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停止关怀 — open - Printable Version

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停止关怀 — open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-31-2018

(watch me disappear)
She remembers the ghost of her mother's laugh breathing down her neck, the bittersweet voice filling her curtained room with its gentle trilling. She remembers having woken up to her mother's decaying face staring straight at her, remembers running as fast as she could from the Observatory, from the fields, from familiar faces judging every step that she takes until she's been dissected in front of everyone - she remembers words haunting every pawprint she leaves behind with proclamations of her lack of worth, her lack of presence, her lack of soul, her lack of personality, her lack of connections, friends, family, loved ones...

She remembers running away one night and disappearing into the world beyond.

When she comes back, stands by the border again with the corpse of a deer dangling from her jaws, she's bigger. Bigger than she had been before, quieter as she pushes past the scent-markers until the tall grass are dancing around her legs. They don't seem as tall anymore, not when she towers over them in her new body, strong and lean but harboring the same colors she'd had before. It's undeniable who she is, who she used to be, but half of a broken mask is covering the right side of her face, white porcelain gilded with gold, and the eye within is more amber than gold; the color seems to brighten and dim with every breath.

Even the golden speckles along her body have taken to emitting a soft light.

Versailles reaches the Observatory but veers away from its doors, instead finding a patch of land in the back where she settles down and begins to feed on her catch. A massive paw moves up to move the mask partly away, revealing a patch of pink skin underneath - skin, no fur, burned perhaps? As soon as she's taken a bite, she adjusts the slab of porcelain to hide it again. She repeats this motion, over and over, shifting the mask back and forth to feed, to swallow, to feed again until her kill has already lost its leg to her.

She decides she's had enough, pushes away the carcass with one paw, and simply lies there in the shadow cast by the massive building behind her, lower jaw pressed above her extended arm.

It's been only two days but... so much seems to have changed.

Re: 停止关怀 — open - Margaery - 07-31-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
Margaery did not take well to strangers.

One thousand years of deceit and betrayal had at least taught her that much, her guard up even as she extended a  charming smile in the direction of each newcomer, of each visitor. She had been raised a lady after all, her father's prized pearl that he used as a bargaining trick to get what he wanted, ensuring that she was prim and proper and ever the well spoken princess that so many desired. Nobody suspected the girl with the honey-like disposition, nobody looked upon her and believed that her tenderness hid a monster. She knew she was a hypocrite in that regard but didn't care. She had chosen to trust so many strangers in the past, offering up her heart to anyone who showed her even the faintest glimmer of kindness only for a dagger to be sunk into it. Time and time and time again had she so blindly believed in the promises of the unknown - in a better life, when she was more than just a bargaining chip - that she was wary of them now. So wary, and rightfully so. She had been the stranger that took and killed just as much as a stranger had been that to her and as she looked upon this massive beast in all of its familiar glory, she couldn't even begin to deny the feelings of mistrust, of doubt.

Margaery would approach Versailles hesitantly, blue-gray gaze shifting copper as that well-known rush of savagery that indicated Genevieve's too-close presence overwhelmed her for a moment. She knew that this was Vera, dear sweet Vera who she saw as a daughter, and yet, she had changed so much. It had been two days since she last saw the girl, worried sick about her sudden disappearance just as she had Alex's, and it was clear that she returned differently. Hell, that was the statement of the year! Gone was her familiar domesticated form, this beast left in its place, face half-shrouded in a porcelain mask. [color=#b09090]"Vera?" Margaery inquired quietly, a seconds glance shot in the mangled deer she had brought with her, [color=#b09090]"Where did you go? What happened to you love?"

Re: 停止关怀 — open - GABRIEL - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe could remember much of his mother. Thankfully, none of those memories included her death, and the thought did not sit well with him; it had been years since he last saw her, and many things could happen in that amount of time. He knew her through the eyes of a child who took on too much responsibility at a young age, knew her as a source of warmth to curl into after a long day, knew her as a raspy voice crooning out lullabies in the light streaming through the cracks of their walls; and he knew her as the expert roll of his name off her tongue, soft vowels and tumbling R. As much as he wanted to, the odds of Gabe seeking her out were...low. Just as he remembered her solely through a child's memories, she knew him only as that bright-eyed boy, not the washed out fuck-up he was now. He would rather she kept that image of him over the person he was today. Gabe couldn't imagine embracing her and deserving it, and the same went for his many sisters. They were better off without him to stain their lives.

So he remained here, to take up space in these people's lives instead. The last two days were spent planning, writing out thoughts in the dirt and swiping them away when he grew dissatisfied. When he'd finally come up with something better than his first idea, then he would take it to the people in charge; until then, he wandered around as he usually did, checking the border, hunting food, bringing some of it to Laz when it was large enough. He was off to find himself a mouse when he scented a fresh kill; pursuing it led the hybrid to someone...strange, yet familiar, and it was only when Margaery addressed the panther that he realized it was Versailles. "Damn, did you just leave to star on an extreme makeover? I need one of those." He'd leave the concern to Margaery, who was much better at showing than Gabriel was.


Re: 停止关怀 — open - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-31-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Washington tried to keep tabs on those that were in the group. It was beneficial to both him and everyone else as he would be a little bit more trusting if he knew everything about everybody. There would be no room for the likes of questions, and even from there, the Freelancer wouldn't feel like a total idiot when he approaches someone and doesn't know who they are. It was easier this way, but there were plenty of things that he didn't keep track of. He was constantly working and rarely walked away from it. He was always on edge for another threat that could pop its head back up. So, it wasn't a surprise that he didn't notice someone was gone immediately. He wouldn't know someone was missing unless they brought it up to him. His mind incredibly foggy to everything that was happening around him, but there was at least one positive to everything that was happening right now, and that was the fact that his arm was fixed and not broken anymore. The only positive that he could really think about for the time being. There was stuff going on with the Typhoon, something that Washington didn't really care about as long as they didn't distract him from his work all that much. It wasn't like he could do anything either with a broken leg and not having the same abilities that these creatures did.

Something that Washington wasn't bothering to try and understand how it was even possible to do something like that. Either way, he liked having intel on those that made their way into the group, constantly doing patrols. But he wasn't made out of magic. He couldn't be everywhere and even if he wasn't getting any sleep, one could probably not take that as some sort of excuse. The Freelancer didn't notice that Versailles had disappeared. Or that the kid Alexander had disappeared until Imperia had asked him where the kid was, well not to him specifically but he had been around when the canine had asked the question. Or Thea's disappearance before coming back from the Typhoon. He didn't know everything, and he wasn't some kind of God that could keep track of this stuff. It wasn't his job. His job currently was something entirely different. Luckily for Washington, he wasn't capable of picking up scents through the helmet that he wore. He hated the idea of eating the likes of raw meat and preferred to have the cooked meat that Imperia prepared for him on a daily basis. Something that for once he was incredibly grateful for. The Freelancer had just walked outside of the Observatory when he noticed Gabriel walking in a certain direction. The hybrid was slightly interesting to the former human, and then he looked in the direction of where the other was going.

There was a dead deer on the ground and two other animals that were around it. Looked just like another gather and there was one animal there that he didn't recognize. The armored covered smilodon began to make his way over, for once not having a limp in his step either. As he approached, he noticed familiar markings that were on the large wildcat. Not as large as him, but almost as large as Carolina had been in her first body. Interesting. He tilted his head slightly before the others name was spoken, at least the shortened version of that name. Versailles. Wait. This was the domestic cat? How the hell did she get bigger? The surprise that was spread across his face was hidden behind the visor of his helmet as he sat a little bit of a distance off. Washington was incredibly confused by most of the stuff that went along in this group, and there were other slight appearances on the other that were slightly different.

At least from what he could remember which wasn't all that much. His memories seemed to constantly get fuzzier and fuzzier each time. [b]"You've uhh.... gotten bigger." Washington stated in a confused tone, and there seemed to be some sort of pause for some reason. And Washington seemed to hold his breath for a couple of seconds. Why did he just say that? Fuck. Washington seemed to start stumbling over his words as he tried to explain what he meant. "I mean its just-that you're not a uhh- regular cat anymore is- what I mean. Uh yeah." Well, now he just felt awkward, and decided that instead of making the situation worse he just shut his jaw and kept quiet. The others around probably had more of a connection with the larger wildcat than he did. The former human was still confused as to how the other turned into something else. He still didn't understand how Carolina ended up turning into a serval anyway. Whether or not the other would get rid of the confusion that he was going through as to how all of this was possible was yet to be seen.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: 停止关怀 — open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-01-2018

(watch me disappear)

Versailles' curved ears, still marked with the piercings Suite had given her, flicker at the sound of her name being uttered in a tentative whisper, paws on eggshells and thinning ice. Her mismatched gaze lifts from where she had been staring so intently at the ground to look at Margaery, tracing her familiar features before letting her eyes wander elsewhere in guilt. "I didn't - it's a long story," she offers in response, voice about as quiet as hers had been.

It isn't a long story. She hadn't felt like home, and she thinks her thoughts manifested into something more when her mother started chasing her out of the territory. Looking back, she thinks it might've been a hallucination, but things certainly had taken a turn for the worse (or the better, depending on who you ask) since she made her abrupt leave. The right side of her face still itches from time to time - she loathes reaching up to scratch it, loathes feeling the burn scars...

She presses the half-mask closer to her face, cool porcelain pressing against the pink skin hidden beneath it. Ashamed. Embarrassed. Insecure. "I got into a little scuffle," she admits, trying to laugh a bit at the end but failing; it comes out as more of a choke. Gabe's words, when he arrives, aren't that far off the mark either. She presses the mask again, wanting to make sure they can't see, but has enough to nerve to shoot him a response albeit sounding completely deadpan. "Trust me. They weren't very good at it. The conditions on set were terrible too. It was sweltering."

At Washington's comment, Versailles is quick to frown, before her gaze dips and her body rises to give herself a good look, trying to find an ounce of fat - she'd been a little on the thicker side as a domestic, sure, but she's sure that her body is now armed to the teeth with lean muscle... another once-over confirms that she's leaner, at least. His stumbling attempt to correct himself at least clarifies what he wanted to say, but there's still a bitter taste of something on her tongue.  "Yeah, I - uh... stress does things to people?" Her voice lilts with her own confusion, she's not entirely sure what had triggered it either. "Stress definitely did a number on me."

Re: 停止关怀 — open - BASTILLEPAW - 08-01-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille had an interesting relationship with their mother, though he supposed that Vi could barely call her that having never known her. He shouldn't have even been able to know her, if not for her soul fragment latching onto him in death. Recently, he found himself wondering what might have happened if she had gotten a bit of their mother, too. If somehow they'd been drawn together. If the last fucking blood he had in the world had been with him, if they hadn't struggled alone. As his vision swam with memories dancing across the reality and his souls got more and more restless each day, he found himself more and more tempted to ask Vi to just run away with him. They could make up for what they missed as children. They could leave it all behind and just go, wander and survive together.

But then she'd disappeared for a bit, and he'd had to force himself not to focus on it, to freak out. She could be giving herself space from the group. She could be in her room. She could be visiting allies. It was nothing to worry about and he couldn't afford to worry. Still, it was a fucking relief to see her at their border, even if she was changed. He strode towards them quickly, scowling as he caught onto her words. [b]"Scuffle with who?" Bast demanded archly, not looking pleased with this tidbit as his cold stare slid over her swiftly. Something angry rose up in the back of his throat, Pollie rising to the surface, but he bit back the wrath.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: 停止关怀 — open - Suiteheart - 08-03-2018

Suiteheart hadn't forgotten her mother. She had been a tiny lady who was filled with ten tons of love and caring. She was a woman who appeared to be fragile and weak, but she could easily bite back when it came to defending her family. Even so, she had never used harsh tones or cool words with her children or husband. If Suite thought long and hard, she could still remember the sound of her mother's voice gently lulling she and her siblings to sleep. If she thought long enough about her mother, she swore she could still feel the bear hug her mother would sweep her up in whenever she was down, but those were phantom feelings of times so long ago she didn't believe it was real.

She could still remember the tears in her mother's eyes - tears the older woman refused to let fall - when Suite explained she was leaving. Mrs. Folie had smiled sadly, told her she could return home if she so chose, and then bid her daughter farewell. Disappointment, though minute, speckled her mother's eyes. The white feline hated that that was one of the last memories she had of her mother, but she supposed she should be lucky for having the chance to meet her mother when so many others didn't.

She was pulled from these thoughts as she made her way toward the Observatory. Various voices reached her, tugging her away from the doors of the building. Baby blue eyes instantly fell to Versaillespalace, and her fictional brows raised skyward. A panther now replaced the domestic feline, but the creature was definitely her. The gold markings were a dead giveaway, and if that wasn't enough, Suiteheart saw the piercings she had given Versa herself. It was almost like seeing a ghost.

The Admiral arrived just in time for Versailles to begin explaining things. She pressed herself gently into Margaery's side as she listened to the panther's words. The femme offered Gabriel and Washington a nod of greeting, but she only rested her gaze on Bastille for a moment to acknowledge him. Returning her full attention back to the girl, worry burned in her eyes. Noting how uncomfortable Versailles seems, Suite let an easy smile play across her lips. "Your mask is pretty, Versa." It was painfully obvious it was being used to hide something, but the Ecliptic Admiral refused to speak on that. As someone who possessed a terrible scar herself, she knew better than to point physical abnormalities out.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags

Re: 停止关怀 — open - ★ HAZEL - 08-03-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel's mother was a bitter, broken woman that she would just as soon forget. Hazel could only associate her with nightmares and fear and the acrid taste of panic on the back of her tongue; the coppery scent of blood and the shatter of glass. A deeper part of Hazel knew there was a time when Mother wasn't all bad, that she had at one point held a considerable amount of love within her. But now? Now Hazel could hardly remember what Mother's kindness had been like at all. The closest person she now considered a mother was Margaery. (Suite was more like a big sister.) Margaery was what it must feel like to be maternal. Hazel had seen her go through pain and death for her little ones and still find it in her heart and mind space to smile at them, knowing they and Suite made up her entire world. Hazel wondered what it felt like to be wanted like that. To be loved in that way, to that depth.

What drew her to the gathering crowd was either one of two things: Bastille's sudden surge of anger, or Versaille's familiar aura lining the edge of her vision. Whichever it was, Hazel abandoned her task to greet the much-missed girl while struggling to get her head above Bast's subdued anger before she drowned in it. Vi's return helped with that, giving her something else to focus on and soothe over the jagged edge of the bond. Hazel cast a fleeting concerned glance at Bastille before directing her attention to Vi.

"I'm glad that you're back!" Hazel chirped, smiling brightly at the girl. She let her eyes slide over the mask, the glowing markings - and decided that she liked this new look, as long as Versailles was still Versailles. "Can I get you anything?" Hazel added, brows knitting.