Beasts of Beyond
KILLER INSTINCT | {P, PHOBEUS} - Printable Version

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Over the course of the coming weeks since he decided to stay there, the wildcat was able to gather a good amount of information. Some of which ended up turning into deductions but Killua wasn't really concerned about whether his assumptions were wrong when it came to the different places. He could get a feel for how the clan decided to run themselves based on the creatures that had approached him, or those that ran the clan for that matte.r Ultimately he didn't end up meeting a whole lot of new faces, but there was some that he would certainly not forget for a good amount of time. Killua had an amazing memory, a trait that he needed when he worked with his family all things considered. He had to make sure that he would never forget to say the traits of a target because if he did it would just mean that it would put him in danger and therefore he had a chance to fail the mission. Killua was far from having a mind like a regular child his age. He had been shaped and morphed in the way that his parents had wanted him to become, not having a say in the matter. It was much easier to train something that was incredibly young than try and trian someone once they were fully grown. The reason for this being that creatures that were much younger were supposed to retain a lot of important information at a young age. It was a means of survival because if offspring weren't quick enough to learn how to survive, it would ultimately mean their death. Most animals just had to focus on what it was like to survive and not have to deal with something trivial such as morals. He knew the name of all the groups that were now in the area. Learning names were the stepping stones to figuring out more about what each group about, even if he didn't like groups as much as the rest. He had to gather as much information and keep tabs on those that he did end up seeing out of the factor that if he didn't, then it would just mean that his brother would have a chance to hide in a place like this. Hidden from view and as long as his older brother knew where he was there was no reason for him to come out of hiding. Annoying to deal with, but strategy wise it was the best choice for him to do. After all, once Killua caught a whiff of his brother, he was most certainly going to end up being defensive. But would he run away this time like he had done last time? The assassin wasn't exactly entirely sure what he wanted to do at this moment. He had to get stronger and deduce how strong he was compared to how his brother had been the last time he met him. Was it capable for his older brother to get stronger in such a short span of time? Considering they were both Zoldycks, he wouldn't imagine that the other was more than capable of improving his skills. But who was there to fight against that would help his skills even a little bit? Most of the creatures that were in the clans were fairly weak and Illumi would probably grow bored after a while. It was certainly more frustrating that he would have liked, but he was hoping his hunch and gut were right thinking that it was possible for him to actually start a life in a place like this instead of just moving around.

Killua was able to learn the name of this place whether the group that lived here liked it or not. The one male that he had ended up meeting obviously told him that he wasn't welcome in a place like this if he wasn't a joiner. Typical behavior for a group that just constantly wanted to be violent. He was more interested in the two animals that had remained calm to him the entire time. They seemed to be the more chatting types than Killua could ever be. He wasn't really that picky when it came to a conversation, as he could always turn it into something else. With groups like these and how violent some of the animals were, it was difficult for Killua to keep himself calm in situation's like these. After all, the assassin had to deal with the factor that there were still voices that were constantly in the back of his head. Voices that always told him to do terrible things and the goal he constantly sought out for was just his imagination. Something that he would never be able to catch up to achieve it. Killua called bullshit on that and was going to do whatever the hell he wanted. So exactly why was he back in the place like this? It was mostly out of spite, as he wanted to piss off the male that had practically threatened him for being on the other side of the border just wanting to have a little bit of a talk. He would just keep coming back and there was nothing that the other could do against something like him. Having looked at the other's appearance, it was obvious that Killua would have an advantage when it came to physical combat. He was larger than most domestic cat species that existed, despite him only being an apprentice age. Not like that really mattered. It was for his age however that others were quick to underestimate him. Which both pissed him off and made him cocky. Everyone could be a potential threat when it came to the clans, and he wasn't a sweet angel despite how he would try and portray himself to be. He was a killer. Murderer. A machine. One that wanted to carve out a life for himself but he was having a hard time doing so. He was alone after all. The albino serval let out a low huff from his jaws as he kept the same strategy that he had done before when it came to dealing with the murky water that constantly surrounded him. He could already smell that most of the water was most likely toxic, at least to regular animals for that matter. Killua didn't have to worry about being poisoned and if he wanted a drink he could just drink the water and have everything end perfectly fine. He kept the trees, enjoying having the high ground in case some of their barbarians decided that it was a bright idea to attack a Zoldyck. Blinking his sapphire blue eyes, he kept himself to the branch of a tree as he was slightly inside of the territory this time. There was no malice that came off from his body while he laid on that branch though. He did raise his paw and conjure up a lollipop, which he promptly put into his mouth, the scent of candy drifting into nearby areas. A bored look was spread across his facial features, but here he didn't end up coming alone. If someone looked closely at his neck, one would notice the slight change in texture, from fur to scales. Wrapped around his body was that of a full grown albino black mamba. The other's coloration nearly blending perfectly with his. He could feel Koru's head resting on the back of his neck. He wanted to take the reptile a little bit away from Snowbound considering that it wasn't good for a reptile to be in cold places. He flicked one of his large ears as he simply laid down on the branch, waiting for anything to happen now.

snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: