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Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - Printable Version

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Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - MirrorEdge - 07-30-2018

Thea liked coffee shops well enough. Preferred tea over coffee most of the time though, and as she made her way in, hands adjusting the red headband on her forehead once more in an effort to keep her bangs under control, looking utterly exhausted at seven in the morning.

"Can I get a black sweet iced tea? Large." It was one of the more fancier places, where the cashier shot the teen an odd look for ordering a large tea, because god forbid she didn't know the difference between a tall, grande, and venti. Who the hell made the smallest cup size a tall?

Passing a few bills, and receiving it a few minutes later, she poked a straw in, taking a few sips and almost feeling relief as she felt the caffeine take effect.

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - Margaery - 07-31-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
Margaery hated coffee. It was far too bitter for her tastes, the terrible flavor hardly repaired by excess amounts of sugar and cream. She had tried to like it many times, holding her nose as she painfully nursed a cup of steaming coffee. Nothing had changed though - she hadn't expected it to, but there had been some hope - and she always crawled back to tea begging forgiveness. Her uncle had raised her on any and all types of the tea and, because she didn't drink soda, the beverage quickly became her go-to in every situation, this one included.

[color=#b09090]"I'll take a tossed mango tea with lemonade please," She ordered, swiping her debit card and slipping a few dollars into the tip jar without much thought. She extended a smile in the direction of the barista before walking on precariously high heels towards Thea, freshly made drink in hand. [color=#b09090]"Hello, love," Came Margaery's easy greeting, [color=#b09090]"You have excellent taste- coffee is awful."

The lawyer would laugh, obviously proud of her not-so-funny comment. [color=#b09090]"So what are you up to today? Anything fun? Exciting? Jaw-dropping?" Idle chit-chat she was making, but Margaery was genuinely interested. Thea was a sweet girl, one deserving of pleasant niceties, and besides, the woman adored a good conversation. As of late, she had felt deprived of social interaction admittedly, so swamped by work and visits to the courthouse that she hardly had time for anything else. Litigations were long and boring as was filing paperwork, but she had officiated the adoption of three children over the course of the past week so the reward was obviously there. [color=#b09090]"Oh!" She gasped suddenly, [color=#b09090]"Did you want to try some of my drink? I promise you won't regret it!"

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - MirrorEdge - 07-31-2018

Thea offered Margaery a bright grin as soon as she noticed the older woman, and nodded. "Coffee is... tolerable, to me, but tea is so much better. I'll take tea over gross bean water any day."

At her next question, she patted the bookbag next to her chair, her facial expression turning a bit sour. "Stupid accelerated course I'm in has me pretty busy, so nothing today, but I might be able to help teach some of the younger kids in the martial arts classes soon." Thea participated in a few sports, fencing, martial arts, stuff that involved exchanging blows with an opponent, her way off letting off steam and a natural stress-reliever for her, when it came to the amount of schoolwork she had. With Margaery's offer, she shook her head. "No thanks! I'm good here. But what about you? What's up?" She lifted up her tea to take another sip.

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Perhaps Beverly was a rare breed - she liked both coffee and tea. What she was drinking, though, varied by the time of day. Every morning, you see, Ilijas made her a cup of coffee - with lots cream and sugar - to take with her on the way to work. After around 11am, though, coffee was out of the question. She supposed that, if she had to pick a favorite, it'd be tea.

Having the day off, she was home alone while Ilijas was off doing a shoot somewhere. She decided to use some of her tip money to take herself out to a nearby coffee shop, where she'd find Thea and Margaery inside. "I'll have a medium strawberry green tea with lemonade, please. With light ice," she ordered politely, handing the cashier her bills and placing a few dollars in the tip jar.

Taking her drink and thanking the barista, the short girl walked over and sat among the other two. "Hey," she greeted. "Since when did you teach martial arts classes?"

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - HEARTEYES - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Heart loved cafes; they were always so lively, and warmth spread through her veins just stepping through the doors. The woman grins as she pushes through the doors, eyes immediately going to the menu. She always got the same thing, but it wouldn't hurt to see if there was something new and interesting on the board. She notices the three girls before she can get to the front of the line, recognizing Beverly and Margaery as two of the people she had met when she moved into town. She brightens almost instantly, smiling and waving her hand above her head to get their attention. "Hey guys! Wow, I didn't think I'd run into anyone here! Lemme get my drink real quick, 'n I'll come right back!" She speaks quickly, realizing she's at the front of the line and turning to face the cashier.

"Hello! Can I get a vanilla chai tea? Thank you!" She orders, shoving a handful of money onto the counter and turning to face the three girls again. This was exciting - she hadn't planned for her fifteen minute stop at the cafe to end up like this. Making sure to grab her drink when it was done, the excitable girl sidles up next to Margaery, bumping her shoulder playfully against the other woman's. "What's everyone up to? What drinks did you guys get?" She questions, tipping forward to get a look at everyone's drinks. Maybe she could steal a few sips from everyone. It was always fun to try out new drinks if she didn't have to pay for it.

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - MOONMADE - 07-31-2018

[size=9pt]His first barista job hadn't been something he chose. It was out of necessity, a desperate grab for funds to get him through college. He'd hated Starbucks and their tacky decorations, their asshole customers and their bad music. Here, though, it was different. This place had taste. It was cozy and rustic, and though their music choice wasn't exactly original, at least it was Spotify's Coffee Shop playlist and not aimlessly chosen from some Top 10 Pop Songs compilation.

He took orders like a champ, passing a grin that made the old women weak in the knees and making idle chit chat with whatever Yoga mom needed the emotional support. 'Pilates or Tea with the girlfriends? Sharon brought scones but I really need to tone up my mid-section, you know?' He didn't know, because Moon was perhaps 70% bone, 20% muscle and 10% fake smiles to win him a promotion, but if he could do anything, it was convince some lady with a bad dipdye job that he really cared.

He took Hearteyes order with a nod and busied himself putting it together, quick moves with grace and care typical to, like, pottery or ballet or some shit. He genuinely cared. He bent over the counter and scanned the place for the person who'd ordered, spotting her near Margaery and her group. Picking up on the woman's words a moment before he called out, he frowned. "Coffee is great, Sparkles, you're all just cowards. Speaking of; Vanilla Chai Tea for emoji girl?"

Re: Grande mocha, please (Open, coffee shop au) - imperia - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Next to arrive was yet another young woman, the door opening and nearly shutting on the long, waist-length braid as she enters in a flurry. A lovely, heart-shaped face is marred by the anxious crease between two manicured brows as she appears to be a million miles away even as she nimbly avoids bumping into the stream of people who exit while she enters. Were it not for the silver ballerina pendant or the casual leggings and loose-fitting shirt she wears, one can easily discern her profession as a dancer simply from her appearance. Long and lean, with well toned arms and legs though she still moves as if she is light as a feather. A book peeks from her modest black purse. Perhaps something stressful happened at practice this morning? Something that prompted her to try out a new coffee shop and take a moment to relax and read?

When she finally makes it to the counter, Imperia finally snaps out of her reverie and comes to attention."Oh, I didn't know you worked here," says the girl upon recognizing Moon. "It's good to see you." She smiles. They aren't exactly close friends, but he lives in her building and they've talked from time to time. He is a bit strange, but in a good way. Sometimes her profession can become so stressful that it's nice to have someone to talk to who encourages her to laugh and loosen up. Plus, he is kinda cute, though she keeps that part to herself.

Unlike the others, Peri does not have a preference when it comes to what she wants to order. Some days it's tea, other days it's coffee. And today she could really go for a coffee. "I will have a venti iced cinnamon dulce, please." She suddenly becomes aware of all the other women sitting around and chatting. Oh, she recognizes them too, but she feels a little shy. So instead of verbally saying hello, Peri quietly pays for her drink before awkwardly moving to the side. She smiles at the others, but is rather unprepared to make any sort of conversation.