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little game / open - Printable Version

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little game / open - Shigaraki. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Tsk.

He was tired of all the damn Heroes and those kids at UA High. He had managed to kill a few of All Might's students- including the green-haired boy- before he had finished off All Might with a touch of his hand. Of course, a random Hero had managed to kill him not long afterward and he'd woken up in a snowy landscape. Disgusting. He would lift both of his front paws and adjust the hand that covered most of his face.

"Kurogiri." Shigaraki would mutter to himself, slightly twitching as he did. No answer. So he was here alone. Of course it was that way. He'd died and his "followers" weren't even around. A grim look on his face, though that was hidden by the hand, he would walk through Snowbound's territory.

// [member=183]izuku[/member]

Re: little game / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-31-2018

Kirishima had been wandering Snowbound's territory, when a strange feline standing in the middle of their territory had caught his attention. Then he saw the hand on the weird-looking feline's face and he froze. A villain. In their territory. Of course- when he and the others had been recently injured. Where were the others anyways? They needed to come quickly.

Holding his shoulders high-and-mighty, the three-legged would approach the villain, his crimson-eyes narrowing and he decided to stay a good distance away from Shigaraki so he wouldn't be attacked.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: little game / open - arcy - 07-31-2018

Izuku was .. a hot mess, honestly. He'd been itching to pick a fight with these damn villains the more classmates showed up. And I mean .. he .. already had. He'd already fought Toga like .. twice. But it wasn't enough. She wasn't at the root of the problem, and, anyways, Izuku's solution to people getting hurt shouldn't be to ram the offender with his claws. As if that got him anywhere to begin with. Uh. Well, except that it did, and it kept him from getting killed, and kept some other people from getting killed. But that also shouldn't be his default setting, should it? I mean, he'd taught Iida the wonderful lesson of 'dont seek revenge', and then after just a few months became the biggest hypocrite in existence. Sorry, Iida, Izuku was a fucking mess now.
.. Still. It hadn't taken much to recognize Shigaraki. The hand was a give. There's a prickle of -- something, there. Unease. Shigaraki caused all of it. Toga may have killed some of them, but Shigaraki was at the heart of it. And izuku? Well, he had no fear left in that little heart of his, and he can see Kirishima approaching the other. Izuku didn't have self-preservation, either, and all he knew was how to keep the attention on him. The star of the show. If they're too busy focusing on him, they can't hurt anyone else, see? "Isn't a hand a little gruesome?" Did Shigaraki have that disintegration quirk anymore, he wonders? He doubts it. But it doesn't hurt to be on alert. And, as the dragon strides smoothly over, with all his glory of damaged scales and narrowed green eyes, he quickly makes to shove Kirishima behind him. Izuku could handle himself, see? Even if Shigaraki did have his quirk, Izuku could just .. he's not sure. Make it hell to kill him? He did have his electricity. "Anyways, I think you should, uh, go. We're usually pretty welcoming, but, see, judging by that hand, I know who you are, it won't end well for either of us. I mean, just once is enough," So maybe he's a little scared. It might be kind of obvious to people who've managed to pick up his cues well enough. A little shake to this voice and a certain anxious rhythm to his tail movements, but Izuku has otherwise pretty much mastered .. well, this. Stalling for a minute until they've had enough and then start a fight. He's .. not sure how he'd fare in a fight, here. Izuku has the advantage, at least physically. Dragon, scales, a lot bigger than a regular cat. Quirk-wise? Uh. He's not sure. Shigaraki's quirk was .. disintegration. .. If he counteracted that with electricity, they could probably both go down for the count together, right? But Shigaraki probably wouldn't have his quirk here, right? Questions, questions, and absolutely no time when Izuku's ears are pounding and he's anxious and his claws are itching and it's not fair that this is happening. Not again. But .. at least he isn't a student afraid to go all out, anymore. He's barely the same damn person, sometimes. It's a little shocking none of his classmates have called him out anymore. But, on Shigaraki? .. Well. He's sure Atbash would understand if he explained it to her, right? Explain what to her, though? Izuku .. well, he isn't sure, but he's prepared to face the repercussions of whatever his actions may be anyways.
//hell 3am post ft. izuku Not being the Anxious Kid™ for once. (insert shrug emoji here)
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: little game / open - madster - 07-31-2018

somebody not in the little club of weird former-human memories approached, his blind eyes open wide. henri didn't really care for any of them here, and had no clue who this weird hand-man was. he approached besides izuku- a slightly less intimidating sight, as henri was small and clearly disabled. "who's this?" the alabaster feline asked, tilting his head to the side as he shifted his weight. he couldn't see the hand or anything. he knew there were three others, and two of them were izuku and kirishima, but couldn't identify the third. using the power of deduction, the third was someone he didn't know- a newcomer in his thoughts.

"i need somebody to describe this shit to me," the cult leader joked, explaining his lack of knowledge. "but- ah, is it a bad guy or something?" he asked, his tone of voice becoming more serious, as he asked a real question, judging by izuku's tone of voice.

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Scarlet-hues would glare in the Snowbounder's direction, disgust and hatred in his eyes. This was one of the former UA students, he assumed, as the three-legged male had approached him in a rather overly-bold manner. He had been about to lunge forward and attack when somebody else approached. A green-dragon. Of course, he knew the dragon. The student that All Might had taken a liking to. Not too big of a problem. He still believed he had his disintegration quirk, but reality would come to him soon enough.

"Tch. You UA students are cocky as ever." Shigaraki would muse, adjusting the hand over his face a second time before he spoke. "I want All Might here. Now." He would demand, turning as Henri approached. Ah, the perfect opportunity. He would attempt to lunge forward and grab a hold of Henri's shoulder for a brief second before he would attempt to put four of his claws on the other feline's neck.

Re: little game / open - arcy - 07-31-2018

Well, that was worse. Izuku's ears turn a little nervously as Henri appears, and, well, there was a clanmate he didn't want here. Whether or not Henri was weak, he was probably at a disadvantage here. Damn. He'd almost rather deal with this alone. But that was Izuku's general thought process, these days. Better that he dealt with it alone, so he didn't have to get used to working with people in fights again. So that nobody else got hurt.
"Yeah," Izuku doesn't have time to explain it to Henri, unfortunately. Maybe he could later. But, like. Not right now. Maybe somebody else could if they showed up, but chances are they'd just end up in the fight, too. And then .. Shigaraki is speaking now, anyways. Izuku's expression, briefly softened while speaking to Henry, hardens once more as he glares down with slit eyes. Cocky? Sure, if that's what he wanted to call him. "Sorry. Don't know where he is," Somewhere in the territory, probably. But, damn, Izuku wasn't his old mentor's babysitter, anyways. He doesn't mean that in a bad way. He just means that he's too busy to constantly be tailing the serval.
And -- ah, shit. Well. Shigaraki may or may not have his quirk, but Izuku wasn't going to let the feline try and attack his clanmate, anyways. As Shigaraki launches himself towards Henri, Izuku finds himself moving too. It's first intended to just block the attack, diving his body low to attack to block Shigaraki's attempt at launching himself towards Henri. Shigaraki could probably dive over him, honestly. But, still. The dragon's lips curl, and, either way, he twists his body and attempts to grab one of Shigaraki's legs with his teeth. He could rip the whole thing off, but he can't, he can't. Even if Izuku manages this or not, he'll abruptly remember that hey, touching this guy without using his electricity isn't a good idea, is it? I mean, what if Shigaraki does have his quirk? That wouldn't do. So, abruptly, Izuku's pelt, uh, not pelt, just .. his scales, he supposes. His scales light up with electricity as he activates his power. It might burn the other's limb pretty badly, assuming that Izuku managed to grab him, anyways. But, it shouldn't be too hard to yank the limb out of Izuku's jaws, anyways. He wasn't biting terribly hard, his teeth were just sharp.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He would turn his head in annoyance as Izuku would fasten his teeth around one of his hind-legs. So he wanted a fight? He'd give him one. Shigaraki would grimace as he managed to free himself from Izuku's teeth, though a rather-large bite-mark was left as well as a lot of blood dripping down his limb.

With an outstretched paw, he would attempt to put one of his front-paws over the green-dragon's scaly-neck, though one claw didn't make contact with the young winged-reptile's neck. "Does this remind you of something, Izuku Midoriya?" He would say with a very-sly tone and a manic smirk growing on his rather-dry maw as well as moving his head to the side.

Re: little game / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-31-2018

They were fighting now. Great. A concerned-yet-frustrated look on the three-legged male's face. How could he make himself feel useful in this situation? He could try to help Izuku out during this fight- or he could go get others so they'd have the upper hand in this fight.

He would turn and run in the direction of the village, crimson-hues alert as he looked for any other Snowbounders. "Tsuyu! Ochaco! Atbash!"
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: little game / open - arcy - 07-31-2018

Ugh. Fighting a villain solo again. Kirishima appears to be going to fetch back-up, but does Izuku really care? .. No. Not really. What, were they going to tag-team Shigaraki? Maybe that was for the better, but Izuku would rather not have to worry about stepping on one of his classmates. And for that matter, why couldn't their other battle-ready clanmates help instead? Did his classmates have special privileges or something? Uh. Then again. A lot of his clanmates were injured.
"Uh. I guess. Your point?" Shit, dude, if Shigaraki had his quirk he was  doomed. Luckily, even if he did, he'd have a few seconds to get in damage. I mean, the scales on his underside were pretty dense. Not unbreakable, though. .. Yeah. Izuku is a little scared. He doesn't want to die again, not at a villain's hands. He's just .. bluffing. Izuku is always bluffing. He's always doing better than he really is because if he doesn't then they'll think they'll have the advantage. And he can't have that. He can't. So -- here's a thought. Get in as much damage as possible before he fucking dies. Because otherwise Shigaraki will use him as a hostage or some shit, and he'll probably die anyways, so what's the point? Electricity. He has to ramp it up pretty high, right? Before Izuku can think, before he lets Shigaraki get any clue of his thought process, Izuku twists his body so he can slam his electricity-sparkling talons out to grab Shigaraki's sides. He's going to hurt somebody again. He'd going to burn somebody. He's going to kill somebody, like this, he doesn't want to use his electricity anymore. He doesn't want to. But what choice does he have? Regular, physical violence gets him nowhere. Electricity? It did, because of course it did. He'd ramped his electricity up pretty high, but it shouldn't do a lot more than burn the other an absolutely nasty burn. And some .. side effects, maybe. Though -- Izuku's grip wasn't at a great angle, even if it was tight, and his speed wasn't the greatest. The other could probably dodge out of the way, or slip out of his grip if he tried. But, either way, this was made as an attempt to either get Shigaraki to back away or to go down with Izuku, so, honestly, it'd hopefully work.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: little game / open - Shigaraki. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He would stare in Izuku's direction with crimson-eyes, deciding to remain silent as the green, winged-reptile spoke. Then suddenly surprised by Izuku twisting his body and slammed both of his talons into both of his sides- Shigaraki would blink in surprise and he would stare angrily towards Izuku, as the hand over his face had fallen off and onto the snow-covered ground.

Shigaraki would hold still as the male dragon shocked him with his powers, trying his best not to flinch from the pain of the burns on his sides, though he did flinch anyway. He would grit his teeth in annoyance before he would outstretch a paw towards the hand in front of him and he'd roll his scarlet-colored hues. "Father." He said.