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MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - Printable Version

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MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - rhosmari - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]War was a sick and twisted thing and who better to know this than the freelancer herself. She knew what it took to fight a war, what it was like to watch others die beside her or get mortally wounded. She understood how hard it was to watch the life drain from those she had talked to and made memories with just moments ago. Their smile no longer on their faces because of some enemy and she never took prisoners. Never. When someone took from her she took from them, she was detached in a way and her emotions and feelings only truly came out when her friends were involved in it all. It brought out the worst in her and his death had nearly broken her. It was still a burden that weighed heavily on her shoulders and something she wasn't going to let go of. She...just wasn't ready yet and so maybe that was why she worked almost mechanically now to make sure that the hostage she had take from that attack was well secured. She didn't care if he was comfortable, didn't care if he might be bleeding from injuries he sustained from herself. Why bother when the enemy had come to them and decided it was okay to attack and try to rob them blind.

She'd never feel sympathy for her enemies, never try to see the world through their eyes. Danger was danger and it had to be neutralized. The woman had forced the Typhoon member against cold concrete ground, the bitter cold seeping into her own midnight colored fur. Fumbling around with paws was the hardship of the task but she had manged to type each of his limbs up to a post so that he couldn't get away. The only way was if by some miracle one of his goons managed to get in here or he poofed out of existence and she frankly had no belief in any other powers save for the ones that had been shown to her with how they control the elements. Something about that still didn't seem right but she didn't press the subjects of the matter. Instead she paced back and forth slowly in front of what she'd won as her prize during the battle before she shifted her piercing dark amber gaze upon the said attacker. Her jaw tightened for a moment before she moved to her bucket of water and attempted to pour half of the contents over his head, sort of like a simulation of drowning. "Wake up! I need you bright eyed and busy tailed. I got questions."

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-31-2018

The last thing Caesar remembered about the raid was Carolina pressing down on his neck, and his body being forced into unconsciousness. He hated it, if he was honest. It was worse than dying, actually, but that was mostly because dying was avoidable with him being able to possess other creatures. Caesar jolted awake as water was poured on him, and he backed up a few pawsteps, fluffing his fur out in surprise. "What... makes you think... I'll talk?" The Officer growled in between sputtering coughs, shaking his head.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - ★ HAZEL - 07-31-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
This situation presented Hazel with something she had been anticipating since...the day she joined, really. The shadows and daggers of the real world were constantly catching her off gaurd, despite her readily accepting their existence. She herself had already begun to experience the darker parts of living, but physical and emotional concepts were always completely separated in her mind. Night terrors? Physical. Titanium? Emotional. There was a bright, clear line between them. It was blatant that the world was disturbed and capable of tearing things apart without sparing it a second glance, but it was so different to witness those ruthless, merciless acts.

Hazel was certain that she might encounter something far more sinister than nightmares, but she'd never thought she'd happen across it within the Ascendants. She had joined under the information that they were generally peaceful, which...admittedly, left a margin of error and room for bad decision, but where were people's morals? She had grown up in a bad place with a bad person that left her scarred, which was seemingly a crystal clear indication that it was wrong and unjustifiable. But compared to waterboarding, it made Hazel's childhood seem like a field trip.

That being what it was, Hazel never wanted to witness something more horrific than her ordeal, no matter who they were. She was so emotionally traumatized by her childhood that she could hardly stand to touch another person. Even months later she was still haunted, still plagued by the pain and the fear that followed her like a shadow. Her experience tainted the rest of her life, made it miserable and tormenting and utterly awful. Watching someone else go through that sounded like watching her ongoing hell all over again.

"What are you doing?" The chocolate feline demanded, that familiar angry fire sparking in her golden optics. She had stalked over at the sound of water splashing oddly against the concrete floor, curiosity quickly turning into morbid horror and anger. The ground had split, the concrete fracturing to produce a whole mess of tiny gems: peruvian opal, tanzanite, ruby, peridot. A whole emotional coctail, ripe and boiling. The foreign smell of Typhoon permeated the air, but Hazel's focus was elsewhere.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-31-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
*retro before recovery*

Were they the good guys? Originally they had thought they had been, but after learning the truth, they had always been the bad guys. Maybe that was why they had so many different enemies that they were constantly trying to fight off on a daily basis when they were invested into the program. No matter what though, the majority of those that joined the program had military experience before being allowed to join. There were a couple of exceptions here and there, but everyone grew to know about a military lifestyle. War wasn't pretty. It never was. It was gritty, and no one ended up coming out on top. Sure, one could say that they won the War, but at what cost did they win? How many families were forced to go to their loved one's funerals? Had his own family thrown a funeral for him thinking that he was dead once Freelancer wiped his records? Or did they simply think that they had abandoned them and left them to die in the house that they had stayed in for most of their life? Washington didn't know, and he didn't think about it. They weren't the good guys, and in fact, they were criminals. Doing horrible things to those that ended up coming into their path and showing no mercy to the enemies.

Washington had been there during the raid and had simply sat back to watch everything go by. He didn't even bother to help those that were being attacked unless it was someone that he somewhat knew. There was no reason for him to fight as he could make up the excuse that he still had his broken left arm and that if he got injured further he would just be a liability. No one would probably argue against him as his true motive. He could care less about what happened to those that lived in the outpost. Hence why hew as content on just sitting on the sidelines without doing anything. Of course, Carolina had wanted to let lose some steam, and he watched her as the one that she went up against was basically detained fairly quickly. Once he realized that Carolina wasn't going to kill the simple animal, he knew that the other would have questions for the attack. Washington didn't know why Typhoon had attacked the group that they were in, or if they were tipped off by another Freelancer. Even then, he wasn't about to go to the Typhoon as long as they didn't specifically target one of their own. If someone heard his thoughts, they probably thought that he is an asshole, but Washington doesn't care. He's here for one job, and protecting the likes of those that lived here wasn't one of them.

Whether there were others that were around to watch him not do anything off in the sidelines he didn't know. He was technically injured, and he could play that card without much stress. Washington had tortured someone once. They all had. The Project needed as much intel as they could get about their enemies and keeping some alive was beneficial as a bargain, or just that, information. Washington didn't care if the creature that had attacked the group ended up dying. He would just kill the other by simply stepping on the cats head thanks to the massive weight difference between the both of them. Was he going to feel good if he tried to torture the other? Probably not. He didn't want to use everything that Project Freelancer had taught him. It just... felt wrong. The heavily armored smilodon began to make his way over, limping slightly as his left arm was in a splint. He was more concerned about what the other would end up doing to the Typhoon member.

Would she kill him? Maybe. Was there a reason behind it? Who knows. Washington sat off to the side and didn't seem all that concerned what was going on. Not like anyone could tell thanks to the helmet that was on his face. The other didn't say that he would talk, but most of those that were tortured did talk. They always had a preservation for their own life after all. Washington would shrug his shoulders at the others question, his thought of death completely different than the likes of those that lived in this world. [b]"Then you'll die." Washington said in a deadpanned tone. If there was no reason to keep the other, then it would be less soldier on the other side. The other group wouldn't know that they had killed the cat if they dug a grave in the territory where no one would look and couldn't claim that they killed them. Simple. Maybe what Washington said was out of line, but he didn't know that this outpost was considered to be peaceful the majority of the time. War wasn't pretty, and this was just the start of it.

At the appearance of Hazel, Washington didn't seem to care about what the female had to say, and simply took what she did say literally. His helmet covered head turned toward the female, and he knew that if the other tried to stop Carolina, there would probably be a form of a fight. Washington wasn't squeamish when it came to torture or really anything that others could consider to be awful. "Regulation interrogation during the time of conflict. Or, does this not exist in this world?" Washington questioned in his deadpanned tone, and it almost sounded like sarcasm. What was the other so upset about? It was going to end up helping the rest of the outpost to get information out of the other instead of worrying about the other going back and revealing more about the outpost than already was. The Freelancer didn't see the issue fro his point of view, as torture was a military strategy that was often used during the time of war, and Washington was fairly certain that the group would be at war whether they liked it or not.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - rhosmari - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Truth be told Carolina was disturbed and how disturbed she had gotten since her death and resurrection was yet to be seen. But for now she allowed a small smirk to pull against liquor stained lips as she watched the other. She loved answers like that and frankly the idea alone that he may think she couldn't break him was interesting. She wouldn't hold death over his head although if he proved useless to her well...that was another matter. The serval suddenly moved forward and within a blink of an eye she aimed to grab the other by the side of his head, claws sinking in. "I'm asking the questions here and you are answering them. If sounds come out of your mouth and they aren't answers to any of my questions I'm going to break something. Understood?" Her voice was calm, neutral as she aimed to release him, tail swaying slowly behind her nimble form before she released a gentle breath. She remembered while she had fought him that he had black blood. Her eyes shifted down to her leg, the same one he had torn open with his very own claws and she snorted before a voice spoke up in defiance at what she was doing.

Great. She didn't need that right now and she glanced over her shoulder to look at the other with a mild look of interest in her deep amber gaze. Patterns of black dancing in their depths. "Interrogations like he said." She had noticed Wash's appearance and his added threat of death. She knew he wouldn't care much about this Typhoon member and she didn't either. If they had cared about anything they wouldn't have come here to attack them in the first place and she rolled her eyes a bit before turning back to Caesar. This was important to her anyway and she wanted to know what was going on here. Her pawsteps echoed on the concerted room as she stepped closer to her captive, intent on intimidation because that was what she was breed for. She was damn scary when she wanted to be and she rolled her shoulders slowly feeling a bit pumped. "Now, first question. Why did your leader orchestrate an attack on the Ascendants? Has their been bad blood between the two outposts before?"

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - MirrorEdge - 07-31-2018

"Can I help?" For once, Thea sounded less cheerful, and more... unsure, an unreadable emotion in her eyes, a cold fury as she looked at Caesar. Bandaged paws took a step forward, and she directed her next question to Caesar, a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes as she tilted her head. "Remember me?"

She had been weak enough before to be captured, and it was an odd feeling, almost impossible to describe, seeing Caesar in the position she had been in less than a few weeks ago. Joy at seeing him in this position. Relief that he was getting what he deserved. Rage at Caesar all over again. A need for revenge.

Thea wanted him to be beaten down, feel the same utter humilation and hopelessness, the uselessness she had felt, while he was here.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-31-2018

"Good." Caesar hissed back to Washington, his head snapping to glare at the larger male. Being killed gave him a chance to escape out of there, although he would have to be careful about possessing a random body because he would get stuck in that body for a couple of days. "You can't threaten a demon with death. Try again." He shot back, right before Carolina grab his head, her claws sinking into the skin. Numbness shot through his body, and a shiver went down his spine as he glared up at his captor now, his tail lashing. When she released him, it took him a couple of heartbeats before he moved to sit back up, though he clearly did not trust Carolina, as evident by his narrowed eyes. "You think I fuckin' know?" The Officer responded. "Far as I'm aware, there hasn't been anything between them. Pretty sure we did it for the hell of it." He shrugged.

Caesar heard Thea of course, however he decided to ignore her. The downside of having him as a prisoner was the fact he just... didn't show signs of feeling pain. In fact, he almost seemed to enjoy it. So if Thea was wanting him to be in a world of hurt, unfortunately that wasn't going to happen. Of course his body would react as if it was in pain, but Caesar himself wouldn't feel it.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - BASTILLEPAW - 08-01-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Maybe he would be a better person if he had the reflex of disgust in response to terrible things, but the truth was that he didn’t. Bastille didn’t so much as bat an eye in the face of torture, simply carrying on with his general indifference and checking to see if it was in any way useful. He didn’t care for torture just for fun, of course, but it wasn’t his damn problem if someone else was beating around an enemy who had wronged them. This bastard had taken Thea, and he’d joined the raid on them, which made him entirely fair game to Bast. It was almost gratifying to see him suffering for his deeds, and he might have been more pleased about it if it weren’t for the distress he could feel radiating off of Hazel.

He stopped beside her slowly, cold blue stare dragging over Car’s set up idly. He glanced from Thea to Caesar, her words confirming that this was the one responsible, and he made no move to intervene in either Car’s work or the fireball’s offer to help. He wished he could call it all off just to make Hazel happy, but enemies were enemies. It wasn’t like Car was doing this out of spite, anyway: she was after information, and he was fine with her means.

[b]”Careful, Thea,” was all he commented, gaze flickering back to the young girl, ”Hurting him back might only make you feel better temporarily.” A flicker of memory, of Beck withering at his paws, screaming, but he glanced sideways at Hazel as he yanked the memory away from the forefront of his thoughts and their bond. That wasn’t a conversation he was ready to have with her. He didn’t say anything to indicate he was going to stop her from joining, though.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - rhosmari - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He wasn’t making a great case for himself right now. Especially now that she knew that he was the one that had harmed Thea. A child. Children were not targets of war and should never be caught up in the crossfire. That was how lives were ruined forever. There was no coming back from damage like that and she would know. She was the product of something similar maybe even something more deranged than anyone would understand. Her chest felt constricted just thinking on it and she could hear a sharp staccato sound ringing in her head. The sharp rap of her claws revealing her mania as the tapped against the cold concrete floor. She had already decided this male’s fate and his spout about being a demon she hardly believed. Demons were here say, utter garbage to think he actually was one. Her gaze had been staring off and she realized where she was before she forced her claws to stop the incessant tapping. The sound driving her mad as she looked sharply to Thea. ”No, don’t worry I’ll handle it and you will understand what it takes to get rid of your enemies.” Cold brutality. Shifting her eyes that seemed too bright, too livid the woman allowed her paw to slowly move forward in an attempt to touch his chin gently. ”So you are okay with that? Then again why wouldn’t you be. You and that thing you call a leader. No reason or pattern to your crimes like most filth in the world. Now tell me, what ways are there to infiltrate your home? How many members do you have exactly? And who is going to be my next target?” Yes she was going that route because she was done getting answers and playing around. They had no reason for attacking them so they would get what was coming for them. A slaughter and this guy will kick it off with telling her who to go after next. She knew that Bastille had arrived on the scene but right now she didn’t care about his presence. The only thing that mattered was the creature before her.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-04-2018

"Hurting him back might only make you feel better temporarily." Caesar's ears flicked in amusement at Bastilleprisoner's words. He was honestly kind of hoping Thea would attack him, if only to see what kind of damage she could inflict. The demon's attention snapped back at Carolina spoke to him and he narrowed his eyes. "What makes you think I know how many members there are? I don't keep track of that shit." The territory, however, was of course a different story, but did she really except him to tell her things? He may be a bastard but he was a somewhat loyal bastard. Even if he didn't like the majority of people there.