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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Weddings. Fuck, he hated weddings. He was cynical about marriage ever since his ex-wife had abandoned him without saying goodbye and on the most haunting day he had ever had in his life. Having to find his children dead and coming back to see his wife had used the opportunity of him searching to pack her things and leave had left a bitter heartache in his chest that he would never be able to get rid of. Despite having fallen in love many times with others, he had always bailed when things became too intimiate and his companion would desire for them to take it to the next level. He didn't want to ruin their relationships but he just couldn't do it. He would agree to it and had been fiance to many before but a few days before each wedding, the male would ramble onto the many reasons why it wouldn't work. Bad weather. Too fast. Anything he could pull out of the hat, he would use. But this time, Pincher didn't have any excuses to pull for Jacob's and his wedding because he wanted to get married to his fiance. He loved him and adored him but the nervousness was not simply butterflies in his stomach, it was as if there was a tornado swirling inside his body and Pincher was slowly losing his cool exterior.

In the morning, he tended to take a cup of pitch black coffee to energize him but then he remembered that it was the day before the wedding. And well, Pincher began to take another cup mixed with vodka. And another. And another. And another. Next thing he knew his entire body was buzzing as he paced back and forth in his submarine home, mumbling in his native tongue about the wedding plans. The male's left ice blue eye twitched as he glanced around, suddenly feeling as if the walls were closing in around him. He sucked in a small shaky breath before muttering "La dracu." as the male forced himself to leave despite the work that was waiting at his desk. As soon as he stepped out, ice began to form beneath his paws and the demigod's powers began acting up. Sparks of electricity bounced on his dark ash gray fur and the wind around him picked up and despite the ice that began to lace his fur, he felt incredibly hot.

He rushed over towards the shore, reaching out to splash some water in his face but then right as his paws touched the water's surface, it suddenly froze it and spread incredibly fast, inching out and causing the waves to suddenly freeze before the tide broke them. Pincher's eyes widened and he groaned, going to a slouched sitting position with his figure flickering on and off due to his invisibility now malfunctioning. Fuck emotions, they were such a pain in the ass. Columns of ice slowly began to form around him and the captain was pretty sure he was going to faint with all the coffee that was fucking him up as well as the power malfunction. Shit, he hated weddings. But he wouldn't let himself bail despite the emotions that were becoming too extreme for him to control as he raised a paw to rub the side of his head to ease the daily headache that had decided to grow worse. Fucking great.


rinto didn't know much about pincher and his fiance, jacob. rinto was pretty uninvolved with clan life as a whole-- he still felt new and almost unwelcome, although that was his own fault. he decided he'd have to suck it up and get people to like him or this whole clan thing wouldn't exactly work.

narrowing pink eyes, the little tabby had been at the beach, standing in the crystal-clear water and watching fish dart between his legs. it was good fun and for once rinto felt happy with himself, until he heard the leader stumble over, and the water began to freeze. rinto stepped out of the water, unsure if he should talk to the clearly freaking out pincher. still, deep down, he felt empathy, and made his way over.

"sir?" he asked, cautiously, avoiding an ice-pillar. what was wrong with him? "w-what's the matter? my name's rinto, by the way," he had met pincher before but knew he was pretty insignificant so he restated his name. 


Weddings. Caesar couldn't relate to them, nor has he ever properly experienced one. Perhaps he would have, if he hadn't murdered his brother's fiance in an attempt at getting to him, but even so, Caesar likely would've hated the entire scene. The Officer definitely wasn't the one for love, and the mere fact that there were rumors going around of Jacob and Pincher marrying each other made him sick. "I'm sure he knows your name, dumbass." Caesar snorted towards Rinto as he made his way over, frowning in thought at what was going on with Pincher. It was almost kind of funny, if he had to admit, seeing the Captain like this. Almost... pathetic, too, knowing Pincher was giving into his fantasies of marrying some weakass canine. The only reason Caesar was hanging around was because he was a nosy bitch, so that explained why he didn't just walk off.

Re: DEER IN HEADLIGHTS — FREAKOUT - Luciferr - 07-31-2018

Ah, marriage,

in all his very very long life, Lucifer had been married a grand ttal of twice - and both were dead to tragedy or the savage truth of time and mortality, a fact that never failed to sadden the great drake though he held their memories ever close despite that long sadness - he'd promised them both never to let himself grow bitter over mortality and love even if it always greatly wore at him.

looking at even the Typhoon he knew plenty of them would die eventually - had done and few had come back - but he did not let it weigh to heavily, when one was an immoral god, better to live in the moment than worry about eventuality.

so that was why when he caught the dawning maybe freak out in the making the dragon had been sure to linger - whether t intervene if Pinch was about to run off or straight up shake sense into him.

lives were too short to waste what good came your way, he wasn't letting Pinch let his nerves ruin this for him, whether Luci had to bodily carry him to his wedding or not.


Re: DEER IN HEADLIGHTS — FREAKOUT - bubblegum - 07-31-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl didn't like to be away from her papa for too long. most any chance she got to hang out with him in or out of the submarine, she took. she wanted to make sure he was okay at all times. but, today, she left the submarine before she could get the chance to spend time with him and potentially calm his nerves - she hadn't known he was so nervous.

she left the submarine with lynn so she could pick up a few things. she wanted to make something nice for her papa and mister dad's wedding. she was very excited! she had never been to a wedding before, and she didn't even exactly know what happened in them. she just knew it meant that the people getting married would be happy and so would everyone else and that'd be great! plus, she got to be the flower girl, which meant she could throw flowers around or something like that.

once she finished gathering some supplies for her own use, the girl would begin to make her way back, leaving her basket around lynn's neck. she didn't feel like carrying it right now and the harpy eagle was fine with it, so why not? she was going to put them together in the submarine to make something nice, but her attention drifted over to the shore as she spotted a small crowd and her papa seemingly...frozen?

a worried expression crossed over her features and the girl quickly stumbled over, tired eyes concerned. she sniffled, looking over the situation. "papa," she'd say in a soothing voice, aiming to gently reach out for him through the ice. "what's goin' on? are you cold? i can get you a blanket. it's okay, papa, i'm here." she offered in a reassuring voice, glancing to the submarine.


(tame the fire in you)
Marriage. Funny how the one thing Vandal wanted in life, she couldn't have. She'd been so close - waiting at the curb - she'd been so close to what she wanted when life took what it had given away. Her dreams have started to come alive in flashes of memories and recollections of what could have been, what should have been.

She remembers the pregnant silence as Aegroixe pulled the anklet from the pouch hanging around her neck, the hushed giggles as Vandal did the same. They'd been running with their minds parallel to each other then, following the same thoughts as they realized their apt timing and burst into fits of giddy laughter. She remembers Aegroixe clasping the anklet around her talon, remembers her doing the same - remembers each detail of the night where they fell into bed and consummated, the shared secrets and confessions in between. Murmurs beneath sheets, Vandal detailing stories of her childhood and Aegroixe describing flashes of her dreams. They'd made a pact to find a way out of Jotunheimr and start a family of their own, away from the influence of gods and giants alike.

Vandal had awoken the following day with Aegroixe gone from her side, only to meet her again on the other side of the arena.

She's bitter about her fate, about the choice she had to make - she'd given up the love of her life for Pincher, but she knows it was the right choice in the end. However, she still falls into fits of pensive mourning anyway, gathering whatever scraps they leave behind to rebuild herself anew in patches woven by determination to follow Aegroixe's dying words. She'll find happiness, she'd said. She'll find happiness, life, love... family. She'll find family in the midst of the chaos. Vandal holds that promise to her chest, enough to give the scar her fiance had left behind a subtle glow.

She's mulling this over when she happens upon an odd sight; Pincher seems to be sporting something painful in his head, if the frozen pillars around him are any indication, and a handful of her fellow Typhoon members are gathering in either curiosity, worry, or both. Vandal picks her way around them, weaving until she's standing beside Goldie and peering through the icy gaps to look at the odd-colored feline held within. Goldie's already speaking, reaching out - Vandal doesn't want to overwhelm him so she sits back and waits for his next move, wanting to know exactly what's going on.