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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Today was the day. The day he had been excited about and the day he had feared. He wanted everything to go according to plan and so the male obsessed over every tiny miniscule detail of how it would go. This was placed here. That was placed there. Despite being told to relax on his wedding day, Pincher became even more high strung than he usually was when creating events or meetings, wanting this to be an unforgettable day for his to-be husband. As soon as the sun rose, Pincher scrambled out of his bed and left, dissappearing to find the volunteers that had decided to join him into preparing for the event. They noticed he was fidgety and nervous, rambling about everything needing to be perfect or that he would ring everyone's neck if they didn't do exactly to what he said. Hell, the male had actual blueprints of everything that was supposed to be created and set with his paw pointing to everything with his eyes filled with an intense energy that he usually never allowed himself to show. The stressed male could practically feel every single second tick away and not wanting any minute to be wasted, demanded that everyone work until they were completely finished with their task.

He had even given orders to Jacob but simple ones that had been written in a love letter, explaining that he should focus on preparing himself for the big day with some warm cookies that Pincher had ordered for his fiance to enjoy in the morning. Meanwhile, Pincher was pushing and shoving the items that needed to be set inside the aquarium dome, his muscles slightly aching but he ignored it as he knew the pain would fade away after the day was done especially with how the excitement within him was buzzing and pushing him on. He didn't appear to be able to focus on anything but his wedding, his leadership duties suddenly forgotten to the criminal. Maybe it was because he knew that if he allowed himself to remain in the state of love and joy of such an important day in his life, he wouldn't bail from it. He had a tendency of breaking any romantic relationships if they got to the level of marriage and weddings, his fear growing like a plague within his head. His thoughts would drown him and knowing that if he just focused on simple tasks such as building and setting up chairs, it wouldn't haunt him to the point of making him run away in his wedding day. He loved Jacob enough to force himself to remain for their relationship even if weddings terrified him.

Minutes became hours and the brilliant sapphire blue sky slowly transcended into a rich mixture of gold, rose pink, and a mixture of warm colors that blended together like strokes from a paintbrush. The sun had begun to slowly set, softly kissing the horizon's edge and turning the deep blue sea into waves of gold that softly crashed against the ivory shores that outlined the island. Starting from the outside of the submarine, a long trail of ivory white petals outlined with warm pale yellow petals lead towards the mouth of the cave that lead down to the aquarium tunnel which's glass walls had been painted with hearts and before entering the deep sea dome, a banner hung above the entrance that stated Jacob's and Deniz's wedding in lovely calligraphy with gold paint against its white surface. Once one entered, the warm scent of vanilla and coconut hung in the air and was filled with the soft steady music of a small group of crewmates that played instruments at one corner of the underwater room, a gentle melody dancing among the delicious mixture of aromas.

Above everyone's head and covering the ceiling completely was a thousand paper cranes that twirled lazily in the air, suspended for everyone to see. The rose petals had turned into an actual moon white carpet that stretched forward, metal lanterns at each aisle of chairs for the invited guests while above the lanterns hung small glasses that were filled with small smiling sunflowers and white flowers. Each chair held a small blue jay origami bird resting on it, the name of who's seating it was tied to its feet. At the end of the aisle was a spot for the couple to be wedded, a standing altar that had warm brown branches stretching out and on the branches hung lanterns, laying on the ground between them was two clear transparent bottles that were tied with a gold band. Behind the glass stretched out the crystalline sea with various tropical fish swimming around, their brilliant scales flashing as they swam by. Satisfied with his work, Pincher left to prepare himself since his entire body was filled with sand and dirt, his figure disappearing to prepare without being seen. Once he was done, the muscular metal gray jaguar had headed back to the dome, his pelt appearing like starlight in the sun's rays before entering. He was wearing the tie that Roxanne had given him, had removed his armband but kept his feather earring since it was technically his wedding ring. The captain went to go wait in front of the altar for the others, his exterior cool despite the nervousness that rattled every atom inside of him. For once in his life, Pincher was not ready for his own plan. But this wasn't just him, it was Jacob's too. The thought of seeing him brought a warm blush to his cheeks and the jaguar straightened his poised figure, raising a paw to adjust his tie. As his vows ran through his head, Pincher realized the happiness he felt was indescribable as well as the love for Jacob. His love. Today was their day.


[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]Sylvina had managed to clean up quite well for the special occasion. Not that she was dirty or anything — the well-kept female had made some simple additions to her appearance just to add additional pizzazz. It was her very own father’s wedding and she wasn’t about to show up looking like her little old self. Although she didn’t really understand the meaning of marriage, the daughter of the captain could concur  that it held an exclusive place in his heart. She was happy for him; Jacob was such a kind hearted guy that Sylvina had learned to love. Hell, he was more of a parent than her own biological mother. She could tell that the other male made Pincher very, very happy and that was all that she could hope for.

After bathing in an apple scented soap that she had pawned off of a crewmate for a few shells, the kitten would sit on the beach for about half an hour for that natural ocean blown look, her eyes watching the various colors that flooding the sky with exuberance. Sylvina could admire the sunset all night had she the chance, yet the kitten still had work to do. She would quickly slink back to her quarters inside Pincher’s den to slip on the maroon sweater that Jacob had gifted her earlier in the week; it was soft and full of sentiment and, despite her disdain for wearing clothing, she actually quite enjoyed the form fitting wear. To top off the look, the Bengal would place a vibrant red hibiscus flower delicately on her left ear, the stem securing the plant in place quite efficently.

There. She was ready for the wedding.

It appeared that Sylvina was one of the first to arrive before the commencement of the ceremony. Olive hues would dance around to admire the decorations her father had placed as she padded over the ivory petal trail towards the entrance of the cave. Everything was so meticulously placed and well thought out and even her young mind could notice it. A small smile played at her lips as she entered the aquarium tunnel, the inviting aroma of vanilla and cocunut instantly smoothing into her senses. She couldn’t help but pause in step to fully admire the complexity of the room’s designs and ornaments, the fish swimming behind the glass only accentuating the splendor before her.

The Bengal kitten would collect herself from holding up the entryway as she scurried over to her seat, picking up the blue jay origami bird to place between her legs as she sat herself upon the chair. Sylvina would flash a wide grin towards her father as she waited for the ceremony to commence.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - Luciferr - 08-01-2018

Dark scales had been polished to a sheen for all that they seemed to absorb the light like a black hole rather than shine under the rays of the sun - but let it not be said the great dragon didn't pull out all the stops for what was a special occasion and made something of an effort to reign in the usual cold aura that emanated from obsidian plate scales.

Lucifer sat at the head of the Altar watching as everyone filed in to find their seats or mingle before everything got set and started before the grooms were ready to exchange words and vows before the assembled Typhoon - and something of an Irony t be married by a god when religion wasn't a hugely big deal, some part thought - for today was the big day indeed.

Pincher was already before the altar, nervous understandably and he shot the apprehensive husband-to-be a smile of encouragement, proud the captain hadn't followed through with 'cold feet' and abandoned the thing entirely.

/short af my internet is sloooow.



Honestly, Caesar had been dreading this day. He knew that Pincher and Jacob were engaged, though he absolutely hated that fact. In his eyes, this was completely idiotic and he honestly lost some respect for Pincher for giving into the feeling of love. Who's to say Pincher wasn't just lusting after Jacob for whatever reason, just like Aphra tended to do with the people who visited the Tavern? But for once in his damn life, Caesar wasn't going to actively try to be an ass and was going to try to be supportive. It was the least he could do, considering how far he got in the ranks and how welcoming The Typhoon was. So yes, the demon was indeed here and actually attempted to clean his fur to look somewhat presentable.

The only thing that Caesar wore to his was a black bow tie and a tux. It was uncomfortable but it was something he could deal with for a couple of hours if he had to. The Officer looked at Pincher as he arrived, holding back the snort that he felt the urge to give. He had to fight it off, at least for a couple of hours. All of this is stupid. The demon thought to himself bitterly, though he tried to hide the frown on his face as he took a seat next to Lucifer.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - jacob w.c. - 08-01-2018

Maybe it was a little weird but Jacob had been looking forward to this day for as long as he could remember, even long before he ever met Pincher. He loved weddings and all sorts of formal gatherings, even as a child, and he'd always imagined what it'd be like. It was safe to say this wasn't quite the way he'd planned it out in his head when he was a child, given Deniz was neither a woman or completely free of the life of crime Jacob had only dreamed of leaving in those days. This was perfect, though. He knew Deniz was the one he loved more than anyone and he wanted to be with him forever. Nothing seemed to matter other than the way the other man cared for him and the way they'd supported each other all this time. He didn't care what Pincher did or what he wanted to one day be, he cared about the person Pincher was and that person was absolutely wonderful. Jacob wouldn't want things to be any different. The legal status of his husband's work no longer troubled him and he had certainly gotten over the fact Pincher wasn't a woman fairly quickly, given that was sort of a necessity for their relationship to ever flourish. He knew those facts wold change some things but he was more than willing to take that risk. Thankfully, it hadn't changed quite as much as he thought it would. His family still spoke to him and there were even a few of them here for the wedding.

When Pincher told him to relax and that he'd gotten cookies for him, Jacob knew that his fiance must be truly stressed. They'd barely seen each other all day but the big moment would soon arrive. He'd put on a yellow bow tie and carefully brushed his fur and had made sure to take a bath with his favorite lavender soap. It smelled lovely but it was also rather calming. He was excited about this day but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little nervous. Still, there was no doubt in his mind that this was what he wanted. He'd found a plain black long sleeved shirt and put it on to be sure that none of his scars would show before pulling on what appeared to be a hand-made poncho with patterns of blue jay feathers across it. He hadn't worn it in a very long time but he felt like it'd be appropriate now. It was the last thing his Pa had made him before he passed away. He was also wearing yellow bandages with feathers across them. They looked a little older than the ones he usually wore and that was because they were the ones made by his Ma. Neither of them could be here today but he wanted them to be represented, at least.

When he was done getting ready, it was time to head to the dome. Pincher had gotten ready separately and he couldn't wait to see his soon-to-be husband. Now that the moment was almost here, he felt his heart beating unusually fast but for once it wasn't because he was terrified. He was nervous, of course, but he was more than ready for this ceremony. He knew that Jerseyboy and Goldie would have to enter before he did and then he'd walk down the aisle with Vito to be given away to Pincher. Then the real ceremony would begin with Lucifer and Rosemary. He wanted so much to just walk in now and get the ceremony over with so they could finally be married but he knew he only had to wait a little bit longer. Soon the bridal party would begin entering and then he'd finally be able to see Deniz again.


//track shipping this!! because kaz hates weddings and would literally make it to a red wedding not even joking :>

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - Character Graveyard. - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]A wedding, for Pincher and Jacob. Wasn't that lovely? To see a couple get hitched and exchange their vows. She had decided to attend the wedding, despite not knowing a lot of others in the Typhoon. Of course, she hadn't wore anything too special, just her hat though she had washed it in order to make herself look decent.

Elizabeth had taken a seat in the dome, a small smile on her delicate features as she would await- like everyone else- for the wedding to begin.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - purgatory - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Cronas didn't understand weddings nor did they care enough to think about it. The only solid reasons as to why they attended was because they thought the decorations were nice and they were going to feed them. As far as acknowledging an authoritative figure, Cronas didn't care for either Jacob or Pincher. Then again, perhaps if they understood the meaning behind marriage, they'd feel something, anything towards it. Dedicating yourself to another? That sounded more tedious and troublesome than it's all worth. But they kept their mouth shut as they found a place to sit. They weren't interested in wearing a bowtie and instead, a flower crown could be spotted placed delicately atop their cranium as well as a couple flowers interwoven into their tail where their fur was the longest. They were told to make sure to groom themselves properly - not like they don't do that already - and to look presentable. They weren't the ones getting married so they weren't sure why their appearance mattered so much. Despite their thoughts, they obediently did as they were told without hesitation. Wrapping their tail around their paws, the small feline would stare blankly ahead as they waited patiently for the event to start.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:8px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*


[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]

Something that Owen had grown to hate after many years, due to the fact that monogamy just wasn't his thing anymore. Religion wasn't his thing, either. He didn't care for it much, but he knew that others did.

Owen had merely chosen to clean himself up, his fur groomed nicely and cleaned so no fleck of dirt could be seen on him. You should have seen how thrilled the girls were when they smelled soap on his fur. His girls, his raptors, had recoiled in disgust at the smell of chemicals, and it nearly made the shepherd laugh out loud.

Speaking of the raptors, Owen was sure they wouldn't intrude on something like this. They were probably off eating a horse or something. Probably. Hopefully. But, even if they came in, he would shoo them out. Nobody was going to ruin this perfect fucking wedding, especially when the lucky couple took so long to prepare it.

Amber eyes seemed to stare in boredom as Owen watched Lucifer stand at the altar, a chuckle releasing from his lips. Was he the best guy or something? Who knew. For now, he would just watch. It would be funny if someone tripped.


Was Jerseyboy truly H A P P Y about this wedding?

( Debatable. )

You see, Jacob was Jerseyboy's little brother. Not by blood, but more by adoption, as he had taken the kid [sub]under[/sub] his wing back in the city. He taught Jacob E V E R Y T H I N G that he knew ( or so he claims ). After Jacob had lost both of his fathers, he had taken pity on the boy and decided to raise him as one of his own brothers. They had tackled the city streets and had trekked into the wilderness, with nothing but themselves ( and his guitar, of course ). He thought that they were going to take on life together, as a "dynamic duo", but Jacob had gone soft on him. He had decided to stay in the clan, and had even become leader of the damn place. While that was all fine and dandy, Jerseyboy hadn't been planning on staying for long. He had left Snowbound, and by the time he got back, Jacob had up and left . . . this time for the Typhoon. Jerseyboy never had a great opinion on these "pirates". They were no good, like the Mob. He knew what the Mob was about, and everybody knew that they were dangerous individuals to be involved with. Jerseyboy personally knew a gangster, yeah, but that didn't mean that he necessarily rolled with them. But Jacob, joining a gang of pirates? Vito had ought to get a kick out of this one.

And as for his brother's fiance . . . Jerseyboy wasn't too thrilled on him either. But would anyone in his shoes be? Here he hadn't seen Jacob for months, and all of a sudden, he's [sup]jumping [/sup]into a marriage with a guy he's never even heard about! Not to mention that this was the same guy who had "punched him in the face", and this was the same group that had captured the poor kid months ago. This place—and this guy—was nothing but trouble. Jacob had might as well be marrying the Godfather, for fuck's sake. He didn't know how dangerous this guy was compared to the families in the city, but he still didn't exactly approve. Then again, it was hard to get Jerseyboy to approve of anyone. This is J A C O B that we're talking about, and Jerseyboy was very protective over the husky. Hell, he hadn't even know that he was into guys until a week ago or so. Not that Jacob liking men was the worst thing in the world—not the mention the most unexpected ( he never did take to women like he did )—but he was still quite surprised at the news.

He's doing this for Jacob, he kept on telling himself. The tuxedo tom looked more dapper than usual, and he was sporting a long blue tie instead of his regular black bow tie. He was squeaky-clean, with his fur glossy and slicked back without a hair out of place. Jerseyboy was refraining from keeping his dirty gaze lingering on Pincher for too long, as he knew that his whole crew was gathered and watching them. However, every few seconds, he'd look up and narrow his irises into daggers, resisting the itching urge to reach over and pull him onto the ground by a yank of the neck. Maybe rip him a new one. The tuxedo tom cat flicked an ear in [sup]annoyance[/sup] and managed a h u f f, and he simply turned his gaze away from Pincher, not wanting to look at him any longer than he had to. His visionaries scanned the crowd—nobody familiar stood out to him ( except for Vito, who was standing at the back of the aisle ). Yeah, he knew that Vito and his goons would tackle him down if he even laid a hair on this Pincher-motherfucker. So would everyone else here.

The tom walked alone, as was the tradition in wedding ceremonies. Once he made his way all the way down the aisle, he took his place at the altar, slightly pursing his lips and silently hoping that Jacob would quickly get his ass over here so that he wouldn't be tempted to act out.

Hell, Jacob was damn lucky that Jerseyboy cared about him so much. If he hadn't? He wouldn't even hesitate. But now, it was time to play his part as the best man, and he pretty much had to keep his big mouth shut for the entirety of the ceremony. There was nothing he could do but listen and watch as his little brother professed his undying-love bullshit to this total stranger.