Beasts of Beyond
A LITTLE TOO LATE - open; eating - Printable Version

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A LITTLE TOO LATE - open; eating - rhosmari - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Ever since he had gotten here he had been extremely hungry but he didn't know when or if he was going to be allowed to eat. His tum tum kept clenching and growling, hurting him and he knew for a fact that he didn't like it. But maybe, just maybe it would be okay if he went off to try and find something for himself. Surely they wouldn't notice his absence before he returned to the highershipes sides? He really hoped he didn't get in trouble but he was really really hungry. The small hellhound with hunched shoulders slowly crept off, eyes wandering along the path as he attempted to find something that was palpable for him. He'd not eaten in so long and his body was exhausted from the traveling. His paw prints left burning indents along the foliage and it was a wonder that the grass didn't explode into flames as he passed by. Lave sluggishly like pulsing veins moved along his body as if entrapped in cracks in his own skin. Black fur like obsidian that attempted to hide him but he was very visible because of the glow from the lava his body produced. Glowing hot orange eyes shifted around and he blinked his pupiless orbs as he eyed a tree. Well, he'd never really seen a tree before and the idea of it being food passed through his thoughts. So he did what any pup without knowledge of the surface world he opened his jaws, bright glowing tongue visible for only a moment before he bit into the trunk.

His body radiated heat, temperatures that most couldn't actually stand to be too close to and so when he came into contact with the wood the side of the tree burst into flames. It didn't seem to bother the hellhound that wiggled and broke off the burn pieces of wood while the tree burned and he spat it out just as quickly. Ewww, whatever that was it was not a good thing to eat and he spat again before lifting his paws and rubbing them against his mouth as he sat on his hind legs. Where was food? Shifting the servant would turn his head slightly, the glint of the sun reflected off of the diamond collar that was wrapped around his neck and served as his symbol of servitude. After all where he came from all hellhounds wore such things as they couldn't burn hot enough to melt the symbol off. It was permanent to show their worth and their place as lesser creatures. But the child never thought of it as a bad thing. No, he was pleased to do what he was told and to make sure that his betters had what they needed at all times. He was a good boy and he knew better.

His little paws dropped to the ground then before he turned and immediately he saw it. A thick rock that was dotted with patterns of black and grey and white. It was shinny and obviously of volcanic origin. He didn't know it was an igneous rock born from the lava flows from the active volcano but felt like that was food. Lunging his jaws wrapped around the rock with ease and already it was melting in his mouth as he chewed and broke off pieces of the substance. He didn't want to eat too fast but it was really good and he gnawed on the rock, molten rock slipping along the sides of his muzzle as he lapped his tongue against the item in his possession.

Re: A LITTLE TOO LATE - open; eating - jacob w.c. - 07-30-2018

Crippling fear. That was how Jacob would describe how he felt towards most fire. It was the reason that he used battery operated candles to set the mood on he and Pincher's dates, the reason he never attended any of Typhoon's bonfires, the reason he seemed perfectly fine cooking and baking but couldn't bear being anywhere near an open flame. Every hint of orange grasping at air, longing to spread itself as far as it could, sent shivers of terror in Jacob. The flame wasn't just a single one but something that pulsed, something that devoured all it came across, something that devoured his life. His fur, his skin, his legs, his Pa, his Ma, everything from his old life. All taken, devoured by fire. Crippling because it didn't stop at chill and shivers down his spine. It locked his legs, wrapped around his chest and held it tight in it's grip. It stopped him from moving, from even breathing, and he couldn't stand it. He'd tried to face it before. He'd tried to just face it head on, to pretend it wasn't a problem and do his best to power through but he couldn't do it. Every single time he was frozen in absolute terror. It wasn't just nerves. Suddenly he would see the building collapsing all over again, his Pa' body disappearing in flame and smoke while he ran away.

He knew that there were a few people in the clan with the abilities to create fire from their paws but most didn't do it on a regular basis. That was why the canine seemed so shocked when he came across Dagda. He could tell he was an intelligent creature, that Jacob shouldn't be so afraid, but his breath was caught in his chest and his throat felt as though it were closing. While it might not be an open flame, it was close enough. The lava that pulsed on his body was enough to make Jacob freeze, his breathing and heart rate suddenly increasing at a rapid rate. Jacob had passed out on several occasions from hyperventilation while seeing fire. It hadn't happened in some time but it didn't mean it couldn't happen anymore. He knew he shouldn't stare, that it was rude and that he'd make the child feel uncomfortable but he couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away or to move or to speak. he should say something, he should say hi, he should say his name, he should say anything that would distract him from the fire but he couldn't bring the words past his lips. He watched as the being consumed a rock and he only felt his terror increase. His paws were shaking badly now, especially those that were heavily bandaged. he tried to stay standing and tried to just force himself to turn away but he couldn't. He should just tell him to leave, that he needed to collect himself but he still couldn't speak and he felt tears gathering in his eyes. Why did he have to be like this? He just wanted to be well. 