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EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - Printable Version

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EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - TSUYU. - 07-30-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu didn't like going against authority. She didn't like doing what she was not supposed to do, she didn't like not following rules. Maybe it was because she just wanted to be a good girl, to be a hero. A proper hero.

But, well, she ended up here again. Something drew her here, maybe it was the water again. She had always been drawn to the water. Why, though? The frog-manx hybrid padded easily thanks to her webbed paws, crawling up onto the shore to walk across the border without a second thought. She was lost in her daydreams, lost in her thoughts. What was wrong with her?

With a soft croak of confusion, Tsuyu soon stopped in her tracks, realizing, unluckily, she had swam all the way here. Back to the place that had kidnapped Kirishima, back to the place which had wounded her and Midoriya.

Regret. She regretted swimming here. Shit.

Frozen in place, the frog-like feline glanced around, charcoal hues trying to focus on one thing. She didn't care what it was. She needed to ground herself back to reality. Now.

[member=1617]f. tokoyami[/member]

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - adomania - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Borders were always a tricky subject when it came to Des. Back in the day, he couldn't have cared less where he went or why he went there, for his group had made it obvious that if they were to be turned down there'd be hell to pay, and likewise they didn't care much for people who trespassed, therefore letting them be. Borders were meant for groups that gave two shits about security, with children to protect and things to save... out in the wild, there was no such thing. Borders weren't necessary when you killed regardless.

But then he had settled down, grown up to lead a clan that made it so that he had to enforce borders. It was then that he had something to protect, and he had learned just how powerful that feeling could be when it came to strangers who trespassed. But it was different when you were a leader. You were in the command, and everyone looked up to you... here? Here Des wasn't even well known, and as such, his viewpoint on borders returned to what it had been.

If they existed, he could care less.

So perhaps it was beneficial to Tsuyu that he was the first to approach, gaze settled on her curiously but without hostility, simply analyzing her strange figure and wondering what she wanted that made it so she had crossed the border... especially given that the only real place to cross was the railroad, and she had apparently swam. "Oi - where'd you come from?" he called out, trotting forward slightly faster to make sure he didn't lose her lest she try to return from the water. He had questions, although none of them were aggressive either. 

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - ANDRAS - 07-31-2018

despite the whole peace treaty with snowbound, rinto didn't like them. rinto thought that they were being soft on the other clan, and rinto craved a war. things sometimes got so boring around here and rinto couldn't satisfy his bloodlust easily nowadays, and every night he prayed for conflict. of course, he was loyal to pincher to a fault, and wouldn't ever instigate anything on his own. still, deep down... rinto hoped he could one day tear out someone's jugular in the name of his clan.

rinto was next to pad over, quickly unsheathing his pink knife and holding it in his jaws, teeth clenched tightly. "hi there! you're trespassing," he crooned sweetly. "snowbound... huh? did little atbash send you? are you guys crawling back for mercy?" he sounded so nice, yet his words revealed his cruel-hearted interior. "i wonder how frog tastes... like chicken, right?"

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - TSUYU. - 07-31-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu felt the fur along her spine rise, and she turned at the sound of a voice. A male, much taller than her. She shrunk down, her back legs preparing to spring her body away from the territory. Shit, shit. "My name is Tsuyu Asui. I'm.. I'm from Snowbound, I just.. I swam, I got lost in a daydream and swam-" She ribbited and croaked in a panic, charcoal eyes glancing around. Why was she here? She didn't want to be here! Then, a eerie voice caused her to turn her head at the sight of a knife. Saliva dribbled down Tsuyu's tongue, preparing for a battle if need be. Sticky paws began to sweat, screaming at her to run. [b]"I got lost, I didn't mean to trespass, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked, narrowing her eyes. A cannibal? Those existed in this world?

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - bubblegum - 07-31-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the trouble with snowbound had died down as they gave back the supplies the typhoon deserved and were actually neutrals. she was a bit relieved, though she still had a bitter feeling towards the place. mister dad may have come from and even lead there, but that did not mean it would stay golden in her eyes. atbash had severed a relationship they had worked so hard on and dared to call them bad allies. how dare she.

so, when the young girl scented snowbound upon the territory, she would carefully but quickly stumble over, watching and listening from a distance before presenting herself. it seemed the snowbounder did not mean to come here, or so she claimed. the girl thought it a bit unlikely she would zone out so hard that she crossed the entire several miles that the railroad track was. the girl could at least see that the snowbounder didn't seem to mean any harm.

so, the young, healing feline would stumble over, tired green eyes holding a defensive look. an unwelcoming frown was on her usually bright and warm features. "well, s'long as you don't cause any trouble to us, we won't cause any to you." she said in a sort of cold voice, warning the female. it wouldn't really be fair to attack her in this situation, but she wished to keep her crewmates safe. she coughed a few times, eyeing the female. "so, ya best get the hell outta' here then, eh?"

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - dead chars - 08-04-2018

↠↠ Tokoyami hadn't been there for Kirishima's capture. If he had known it had happened, he might have left the Typhoon altogether, but... well, this was where he'd woken up. This was his home now, and though it was happening slowly, he was building connections with the people here. He had few friends, but they were friends enough.

The crow-headed feline had other friends, too, though. Tsuyu happened to be one of them, and she was a good friend, at that. They had been friends right up until their deaths, and even then they had died together. It was a memory he tried not to dwell on, instead choosing to reminisce on the more... positive things, but he often failed. Tokoyami couldn't help it- he had always been a bit darker than his pals, even despite his level head.

He hadn't expected to see Tsu here.

He had been padding along, completing another round of patrols on a whim he couldn't seem to tame, until he'd caught sight of the group that was forming. Three familiar figures and... a stranger. Considering Rinto and his murderous tendencies, Tokoyami hurried to the scene, trying to make sure he didn't try anything crafty with his knife before they knew if this intruder was a threat or not, but upon further inspection the hybrid seemed to freeze.

"Tsu?" he questioned, eyes widening and narrowing as he flipped between suspicion and surprise. He wanted to believe it was her- after all, Bakugou had cropped up in the Typhoon not long ago -but there were so many tricks he'd learned in this clan alone that he couldn't be sure. Things like projected images, shapeshifting, he just.... Tokoyami took a moment and a breath, trying to organize his thoughts in some way.

He listened through Goldie's almost-threat, trying to decide what to do next. He wanted- no, needed to talk to Tsu, but would they be suspicious? He didn't want them to run her off, and yet he didn't want anyone else around besides the frog hybrid, and... hm. Tokoyami's tail twitched. Was she even the real thing, though? Was this worth it? What to do?

"I can see her out," he offered, monotone voice as unrevealing as ever. The hybrid cast his glance between his three clanmates that had gathered, and he stepped forwards towards the Snowbounder. He was almost defensive, but not quite enough to be noticeable. Tokoyami then faced the girl again, face not hostile but not gentle. "There's a quicker way to Snowbound than swimming, anyway."

His tail flicked behind him as he stood, waiting for a response.

Template by Quill

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - rochelle - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]"Go on then, friend. There is no other business or purpose to be sought here."

The rolling words came out into the air with a gentle dusting of tranquility. Her presence bounding through hazily, trying not to tread too close to anyone. Often, unable to detect how close someone was through sight, Fischer was brushing pelts or speaking far too close for comfort. This time, now, she stood apart from the rest, not intentionally, sniffing cautiously towards the Snowbounder. "Safe travels ... you be careful on your way back, too ..." Though she didn't look towards the crow-headed feline, the focus of the latter part of her sentence had been to Tokoyami. The black smoke wasn't sure she should be trusting that no foul play would occur on the way back, she still did trust him to bring Tsuyu back. It was irrational to think something mysterious might conspire, as if there was any doubt between the Typhoon and Snowbound. That had ceased, at least, she hoped it truly had.

"And be careful next time you go daydreaming again, Tsuyu, these waters can get rocky sometimes ..." Fischer's words remained balanced, pacific, but there was another meaning behind her message. The Privateer herself didn't see too much issue with the accidental trespassing, but it wasn't like her other crewmates agreed. And a repeated offense wouldn't sit well with her, either, as patient as she was. The relationship between them and Snowbound was rocky enough, any red flags such as this could end up in a total calamity.

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - TSUYU. - 08-04-2018

Tsuyu knew how terrible it was to have someone trespass on her territory without anyone saying anything beforehand, but she really didn't know why she had swam all the way here. It was like her mind was put into a blender.

At the arrival of one more person, Tsuyu lowered her head, her tongue wiping debris away from her muzzle before she backed up once more. He was scary, all of them were scary. But she had to go home now, didn't she?

But then she heard a familiar, deep voice. That voice that had pulled fond memories into her head, of when they tested together. Tokoyami. He said her nickname. He was speaking to her. But what was with the gaze he gave her? Did he not want to see her? Does everyone hate her now? "Tokoyami-san, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out in return, staying in place as he paced over to her, talking about how he'll see her out.

Of course, Tsuyu was cautious. What had brought her here? "Toko- I.. Shigaraki showed up, I can't.. Did I kill you, Tokoyami? Was it my fault you died?" She asked, naive over the fact that she still couldn't remember what happened quite well. She didn't want to remember, deep down. She could have saved him from drowning, just like Shigaraki said.

She wanted to run to him, to hug him after being away from her friend for so long. She wanted to pour everything out to him, how she felt before they were transported to this world. Everything.

But she couldn't. Not now.

Tsuyu turned her gaze to Fischer as she spoke, dipping her head in respect to the femme who seemed much more.. Patient about this whole thing. "I'm sorry, ribbit. It won't happen again."

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - dead chars - 08-05-2018

↠↠ "No need to worry," the hybrid advised his clanmate, though her words seemed to soothe him even slightly. Tokoyami hadn't talked to Fischer many times before if at all, but her presence was contagiously calming. Her suspicions were unneeded, though- of course he didn't plan on harming Tsu, not just because they were friends, but to put the relationship between the Typhoon and Snowbound in more jeopardy despite its fragile state would be a very bad decision on his part. He glanced back at her for a moment.
"I'll be back soon."

With that he began walking, glancing back at his friend, still trying to determine if she was really the Tsuyu that he knew, but ultimately... it must be her. Didn't it have to be her? If his other friends could exist here with him, was there a cause for suspicion in the first place? Not everything was a threat, after all. Eventually Tokoyami seemed to ease back into his gait. At the mention of Shigaraki, though, he stiffened again. For a moment emotion was visible in his face- shock. What was that bastard doing back here? Had he died, too? Perhaps that was a good thing, but... well, Tokoyami didn't want him in this world, that was for sure. He didn't have much time to dwell on that though, because Tsuyu's question hit him like a train.

He had died with Tsuyu, but it wasn't her fault. She had been saving him, and then there was the flash of lightning, and then... well, one could imagine what had happened from there. But it wasn't her fault, that was for sure.
"Tsu," he murmured, unsure of what to say. He had paused to face her fully, but words wouldn't string along in his head in as elegant patterns as he wanted. She didn't know what happened, did she? Otherwise she wouldn't be asking. Right? "It wasn't your fault. There was nothing either of us could have done."

That was about as in depth as he was willing to go. Though he hadn't been awake for the drowning, when he'd woken up here his lungs had been burning, he had hacked up imaginary water, and overall had a just... not great time. He couldn't say he was a fan of his death, so not thinking about it seemed like the best solution. Tokoyami raised his head, trying for a moment to be encouraging, at least a little.
"But it's okay now, anyway. We're both alive, aren't we?"
A small smile worked its way to his face. It was the least he could do, try to cheer her up. Tsuyu was his best friend. She didn't need to bear that guilt.

Template by Quill

Re: EVERY STAIN YOU MADE | open, trespasser. - TSUYU. - 08-05-2018

It was like a song, his voice played sweet melodies into her ears, the ringing from paranoia stopping when he spoke to her. He stopped everything, and just his presence seemed to soothe the frog hybrid. Hopping alongside Tokoyami, the dark green feline-mix allowed herself to remain close to Toko's side, a worried look in her charcoal eyes.

You see, Tsuyu was known for being emotionally stable in her past life, and one of the best support types around. She and Tokoyami had fought together and won their fight against the UA teacher. They worked perfectly together, and Tsuyu knew that. But deep down, she still blamed herself for Tokoyami's death. She could have saved him. She could have done more.

But she didn't. And the thought of that ate her up from the inside out.

It was okay? No, she couldn't see it that way. He wasn't with her. He wasn't by her side. Of course it wasn't okay. But who was she to demand something like that from Tokoyami? She was just his friend, and they were from different groups now. Even if it hurt, she had to respect that he chose to stay here. "Maybe you're right, ribbit." She croaked out, feeling that unfamiliar tug in her chest. A pull on her heartstrings. She didn't want to leave his side.  She didn't want him to get hurt again. She didn't want to cause his death.

Was it so wrong that she wanted him to stay with her and Izuku and all of the others? Probably so. She was a mess of emotions since Shigaraki got ahold of her, had whispered those cruel things into her ears. It was traumatic, to hear that you were partially the cause of your classmate's death.

But she continued on, her back legs moving and tensing with every hop that she made. Her hips were still tilted at an awkward angle after Kirishima's rescue, but she didn't make too big of a deal about it. It just made walking look funny, which didn't bother her. She could hop instead.

"You want to stay here? In the Typhoon?" She asked softly, tilting her head to the side curiously as she glanced over the familiar birds head. It was comforting, his presence. It was like he was some type of anxiety pill, calming her down in moments that she couldn't calm herself.

How unusual, wasn't it?