Beasts of Beyond
light in your eyes / mdc prompt - Printable Version

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light in your eyes / mdc prompt - JUNJI - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it was the little things, really.

junji had figured out how to keep himself busy. taking long walks around the island, chatting with joiners, making acquaintances. though nothing could ever quite fill the hole in his heart, he could still find slivers of joy in his every day left. the child had his ups and downs, of course, but after that day by the murky pond, he seemed to be having more ups.

it was a bright, sunny day. there were few clouds in the sky, and the mid-summer heat beat down on the white sand. it burned his paws a bit, but such was a simple fix; the child waddled down to the water and shoved his paws into the waves, letting out a soft purr at the relief. for a while, he waded through the water, splashing around and drenching himself.

the ocean makes me happy.

it kept him busy until he got tired of the warmth on his back, eventually retreating into the shade of the palm trees at the edge of the jungle. for the rest of the day, as it grew hotter and hotter, the little tom spent his time within the shelter of the humid forest, wandering aimlessly. he happened across more small ponds, and at one he paused, chirping happily at the toads that sat around it.

for an hour or two, he played with them. he followed them through the jungle and imitated their hops and croaks. they would pause and junji would purr at them, earning loud croaks and playful pounces at him. eventually the amphibians grew tired; the child followed them back to their pond, said goodbye, and then he was off to find something else to do.

toads make me happy.

he happened upon that meadow again, the one from his little herb journey to try for the sage position. it was beautiful as after, flowers drifting in the breeze, carrying with it scents of all kinds. he waded through the tall grass with relative ease before coming to pause at a bed of roses. they reminded him of his mother; she had always loved roses, obvious by the way she would dry them and put them in the journal. junji brought them to her all the time, and she kept all of them, loving and nurturing them as if they were her children as well. at the memory, the child smiled softly and settled next to the flowers, burying his nose in their petals and cooing softly.

he would be okay. he would rise again, and though it would take time to heal, he would come out on top. he would care for himself like his mother cared for the roses, and in the end, he would be okay.

you make me happy, mother.