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SUNSHINE GLEAMS FROM YOUR WEDDING BAND ; private - Suiteheart - 07-31-2018

Shay remembered how Cooper picked her up and spun her around too many times to count when she told him she and Margaery were renewing their vows. The pair had laughed and laughed until they eventually crumpled to the ground in a pile. Shay remembered the absolute joy that lit up Cooper's dark eyes. She remembered the smile on his face when she asked him to help her pick out her suit, her pocket square, and her tie. And she remembered the happy tears that blossomed in his eyes and spilled over as he walked Margaery down the isle, towards her. She had hugged him before he took his place, whispering a thank you for standing in for her wife's father.

The festivities of the after party had ensued not long after the ceremony. Margaery had planned and planned for the little shindig, and it was lovely. The event was only half finished when Shay had grabbed Cooper with a smile and asked him to join her on the coast to escape the hustle and bustle. It had been a while since the pair had been able to sit together and relax, and the prospect of going somewhere calm was a welcome one.

Cooper and Shay now sat on the sands of the beach. The blonde woman's eyes were not on the moon like usual. Instead, her ocean-like stare was stuck on the wedding ring around Cooper's finger. The girl had grabbed his hand, gently, turning it in a soft manner to gaze at the piece of jewelry. She had seen the thing countless times, but had never truly worked up the courage to ask Cooper about it.

"Hey?" she ventured, voice quieter than usual. She wove an easy smile across her pink lips. "I wanna thank you for being there for me and Margy today." It meant... more than words could describe - and she hoped Cooper realized it. The woman paused a couple of ticks. I wish I had gotten to meet whoever you got to love." The same delicate tone rested in her speech as her hand brushed over his ring.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: SUNSHINE GLEAMS FROM YOUR WEDDING BAND ; private - kinglykingstone - 07-31-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The day had gone better then Cooper had ever imagined, his smile never fading from his face. His tears had finally dried up after the ceremony was finished, though they threatened to spill over a few more times. It had been a while since he'd felt this much joy, it was second only to his own wedding so many years ago.

Cooper was quick to participate in the festivities, having at least one dance with each wife. While his dancing with Margaery was more calm and sweet, his dancing with Suiteheart had been more energetic and filled with spins, lifts, and laughs. By the time he excused himself from the dance floor, a thin sheen of sweat rested on his forehead and he drifted off to sit by himself at one of the tables.

He gingerly rested his head on the cool tabletop, breathing out a deep breath. He should have known better to exert himself so much after his recent sickness but he couldn't help himself. He just needed a few moments and then he'd be fine. As he sat there he allowed his mind to wander to the past.

A soft laugh bubbled from Dale as he ran a hand through his newly-wedded husband's curls, both of their cheeks flushed red. Harold's arms were wrapped tightly around Dale's waist while one of Dale's hands rested on his husband's shoulder and the other tangled in his hair.

"Harry, you're all right" said Cooper softly, his tone both teasing and loving. Harold gave a snort, tugging Cooper closer until their noses were touching. Cooper, in response, would start peppering his husband's face in little kisses, causing the other man to let out a series of breathy little giggles.

"Alright, lovebirds, we have places to be" came the call of Diane, one of Coopers most trusted friends. The couple separated, chuckling.

Cooper was pulled away from his reminiscing as an NPC came by to check up on them. He waved them off with a kind thank you and stood. He tugged off his suit jacket, laying it carefully over the back of his now-abandoned chair, and rolled up the sleeves of his white undershirt. He pushed back into the throng of people, making idle chatter until he found a hand wrapping around his own.

He turned to find Shay and he knew what she wanted before she asked. He was quick to accept, following her to where they now sat, his eyes focused on the moon. He felt her began to toy with the wedding band that sat wrapped around his finger but didn't move his attention to her until she began to speak.

"I'll always be here for you two, no matter what" he spoke softly, turning his head to face the smaller woman. Her next words caught him off guard and he found himself reaching with the hand that wasn't in hers for the ring that sat on a chain around his throat. He glanced down at the ring she was toying with and, with a soft sad smile said "you would have loved him."

Re: SUNSHINE GLEAMS FROM YOUR WEDDING BAND ; private - Suiteheart - 08-01-2018

The blonde woman smiled at his words, and its shine mimicked that of the moon and stars above. It was soft and bright and warm. "We'll always be there for you too, Cooper. You? You're family." And Shay meant it. Cooper had done so much for she and Margaery. He was, first and foremost, one of their closest friends. He had taken care of their children, offering them time for little dates and rare moments of rest. He was a shoulder to cry on, and he offered the best advice around. Shay loved him. Wholly. Completely. Margaery did too - as well as the rest of their bunch.

Shay watched as he reacted to her final words. There was something sad and sweet that painted an intricate story on Cooper's face. It danced in his eyes with a type of light she had never truly seen until this moment. It burned on his cheeks which were rosy with memories for a brief second. It was set in the lines on his face. Shay wanted to sit there with him all night and unravel the narrative piece by piece until she knew its full extent. At the same time, however, she hesitated; this tale was sacred to Dale, and she did not want to rob him of that.

She dimmed the bond between she and Margaery, sending a quick explanation her wife's way. While privacy was not something the pair often had, in situations such as these, each woman understood the significance of a private moment.

Easy eyes of baby blue watched Dale move his free hand to take hold of his necklace. Another ring rested around the chain, one that was a match to the band around his ring finger. He held it gently in his grasp, and she watched him place his attention on the ring she was fiddling with. The bittersweet tone of his next words caused her own sad smile to form.

The short woman gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "If you loved him, I know I would have too." And it was true. Had she been able to meet Harry, the two would have gotten along swimmingly. Cooper and Harry. Margaery and Shay. They all would have made an excellent team.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI