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A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - Printable Version

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A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-30-2018

was aphra a terrible mother? oh, yes, absolutely. although that was likely due to her upbringing; the she-cat never really saw her father often and her mother was killed by him whenever she was old enough to catch her own prey. aphra didn't mind too much, though; her mother was strangely protective and she didn't enjoy being held down by the other she-cat. aphra only came to the typhoon whenever she met pincher at the border once in a spare feline body, and by the time the captain led her to his room, she couldn't shift back. which was a shame, because unfortunately that body wasn't infertile like her birth body.

which was what she was in now. aphra was back in her normal pure white oriental longhair body, jewelry adored and all. the she-cat was resting in the jungle, enjoying a spot in the sun.

open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]"What are you doing here?"

The sentence was all that Sylvina could manage to suppress at the sight of seeing her mother lounging among the jungle floor. Although the female in front of her had not physically birthed the ebony Bengal, it was still Aphra in all her glory, a beauty to see for others yet only but fuel for a fire that her daughter had built in her absent image. As her jaws parted to form the words, the young kit dropped the few twigs that she had gathered within the terrain for a craft she had plans on making later on in the day. They were objects of high value to her only but seconds ago, but now her focus was elsewhere, their worth close to nothing as she they snapped between her paws when the feline walked forward.

Sylvina would stop only a foot away from the oriental longhair, her olive hues narrowed as she awaited her mother's reply. The jungle had always seemed like a safe haven for her numerous adventures; why was Aphra here? Sure, it was public land for the Typhoon, but it was her favorite place.

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-01-2018

aphra slowly opened her eyes as she heard somebody approach her, and her tail tip flicked as she realized it was one of her daughters. sylvina. ah, yes, the darker-pelted she-kit. "i'm resting, dear. isn't that obvious?" she replied with a purr, clearly being condescending towards sylvina. she had no idea how her daughter felt about her, but then again why would she? it wasn't like she was in their lives very often. and she honestly took pride in that, because she just didn't care. a sad thing, sure, but at least pincher was actually taking care of them, right?
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - ADAKIAS - 08-01-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]As her mother responded, the fiesty she-kit would lash her tail in a subtle scold to herself. What a dumb question she had asked, but what else was she supposed to say? Sylvina most definitely would not greet her in a friendly fashion.

The minnow would just stare with narrow hues at the oriental for a moment as she conjured up a sentence to say within her mind. With everyone else retorting back came so easily. But with her mother? It was complicated. She didn’t know what made Aphra tick or even if the female could get angry. But nevertheless she would try. ”Don’t call me dear.”

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-12-2018

unlike her father, aphra wasn't one to get angry or upset easily. after all, she was the embodiment of lust, not wrath. she was supposed to be a lover, not a fighter. of course being in the typhoon meant she enjoyed some sort of fighting, since the typhoon was a warbound group, but she was mostly drawn to the place by its chaotic feel. oh, and the fact she had been carrying pincher's kits.

aphra chuckled at sylvina's demand, her long tail flicking in amusement. "why's that?" she asked, her tone mocking. 'dear' wasn't exactly a term of endearment for her, it was more or less a degrading insult. not everyone knew that, though, and she usually seemed genuine with the comment so it was easy to see why sylvina had snapped like that. regardless, it was quite amusing to hear the child say that.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - ADAKIAS - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]Bubbling with rage, Sylvina would let her maw furrow into that of a snarl, her stature tense and on guard. However, her appearance of trying to invoke some sort of dominance could simply be seen as something for humor. Afterall, she was only but a few pounds and inches tall with a rather gangly looking form. The kitten was going through that awkward stage where she was about to lose her baby fur for a more mature coat. Evidently it left her with random tufts of fur splayed across her frame, but the young bengal couldn't exactly tend to it herself. Not exactly the terror she was trying to portray.

It was obvious that the apparent feelings for her mother were that of anger and betrayal, yet what exactly had Aphra done to exhibit such emotions from the feisty kit? Well, nothing. That was exactly it - the female had done nothing. No motherly relationship between parent and daughter was ever formed between the pair as well as her siblings. It was frustrating for the minnow knowing that the very feline that birthed her had very little interest in her own children, let alone forming bonds, and yet had every opportunity to do so while being within the same group. Was she just a pawn in Aphra's claim to fame? Having the captain's kids was a feat in itself, and Sylvina couldn't help but feel as if she was merely an aspect of strategy.

"Because," Sylvina began with a lash of her ebony tail, "You don't deserve to call me anything."

( sorry for the crappy post, im on my phone uwu )

Re: A MOTHER'S LOVE // private, Sylvina - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-15-2018

//wow i have no idea where this muse came from but only the first and last paragraphs are relevant sidfosja

the only reason aphra had joined the typhoon was in part due to her father being here, but the main reason was due to her carrying the captain's kits. she felt no surprise when pincher didn't remember her, mostly because she was in her birth body rather than the one he slept with. and sylvina's thoughts were right: aphra did not care for the children she gave birth to. she felt no love towards them, which was strange considering she gave birth to them and nursed them. yet she still felt no connection towards them. they were pincher's kids, a ticket to fame and power. unfortunately, pincher wasn't so easy to please and aphra held no position here.

at this point, aphra didn't care for ranks. she honestly had half the mind to leave the typhoon now that she was back in her birth body, to travel the clans and sleep with whomever she wanted. would she end up being careful about what body she slept with, considering her birth one (as of right now) was the only one infertile? nope. aphra would be the dumbass to shift into a fertile body and not worry about protection. if there was even a thing as 'protection' in this world.

aphra could see the absolute anger in sylvina's eyes and her own icy-blue gaze sparkled with amusement. it wasn't hard to see that her daughter was upset about something, and if aphra cared to think about what, she probably could figure out herself why sylvina was so upset. it was something understandable to be upset about, if aphra could relate to her anger. aphra had been raised just like sylvina, without a parent in her life. caesar was her father, yet he seemed to care little about her. her mother was overprotective, which was one of the reason why aphra tried running off multiple times. caesar ended up murdering her mother for... whatever reason, but aphra couldn't help but feel relieved when he did. she was free now, no longer held down by her mother's protective chains.

aphra didn't understand that her mother was trying to protect her. her mother knew she was a succubus, a female demon known for finding men and sleeping with them, stealing their soul as they did so. although aphra had a choice in whether she stole a victim's soul, she was still a demon. this world is known for being tolerant of demons - or not believe in them at all - but her mother still wanted to protect her. her mother didn't want her to end up being the she-cat she was today, and yet here we are, with aphra sleeping around like nobody's business. it brought her joy.

caesar was known for being a terrible father, and that was also the reason why aphra's mother was so protective of her. her mother learned of how the man she slept with treated his children and she tried running off with aphra herself to protect her only daughter. caesar ended up finding her a couple months later, leaving aphra to fend for herself. but as stated above, aphra didn't care and she felt relieved upon finding her mother dead at her father's claws. caesar saw her then and just outright dismissed her, but strangely enough, he didn't kill her on the spot either. that was something to be thankful for and admire, right?

but back to the present. aphra's tail once again flicked in amusement at her daughter's words, a mischievous smile forming on her lips as she spoke, "why's that?" she mused. "you're my daughter, too, you know." oh, she knew this was going to get a response out of sylvina, and she said that on purpose. but honestly, she believed her words. although she held no love for her children, aphra believed she still had a right to them, despite them finding a much better parent in jacob. aphra hated jacob and refused to acknowledge the marriage he had with pincher.

open your eyes up, step in the ring ━