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billie jean // open, visitor - Printable Version

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billie jean // open, visitor - deimos - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]Did he belong here? Primus did not. Good question, and you're absolutely correct assuming the massive wolf, maned and his face made of bone, did not belong there. But he was hunting, his feral red eyes wide with malice and a grin on his impossible bone face. His feet padded up the railroad, eyes glimmering as he walked, tail swinging behind him. Did he enjoy the sight of the island? Only knowing that he was here to fuck something up, of course he did. Primus did not wait, his paw reaching up, blood red claws slamming against the golden bell and ringing it loudly.

He almost questioned if he damaged it.


Re: billie jean // open, visitor - bubblegum - 07-30-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the louder than usual ringing of the bell was what had brought the girl over quite quickly. she was trying to keep careful watch of the gate, anyway, as there were plenty of visitors and joiners nowadays, so she wasn't too far away. but, hearing that bell caused her pace to quicken slightly. better not keeping whoever it was waiting for too long. she coughed a couple of times, stumbling over. lynn was currently resting in the submarine, but she wanted to go on a walk so she left without him for now. she didn't really blame him for not keeping up with her own pace.

the girl's striking but tired green eyes looked towards the stranger with a curious expression. his appearance was quite odd. it almost seemed to radiate a sinister intent. still, the young girl would offer a small smile, looking towards the male. "hiya, what brings ya to the typhoon?" she asked lightly, her stance a bit off-balance due to her lack of sleep.

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - adomania - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The question of belonging was a tentative one, as it was often a matter of opinion of each individual involved if a person should belong. It depended greatly on the perception of what an individual considered belonging to mean, to begin with, for some thought it 'joining' and others perceived a much deeper definition. Desperado was of the latter group, considering 'belonging' a state that was far beyond living in a certain place. Belonging meant you fit in, meant that everyone knew you and you knew them, and that somehow you'd made a difference in someone's life while being there.

Everyone had the chance to belong, Des didn't discriminate, therefore Decius was no different in that matter. Did he belong there now? No, he had just arrived at the gate so it was obvious he had never been there. Could he, given the time and effort? Indeed. Especially if he was here to join, just like countless other faces had been.

His appearance did little to startle the canine as he padded over, although heterochromic eyes were still settled on him analytically in order to make sure he wasn't missing anything. But beyond the skull as a face and the fact that the guy looked like a classic text-book definition of a murderer, there wasn't much else to tell. A soft huff left the canine's jaws as the ringing in his ears finally faded after the rather... forceful way that the other had slammed the bell, but he approached with an easy grin nevertheless.

"You got business?" that was all that Des felt like saying at the moment, far less polite than he had been with Owen. Something about this guy tugged at him in a way that made him want to actively avoid it.

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - deimos - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]What an efficient system. Ring a bell, someone appeared at your paws, as if asking to do your dirty business for you. Primus was delighted with the idea of being able to rule over them, his tail slowly swishing side to side. A delighted grin crossed the bone face as Goldie showed up. His grin, albeit cruel looking, did not match the tone he spoke. Maybe he was just born with a misfortunate body? They never knew, after all.. this body wasn't for them to quiver in fear at.

"Hello! My name is Decius." He said, speaking in a rather light hearted tone. "I'm here to visit this lovely establishment. I've got a friend here I'd like to see." Primus smiled again, his long, snake like tongue moving like sandpaper over his bone teeth. His eyes flicked about to the second person to join them, simply inclining his head towards them, before looking down to the tiny child. What a.. tasty view, Primus thought to himself. Jumbalie had crumpled in his jaws so easily.. this one wouldn't be hard to destroy either.

Whatever he had thought just then, however, didn't read on his face.

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]"I think we heard 'ya the first time you rang that."

Sylvina would pad forward with an annoyed grimace plastered upon her maw - was there ever really any other facial expression besides such? Virdidescent hues would take account of the large melanistic wolf at the border, her optics pausing upon his face made of bone. The young kitten resisted the urge to question the foreign male on how his skull had come to be fleshless, yet she decided to hold her tongue from any accidental inquires that might come across as offensive. At such a small age she really didn't know of her manners quite yet .. Not that she'd ever intend to use them.

As Decius introduced himself, Sylvina would lean back to sit upon her haunches, her gaze never leaving the canine. Something about him was rather odd. The way he moved his tongue across his bone teeth and seemed so pleasant as opposed to his chilling appearance .. Well, it sure did give Pincher's daughter the heebie-jeebies. She'd instinctively get up and move over to sit next to Goldie, her ebony fur pressing gently against that of her half sister's.

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - bubblegum - 07-30-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl shifted her gaze to desperado for a moment, offering a nod. another crewmate she'd need to get to know, it seemed. she turned her attention back to the stranger quickly enough, though, figuring that she ought to focus more on him at the moment. she watched as the male began to respond, finding even his grin a bit odd. she should not judge based on looks, though. she knew better than that.

her ears perked upward as he spoke, listening to his words quietly. visit a friend? "oh, who's your friend?" she'd asked curiously. she personally had no quarrels with letting someone visit, so long as they weren't from another group - which he didn't seem to be, but her crewmates generally were not as trusting, so she figured it'd be more appropriate to check this guy was telling the truth. the girl glanced to her half-sister as she pressed gently against her, offering a warm smile before turning back to decius. "i'm goldenluxury roux, but most people call me goldie or somethin' along those lines. nice to meet ya."

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - adomania - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]That system likewise worked to beat the crap out of anyone who tried.

There was a special place in Desperado's heart for people like Decius, and that was right at the bottom of it where all of the hatred the canine held festered within him. He had dealt with people like the wolf many times before, namely back when he had been young, naive, and tortured beyond rational thought. They were the type who fed on the fears and sadness of others, who did whatever they wanted to simply because they believed themselves greater and thought that they could.

He had killed all of them. Everyone who had ever dared to lay a finger on him was now dead, and Des could care less about digging graves for those who didn't deserve them.

But Des didn't know that about Decius yet. All he saw was a man with an unfortunate body, talking in a way that made him seem far nicer than he would eventually prove to be. As a result his grin didn't waver, and with a shrug that showed his indifference, Des did what he figured would be harmless. "I guess there's no problem with that, 's long as you don't cause any problems of course."

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - Luciferr - 07-31-2018

"Troublemakers don't last long either way" a low rumble added, scales dark as obsidian skies seemingly absorbing light rather than reflecting it back out  joining the trio and the stranger - Decius.

To whom he only offered something of a scrutinising and suspicious glance but then he was always wary - especially when it was the young ones whom first stumbled upon the strangers, after all he had no trouble conjuring vivid - and once real i another time and another place - the consequences of what encounters could be.

Goldie had already asked whom he sought, so the beast remained quiet, merely a shadow on the meeting.


Re: billie jean // open, visitor - VANDAL R. - 07-31-2018

(tame the fire in you)
He's unnerving.

Vandal isn't fond of admitting that she's intimidated by someone, and yet there she stands completely unhinged by the bone-faced newcomer standing at her (she doesn't bother to correct herself) border, ringing her (she doesn't even notice the slip-up) bell, talking to her (that much is true) family and friends. The way his words roll of a bitter tongue sends chills racing down the arch of her spine, and she hates that it does, hates that his presence has such a powerful effect on her. It's not about his physical form, she's seen more gruesome things before, but the way he talks - the way he holds his chin high, his voice deep, his words thick with undercurrents she can't pick out?

He's unsettling.

Vandal's good at hiding what she feels, though - before any of them could see her, she fits a mask of impishness on her face. She knows she'll fool everyone, she's so used to pretending anyway. None of them can see the quiver in her eyes, the tremble in her step as she picks her way towards the Goldie and flicks her tail good-naturedly towards Lucifer, Sylvina, and Desperado. Her neon gaze hones in on Decius and meets him bravely, eye-to-eye, chin held high as she clicks her teeth together.

Such a good little actress. Aegroixe would be proud.

"Vandal Roux, at your service for anythin' that don' include getting my ass in trouble. The only consequences I like are the ones I brought upon myself," she introduces with a bow of her head. The edges of her eyes crinkle with her smiling expression - she's doing what she's best at, pretending. "Well then, since we're just about done with formalities I hope, I'm guessin' tha's our queue to lead you to where you can hole up for the night, right?"

He's threatening. His presence extends far beyond his physical body and fills the air with something thick, and Vandal's choking on it... not that anyone would ever know.

Re: billie jean // open, visitor - deimos - 07-31-2018

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]His eyes almost lit up with delight as more people gathered about. It seemed him smacking the bell rather loud left a commotion from wherever all these people buzzed from. Was it really that easy to capture their attention, to draw them out of hiding? Primus found the idea weakening of this.. culture, he should say, but he reminded himself not to give that nature of his inner side away.

His eyes flicked towards the second small creature that arrived, similar to the size of Goldie here, he assumed. "Why, of course! I only rang it once, after all." Primus smiled wide, his red eyes glimmering truthfully. That was the truth- Decius, or Primus, only hit it once. It was just how loud it was, he presumed, that they could hear it from everywhere. Efficient in that way, deficient in the fact that so many just arrived and could be.. silenced, per say.

His red optics shifted back towards Goldie, and the tall wolf tilted his head. "My friend? Her name is Rach- She's an Akaodon. She's probably under a different name now, but it's alright, I'll know her by sight. Or scent, really." He chuckled quietly. His ears twitched as they pressed up against each other. His bone nose didn't twitch as he inhaled their scent. Siblings. That made sense, the same size, the way they moved around each other- too comfortable for just friends, especially of their age. "Goldenluxury.. nice to meet you. I'll call you Gold." He said, the simple, unnerving grin spreading on his face, if you could even call it that.

His eyes hit Desperado next. Aye, the bell system worked well for both sides of the coin. However.. they seemed too simple to understand that his malicious air touched them all, and maybe at one point or another they may end up choking themselves breathing on it. What Primus thought in his head by that, wasn't revealed to them one way or another. It was almost cruel to think that Primus would tell them anything before letting them know by injury his real intent here in the Typhoon. But in Primus's head, anything was cruel and cold.

"Problems? Why, of course not. As I said, I'm just visiting. I'll be gone before a few weeks past." He said, his tail swishing behind him. But behind Desperado stood a great being, one that Primus hadn't seen in his life but had seen rumors of. His eyes flashed, his long, snake like tongue flashing out again to lick at his teeth. Was it a hydration issue? Possibly. Or was it hunger? One never know, and neither did Primus himself. "Oh, I'm sure of that. So many strong people stand before me, I wouldn't dream of it. Didn't come for that purpose, anyways."

But the final person that approached truly struck the blackened wolf, his bone teeth clacking together as she padded past them, looking about at her friends. He was.. allured, struck, to say it in the easiest way. But her scent, he found as he inhaled deeply, was littered by that of what he knew. His grin grew wider, like a Cheshire Cat receiving what it desired. Rach Akaodon was here. He was correct. His ears perked up, tail raising as she spoke, head cocking to the side as he listened.

His own eyes meet her, and a crude smirk emits from them, as if daring her to keep looking. His gaze traced over her body slowly, his tongue licking his teeth again. "Vandal.. certainly fits. Of course, living quarters. Hopefully I won't take up too much room." He said, nodding his head, gesturing to where most of them sourced from. "Let's?"
