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home [open] rune carving - Printable Version

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home [open] rune carving - cry - 03-29-2018

  Cry never was one for sentimentality, but she couldn't help but feel homesick, even a little bit. Anyone probably would in her shoes. If she knew falling into that vortex would send her to a new world with a new body and new rules, she would have never let go. Her self-sacrificing nature ultimately lead to her own destruction, reconstruction, and rebirth. The bird sighed as she ruffled through her feathers, producing a necklace tightly woven around her neck. It had two charms attached to it: Her snowflake charm she got from her underground family that hung on her mallet before, and a heart locket. She had a picture of her family inside. She no longer had a heart, so Synthesis thought this was a cute way to continue to keep them in her heart, even after she lost hers. Cry chuckled, a sad smile spreading across her beak. He always was the sweeter of the two. She wondered if he was still alive. Still suffering from those smoky embers still slowly, teasingly stroking at his insides. She knew he was constantly in pain, yet he continued to be strong and smile for her, especially when she did not have the energy to herself.

  She often was reminded of home when she lied silently to herself. It was hard not to. She had only been in this world for a few months, and most of that time was spent learning how to walk and fly in her new body. Note to self, never laugh at Rayline again for falling after flying. It was harder than it looked. Cry sighed and stood up. She had to do something to snuff out the flames of nostalgia burning in her chest. She had to put out the fire before it lit and burned her alive. The raven slowly stood up. She blinked, inhaling slowly before exhaling a puff of carbon dioxide. Time to get up, she supposed. She stretched her legs before taking a few hesitant steps forward, out into the cold snow. Luckily, it was not actually snowing. A small flurry of flakes fell from the trees above. The raven hummed under her breath as she lifted up a twig. She took it, breaking off all the veins and arteries to get a straight pen-like tool.

  She took a deep breath. And let it out. Here we go.

  She was not sure how long she had been working, but soon enough the entire sheet of undisturbed snow was covered in various traditional runes and sentences. Words of family, hopes, dreams, and wishes blanketed the ground in an unreadable font. Even if she grew up in the city, she learned her people's traditional language. Her people were silent, shadow-dwelling pacifists. They communicated from far distances with blinks of light from their bodies. Written language was not exactly... needed. But as the world grew, they grew with it. It was as simple as that.

  The raven hopped up onto a rock, tilting her head as she scanned over each and every loop and dot. They were a bit sloppy, but still readable. Poems and short stories of her people, brave and bold. Timid and quiet. Healthy and happy. There were tales for each and every little thing her heart desired. Family. Love .... Companionship. The raven sighed, sitting down on the rock. What she would give to be back home.


Re: home [open] rune carving - Leigh - 03-30-2018

Other dimensions and worlds besides the one he had known all his life was almost unfathomable. Almost. It was hard to imagine such things when all you've ever known was the ground underneath your feet. Leigh had lived such a simple life up until becoming Snowbound's leader; living off the land with his herd and traveling all around the globe. Through his near 70 years on Earth, the unicorn was so accustomed to an easy flowing life, taking things as they came and learning through experience. Taking on Snowbound was one of those rare instances where his life managed to flip right on its head. He'd met so many new friends in such a short time. While overwhelming, he was really enjoying himself.

The unicorn had been wandering around as per usual when he stumbled upon the odd writing in the snow, being careful not to trod on it as he circled around and spied Cry just kinda hanging out on a rock. "Oh bird. What's up? I don't think we've properly met. Uh- I'm Leigh." he greeted with a small smile. "Did you write all this? What's it say?"


Re: home [open] rune carving - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-31-2018

Killua had never ended up becoming homesick his entire life. He was honestly ecstatic that he had finally managed to leave the home that he didn't want to be in anymore. Anything to get away from the family that just continued to smother him to the point that he suffocated. He just couldn't take it anymore, and he just wanted to live out his own life without his family constantly dictating what he should and shouldn't do with his life. If the only way to get away from his family would have been to another dimension, Killua would have jumped through it without a moments notice. Although, his family would have most likely devised a way to try and get through the same portal as he was so precious and they had spent so many different resources on him already that there wasn't a point to try and actually waste any of it. That is exactly what they thought when he said that he didn't want to continue the damned family business again. Being as young as he was at that time, they immediately brought up the argument that he was too young to understand. Killua understood plenty though as they had taught him what to expect the world when he finally did go outside. When he had brought up the topic, he had already killed several targets outside of the castle that he had been raised in. Killua understood how hard it would be for him to survive in a world like that, but he would rather test his luck out there than with the rest of his family. He knew that they were powerful, and if they really wanted him to stay they could have easily forced him not to go anywhere. Killua did manage to throw them off of his trail for a while, he wasn't supposed to be the heir for nothing. He knew the way that his family worked and tried to keep everything hidden from them. He did have to leave his family by force though, which meant he ended up attacking his mother and Milluki, one of his older brothers. Killua didn't feel any sympathy toward the two of them. His mother was obsessive and probably one of his family members that he cared the least in. Hell, his parents didn't even raise him in most regards. They just stood off to the side while Illumi constantly trained him over the months that he was young. He didn't have a lot of emotional bonds when it came to his family. In fact, the only bond that he probably had was with one of the butlers that were there, who was actually around his age. Killua didn't care enough though to stay around to interact with her. In his mind, she was just a butler and nothing else. The assassin just had to get away and go somewhere. He knew that there were plenty of different clans that were all different that he could go to. If Killua wanted to, he could give out all the information out about the Zoldyck family to those that would probably know about them, and give them specific ways to go and kill them, for payment obviously. Killua knew that if he did that though, it would also make him a target. Whether or not he stated he was in the business or not he would always have a bounty on his head. He urged anyone that wanted to try and remove the bounty from his head to give it a go, and see how long it would take them to land in their grave. Killua was raised without any sort of mercy toward others, and he would keep that to himself forever. He could be kind, but there was a factor whether or not his kindness was genuine, or just a rouse to try and get someone on his side. Fooling someone with kindness was the easiest way to learn more about them. Which is why Killua is confused all the time as to why everyone in this place was kind at least toward him and even everyone else. Sure there were exceptions here and there, but he didn't understand what they get out of it.

They could end up getting more members for establishing a reputation around the groups that they were the nicest out of all of them. However, that would also make them a target as it makes them feel as if they were weak compared to the rest. He can't wait till they ends up becoming an issue as he can finally sink his claws into something. Having not much to do with the clan meant that he ends up developing an itch to do something. Really anything to keep him busy, which sometimes his choices aren't exactly morally sound. Killua did, however, miss someone. Two to be exact. Someone that he had almost considered to be a mentor to him for the short time that he was around. Then there was his adopted sister, Amorette. He didn't want to have to leave her behind. He was given no choice once his older brother got involved with his life again. Nearly killing him with his attacks, the fear so striking that he couldn't even defend himself. It was a curse that he would bear for the rest of his life. Killua often spent most of his time going scouting out the territory. At this point, he had almost memorized every bit of the territory, down to the certain trees he ended up passing by. He, of course, explored the area with the albino black mamba that was around his neck when he walked around. The assassin's body heat keeping the snake warm. He had never considered the other to be a type of pet in most regards when he had left the last clan that he had been, he didn't expect the snake to try and follow him. Besides, he didn't brainwash the other to like him, he saved the snakes life and it imprinted on him in the process. Killua sadly didn't know every name that was in the group. He had great hearing, but he didn't have the ability to hear long distances to overhear conversations that he wasn't a part of. He had been there to great every joiner he was pretty sure, so he was keeping tabs on who entered the border and who were leaving for the most part. Keeping track of that information was again a fairly bad habit for the former assassin. Blinking his sapphire blue optics, the young male had been leaping from branch to branch when he saw a large figure in the distance. There was only one large animal that was currently around in the group as far as he could tell. Leigh. The unicorn. Using his claws to give him extra grip on the snow covered branches, Killua arrived on the scene with Koru around his neck. The albino serval looked down into a snow and noticed carvings that he couldn't recognize. It was a language that he actually didn't recognize. Interesting. His attention turned toward the Snowbound leader before turning to look at the crow that was just sitting there. Moving into a laying position on the branch that he was on, he raised one of his paws to conjure up a lollipop that he quickly popped into his mouth. "Pretty neat. What language is that?" Killua asked calmly, although he seemed rather bored at the moment. He was curious enough to stick around and see if the other answered. Compared to Leigh though, he didn't introduce himself, finding no need to.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: home [open] rune carving - cry - 04-01-2018

  Cry was no fool. Her words might be twisted with the illusion of a talltale, laced with fiction, but it was all true. That was who she was. That is who she always will be. Just... a bit ... different. She had to convince herself that. She was still her. No one else could be her but her. That was how identity worked. So what if she looked a bit different? And she had to give up all her friends and family? And her favorite spot by the window where the sun shined on her shell? S-she.... She was...

She took a deep breath, clearing her thoughts. She was still her.

And nothing could ever change that.

  Cry tilted her neck as Leigh peacefully trotted on up to her. While she did not approve of him intruding on her time, she had a small amount of appreciation for the amount of care the giant creature was taking not to step on her writing. Her kind had strange eyesight, only seeing in monochromatic hues on how much light bounced off a surface. She could not see ink and pen writing, so her kind resulted to .... other methods. Runes. Magical letters and characters that gave off a soft magic glow when written. They never did learn how to truly activate them, but they were useful for communication. They... utilized them over using them. Simple.

  Cry's snow penmanship was sloppy and unbalanced. She was not exactly used to seeing in full color and depth yet, so it was hard to move something as small as a stick. She could still read her own words, though. She honestly did not write much. Short words that reminded her of who she was. Family. Friends. Star. Ice. Fire. Home. ... Other various runes appeared alongside, but these were the most important to her. She sighed. She could only hope everyone was okay.

    The raven turned up to Killua, glaring at him. If he was so bored with her performance, he could leave. No one was requiring him to stay here. She cawed at the other, as if reminding him that she couldn't speak. Not yet. She had no reason to speak to him, anyways. What had earned her voice? A question? Don't make her laugh. Ask something worth knowing to get her knowledge. And even then, why would she tell him? The raven stood up, gently ruffling her wings through the bandages. She hopped down off her rock and picked up her stick again. She returned to writing literature of her home, as if ignoring the two.
