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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/ you don't have to wait for the other joiner!

The world was a weird kinda place. Accepting a lack of control over it was the first step towards tolerating it, even enjoying it, but living creatures always tried to find a way to exist on top. To win. It had taken Theo a long fucking time to learn how to survive like that and settle down at the same time — what he knew was that life favored people who held their own, so he did. A few months old and steadily ignored until he was convenient, a little older and tucked into warm fabric, held safely in the gentle spotlight of someone who actually gave a shit if he lived or died. Looking back, he knows he was the sort of sweet that got him whatever he wanted, big brown eyes and a bouncy sort of pleading whine. It wasn't tough, he wasn't tough, but it had gotten him everything he needed and a little more. Just enough to thrive. He'd grown up since then, with scars and a little less softness, a playful sort of innocence now wielded like a weapon. When he rolls over to submit, it's with every intention of ending the fight with his teeth in their throat when they think he's accepted loss. The world was weird and nobody was in control. Lesson number one, something everyone wants to skip.

Or maybe it was just some sort of excuse. If he pretended like the bad things weren't his fault, he didn't have to ache over everything that went wrong. If he assured himself that there was nothing he could have done — if that was his intention, he'd failed at it long ago. For all of his father's gentle care (and paranoia in equal measure), he couldn't have prepared him for the world in front of him. It's chaotic, he keeps saying that. (Maybe he's reminding himself, trying to keep it ingrained. This is how life is, don't forget it.) Theo had been two years old when what he thought he had started crumbling, and it didn't stop for an entire lifetime. There are still days it aches, but still he's older and more certain, better adjusted. Sort of. The lion still can't seem to fully settle down; there's a reason he's headed where he is today.

A bright but surprisingly mellow midday sun brightens the reds and whites of Theseus's fur as he approaches the rather strange border this group uses, a few steps ahead of his much larger and less colorful companion, though not so far ahead to leave him out of the picture. Though there's been a comfortable silence between them for a few minutes now, he's found himself continually turned around just to look. This time, he turns around fully and then stops. It's low tide and his paws are still dry, everything's nice out, and maybe he's sorta — curious. Sometimes that's just how things are between them. Neither really protested, even when it took a few minutes of pestering to get their answers. They've got time, anyway. It will be a minute before people realize that their strange railroad has visitors. He has yet to ring the bell showing that they're even here. When he flicks his tail and looks up at Doktè, it's with a gentle tilt of his head, something both earnest and honest, though it doesn't entirely lack the same sort of mischievousness that had earned him all of his nicknames from the other.

"Why'd you come? Here, I mean. With me."

Re: BACK TO THE START — O. DUAL JOINING - adomania - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]He had learned about survival at a young age, younger than most should have had to, and with it came the knowledge of just how cruel the world was and how much worse you had to be in order to see another day. There was so very little that you could control when life was a turmoil in and of itself (something he knew not only from experience but from the small part of himself that was connected to the intricate details themselves) that it became almost necessity to control what you could, so that your fate wasn't written in the hands of others.

Des knew it all, had known it for the better of the two years he had been alive on this earth. Life always favored those who held their own, and he had done more than enough to make sure that he wouldn't die without wanting to, not somewhere on the side of a ditch before he could make a difference with this sorry life he called his. Some did it through lying, through manipulation, especially if they didn't have the muscles to make up for the rest... Des was a mix of both. Sometimes whoever thought they could touch him ended up with one less limb without any more pretext... sometimes he felt empty enough for shit to happen and to lull whoever it was with him into a sense of comfort where he could rip their throat out with seemingly the burning rage of the void itself.

The void that had left him to this fate. The void that had deemed their son unworthy of their love and attention, casting him into a life of murder and thievery, of drugs and cigarettes and alcohol, of something... anything that could make him feel alive.

Did he regret his choices? Yes. They haunted him on more than one occasion, the faces of those he had killed always there in the corner of his visions, floating through the shadows and whispering bittersweet words that only he could hear. But that was the price of survival - sometimes you had to lose a part of what made you humane to see another day, and Des had been determined to do just that from day one when he realized that the only person he had to take care of himself was him.

Even clan life was taken with a grain of salt. It could all crash and burn around him as it had already on one occasion. There was nothing left to hope for but death at the end of a journey he should have never been strong enough to take. But Des was too caught up with his will to live to give into any battle, including the one that raged within his head on a daily basis, so he continued, despite the scars both visible and not that this sorry excuse of a life had given him.

Perhaps Theseus was expecting a few minutes to pass before someone approached, not a strange thought given that he had yet to announce his presence or that of his companion by ringing the conveniently placed bell. But perhaps unfortunately for them Desperado had been wandering that evening, patrolling the beaches of the Typhoon if only to get his mind off of things he didn't feel like thinking about. Walking always helped, especially if there was a cigarette pressed snugly to his lips, but the latter wasn't currently the reality so he had settled for simply the former. It was during this walk, which was ironically just coming to a close, that two shapes caught the canine's dual colored eyes, and he approached just in time to hear the question that the lion was inquiring of his companion.

He wondered briefly if this was some sort of strange version of a lover's quarrel, but figuring it wasn't his place to ask and realizing that he wasn't actually that interested, Des shook all thoughts out of his head to settle on the logical part of this encounter. Two strangers on the border always meant something or the other, and maybe he had come just in time to stop some petty excuse for a raid.

"Hope I'm not intruding on anything," that was a lie, but he said it with ease that made it far more than believable. A slight smile formed on the canine's jaws as he padded closer, although he sat down safely on his side of the border once they were a few feet away and his heterochromic gaze never once lost it's sharp, analytical edge. "Gonna go out on a whim and assume you both have some sort of business with the Typhoon?"


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]For the most part, Doktè couldn't say he gave a damn about the lives people left behind them. Everybody had a story, and everyone had chapters that overlapped with each other; at this point, after sticking his paws in so many wounds, listening to so many delirious confessions and the rambling of concerned loved ones, he'd heard just about every awful foundation to a life there was. Father left home when they were young, or their parents were dead, or maybe they never even knew them and were abandoned. There were people who quarreled with their family, those who loved them and lost them, those who did neither, those who had one or the other, and- the point was, lives weren't altogether complex when it came down to it. Love, loss, pain, death. Formulaic. Rinse and repeat. Times were shit, people adapted, times worsened, and people adapted again. Doktè's job wasn't to pick apart people's minds to try and get them over whatever shit they were lugging with him; his job was to make sure they could get back up on their feet to do that themselves.

But he wasn't a miracle-worker, nor was he an exception to that aforementioned ruthless cycle. The ring dangling around his neck was far heavier now than it had been when he gave it away several years ago, but he was still standing, because it was either that or quit, and Lisette wouldn't have wanted that.

Would've been nice if he could've avoided the devil he walked with. Whether or not the cinnamon-white lion was a demon didn't change that he was an imp, although Doktè lit a bit of sage whenever he had some time alone, just in case. He couldn't exactly hang a mirror up -so the stories went about the devil's vanity- but the worst part about everything was that he didn't mind Theo as much as he seemed to. He was an insufferable flirt, never really knew when to stop talking, and managed to get Doktè speaking about himself, so in sum, he was incorrigible yet interesting.

The lion had hoped he might have ditched Doktè a while back, but here they were, Doktè trailing slightly behind as Theo wandered ahead. For the time being, there was silence, apart from Doktè's occasional mutter. Of course, it couldn't last forever, and when they came to what he assumed was this group's entrance, Theo turned to him with that look of his, all inquisitive and soft with that shadow of cunning that had Doktè name him a demon the first time they met. His ears turned, and he exhaled, about to reply with a somewhat genuine answer when a canine showed his face, locking Doktè's jaw.

He couldn't say he liked this person either, although he rarely did, not out and about in the world. Mahogany eyes narrowed at the comment, which seemed friendly enough for Doktè to know it wasn't. He wasn't one for insincere pleasantries, not on either end; he'd rather someone speak their mind than play polite, but it didn't matter. There wasn't anything to intrude on. "Nothing but a rahdoht."[sup]1[/sup] The lion's broad shoulders lifted into a shrug, before his nose wrinkled, and his gaze turned over to Theo. "Gah-dey-dawn, couillon, you take me to the brightest people."[sup]2[/sup]

1. Rahdoht is a boring conversation
2. Gah-dey-dawn = would you look at that. Couillon is idiot.



Honestly, people spended most of thier time worrying about life every single hour on the day then to actually enjoy the life they had and be satisfied with that alone. There was always something to complain about, something that made them unsatisfied. Kazumi had really heared all of them, his immortality being the one to thank for that. Even if he would have wanted to couldn't die. Just getting reborn, over and over again but with his memories never fading of. Pureblood's was indeed alot more difficult to kill but not impossible to kill of. No, his curse so to say come elsewhere. But was he complaining over a life that never could end?. Maybe at some point but if so he could not really remember it anymore.Lair.

After a houndred of lifetime's things started to change a bit on how looking at things. Instead of carrying about the simplest of things such like regret or even value others life around himself had become addicted to the world around him instead. To prevent a daily life to contunie to be the same for every year that past had made himself to something far more bigger then that. No longer was he a person how lived along them sharing the same life like everyone else but had let himself evolve to become something entierly else. Now, all he saw was puppets, chess players to his chessboard. All of thier lives existed for his own amusement sake. Maybe at some point had tried to look at it differently, to almost get convinced by others that he could be something else but -

No. It was always the same thing. Always coming back to right where he had started. So Kazumi had decided this was where he belonged to be. Bored now to believe anything else. So yes. Life could indeed have different impact on people, picking different paths and routes. Some simple tried to struggle through life and he would always be there to make sure they contunie to fall, over and over again, because his happines come from others despair and misery. That was what he had been created for to be. So life meant so little for him, if anything a life could always be replaced with a new life. How much they loved to think they where special, to have some sort of right but in truth they never had. Moder nature would never be nice, always cruel and they would be always be equally in her eyes. No mercy given.

Life was meant to be tragic. That was what he thought, that every story should end in a horrible tragedy. And those how thought differently he wanted to destroy. To prove his point.

Kazumi happend to like to be on a move on, almost constantly. To remain in one place all day long seemed far to boring since for sure much wouldn't happen if just seating around all day. That was why he was outside, strolling, minding his own business but was not against the idea to step into someone else business. He constantly searched after something interesting to unfold in front of his mismatched orbs. This day it just happend to be the two lions. It was natural for him to be curious over unfamilliar faces, a desire to learn more about them, to observe and get to know where they stood in life. Without them his games would become so much more pointless. He existed for them after all. To be that misfortune how was going to create chaos wherever he seemed to go. The unwanted, the freak, and he lovedthat role.

" Ah yes, i do hope we're not intruding ya two make-up session if so just say so and we can come back later. Or if ya rather want us to watch i would be fine with that as well." he would say with a grin that flashed his teeths to the two strangers. He did had come to accompany his other crewmate he not yet had meet up until now. He was a bit new himself admittedly but knew sooner or later would get to know everyone around here. " Oh and don't worry about this fellow of mine. Just give him some booze and ya will see the most brightest man on earth." he said cheerfully, sweetly smiling at the two now as he was obiviously joking. He didn't know anything about the guy beside him but he did reminded him of some stoic people he had meet in the past. A couple ones actually. Kazumi was just guessing at this point but he wouldn't be suprised if he had right.

//i love the three of your writing style <33 and welcome you two to typhoon! ^^


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Much unlike his friend (? yes, friend), Theo actually did give a shit about the stories people left behind. Sometimes it was just curiosity, but sometimes you needed to find out why people ticked. Because yeah, life tended to suck. He'd led one of those sucky lives, seen it all right in front of his face. But even if life sucked universally, everyone handled it differently. (The ring around Doktè's throat must mean as much to him as the claw around his own. He doesn't take it off, doesn't lose it, doesn't talk about it. Doesn't fidget, he's used to wearing it.) Now Des — Theo doesn't know what to make of him right away. He's a canine of some sort, both colored and decorated strangely enough that not even he could figure out which parts are important. And of course his mind immediately jumps back to the lion across from him. His colors are simple, easy to look at, handsome in a rugged kind of way. It's easy to tell what's important to him, perhaps thanks to the quiet indifference he seems to treat everyone else. (But back to Desperado; he decides almost immediately that he likes the stranger, maybe for the smell of smoke that follows him, or the piercings in his ear. Something they have in common.)

Like him or not, though, the canine did interrupt something, and Theo's shoulders tensed first at the sound of his voice. His attention had ended up fully on the way that Doktè opened his mouth — watching him shut up was understandably frustrating. It took him long enough to pry answers out of him when they were alone. It was kinda obvious it wouldn't happen around others. Yet. (He's fine with never, really. Something sweeter about it that way.) While still facing him, the smaller lion offers a frown and a roll of his eyes before turning to face the — two, now. There are two of them. There's the sweetest sort of smile on his face, no remnants of the eye rolling from before. "Technically yes," he corrects with an insulted (offended, really, he knows what that word means by now) glance back at Doktè, "but nothing that can't be picked up later." Theo flicks his tail underneath Doktè's jaw, just in front of his mane and the line of his throat. He feels content with the knowledge that he had thought about answering, though, and that's really all he could ask for in the moment.

People who think life is meant to be tragic don't put enough love into the little moments like that. Getting things right, feeling content. For those few moments, the bad in the world stopped spinning forward. Whatever pain he would inevitably get was worth the small moments, like — like getting his first hoodie from his dad and his piercing from the first friend he'd celebrated independence with (before he realized independence was overrated and painful). Like watching Letty catch himself for the first time, turn bloodstained paws downy soft, even if they shook with the timid effort it took to be gentle. Life wasn't tragic. He can't think that it was, or — or it'd end up swallowing him whole, spitting him back out in a world he couldn't deal with. Theo's been there before. Never again, that's what he tells himself. And he means it, he does. This isn't him running away from his past. Like Doktè said, everyone had one and it was always tragic in some way. What matters was how they dealt with it, how they picked themselves up and kept walking. So with a rather rough nurse and every intention of figuring out where he belongs on this planet, he'd ended up here.

"We're not a thing." For the first time since people had approached him, Theo's voice is a little harsh, desperately so, even with rounded edges and an attempt at an amused smile. He'd already got his fair share of sing-song you like hims and laughter like carbonation breaking through any attempts to seal it off. Doktè may be admittedly attractive, in the rough sort of way, but he's also not into guys — Theo knows the type. Anyway, whatever, there's a rush of heat flooding his chest now but that's not what this is about. He manages to keep his mouth quirked into a lighter smile that quickly becomes genuine, even offers a bit of a laugh at Kazumi's comment about Desperado. "That sounds like a great time, but maybe for later. We do have business here." He says we like he's not entirely sure of the word and looks back at Doktè with a tilt of his head. "You're staying too, right? Or did you walk me all this way just to be a gentleman?" He'd better be staying.

/ thank you!! i love both of your writing styles too asldkfj
and alloy's ofc but i yell about that every day

Re: BACK TO THE START — O. DUAL JOINING - adomania - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The easy smile didn't slip off of Desperado's face, although his gaze visibly sharpened at the tone he received from Doktè, and he was glad for the man's own good that Kazumi seemed to step in before he could say anything snarky back. Sure, he could be laid back, but there was a very thin line between what pissed him off and didn't... and right now, the man was already teetering on that edge. Sarcasm never sat well with him. But it seemed his friend was far nicer, and his disappointed look actually made Des rethink his choices and almost regret coming over. Perhaps he had messed up something important, although he figured that it wasn't really his fault given they were at the border and could have done whatever it was they wanted to do long before here. 

He knew enough about people to know when certain topics hit a nerve. Sometimes it was useful, as you could use it as blackmail or a means to getting an end without having to exert yourself too much. As sorry as it sounded, many had been spared from death after Des had successfully managed to cripple them mentally, and at that point continuing just simply wasn't fun anymore (it wasn't at all, anymore, but that was a subject for a different time. Not even he believed that he could change so drastically from who he had been.)

Therefore, he knew that the subject that Kazumi brought up quite visibly hit a nerve within Theseus, but if he noticed it he didn't point it out, oddly respectful of the statement. He'd take it at face value, whether it was real or it wasn't, for it wasn't his place to claim otherwise and he knew exactly how both denial and secrets felt like. "Duly noted," his voice grew far less light than it had been, bordering between serious and comforting to make sure that Theseus knew he was being sincere, but his smile never faded. "You both just buddies out to join then, eh?" - once again the statement wasn't patronizing, simply allowing them for an easy exit if they wanted to take it - "we've got a lot of the type coming in so you're nothing new, whether or not that's a comfort is up to you."

An deep, throaty laugh escaped Des' maw at Kazumi's statement, earning him a slight bump with his shoulder, and the smile that had been present on his maw turned into a full on grin. It seemed like he wasn't as good a judge of character as he thought he was, although Des couldn't blame him given that the two had just met. But no, despite both of his fathers being of the stoic type, the personality never sat well with Des. It was both a defense mechanism and a preference, for if people knew you were sad it was far harder to hide shit. That, and there was very little point in acting like there was a stick up your ass 24/7.

Seeing as Theseus was the nicer one out of the duo thus far, he found himself turning to him once again to comment on the accusation. "Oh yeah, get me drunk and I'll be out here talking about plans for entire space programs, trust me. I totally won't be serenading the nearest tree I find and then taking someone out to have a good time when they try to stop me," - the example was, quite literally, a true one... but hey, he'd lost his rights to shame the moment he had done it to begin with.

Plus, the less you hid the less people expected. It had become like second nature to him to give out whatever information he could so that it sounded important, while hiding everything with some sort of meaning deep within the confines of his mind where no one could find it and think anything of it.

"Anyways, all that aside, 's a pleasure to meet you both, whether you're both staying or not. Desperado... if you're keen on last names you can also attach 'break' towards the end of that but I won't be offended if you don't and decide to go out on a whim and call me 'that asshole' instead to spice shit up." Another soft chuckle left his jaws, and then his gaze settled on Kazumi briefly only to trail back towards the duo as he spoke up once more. "Hope you don't mind if I ask for your names in turn?"


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]It wouldn't surprise Doktè that Theo was absorbing as many details as he could about the canine, if only because he'd been around him for long enough by now to figure out that wherever he came from -Doktè never asked, told himself he wasn't at all curious- had necessitated a sharp mind veiled by a soft smile and bright laugh. That had been a great source of disgruntlement for Doktè, and still was, but he'd learned by now making more of an effort to be silent would just have Theo pulling with a bit more force. It didn't keep the lion from shutting his mouth, though there were- moments of temptation, for lack of better phrasing. Moments where he wanted to tell him everything that he was looking for, like the name of the owner of the ring around his neck, except it was difficult for someone to receive answers from a person who didn't have the words. He could say what he thought easy as breathing -Theo was a shit, and he often told him as much- but not the rest of it. Not all the bits where he bared his chest and every inlay of his ribs.

A sudden touch to his throat had the lion jerking both mentally and physically, his gaze wide on Theo for a moment before it flattened into a glare. He was more agitated by the prospect of a later for the conversation Theo had started than the brush, although that had certainly been...startling. Doktè was tactile, primarily in the ability to fearlessly cuff someone upside the head for being stupid, but softer touches were reserved for- other things. "Beck moi tchew, diable."[sup]1[/sup] Doktè would honestly rather walk on hot coals or have several of his teeth pulled out than continue what Theo had started.

Naturally, people could just let things be, and the next stranger had to go prodding at the topic again when it had been settled. The lion's expression twisted into a scowl, and he glanced over to Theo as though to say, "this is all your fault." Assuming they were in a relationship left a bitter taste in the back of Doktè's mouth, the ring around his neck leaden, digging into his chest. The stranger couldn't know of the minefield he'd just stepped into, but neither would Doktè warn him to watch his step; it seemed like that'd only call attention to his situation, and he hated attention. Theo was better suited to handling people. Doktè was a rougher hand, with a shitty bedside manner despite his profession. Lisette had acted as a buffer much of the time, a soothing voice and gentle eyes. She haunted him so thoroughly he nearly overlooked the other lion's reaction, and he couldn't quite explain why his adamant response stung, why his frayed smile took something sharp to his belly that he did his best to ignore.

His gaze adopted an intense note as the pair of strangers interacted, and as the first to arrive handled Theo's rebuttal smoothly, offering an opening for them both. The plain creature snorted, though he said nothing, not until his companion's socializing happened to include him, and even then, he considered stony silence. He found he was...uninterested in much of the conversations, though they didn't concern him anyway; they were right to seek Theo out in terms of chatting. He could manage better than Doktè.

"You can take care of yourself, last I checked. Don't need a gentleman escort." It wasn't really an answer, but it was. If they wanted one more obvious, he could supply; he would just have an even lower opinion than he did already.

However, they'd all come far enough to arrive at introductions, and the first canine said his name was Desperado. Doktè snorted again, this one somewhat amused. Desperado. Right. Why not? "Desperado's enough of an insult. I think 'that asshole' can go unsaid." The lion shifted his stance, relieving some of the weight from his weak leg, because the damned thing never could handle standing around for too long. "Doktè. The maringouin is Theo."[sup]2[/sup]

1. Bite my ass, devil
2. Mosquito

oh thank you!! i agree with Rev on this one you are both spectacular
lmfao and i can rant about yours Rev


Although his words had been nothing else then a harmless joke to spark something up inside the both of them he was still not convinced he was being wrong with what he had said. There was something he saw that told him otherwise. The harsh respond that cried out of desperation coming from the white lion, like he not wanted anyone to know. The physical approch he did with his tail towards the darker lion throat, and the reaction he got from that. No, the vampire was not convinced believing both of them where lying, at least the white one but the other lion might still not have come out from the closest just yet.  That was the conclusion he got from observing this small signs so for now would keep himself to think the way he did. He offered a smug look to the both of them with a glimt of mischief in one of his eyes. " Oh, i apologize then for misjudging the situation. It's a shame though i think ya two would look cute together. he would push just a little bit further before he would let it all go.

Out of his own suprise felt the canine how stood right beside of him giving a nudge towards his shoulder. That was enough for the vampire to drop his attention from the two lions to give a look over at the other canine instead. Kazumi did not liked to be touched unless he was the one taking the initiative, otherwise it was strictly forbidden to touch him ever. He didn't liked it, hated it. He hidden it well as he returned the grin to the other to mask it all but inside, for a split second there had felt the temptation to tore his crewmate into pieces.Kazumi was a emotional unstable being, crazy to the touch. One second he could behave normally in a conversation only for in the next one lash out to spill blood on organs on the ground. A ticking bomb.

But thankfully no one of that happend. Self-control was something he thankfully had alot of. As quickly he had felt that sort of tension inside of him thought was able to let it slide past especially since he had discovered something rather interesting about this 'pirate'. Kazumi had to his own suprise misjudged this person character. That was an interesting thing to take note of. It was unusual for him to make a such error like this one but not necessery a bad one. Upset he for sure wasn't over that only a increased curiosity over this canine. He found it exciting when he had wrong since then he started to wondered what more this indvindual could give him in the future. His grin become more comfortable for himself after that.

It seemed out of the three of them, two at least had some humor when deciding to laugh over his out of the blue comment about Desperado. Even the guy himself joined in to appreciate his joke. Kazumi himself however only smirked smugly until hearing the comeback statemate to what he had said coming from Desperado. It was then he let out a chuckle to join in with the other two. " See, i told ya, a real party animal." he would muse, but then listening to what the one lion how seemed more of a social butterfly then the other one did how contunie to be somewhat distant aside from throwing out words not even him understood about what they meant. " What my pirate friend just said it's a pleasure to meet both of ya, and i highly recommend for both of ya to stay because i like both of ya already so it would be a shame for ya to leave." he made sure to have his say in this as well, his smirk turning to that honey sweet smile he used to look more 'pleasant'.

" Är det inte så kisse misse?. Du skulle verkligen få en bättre chans att charmera och vinna din förälskelse över om du var en pirat. Killar tänder på sådant." He directed his words over at Dokte as he turned his eyes over at him as he spoke to him. Okay, maybe it annoyed Kaz a little bit of not knowing what Dokte said or what language he even used. So had decided to let him stand there wondering what he just had said to him all dumbfounded. Kaz had never meet someone how spoke his own language before so was confident this one not knew either.

Satisified with himself believed it the time suited for him to introduce himself as well. " And my name's Kazumi but fill free to call me for  hot dog if wanting to." he chuckled, for some reason always had wanted to say that so had seen his chance to finally make it to a reality. " Once again, it's nice to meet ya two, Theo and Doki." he flashed a grin and yes he had somewhat stand up for his pirate friend but more then anything he just enjoyed to much to go under the skin of people such like Dokte.

They always had such temper.

// translate; Isn't that so, kitty-cat?. You would really have a better chance to win your crush over if you where a pirate. Guys found it attractive.
aha thanks you two!! also it's past midnight here and i started to get tired at the end of it, so i become sloppy, sorry for that.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/ this post is so terribly organized alkshdf i'm sorry my mind has Poofed it is now past midnight for me too so i'm struggling a bit

Desperado wasn't the only one to see something useful in the simplest of conversations. Heartache meant a hole in someone's armor, and objectively he knows that showing his hand gives everyone permission to fucking use it. Whatever jabs he gets now are wholly his fault, but at least Desperado has the decency to drop it. Where the firmness of his voice carves something out of Doktè's chest, it burns a hole in his own throat. It's for his own benefit, really. He's been there a few times before, stomach clenching around nothing for someone who won't look at him like that. Ever. Doktè's fun to flirt with, talk to, pester. Doktè denies his own curiosity but Theo rolls with it, cornering him for his favorite color, the reason behind his nickname, why he doesn't go by his real name. Eventually the people here might get the same treatment, but there's no promise of fun there. Not like there is in the way the other lion's eyes go wide and then narrow in irritation. His mouth quirks into a grin that seems to laugh even in his silence. The nickname is familiar, of course, as is his stubbornness.

(This is why people make fun of you, Theo. This is why they say you'd be cute together.)

At least Desperado had the decency to let it go. The mellow sincerity of his tone is relaxing, and to find someone who knew how to leave boundaries alone — alright that sounds stupid coming from someone like him, who pulled answers out of people like he was untangling a ball of yarn, but he doesn't pull too far, usually. When the topic pushes on bruises that are still too fresh, he withdraws a bit, changes tactics. Kazumi doesn't have the same subtlety and the smug look soon has the lion tensing up again, his tail lashing for a short moment (still a little too close to Doktè's face). But it settles into a smile (still tense) as he forces himself to stop his tail from moving (by tensing). "I think I'm plenty cute on my own," he huffs back, this time with genuine amusement. He stretches out as if to prove his point, shaking off some of the heat that's beginning to warm his back. If they don't hurry this up, they'll end up getting wet and however much he likes water, he's not interested in that.

He says that like he's not already going to need a drink after this. Not to the point that he'll... serenade a tree? That does sound like a good time, but he just needs something to wash away whatever this joining has left him with. "Sounds like a fun time. I think?" His head slowly tips to the side, the edges of his brown eyes crinkling with light mirth. "Might need to see that one for myself." Not because he was a social butterfly, whatever Kazumi thought. A chatterbox, yes. Annoying. Better at holding conversations than Doktè. But he was perfectly content to sit to the side or perched somewhere high and just... wait for the world.

Before introductions, he once again turns fully to face Doktè, the tension from earlier forgotten in favor of his own teasing grin. "I guess that depends on your definition of a gentleman escort, huh?" And — and hot dogs, according to Kazumi, and he glances back with both confusion and amusement. The innuendo could have very well been unintentional, or not. Either way, he's not entirely sure that the other interests him. He turns around again (it feels like he's stuck in a loop, why doesn't he just stand next to the other lion instead? he knows the answer) and takes in the rest of their introductions, and his own from Doktè's mouth. He flicks his tail against his jaw again, as light as ever. "I guess we'll be staying, then." The lion bounces up high on his paws and then back down, clearly, though subtly excited. "If you don't mind, I think we should go get settled in. But it's nice to meet you two." Mostly. They did seem to be genuinely pleasant, aside from a few dark spots.


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher never particularly liked the world. Well, specifically its inhabitants. He didn't like the disgusting standards that creatures clung to as if it would help put organization into their chaotic little lives like it would smooth the cracks that were their flaws. He hated the “good” many creatures had attempted to pull out of him like he was some fucking demon that some god had exiled from the heavens. He was good in his standards and that was enough for him. He didn't need to conform to whatever the fuck someone believed was right, he never had forced anyone to push themselves into his shoes but the constant goodie twoshoes of the world always rambled about how evil Pincher was or anyone that didn't fit into their little clique of perfection. He had grown up in a shitty lousy gang filled with fighting and aching bruises, one that thrived in the flaws of society even if there were times they deserved to be called delinquents or rats when they would steal and cheat from others. At first, he had refused settling into that stereotype of a criminal. He didn't like how they appeared. Lower than the good as if no matter how full their pockets they may be, they would always be considered outsiders to the wealthy and pure-blooded. It had embarrassed him when his father and him would stumble around creatures with a higher lifestyle and weren't smelling like the mixture of rotting fish and dried blood from late night fights.

Which is why he had become more of a businessman after taking over the job of captain from his father's small gang, his ideas stretching to the horizons where his father's imagination never had dared to reach. Maybe that was why Pincher had been so frustrated in his youth — he had been held back from the potential that he could offer due to his father's obsession with being the pack leader. Or maybe it was to bite down on the throat that had been spilled so many harsh words to him, his ears tired of hearing the constant harassment from a fucker that didn't hold a single drop for his child. He didn't care. He didn't want to care but deep down he did. A seed had been planted when he had killed his father had blossomed, breaking through the rough surface and sinking its root into the very memory that haunted him to this day. Pincher knew that it could have been avoided, that he could have simply chased his father away and not murdered him. But life didn't always go according to plan — something Pincher had come to slowly accept despite his stubborn attitude into everything going his way.

He had died in the past, his death a simple tragic story of bleeding out at the wrong time and the wrong place. He remembered the feeling and how it felt like each second had been converted into an hour of contemplation. He had not seen his life flash before his eyes when he had watched the crimson mortal blood of his mingle with the thin clear waves of ocean, dwelling in the possibilities of him surviving. They were slim and short like a sweet little folk story one found in a thift store that they skimmed over but never bought. When he had returned, spat out by the sea, Pincher had jumped back into being leader as if nothing had happened. It was as if he was obsessed with the idea of power but in reality the core basis of the male was that he didn't like following rules. They weren't for him due to the constant barking orders that his father had rammed towards his way when he protested. But when he had risen, Pincher suddenly became motivated to improve. To create something more than just some stereotype pirate that enjoyed looting and stealing from weaker beings that couldn't dare smile back at the devil. So, he became infused into the planning of the Typhoon. There had been setbacks such as alliance breakages and natural disasters but Pincher continued on. As said before, Pincher didn't like the world. But he sure as hell was gonna try to make it something he did like.

The dark figure of the muscular wildcat was staring at the distance where the sky and sea met, his intense cyan blue eyes locked onto a small growing form of possible rainclouds. A possible storm was coming and by the way the wind was softly tugging a little harder than usual, it would most likely arrive as the sun would begin to set. He didn't mind it though as it allowed for the rich vegetation to remain good as it was now. He bit down on the soft white chunk of coconut, his canines scrapping at the meat before chewing as he was resting on a patch of cool short grass that outlined the border of the jungle and the beaches. He was particularly enjoying the peace and solitude when his long tongue flicked out to taste the air, realizing that there was something unusual to it. His snake-like eyes narrowed and the male rose to his full standing position, now attentive to who it may be. He stalked towards the direction of the border with furrowed brows of concentration until he reached the figure of Desperado and Kazumi, halting beside the two male canines as the cinder gray male's attention snapped onto the two joiners. Two lions that appeared to be speaking but he had arrived just in time to catch them being welcomed.

Pincher gave a light nod towards the other males, his vibrant glacier blue colored stare fluttering to each face while he stated lightly "Welcome to the Typhoon, newbies. My name is Pincher, I'm the captain around here. If you've got shit to say or ask, feel free to find me so I can help. Hate to say but I wasn't able to catch your names." Curse his tardiness. He wasn't exactly the most punctual when it came to others except himself, something he needed to learn to not do so much of.

( me? t r a s h but welcome <33 )