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WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - Printable Version

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WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - guitarstrings ! - 07-31-2018

The light comes from nowhere. Pulling him to it, grasping for him and refusing to let go until he can hear it.

Open your eyes.

Wake up.

He wakes, blue eyes fluttering opening to a view unfamiliar and body heavy from rest, he feels the occasionally tap of rain tap against his body and he can't help shaking himself from the uncomfortable feeling of his pelt soaking it up. Where was he? The figure stands up and looks at his body with confusion, as if being a young wolf wasn't what he was supposed to be when he awoke in what he now realized was an unfamiliar marsh of sorts causing his fur to get a bit muddy from just laying there beside a tree stump . He seems to form his name in his mind as he looks around the unfamiliar, feeling that he was a Treestump and nothing more. He never felt like speaking up was his strong suit either and was a man of the-- something sharp and pointy stuff. Treestump slowly moved about the area with curiosity bright eyes scanning carefully and his body completely oblivious to the occasional flop of the satchel at his side as he moved about the area. The rain continued to dapple small, dark patches across his fur as he moved on past a border he was quite unfamiliar with many figures he saw in the distance that treaded about without much of a thought and Tree never thought twice about them bothering until he found himself tripping over a rock hidden in the mud and face planted into the ground with a soft thump. What a fool he was for not being more of his surroundings despite being a bit unsure of how even got to this place in the beginning.


Re: WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - goodsprings - 07-31-2018

↠↠the ivory tiger had been out and about, mainly to enjoy the rain. like most tigers, the water was something she loved to be around, particularly why she was so excited about the beach as well. even though the 'wood lacked it, still she remained, spending half her tme here and the other with her sisters back in sunhaven.

the woman had been using the rain as an opportunity to hunt today. her scent washed away with the wax leaves and swamp musk keeping her covered from any sort of prey's detection. she might not trust to eat anything here, but her teeth were starved of sinking them into something soft and fleshy.

her nose caught scent of a wolf, and her jaws opened up to gather more. her paws moved almost on auto-pilot, acutely dodging twigs. maneuvering around or under low branches until she saw the male's pelt through the corner of her eye. he was walking, clearly unaware of a border; perhaps he wasn't sentient like the rest of them? la'miyla had seen feral creatures before- always better to put them out of their misery.

she was about to pounce, her legs tensing up and lips curling back before he... oh gods. she couldn't keep in the giggles that bubbled from her as she saw him face plant straight into the mud. as much as she would love to take the chance of a man in a state of weakness, it was oddly hilarious how it occurred. so... out of the blue and unexpected. despite losing a meal from giving up her location, mimi was still in a good mood. she stepped forward from where she had been hiding and kept her distance from treestump, though decided to greet him with the same hospitality the others had.

"trespassing on tanglewood territory you know, but i think i'll let it pass this time." she sat down, trying to rub the mud from her paws on a bush, offering no help to the wolf. he could get up on his own. "you have a name, hun? or any reason to be here?"
Template by Quill

Re: WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - calliope - 07-31-2018

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As per usual, Mira was on her own. She was rather antisocial for someone who sought out to live in Tanglewood, not even trying to get to know many people. Despite how much she wanted to protect everyone, she didn't feel comfortable speaking to any of them. Maybe it was the reason why that she had been keeping a bit of an eye on her clanmate. She wasn't planning on striking up any form of conversation, but Mira had followed La'miya from a distance to make sure everything was alright. She just seemed like the type to get hurt, and she wanted to be there to help if it happened.

Mira's eyes widened upon seeing someone fall flat on their face. Were they hurt? Mira had darted forward, skidding to a halt nearby her clanmate, glancing down at the fallen stranger. "W-woah! Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" she asked, more concerned about any possible injuries than the fact that he was trespassing. They could worry about that later, especially since he didn't seem like an immediate threat.


Re: WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - arrow - 07-31-2018

[color=black] "Oh damn."

Arrow had been hunting for the day, she didn't have much else to do anyway, and it was good to at least feed everyone. Unfortunately she couldn't pull anything huge to feed the bigger residents, one of those alligators would gore her and Beck wouldn't be happy about it. What would a larger animal have to do around here, anyway? A rat would be a nugget, but unfortunately that's what she could offer. Maybe even a fish, but she didn't trust anything that grew in this water.

What she hadn't expected to find though was a stranger face planting into the mud. That had to have hurt, at least a little bit. She skipped over not at the fall, but at the sound of Mimi and Mira confronting the eater of mud and earth. She failed to suppress a small snicker, feeling a twinge of guilt about that. However, she was no stranger to tripping over small roots and rocks herself, and she knew the territory she was tripping in. "Me too though, man. Me too."

Re: WHAT A TWIST || joining + lost - guitarstrings ! - 07-31-2018

Tree had stood there, face deep in the mud for a moment with only a low groan coming from his maw in response to his current predicament. He felt each tap of rain against his now soaked pelt and felt his body grow more cold the longer his stood there rather stupidly, bright blue hues now looking up to the sound of something prowling about only to find a tiger not too far from him, staring and keeping space between them like some sort of predator trying to pounce or give him the chance to fear for his life. Another female was a bit closer to him though, clearly a bit worried about his "gracious" fall into the mud. However, he simply stared and kept back rather blankly for a moment with mud covering a good bit of his face despite the rain helping to clean off most of it. The Tiger spoke to him first, trying to act like she was in charge of this place despite the fact the land here was the real one in charge. Next was the big question that almost threatened a word to spill from his mouth, maw barely opening before he clamped it back shut before the tiger. The wolf looked around him, gesturing to the tree stump he had found himself next to and even attempted to write his name in the mud before him, though it was rather hard to read with puddles of water quickly filling the letters. His teeth bared in frustration, squashing the mud slightly before looking back to the serval with a softer look in his eyes. Tree gave a slow nodded, wiping away a patch of mud and unaware of the small cut on his cheek as he silently tried to reassure he was quite fine. Though it was the rude snicker of the newest female, an oriental who seemed to know his troubles of...something...perhaps his fall? He was determined to wipe the rest of the mud off because of the girl's reaction to him, though it seemed to have slightly stained his pelt and would have to be thoroughly cleaned later with much more vigor than what was being applied by his paw now
