Beasts of Beyond
MEMORIES | {OPEN} - Printable Version

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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
There had been some interesting events that had happened lately he could give that much. For the first time in what felt like a long time, he experienced what it looked like for animals to go to war. He didn't seem to all bothered by that fact when the Typhoon had attacked them. Hell, he hadn't even really bothered to participate. Not like he really could if he wanted to considering that he still had a broken arm and wasn't the best when it came to fighting in the first place. Washington didn't want to get into anyone's way, and it was a way for him to gather intel of what other animals were capable of. The Freelancer also got to watch was Carolina let off a little bit of steam here and there. Which she probably needed, and something that Washington could honestly do because he had done anything to relieve his aggression that he had been feeling lately. At least he hadn't had to interact with Texas all that much, basically avoiding her completely as soon as he saw her out of the corner of his eye. He didn't need to have another episode when he was slowly getting better. Frustratingly slow. He had also been working on the aspects of what could be considered to be that of a radio. He hadn't had any luck in it of course, but he was trying his best and wasn't going to ask anyone for help.

He wasn't even sure if Carolina would be a good person to ask when it came to technology. She had used alien technology before, but that wasn't what they were using. He also had made sure to give her a little space after she came back to life and after she became a serval. The Freelancer still didn't know what to think of such scenario, and like everything else that confused him, he put it the back of his mind. Every time he started to think of something that bothered him, the voices in his head of the different AI's would spark into the back of his mind. It always made a shiver down his spine and always made him stop what he was doing for several seconds. His own paranoia getting the better of him, but damn was he trying. Either way, one of the more frustrating aspects of life that he was dealing with now was his broken leg. The being that had given him said broken leg was still at large, and he knew that he was going to have to be in good shape to fight the likes of the former friend that he had once considered him family. They definitely weren't family anymore after he tried to snap his neck and kill him. That moment constantly flashing in his eyes as he realized that he could have died here and that would have been the end of him. For what? The other had seemingly just wanted to attack him, and then took Church with him. Washington tried to think of a reason why the other wanted to go after the Simulation trooper, but he couldn't think of anything.

Maybe Carolina had already thought of something, but Washington had no idea. He hadn't had the time or even mental ability to think all that much for himself. Another reason why he was frustrating. Washington had been making sure to stay off of his leg as much as possible, moving it just a little bit here and there so that the leg wouldn't end up getting stiff or losing the muscle mass either. The armored smilodon knew how to deal with broken bones when he was a human, and the method didn't seem all that different now. Now, he was going to see exactly how far his healing process had ended up going. He was inside more of a vacant portion of the observatory. He hadn't been like Carolina. He didn't die from the injuries from that one fight. This meant that he was one of the two Freelancers that had to live with his injuries. The former human looked down at the splint that was on his left arm, which he had already taken the armor off in that area so that he could remove the splint easier. Raising his right paw, he used his claws to tear away of the bandages of the splint and removed the two portion of the splint that had kept his leg straight. He listened as the wood tumbled on the ground before inhaling as he began to twist his arm around. He didn't feel any pain, it was sore yes because he hadn't used it a lot recently. It was better than broken though. A grin was hidden behind his helmet though as he turned his paw into the direction that he was, before practicing lashing out with the said paw in a multiple of different directions.

As if he was a boxer that was trying out a new arm. Power. He was back and ready to start fighting again. Finally. Maybe he would stop snapping at others when they would ask him how he was doing with his broken arm. After having the splint put on, he dealt with everything medical himself. He didn't like medics after all and refused to trust them. He put the left paw down on the ground and moved into a standing position. It was there that he put pressure on said paw as he stood up, grunting slightly at the slight pain, but it was nothing to really be concerned about. He remained standing still for several moments before he began to shift his weight from left to right, getting a feel of how much pressure it could actually take. It felt fine, or at least as fine as it was going to get. Raising his right paw, he would move it toward his left shoulder, moving the muscle in that area of his body. Everything seemed to check out, and it was then that Washington began to bounce from the left side to the right side. Covering all angles of what his injury could have affected. Little to no pain. A sigh of relief was heard inside of his helmet as he looked toward the armor he had taken off of his left arm, as he began to move it toward himself so he could put it back on.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: MEMORIES | {OPEN} - Margaery - 08-02-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black; line-height: 110%; margin-top: 5px;"]Margaery didn't have much experience with technology. When she was born, the world was still very much in the dark, concepts of the future more like fever dreams than anything else. There was only a vast and unidentifiable unknown that, surprisingly, did little to trouble the people of her village. If anything, they didn't desire stronger, more advanced weapons or armor capable of protecting them from the fiercest of assaults. They had been perfectly content with their crudely made spears and swords, bows and arrows too. She could still see Erlend with her sword, it was one of the finest that her village had produced, befitting of a true warrior- her warrior. Maarit had been so afraid whenever her one love went off to fight, praying to the Mother above that she'd be returned to her. She was always lucky in that regard but, unfortunately, she only prayed that an opposing warrior wouldn't cut down Erlend- she hadn't anticipated her father being the one to finally do it.

It took a few centuries for Margaery to finally pick up a weapon. She preferred fighting with words admittedly, having been molded into the perfect little thing to do it by her father who possessed such high hopes for her. Princess, he called her, Heir of chaos. But one day, her aunt had insisted that she learn to use a dagger just in case. Immortality guarded her from true death, yes, but nobody ever wanted to see Margaery fall at the hands of another. She considered herself well-versed in using a dagger now, but rarely did she ever want to. Years and years of using seduction and charm to lull her victims into a sense of false comfort and then murdering them left her incredibly self reliant on her own teeth and claws. She didn't need a dagger to be successful. She had never needed one.

But when it boiled down to it, daggers weren't truly an advancement in technology. Not like the armor that Washington wore was at least. She had studied it from afar many a time, wondering if it ever ached to constantly lug around something as heavy as it looked. She had contemplated asking him a few times but always found herself thinking against it. Wash didn't strike her as the type that exactly enjoyed trivial inquires that were probably self-explanatory so she instead resigned to extending him a faint smile as she approached. Ah, it appeared as if he was doing a lot better! [color=#b09090]"You're all healed up, love!" Margaery chided pleasantly, [color=#b09090]"How does it feel to be back in action?"

Margaery had sustained a few broken bones here and there herself. Broken legs, especially, were troublesome, troublesome things and she was glad that Wash had made something akin to a speedy recovery. It got to be boring, simply sitting around all day unable to do anything. She spoke from experience in that regard.

Re: MEMORIES | {OPEN} - Suiteheart - 08-03-2018

Suiteheart was sure she had broken a limb before. She was the patron saint of shitty luck, so it had to have happened. The white feline flicked her tail as the thought leaked into her mind. Where had it even come from? It took only seconds to realize it was because Margaery was speaking with Washington, who had apparently recovered from his broken leg. Huh. Good for him then. Maybe he'd stop moping around. A wry grin marked her lips as she pushed herself up before lazily heading in their direction.

A few other thoughts crossed her mind via Margaery. Weapons? Well, that was an interesting topic. Aside from Erlend and her sword, Asa was the only other past life that bothered with weapons - and even then, Asa's weapons of choice weren't typical "weapons". The apothecary used various herbs, mixing strange concoctions together, in order to create poisons, orchestrate attacks, and build defenses. The rest of her many lives stuck with close combat, but Suite supposed her elemental abilities could be be seen as using weapons.

Truth be told, Suite hadn't given it much if any thought.

She had other matters to be stuck on.

"Now you can get back to asskicking," the Admiral laughed lightly as she stopped at Margaery's side. The domestic feline took a seat, ocean eyes watching Washington strike out to test his healed appendage.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags