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I COME IN PEACE ¤¤ open - Printable Version

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I COME IN PEACE ¤¤ open - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 07-31-2018

Kazumi wanted to explore this world more he had been put in especially since his powers seemed to have stopt working for him to really be able to do much about it. Of what he had seen this far this world seemed like the perfect new playground for him. So why wanting to leave for?. No hurry in that. He was also quite sure she had been send down here as well. All he needed to do was to found her and then the real fun could begin. But first he needed to figure out how to get his powers back which might take a bit of some time. Under the meantime though would enjoy himself a bit more. Taking himself out on a little journey to get to learn more about the clans how lived out here in the world seemed like the first step. Maybe his present wouldn't be welcomed for being apart of The Typhoon but he supposed that was something he would have to learn on the way. There was not much he knew about his current home aside for it being claimed to be a home for the unwanted and that they where pirates and everyone knew how poorly reputations pirates had. Not like any of that mattered for him. Eventually he would go after his crewmates as well whenever he grow bored of all of them to let them feel the tragedy of his teeths. But for now would behave like a good little dog.

It did took him a bit of a while to get himself over here though since he not had any powers to help him out. Teleportation for sure would have made everything more smoothly going for him but complaining seemed pointless when having so much time on his hands like he had. Time had stopt a long time ago, never truly feeling it ever passing him by anymore.

Not any living creature could been seen as far his mismatched orbs could take him so he supposed he had come here in a time there the patrol not had arrived here just yet. Interesting discovery. With not much else to do unless he wanted to choose the unpredicble turn of things by steping over the border to then most likely get torn apart to pieces. Not exactly what he wanted to tempt with right now never before having lost his powers like this so it did had crossed his mind what would happend if he lost this body. Reincarnation?. Reborn?. Being put into a new body?. His soul could be quite...unprediacble sometimes. In worst case he would be thrown in the void again, the prison that was swollowing him inside whenever his soul not had a body do possess. Something his previous enemies had worked out to make sure he not could wander free however he wanted when being you know dead. This people where long gone, he had made sure to take care of them but had not been able to break the void to take him. Maybe one day but that was why he not wanted to play with death today. Better to behave for the time being.

Re: I COME IN PEACE ¤¤ open - Margaery - 07-31-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
Margaery had seen the world- its wonders, its horrors. She had been the horrors of the world too, a lurking shadow that took and took and took and didn't stop until her victims were crumbled and twisted at her feet. One thousand years of existence had provided her many travel opportunities, paws taking her either in the direction of her father or as far away from him as she could get. They were always falling apart simply to fall back together, and with their constant cycle of love and hate, came the opportunity to witness so many of the earth's beauties. Margaery often wished that things were different- wished that she and her father could travel together, seeing remarkable forests and mountains and cities built from nothing. But their history was too tattered, too bloody, for that to ever be a reality, and so she had done what any wise girl would do and settled down.

Home hadn't become a place though, but rather, a person. A set of people. Her family. She thought about them now, chocolate colored paws leading her lithe frame closer and closer to the border, those blue-gray eyes narrowing ever so slightly as an unwelcome scent met her. The roses that bloomed constantly at her paws turned a darker shade with every step, her expression twisting until it was something more akin to predator like. Why was someone from the Typhoon here? Had they not done enough damage? Wrecked enough havoc? She'd rip them to pieces. Destroy them. She needed to.

But the vampire remained cordial as she halted before Kazumi, knowing that this stranger had to be subjected to questioning first. [color=#b09090]"Name and business?" She inquired smoothly. Coldly. A peaceful neutral relationship had been damaged for what gain? The Ascendants had done nothing to provoke the wrath of those filthy pirates and she certainly hoped that this strange individual had no desire to increase the damage already done to them. [color=#b09090]"As you may know, our clans aren't on the best of terms."

Re: I COME IN PEACE ¤¤ open - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 07-31-2018

And there it come. Her cold voice bedraying her distaste over his present for being here. Kazumi had got the feeling that would be the case and it seemed he had been correct. Kazumi was more curious over the smell from this young lady though. A other vampire?. It was the first one he had encountered since coming here, unsure if vampires actually had existed in this world but it seemed like they did. That pleased him a bit to know since if there was anyone's company he actually could appreciate it was from his own kind. Neither did he believed vampires should fight against each other but for him to believe that, what sort of right did he had?. Kazumi was forced to let that thought go, to act indifferent over knowing the true nature of this vampire to pretend like he not know anything at all.

" Oh, we aren't?. Pardon me then i had no clue at all. I'm fairly new to this clan life and just joined The Typhoon for some few days ago. I'm really not here for any trouble at all. Just curious to explore really." he lied of course, knowing exactly his clan relationship with this clan. But still he looked believable, not anything to really gives clues about his white lie. Lowering his head a slight bit out of respect would take a step backwards, a faked look of concern cross the canine features in a slight frown over this discovery. " My name's Kazumi, and well my business are indeed nothing else then to explore and to learn where all clans lay. But if ya don't mind me asking though, why are our clans on bad terms?." he asked and that one he actually didn't know so he was sincerely in that one. If that now even matter anything which he doubted it did.

Re: I COME IN PEACE ¤¤ open - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-31-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
(Why hello there ; P)

Everything could be a facade. That's what his military career had taught him early on, that everyone could just be the cover of a book, and then once someone got to know someone else they realized the true intention of them. When someone's life in jeopardy, one can easily try to pretend like they are the innocent one and try to get away. There were plenty of instances where that person does end up getting away, but they eventually pay for their crimes in another way or they come across someone that doesn't show any mercy to them. Washington was taught during his time in the military that he needed to be careful when an enemy would try to surrender to them. An instance had happened during the time where they had cornered several of the aliens that were trying to kill them, and they killed several of them. There was only one of them left and it looked like they were trying to surrender. They didn't know what to do as there wasn't exactly a place where they could store the alien to attempt to question it. It also didn't speak English so they couldn't really communicate with it, so they decided to call Command over the radio to see what they should do.

As soon as someone's ear touched the radio that they were talking into, the alien opened fire, killing two of his men and injuring him at the same time. He knew from that moment, that he couldn't risk trying to talk peacefully with the other species that wanted them dead and to glass their planet like they had done several others. This was before the time that he had even become a Freelancer. He had learned a hard lesson as when he started to lead his own troops it meant that they were his responsibility and he was going to get them back to their family. He treated his job very seriously, as, during the time of war, they had to be prepared for everything if they wanted to continue to see the next sunrise. He had watched his men die plenty of times, and maybe he had just got lucky or they sacrificed themselves. Either way, the marines had done their job and he would save his men's life before his own and risk the entirety of the mission just to keep them alive at the end. That's what got him court-martialed at the end of his military career. Project Freelancer being the next military program that took him in, and it was there that he made a similar mistake as they invaded an insurrectionist base to gather some supplies that they needed and to keep them out of the enemies hand.

Washington had been about to kill another soldier before the other begged for his life. Being the rookie in the program, he never really had to deal with someone beg for their life before, and killing humans didn't feel the same as killing aliens when he couldn't relate to them exactly. Washington had hesitated killing the man, only to earn himself a bullet through his shoulder shattering his shoulder blade in the process. It was extremely painful, but he had been shot before and lived through them. Washington shot the man after that and realized that the next time he hesitated it could mean that he would get a bullet through the head. He knew how to create a facade, but during the first several years of Project Freelancers, there was no reason for him to do such a thing. He could be himself so he didn't hide anything, only for later after the truth of what the Program was to change the way he presented himself. Washington didn't really know how he had ended up getting into this world. He knew it had to deal with the alien technology that was held on the ship that he was on that crashed and exploded, exactly what he didn't know. He was working on getting back to being a human again, but that meant that he needed resources. After landing in the outpost, he knew that he was going to have to get on the good side of these animals.

He usually followed everything that they said and kept out of their way as long as they kept out of his. He would almost seem to welcome the questions that they asked him, but he wasn't exactly to the point of being cheerful to interact with any of them. He rarely interacted with them on a personal basis except for maybe one, Imperia, as she was one of the more interesting animals to talk to. The Freelancer had no reason to make friends when he was trying to make his way back to being human. He could have cared less whether or not anyone died in this outpost during the battle with the Typhoon. One that he didn't participate in and simply watched off to the side and gathered information that he would need later on if he was to engage with the group again. The soldier also didn't care about the lives of other animals either. The only reason why he hadn't threatened any of their lives was that they were outnumbered and knew more about this world than they did. They were small assets right now, although all of them were expendable if things got out of hand. He wasn't the good guy. He was pretending to be the good guy and it didn't seem like anyone had caught on either. The armored smilodon was one that had a distinct lack of trust when it came to interacting with others.

The betrayal he had gone through changing his life and his mind as he was no longer sane because of it. The program has picked out pieces of his memories and inserted memories that were not his own that had nearly killed him where he was from. He wasn't going to trust anyone that crossed the border and was going to give them a limited amount of interaction at the same time. They didn't need to be on a need to know basis. He blinked his golden and blue eyes were hidden behind the helmet that he wore as he heard voices not too far from where he was patrolling. His left leg had recently healed after being snapped in half by a former comrade. A moment that he didn't want to talk about. He was exhausted from not having three days worth of sleep, but he was still functioning if he needed to fight he would be able to. As he made his way over, he noticed a canine that was there, but thanks to the helmet that he wore, he wasn't able to pick up scents. He could only listen to what was being talked about, and he towered over both Marg and the canine that was on the border.

The one that named himself Kazumi, but considering that he was from the Typhoon, he was labeled as an enemy. If Washington had cared about facing an enemy, he would have shot the canine already, but again it was none of his business as long as they didn't interrupt his work. A huff escaped the large smilodon's jaws behind his helmet, his facial expression hidden behind his helmet. [b]"Your outpost has been labeled as a threat. That means that you could be a soldier that is simply here to gather information to relay back to your outpost on the effect that they did on this establishment. You will receive no intel from us." The soldier would state firmly toward the other, and it was obvious that the other wasn't going to get answers from the likes of Washington. The rest of those that lived here were considered to be 'pacifists'. Washington was not one of those. The only reason why he wasn't attacking the smaller canine was simply that Washington didn't care what the other did. But if the Typhoon did become a problem for the rest of the Freelancers, then they would have to deal with them later on when they had time.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: