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I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - Printable Version

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I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - The Tombs - 07-31-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]He had explicitly stated that he would make a visit to the group entitled Tanglewood as part of his spreading awareness of the Styx River Order, and he was certain to make good on his words. Toxicwaste was intrigued by the concept of visiting a strange territory, anyway—but he was aware of the fact that Tanglewood was not necessarily the most welcoming group out there. But he wasn't here to strike up immediate friendships. He was here to tell others about the Order and to perhaps initiate a bit of trade to get the ball rolling.

Indeed, he was quite fascinated, his mind running with ideas about the domain of the group...until he stepped into a little puddle of mud that lay...everywhere. Hmm, not the most clean habitat, but he wasn't going to complain. People lived the way they desired to live. The twisting tangles of the marsh was not the place Toxicwaste would reside in, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit interested. A home was a home, but he was waiting for its residents to take note of his presence. Perhaps the scent of the few mini muffins he held in his jaws would tempt a local to arrive.
[glow=#607c8b,2,300]NEVER DID UNDERSTAND YOU[/glow] —

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - goodsprings - 07-31-2018

↠↠it appeared their borders were rather busy today! or... maybe she just wasn't around the edges of the territory to notice much. either way, new people were a wild card to mimi. she and her sisters were lucky to be greeted by such kind women when they had ended up in their muck and mud, and had left quickly once fen had appeared to prevent herself from saying or doing something wrong. she couldn't shake off her first instincts her childhood had wired within her.

la'miyla had been... around when toxicwaste had come to their border. she was more or less wandering and figuring out how to avoid the swamps in order to go back to sunhaven to see her sisters when she picked up his scent. her lips tugged in a frown as she approached him. domestic feline, a male. not only was he too small for her to consider a snack but he didn't even look appealing as one either. a shame.

"may i help you?" she spoke in a flat tone, tail twitching impatiently as she stared down at the tom.
Template by Quill

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - aya - 07-31-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Today, Aya's residence of choice was a tree. She jumped down from said tree and sniffed with interest at the person at the border, whiskers twitching. He didn't have the determined resolution of a joiner, nor the laxness of a troublemaker. Tail waving, the tortoiseshell could only conclude he was visiting, or here to spread the word of their good lord so-and-so.

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - The Tombs - 08-01-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Often his size was used to his advantage—many believed him to be a puny fighter, and predators barely considered him a meal. However he was somewhat proficient with a sharp dagger, being strikingly precise in a jab. In spite of this, he preferred to talk things through rather than rush in blindly. He was a peacemaker more than he was a vicious warrior, and he believed that perhaps his words would cut deeper than any blade could in his paws. Please, I'm a snack. Just not the one you'd like to eat.

The feline's eerie green gaze settled upon figures in motion, figures that formed what he presumed were the residents of this Tanglewood place, the dark and dank marshlands. Excellent, excellent. Gingerly he would set down the little container of the mini muffins; a gift was a gift, and perhaps these people liked sweet treats. "Hello there. I'm Toxicwaste. Toxicwaste Daremo. Consul of the Styx River Order. That's, eh, the leader." In spite of his resolve and drive to build his mere concept into a potentially successful group, he still felt butterflies in his stomach whenever addressing himself as a dominant. Perhaps because he was never regarded as one, ever.

"I'm here on the Order's behalf to express our state as a new, neutral trading faction. That being said, we don't really take allies in the sense...only business partners." He stopped himself before he would say "or enemies," for then he would be lying. Sure, the Order made was expected. But they were not the bloodthirsty ones—rather, they sought to bring about an end to such barbaric groups. "It would be a pleasure to do business to get the ball rolling. If you have anything to offer, of course," the feline went on, a soft smile upon his maw as his weight shifted from one gray paw to another. He looked composed, professional. Yet he was anything but. His support was...crumbling easily, and he feared that he'd have to run the Order alone. Persistence, persistence!
[glow=#607c8b,2,300]NEVER DID UNDERSTAND YOU[/glow] —

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - aya - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Now, Aya wasn't business-minded like some, but she did understand trading. The tortoiseshell watched the diminutive trader and his muffins, considering what kind of trading she would be able to do, but then thinking of her rank, the firebrand straightened up. "What could we expect from this partnership, then, if it's not an alliance? If we're in trouble, could we expect you to fight for us, and would you expect the same from us?" Her tail waved as her yellow eyes followed Toxicwaste closely, thinking what animals she could splice with him, and what kind of measurements she would need to make bionic limbs for him. "It also seems to me that as I've never heard of your river order, it's not quite Tanglewood size? So what would we actually gain from this?" Actually, the tortoiseshell wasn't totally sure what that meant, but the words came pouring out anyway. Staying her steely façade, she just hoped Toxicwaste would make sense of it and not take it as an insult.

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - madster - 08-01-2018

malphas believed in the fact that tanglewood could stand just fine by itself. "oh, fuck off," were the first words out of malphas' mouth. he narrowed crimson eyes, already full of malice. how many fucking little trading clans were going to come and offer to do business with them? malphas pushed the notion that he should wait for beck away, and gritted his teeth. "we've already got clans begging us to do business with them. we don't need you." the pessimistic medic said, taking a stance near aya.

"styx river order? jesus christ, what a pretentious name," he muttered, then turned his attention back to this toxicwaste. also a terrible name, he thought. "'if you have anything to offer, huehueh'- you came on to our fucking territory demanding we're the ones who need to offer shit? yeah, fuck right off. you come into our territory and want to not die, you better be licking our fucking boots." he said, scowling.

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - beck. - 08-01-2018

    Well, Malphas wasn't entirely wrong, but did he have to be such a bitch about it? With ever-present exhaustion in his limp, Beck's scarred face was warped into a grimace as he stumbled up to join his rogues' sides, rolling his eyes before glaring at the apparent other leader. "He ain't wrong -- ya haven't even said what exactly ya trade yet. What d'ya have that we don't have ourselves already, huh?" the poltergeist drawled with a rattle plain in his breathy words, his numb expression never faltering. What was with all these newfound groups crawling from the woodworks and knocking on their doorstep asking for favors? One, maybe Beck could humor by doing "business" with them, but after that, it was boring. "Unless ya got something better than plain ol' trade 'n' business, then I'd suggest runnin' off now before ya wind up regrettin' your visit here," he nonchalantly threatened, leaning forward to offer a teasing sneer, "And don't come back until ya got some manners and a real offer, got it?" A small glance was cast back at the three rogues next to him, flicking his notched ear in a silent message to back up his warning if needed.

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

well well, times had changed hadn't they?

Since when was it in vogue for groups to come to them asking what they had to offer instead of offering their own goods and going from there? The arrogance it reeked of made his muzzle snarl up in contempt, for once holy agreeing with Malphas of all people.

Still it seemed beck had told him for sure - Fen would merely linger to the back of the group unimpressed unless this stranger actually got off his very high horse.


Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - The Tombs - 08-02-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The feline cracked open his jaw to respond to the female's inquiries until his almost hollow hues shifted to those who appeared, in which he shut it slowly and listened to their input. While quite venomous (albeit very true) words were spat at him, his smile was unfading, and he forced himself to hold back a quite amused chuckle. Well, these were warbounds, after all. What else did he expect from these people? A tea party? No, no. And business wasn't his primary reason here—he was here to let them know that there was a new face. In all seriousness, was he really going to initiate trade with...swamp people?

"Ouch, so harsh!" he drawled, rolling his shoulders as he spoke. He looked and sounded like a brat, but often Tox chose not to address his infuriating god complex, a part of him that landed the bastard into countless amount of trouble before, even with mercenaries. Perhaps because he didn't even realize he had one—he was the goddamned Holy One! But of course they wouldn't know who he was. "I'm not going to bore you all any further with details you'll surely ignore. To clarify, my purpose here was not to...strike an offer. Rush in blindly into a swamp to be buddy-buddy with its residents. I was here to announce our presence and begone, out of your hair." So much for the mini muffins. These ungrateful pricks. "I'm not here to ask for any favors from Tanglewood. I'm sure you may understand, eh? Oh, dear, I've...wasted your precious time here, haven't I? Well, don't leave me to drain you of your will to live anymore."

Without another word, the feline promptly turned and began to march out, leaving the mini muffins behind. It was a laughable situation, one that proved just how pompous he was and would be. But the interaction proved nothing to Tox. If anything, it made him stand even a little taller.
[glow=#607c8b,2,300]NEVER DID UNDERSTAND YOU[/glow] —

Re: I BLESS THE RAINS :: open, SRO visit - Luciferr - 08-05-2018

Fen's brows raised highly at the words from the rather arrogant outsider and he snorted derisively as he wandered away shooting the others a glance to gauge reactions before he shifted and turned to go back to his patrol with a quiet nonchalant "I hope the Gators eat his ass" maybe they'd catch him on his way out, r maybe a trap would ensure some game for them, who knew,

the nine foot beast sauntered off to presumably make sure no one else decided to barge into their own home just to talk their ear off for inane reasoning and a hell of a lot of presumption of their apparent overblown self importance.
