going, and if necessary, burn Jacob with it.

Roy didn't have to wonder who killed the flames for very long. As not even a moment later, his ears pricked up at Bastilleprisoner's annoyed voice. His gaze quickly landed on the feline, taking note of the disapproval that gleamed in Bastille's eyes. Roy thought Bastilleprisoner wasn't a pacifist- didn't he have to remind Bastille that he's not Starrynight? As those demanding words made it's way out of the Astral Seraph's mouth, Roy's ears flattened to his skull for a second time. Clearly, Roy wasn't pleased with what he was hearing- he picked the wrong enemy? Complete bullshit, an enemy is an enemy! Whether or not they used to be an ally, they made the decision to switch sides, they're no longer that ally. "He's no longer our ally Fullmetal," The title came flying off of his tongue, not even in realization for the bobcat, "What you're telling me is that he gets special privilege because he used to be an ally. Would you give the same kind of privilege to other ex-Snowbounders that left for the Typhoon? Or is it just him?"

"He's just as much of an enemy as the rest of the Typhoon now," Roy tried to argue with Bastilleprisoner's reasoning and declaration, claws trembling as he resisted the urge to snap. It was clear to anyone that Roy was fueled by his outrage, the desperation for answers. He didn't want to let go of this so easily, as Bastilleprisoner expected him to do. "We need answers! We have no idea why they are attacking us, we need to figure out what their motives are!"

Re: BEYOND THE INFERNO | CAPTURE - MirrorEdge - 08-02-2018

"Why not ask somebody who would actually know? Considering how he reacted, I'd guess he was weak. Fiance or not, if he knew anything, he probably would've spilled a long time ago." Thea finally spoke, the young Fireball watching on with no arguments until now. And that was what she had seen so far. Not pity because he was in the same position she had been a few weeks ago, but because he seemed the type to spill everything as soon as somebody so much as looked at him. A strong gust of wind would probably do that, as well, and she offered Jacob a grin. While it wasn't meant to be reassuring, just something she did out of habit. As much as I'd like to play, as well, he wouldn't be much of a challenge. Bandaged paws brought the Arabian leopard a few feet closer, the smile that didn't quite reach her eyes still on her face.

"You don't know anything, right, mister?"