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plot with Tem - Printable Version

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plot with Tem - CELESTE G.M. - 07-31-2018

Hello, Temulin is lonely as shit and she wants people to talk to. That being said,,, she's terrible at conversation and I think is currently cultivating an impression of "that weirdo that talks to the land" so yeah. As for her general personality, she's pretty quiet and compassionate and believes in helping other people. She's very dedicated to her religion and holds herself to near perfect "angelic" standards. If she is annoyed with someone, she gets very blunt and directly tells them they're an asshole.

There's info about her gods and such in her bio. I'm not 100% sure of any plot hooks she might have but I'm very much open to suggestions.

Re: plot with Tem - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 07-31-2018

Kaz is a total asshole so maybe he can befriend Tem only to use her like a blood bag? sometimes Kaz gets attached to his blood bags because of thier blood sake so that could happen which means Kaz won't want anyone to take her away from him and that way he will behave like a manipulative friend but in truth he is addicted to her blood.

Re: plot with Tem - ANDRAS - 07-31-2018

maybe she can help rinto with his anxiety and they become good friends with rinto slowly getting better b/c of her?

Re: plot with Tem - cobblepot - 07-31-2018

hM depending on what u wanna go for, maybe jr and tem could be good friends or kinda dislike each other ?? he's a p friendly n outgoing guy and he likes people but he can also kinda be a Dick so it could go both ways ? he's kind of a flirt too but in the way that he like,, Doesn't Realize if u want him to hit on her and freak her out or embarrass her or smth

Re: plot with Tem - CELESTE G.M. - 08-01-2018

(07-31-2018, 01:50 PM)KAZUMI link Wrote: [align=center]
Kaz is a total asshole so maybe he can befriend Tem only to use her like a blood bag? sometimes Kaz gets attached to his blood bags because of thier blood sake so that could happen which means Kaz won't want anyone to take her away from him and that way he will behave like a manipulative friend but in truth he is addicted to her blood.
I'd be down for that! That being said, if he does act like an asshole towards other people she will snap at him and get frustrated so I think some neat little fiction there.

(07-31-2018, 03:57 PM)RINTO link Wrote: maybe she can help rinto with his anxiety and they become good friends with rinto slowly getting better b/c of her?
Yeah!!! I'd be totally down for that actually, she'd try her hardest to make Rinto feel more at ease and I can definitely see her deciding to help him out.

(07-31-2018, 05:47 PM)cobblepot link Wrote: hM depending on what u wanna go for, maybe jr and tem could be good friends or kinda dislike each other ?? he's a p friendly n outgoing guy and he likes people but he can also kinda be a Dick so it could go both ways ? he's kind of a flirt too but in the way that he like,, Doesn't Realize if u want him to hit on her and freak her out or embarrass her or smth
How old is Junior?? I feel like if he hits on her she'll just,, stare blankly and state she could be his grandmother. Also I can see them being friends but still arguing? Frenemies if you will.

If yall want threads i can make them!

Re: plot with Tem - cobblepot - 08-02-2018

lmFAo yeah he's a Lil Boy he's only 8 months old sjshfsg so frenemies would be good !! he'd probably be kinda pissed if she said anything which would be great ssksksk since like,, even tho he never notices he always gets good reactions lol

maybe we could have a thread just to introduce them to each other and then their relationship can develop in mostly open threads?? it'd be lit if u made since im going out of town till saturday